Til Death Brings Us Together...

By xXLoveNeverFailsXx

1.2K 39 16

Zypher Thomas and Alekszander Canyons have been best friends since, well forever. There has never been anyth... More

Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)
Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)
Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)
Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)
Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)
Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)
Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)
Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)
Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)
Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)

Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)

77 2 1
By xXLoveNeverFailsXx

:::Alekszander's Point of View!!!:::

DA FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!?!  Why me?  Why now?  I...I don't understand.  Why woudl someone so....PERFECT, want such a FUCK-UP? 

"I knew it."  Zypher stared crying.  "I told you exactly how I feel aout you and now you hate me." 

"I don't hate you Zy!"  I ran up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist.  "I could never hate you." 

"Yes, you do."  

"How do you know that I hate you?"  I spun him around so we were standing face to face. 

"Because you aren't gay.  You're straight." 

I pulled Zypher towards me. 

"Ummm..... actually Zypher, there's something I need to tell you." 

"What?  That you never wanna see me again? Or that I'm going to Hell because I fuck guys?"  Zy crumbled into my arms. 

"No.  Zy there's no way you're going to Hell.  And if you do, I'm going with you!"  I held him in my arms, while he cried hysterically.  

"I guess now would be the best time to tell him.  

"Zy?"  My body began to shake. 

*Sniffle Sniffle*  "What?"  

It's now or never I suppose.  "I really really like you." 


"No like you don't understand.  I like like you." 

"I'm confused." 

I quickly lifted Zypher's face and crushed my lips into his.  Instantly my body became relaxed.  It felt.....good.  No.  It felt extraordinary kissing Zypher. 

"Do you understand now?" 

A dorky smile spread across ZyZy's face.  "Hmmm....not quite yet."  He giggled before kissing me again. 

A kiss has never felt as good as it did with Zypher.  Not even Kaytii's kisses.  Zypher playfully pushed me to the ground, placing his hands on my hips. 

"I love you Zypher." 

"I love you Aleks." 

"Is that a banana in your pocket bro?" 


"Mhmmm.  Sure it's not." 

"Now shut the fuck up and kiss me." 

:::Zypher's Point of View!!!:::

His lips taste so good.  I can't believe I' actually doing this.  I am actually hooking up with the most perfect guy ever, and he's hard. 

Alekszander ran his tongue along my bottom lip begging for permission.  Of course I let him slip his tongue into my mouth.  Our tongues were dancing, our hands exploring.  This simple moment couldn't be better. 

"Wanna hear a cheesy pick up line?"  He giggled. 


"I'm not good at algebra, but I'm pretty sure U+I=69" 

"Hahaha, you dirty boy." 

"I try."  He smirked. 

"You dropped something." 


"My jaw." 


"I know.  I try." 

"If guys think with their dicks, I wanna blow your mind." 

"I'm perfectly okay with that!" 

"You better be!" 

"Are you insisting on something?" 

"Well, yeah!" 

"Hahaha, you're the dirty boy!" 

"Hey why don't we go back to my place and do some math: Add a bed, Subtract our clothes, Divide our legs, and Multiply!" 

"Ohhhh, kinky!" 

"Do you run a chicken farm?  Because you sure do know how to raise a cock!" 

"Obviously, because you are pretty hard." 

I blushed bright red.  It's true.  I"ve never been this hard, net even when Noel and I were together. 

Who's Noel?  Noel was my everything.  He was my first boyfriend.  We met at a Game Stop, on January 31, 2012.  Final Fantasy XIII-2 came out, and we both wanted it.  When I got there he had already grabbed the last one. 


:::Noel's Point of View!!!:::

YES!  I get the last one!  Now to just go home and nerd out! 


Holy Shizz!  THAT IS ONE FINE PIECE OF MEAT!  Oh, mah gawd!  He's totally coming this way!  Just act cool.  

"Dang it."  The hot guy said.  "I'm too late." 

"Final Fantasy fan?"  I glanced at him. 

"Hahaha, more like fanatic.  I own ever single one, except XIII-2." 

"Really?"  He can't be serious. 

"Yeah.  I have a whole room filled with Final Fantasy things.  Costumes, games, pictures, life-sized cutouts.  You name it, I got it." 

"Here."  I said handing him the last copy of FFXIII-2.  "You want it more than me." 

"Nah bro.  You were here first.  You can have it."  He said laughing. 

"No, I insist you have it."  I placed the game in his hand.  Our fingers touched and dammmmmmmmn sparks flew.  I had to get to know him. 

He let his hand linger ther for a long time.  Quickly he took his hand back and blushed.  

"Uhhh, sorry." 

"Oh, it's ok.  I'm Noel by the way." 

"I'm Zypher." 

I shook his hand.  "Nice to meet you Zypher." 

"Nice to meet you too Noel.  Well, I guess I better pay for this and head home.  It's gonna be dark before I get there." 

"I....I could.....um... I could drive you, if you'd like."  EMBARRASSING! 

"Would you really do that just for me?" 




That's how it started.  I really thought I loved him.  I lost my virginity to him, with him.  He was my first, I was his.  We would stil probably be together, but he wasn't faithful. 

Oh well, now I have Alekszander.

"I really am hard, aren't I?"  I giggled. 

"Yesh you are.  I like it." 

I pressed my hips into him.  He moaned inpleasure.  I alloed a light moan to escape my lips as Aleks ran his hands down my body.  He game me goosebumps.  

Alekszander kissed from my lips to my shoulder, then to my neck.  Things were getting steamy and it was only 4:00 A.M.  

I was kissing Aley passionately, when he tugged on my boxers.  So far, I like where this was going. 

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