Scars To Your Beautiful : A M...

By jasminestars

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Life for Callie had never been an easy one but it was something she had gotten used to. For this emotionally... More

Scars to your beautiful
1. Pilot
3. Beast of all beasts
4. Scars Run Deep
5. The Unexpected
6. To the core
7. Things fall in place
8. All that glitters
9. Tell me about her
10. It takes a village
11. A glue called family
12. Someone like you
13. Through the sunny days
14. Rough moments
15. Tasty side of life
16. The art of listening
17. Better at faking it
18. Treasured memories
19. Moving in circles
20. Falling like Dominos
21. When Tables Turn
22. Redemption song
23. Nothing hurts more
24. New rules
25. Everyone's got something
26. If Only
27. Deep Rooted Truths
28. Waiting for that moment
29. Beneath the scars
30. A place in your heart
31. Emotional healing
32. Through your eyes
33. Stone Cold
34. More than you think
35. Just Give Me A Reason
36. Taking a peek
37. A different side of you
38. Trojan Horse
39. I think I do
40. Getting to know you
41. A sucker for love
42. Brave knights and blind spots
43. By your side
44. Can't hold the feelings
46. You're still the one
47. The depth of trust
48. Keeping you away
49. Exes and Oohs
50. Sometimes, we know better
51. Sometimes, we don't
52. Retracing Your Heart
53. Tales as old as time
54. I want you back
55. Scarred Souls
56. No longer the same
57. Always and Forever Yours

2. Quite the story

1.7K 508 616
By jasminestars

"Thank you, Deputy Doherty, for not interrupting my conversation with my dad. I'm aware I took a lot more than the minute we agreed on." Callie was grateful for the older man's kind gestures.

His pale colored ears instantly turned pink. Deputy Doherty was embarrassed? The poor guy looked like he wanted to sink into the ground. He was acting just like Peter, who also hated being complimented. "Nothing to thank me for, missy. Just doing my job. Besides, the Sheriff isn't around and I'm next in charge. You're also Peter's friend, so it's the least I could do for you."

"Note to self, remember to be friendlier to Peter." Callie told herself. His brother was kind enough to help, so it wouldn't hurt to at least strike a convo with Peter Doherty.

Callie hummed in agreement and couldn't resist asking, "How much trouble do you think my dad would be in if things turn bad?"

Deputy Doherty cleared his throat. "Can't say, missy. It sure doesn't help that your dad has a record. I read his file. It's pretty raunchy. Dragging a man in tattoos by his hair, and calling him a demon. He even has a restraining order. Setting an old shed on fire. Public indecency twice. None of these look pretty, missy."

Callie protested. "It's not his fault. He has STPD."

Every time Callie said those words, her mind was forced to think back to the many times her dad had gotten arrested. Since mom's death, he had gotten worse and it always made Callie on the edge. His mood swings and paranoia had skyrocketed to the point that it pushed him into a temporary depressive state at one moment. At least, he was better now.

Callie shook off her thoughts. Reminiscing wouldn't change anything. Her only priority was to find a way to get him out.

"I know what your father has. I read about his personality disorder. It's all in his files. That's why he's put in a separate holding cell. Everything in his file would be made known in the court. That might aggravate what the judge or jury thinks of him. I'm just saying. I could be wrong though." The deputy shrugged.

Callie swallowed. Her shoulders fell at the thought of her dad being locked up. Or worse, being taken to a psych ward. "I won't let it get to that."

Deputy Doherty gave a small glance at her uniform before saying, "You should get back to that fancy prep school of yours, missy. You've got three long hours before it's over. I'll keep an eye on your pops for you. So, don't worry."

Callie thanked him once again, though he kept on uncomfortably looking away. Maybe he didn't like being complimented. Kinda like her dad. Callie slightly pulled out her phone from her handbag and checked the time. 12:09. She was thankful the rain had stopped, but there was no way she was going back to school. She couldn't handle the overwhelming feeling of seeing anyone. She didn't mind going to work afterwards. She needed the pay check, and missing out a day wouldn't bode well with her current financial situation. It was also a bonus how no one really knew her at work. Hell, Peter was the only one around her age, so she never intended on interacting personally with any of them. That meant no questions asked, which was what Callie needed at the moment.

Callie's phone buzzed when she got into the bus. Picking a seat far from everyone else, Callie couldn't help chuckling to herself. She really was picking up one of her dad's many traits. She always enjoyed sitting by herself and reading books on her phone for her leisure. It just had a way of putting her at ease. She glanced at her phone once she got the chance to sit down. It was a text from Naomi. Simple and straight to the point, just like the pixie sized Naomi herself.

"Where you at?" Popped up on her screen.

Callie texted back. "Dad stuff. Don't worry."

She turned her head back on the road, admiring the boulevard at the left wing. The bus moved at a slow pace and rows of ornamental trees trailed behind.

Her phone buzzed once more, lighting up the screen. It was from Naomi again.

