One-shot book

By yeet_me_on_overpass

4.2K 162 78

Yo. Whaddup this story has a bunch of ships like Phan, frerard, cranksepticeye, a lot of peterick, bike, and... More

Cranksepticeye- Valentine's day
Brallon-Love you always.
Cranksepticeye-Gamer war!
Brallon- I hate your tallness
Kickthestickz-Movie Night
Phan-A sleepless night with Phan!
Larry- I hate management
Cranksepticeye- Team Markiplier beach day
New Story!!! (Not a chapter...Sorry)
Update!(New ships, next chapter coming tonight)
Natepat- Nate's not feeling great
MessIDK - SpongeBob and chill
Cranksepticeye- Mark kicked me in the face
Brallon- Truth or Dare
Phan-Motion Sickness
Crankiplier -Vidcon
NEW SHIP! (Not chapter soz)
Brallon- Late nights, stress, and love
Frerard- Broken and Defeated.
Cranksepticeye- Snow Day!
New ship and important information (PLEASE READ)
Peterick- These kids are alright
Natepat- Just fluff
MessIDK -Hold on...Don't leave me
Frerard-The boy who sings but never speaks part 1
Cranksepticeye- Hiding
Peterick again- Short
Frerard-The boy who sings but never speaks part 2
Cranksepticeye-IM NOT CUTE
Peterick-Young Volcanoes
Frerard-Avenger's IW AU
Frerard-Avenger's IW AU (Alternative ending. One that's not sad)
Thank you!
Phan- Worst sleepover, best boyfriend ship
Millie- Jealous
Phan- Pianists
Frerard-Hate to Love
Peterick- High School p.1 (Read A/N)
Millie- It's called thinking...
Peterick- Pete's fault p.1
Peterick- pete's fault p.2
Peterick again- High School Play
Millie-You're my safe place
MessIDK- I'm scared of ghosts
Cranksepticeye- Wedding.
Lol sorry will post a chapter tonight
Frerard- Sick as Shit p.1
Frerard- Sick as Shit p.2
Joshler- road trip p.1
Weird update
Frerard-Guitar lessons
Joshler- off the stage
Bike- bIllIE Is thIs whY YOU wErE On thE flOOr?!?
Wait wait sorry...2K reads?
Frerard- yes you are
Cranksepticeye- The Village AU
Natepat-kindergarten teacher
Natepat- kindergarten teacher p.2
Cranksepticeye- Anxiety

Peterick-I like you

53 2 0
By yeet_me_on_overpass

Hey, writing another prompt one tonight. Credit to the prompt maker on google.


Pete's POV

"Come one baby!" I giggle as I drag Patrick down the hall of our apartment building.

"No, people." He moans.

"Yes, it's fine. It's just the mall." I argue as we get into the car. Patrick isn't as social as I am. He's more content with just hanging out in our apartment with maybe one or two other people with him, but crowds? Nope.

"Fine." He grumbles, leaning against the windows. The drive is relatively silent as we arrive at the overly crowded mall. He groans as we walk in.

"It's ok, sweetie." I say as I kiss his forehead. We walk through the mall visiting various shops and whatnot with Patrick actually starting to have fun until the other ones came.

"Hey boys." Frank calls dragging Gerard over to us.

"Hey guys!" I chirp back and Patrick just smiles and waves.

"Mall day?" Gee asks.

"Yep." I respond.

"Us, too." He smiles and Frank pulls his arm. "Alright well Frank wants to go to gamestop so I guess we'll see you guys."

"Alright, great to see you Gee." I smile.

"Likewise, bye Pat!"

"Bye, Gee!" They left and Pat turned away and mumbles "Giant gremlins everywhere." I look at him with an expression of fake hurt. He finally catches on and giggles.

"Not you babe, I like you."

"Good, let's go home and binge friends." I suggest and Patrick nods rapidly. I chuckle a bit. "God, I love you."

"Love you too."


Q: Least favorite ship?

I dunno maybe Elounor. I respect it, just not my forte.

Love you guys!


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