It Started with Ria

By suebug8

823K 17.6K 816

Victoria aka Ria is a spoiled rich brat out to have a good time. When she pushes her luck too far she gets in... More

Sneak Peek
Chapter 1-Punishment
Chapter 2 Schoolin'
Chapter 3- Insults
Chapter 4- I'm Way Hotter Than He Is!
Chapter 5-Snakes and Bubbles
Chapter 6- Juice and Muffins
Chapter 7-Table Talk
Chapter 8-Apologies and IVs
Chapter 9 -Boxers and Butts
Chapter 11-Naughty thoughts and Blackouts
Chapter 12- Friend or Foe
Chapter 13-Anticipation of the Feisty One
Chapter 14-Glocks and the princess
Chapter 15- The Seabee and Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 16-Loverboy and a Blonde
Chapter 17-Blast from the Past
Chapter 18- Assaults and Rejection
Chapter 19-Hopeless Romantic
Chapter 20- Lamborghinis and Stories
Chapter 21-The Movie Theatre Usher and a Couple of Teenagers
Chapter 22-Jealousy and My Girl
Chapter 23-Giving Gifts
Chapter 23-Dominic and Tom
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- The End

Chapter 10-Prince and Princesses

30K 697 35
By suebug8

Super short chapter but I just had to get it out there...Hope you like it! Dedication goes to my 200th fan! MarisolLopez2

Pic of Nic's parents' house on the side------------------------------------------------>


Chapter 10


As I was going to turn around I went to grab the clothes I threw on his bed and he dropped those black silk pajama pants. Holy mother of all that’s holy, not that I’ve seen naked men before but no way do they all look like this creature in front of me now. I couldn’t stop the awed gasp that escaped my lips. He froze when he heard it and turned to face me. The front view was more insane than the backside…and let me tell you he has one fine bubble butt, strong legs, his back is like a muscle building commercial models. But the front view of lil Dom was jaw dropping. If they are all that big how do they fit inside of a woman’s body down there. Being a virgin I sure don’t know much about sex but I would say he definitely has all the right equipment.

“Shit,” he said bolting me out of my ogling. I spun so fast on my heels I am surprised I didn’t fall.

“Dom, I am so sorry I was…I was just gonna grab those clothes on my way out. I didn’t expect you to move so quickly. I am so sorry,” I said with my scarlet face so ashamed because I had called him Dom because I was thinking about his member’s nickname I had given it.  All I could do was look at the floor as I made my way to the bathroom to put the dirty clothes away. Once in the bathroom I looked in the mirror. I seen a naked man…no I seen a naked man that is beyond scorching…I don’t even think the devil would let him into Hades. Maybe I could just stay in the bathroom for like ever. Only minutes later Nic knocks on the door.

Instead of answering him I opened the door. “Nic I am so sorry I really didn’t mean to see. I promise and I am so embarrassed I-,” he interrupted me by putting his finger to my lips.

“It was an accident Ria. It’s okay we will just pretend that didn’t happen. Everything is cool,” he tells me. Dominic the awful was comforting me and trying to help me. In response I just give him a small smile. Because I cannot agree to forget what I saw when it is branded into my every thought. Maybe being a 20 year old virgin isn’t such a good idea. It’s just with everything I went through with Gerald I couldn’t see any guy I was willing to let touch me like that. Although, now…it’s like I am different. I want this…I want Dominic. As we made our way to his parents house I kept thinking of just what possibilities there were that lil Dom could do to me. I bet he is a talented lover. Oh, crap I forgot he was talking all sweet to someone on the phone. What if he already has someone?

By the time I had finished panicking about his being taken we were at his parents’ home. It reminded me so much of my home growing up. His parents live in a small neighborhood with white picket fence one after another. When we pulled into his driveway I was pleasantly surprised. His home looked homey not like that mansion I lived at, one could never really call a place like that home.

His home was a two story house. It had stone work on the bottom and green siding on the top level. It had one of those cute bay windows in the front of the house. We got out of the car and Nic held open the white gate for me to go on through. As we approached the door I couldn’t help but notice the lattice and flowers that climbed up each side of the front door and hung over the front door as well. On each side of the door were white planter boxes with small shrubbery trees in them. It was the kind of yard that a person actually took care of their self no need for a fancy gardener. I love this place already. Dominic is so lucky to have a place like this to come to.