"Ok. Take care. Will see you later." Callie smiled softly, after reading the message. Naomi wasn't really huge on emotional display. So deep within her not-so-icy heart, her text probably meant "I love you. Take care of yourself. I promise to check on you. Try not to stress yourself out."

That was Naomi for you. She wasn't the fuzzy warm type. Callie was. That was what balanced their friendship out and also why her dad secretly liked her. Naomi seemed like the emo kid everyone wanted to avoid. She had a love for piercings and a habit of dressing in either midnight black or grey colored clothes. No matter the color, it always heavily contrasted with her platinum blonde hair that was streaked with bubblegum pink. To sum it all up, her appearance practically screamed trouble. But underneath her thick make up and mean streak was a true heart of gold that Callie grew to love.

Also, no one was more honest than Naomi. A little bit too brutally honest than she could give credit for, but it did give Callie the comfort she sometimes needed. Sadly, it was also one of the reasons she couldn't tell Naomi what really happened to her father. Brutal honesty wasn't what she needed right now. There was only one person that could understand her. That was why she really needed to call—"Hi, Aunt Georgia. Glad you could pick up."

Aunt Georgia's bubbly voice perched up from the other line. "Hey, Lissie. I'm guessing you're not in school right now. Don't tell me you've turned to the dark side already." Callie could detect the teasing in her tone, which made her grin.

"Hey, you're the one that paged my school principal in the first place. I couldn't leave my dad alone after knowing all that." Callie protested, remembering how the principal had asked for her from the intercom in class and granted her the permission to speak to Aunt Georgia on the phone about a 'personal issue'.

"I couldn't just keep that from you. You deserved to know. You're old enough to handle whatever problem that comes your way like an adu--oh shit, God damn it." Callie could hear the loud clanging of metals from the other end and Aunt Georgia's frustrated sighing and cursing didn't help either.

Callie's eyebrows furrowed when she detected sounds of Aunt Georgia's fast paced movements. "Everything okay, Aunt Georgia?"

Aunt Georgia teetered into a laugh. "I burnt the eggs again. I'm a fucking mess. One call with my goddaughter and I'm already screwing up my lunch."

Callie fought back a grin. While she found it just as funny, she couldn't help but feel bad about Aunt Georgia's frequent terrible cooking 'mishaps'. Callie could picture her pacing around, with her strawberry blonde hair piled into a high bun and wearing her favorite 'kiss the cook' apron. Cooking wasn't her strongest suit. Burning them up probably was, and Callie gleefully teased. "I could come over and make something that doesn't taste like burnt crap."

"Ha ha, very funny. Screw that. Meet me at Mimi's. We'll have a damn cheeseburger and be proud of its greasy unhealthiness, so we can ponder about what we can do about Abe's case."

In an instant, she replied. "I'll be there in 10."

Callie gobbled down her burger, sinking her teeth into it and savoring its delicious taste. Aunt Georgia gave her an amused grin. Her smile creasing up to her rosy cheeks. "You should probably slow down a bit. The food isn't going anywhere. Not that I know of."

Callie's cheeks colored. "You know stress makes me hungry."

"I know. Just like your momma. During exams, Maisie would eat so much you'd think she was in a food marathon. You should have seen her when she had you. She went on an eating binge. We needed an intervention for that. Her stress levels were so high because she was afraid she'd make a terrible mom. How far from the truth was that." She mused, her sharp, sage-green eyes crinkled at the long-lost memories.

Callie's throat tightened. She quickly dragged her gaze away. Thinking about her mom still always hurt. Twenty months, three days later and she was still hung up on how painful it felt. She really needed to toss her thoughts away from remembering them but it was harder than she expected it to be. "Let's just talk about my dad first. He's the one I can save within my power."

Aunt Georgia watched her carefully with hawk-like eyes. She chewed her burger slowly, choosing not to say anything to upset Callie. "Okay, Lissie. Let's start with that. I'm expecting someone to pay an old debt early tomorrow morning and I'll pay for the damn bail."

"You don't have to do that. I'll just ask for an advance from work today and gather up my savings from—"

Aunt Georgia shot her a look. "Over my dead body. I promised your mother that I'd take care of you. God knows I meant every damn word. Taking care of you means taking care of your dad's crazy ass too. It's my complete pleasure."

Callie gnawed on her lower lip, hating the idea of suffocating Aunt Georgia with her family problems. "But you do so much for us."

"I want to do this, okay?" There was a solemn hum in her softened voice, it made Callie quiet. Then Aunt Georgia's upbeat nature chirped back in, swelling waves of instant relief that toppled through Callie's whole body. "I'd do more if I have to. You and Ava are too important in my life and I'll do anything to show my support. You two are Maisie's bundles of joy, so that makes you guys mine too."

Callie's heart glowed without control and sent her a grateful smile, holding back any hint of tears that tried to squeeze their way out. Aunt Georgia was always a part of her family—especially through the good times and bad. She couldn't picture her life without the young and vivacious Aunt Georgia, and she was truly thankful for that.

The picture at the top, is none other than our very own, Callista Blanco. The "Belle" of the ball in this story.
I hope it suits your inquiring minds.

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