He rang the door bell and then opened the door himself. He motioned for me to go first so I did only to be attacked by a little person with curls hanging all over her head. She was hugging onto my legs like they were a life preserver.

“Eli let go of Ria sweetpea. She just got here and besides where is my hug?” Nic says to the little girl. The little girl looked up at me and smiled a huge toothy grin and flounced over to Nic and he grabbed her up and spun her like she weighed nothing. When he sat her down he kissed her on top of her head.

“Eli this is Ria…,” he started but Eli interrupted his piece.

“Nicci, I know who she is silly,” she tells him and then turns to me. “I been wanting a sister all my life but Nicci never bringed me one till now!” she squealed and ran to me. This time I was prepared for her and grabbed her like I remember my Daddy doing when I was smaller. She clamped onto my neck and hugged the life out of me and I hugged her right back. She was such a sweet girl she doesn’t know me from anyone and already thinks of me as a sister just because Nic brought me here.

“She isn’t your sister Eli…,” Nic started again but her sad face and fat little lip pushed out pouting stopped him.

“Of course I would love to be your sister,” I told her. I never had siblings so I can imagine how it is to want a big sister and I wouldn’t be the one to crush that dream of hers. She turned to Nic and stuck her tongue out at him. I briefly met Nic’s parents but they had an emergency while we were trying to do introductions and had to leave and asked us to watch Eli. She stuck to me like glue all night and Nic kept apologizing. Finally, she was exhausted and insisted that her big sister tuck her in for the night.

Nic’s POV

Eli really loves Ria. I’ve never seen her take up with another adult before she is usually shy. When Ria went to put her to bed I had to listen to their conversation.

“Ri, Ri, everybody tells me I have to be a big girl and go to school, even Nicci. Why? I don’t wanna grow up. When you grow up peoples are always in a hurry and rude and meanies. They say bad words in the car next to us sometimes. I don’t ever wanna be big,” she tells Ria. I am curious to see how Ria handles a five year old not wanting to grow up.

Ria sat there for a minute and then she asked Eli, “Eli have you ever heard of the princess stories?”

“like Kate in Englar?” Eli asked

“No I mean like Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Alladin, and there’s more,” Ria asked.

“Nopers,” Eli says, but I know she has seen the movies but she probably is so little she doesn’t remember them at all.

“Well, the princesses all grew up, everyone of them. My Daddy read me a princess story every night before I went to bed when I was about your age. Do you know what else is in those stories?” She asked Eli.

“What?!” Eli said as she clapped her hands excitedly.

“Princes, handsome, wonderful, nice, and loving princes. They want to help and save the princesses,” Ria tells her.

“Like my Nicci?”Eli asks. Oh crap I wished she hadn’t asked that.

“They are wonderful men just like your Nicci, they are strong and brave and can do anything. So you have to grow up just like all those princesses so you can find your prince to keep forever,” Ria says and it almost knocks me over how she didn’t bat an eye as she called me all of those things.

“I still have my books and if your mom and dad need us to stay with you again sometime I will bring them and we will read them okay?” Ria asked.

“Ri, Ri are you a princess?” Elis asked.

“No Eli I am not but I sure wished I was,” she tells Eli. Eli looks at her confused.

“But you and Nicci came today. You are my sister now because Nicci loves you. If he is a prince then you have to be his princess,” Eli says stubbornly.

“Maybe after we read the books you can teach me how I can become a princess but right now you have to get some sleep so Mom and Dad doesn’t get mad at me, okay?” Ria tells her. Man my own words have came back to bite my ass.

“Okay Ri, Ri night, I love you,” Eli tells her and I know she means it because she’s 5 and doesn’t just say stuff like that.

“Night kiddo I love you too,” Ria says and tucks her in and kisses her forehead. I make my way to the living room before Ria knows I was evesdropping.


Comment Please! What do you think of Ria's maternal side?

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