Maiden In Black {Sesshomaru...

By FanficDemon1701

18.1K 416 30

{Book and look of Kita has been updated and re-edited} Takes Place after Naraku was defeated.... Kagome had a... More

Character: Kita Higurashi
Maiden In Black: Enter Kita
The Maiden In Black: Electric Angel
The Maiden In Black: Dragged To Lala Land
Maiden In Black: Spidey Is Back/Hello Doggy!
Maiden In Black: Patience To Bullhonky
Maiden In Black: Red String Chain String
Maiden In Black: Kidnapped
Maiden In Black: The Dog's Possession
Maiden In Black: Bathing To Ogre Attack
Maiden in Black: Overwhelmed Kita
Maiden In Black: Obedience to Marked=Catnip
Maiden In Black: Obedience to Marked=Catnip 2
Maiden In Black: Queen Of Pranks Strikes!
Maiden In Black: Truth To Her Existence In Feudal Days
Maiden In Black: Healing An Injured Canine
Maiden In Black: Jinenji's Help
Maiden In Black: Fleeing
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P1
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P2
Kitrainyokai's Fanart Of Kita and Sesshy
Enter: Ray Piper and Nicolas/Nick
Future Sneak Peaks: Future Characters
Bad Omens
Part 1:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Part 2:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Enter!! Yoko Kurama!!
Bad Inuyasha and Rin's Message
Inuyasha's Betrayal & Down The Rabbit Hole
Shopping Chaos Part 1
Shopping Chaos To Affections Across Time
"Do not say such nonsense" Sesshomaru
To His Amusement
Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha Combine!!
Mating Game
Fighting For Her!
Shocking Revelations!!
Meeting a Long Lost Sister

Maiden In Black: Tolerant Doggy

573 15 3
By FanficDemon1701

Misspellings may occur due to our keyboards screw up Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV...

Okay my keyboard is screwing up so bad that when I do any kind of words they fuck up everything so all chapter in this story will be Un-Edited Drafts though Published until I fix the issues.


"Kagome look out!" Inuyasha yelled jumping in front of the web the Spider Demon thrusts upon her getting tied up with her making Sesshomaru scoff inwardly at the weak Half-Demon.

"Ugh....Kagome hit me again." I groan out my vision returning as Miroku was looking out the doorflap with a serious look.
"What's going on?" I ask kinda worried and Miroku silently shushed me with his finger.

I swallow hard. Kaede had a bow drawn with an arrow. Miroku looked to me mouthing. Keep quiet.

I then knew, the Spider thing is back for me, and I was right. "Give me the Maiden In Black, her powers will make me more stronger than Naraku ever was!" The Spider thing snarled out.

"I don't have powers the thing needs to be put in a Demon Nuthouse!" I whisper to Miroku.

"I said to be quiet." Miroku whispered.

I clamp my mouth shut. "You want to become more powerful than Naraku, dream on!" Kagome yelled in English.

"Eating that girl should give me enough power to become stronger than Naraku." The Spider Creature laughed insanely.

"For fuck's sake I have no powers!" I shout, and the Spider thing hissed.

"In the hut then she is." The Spider Creature snarled in greed.

"Sesshomaru please don't let it eat her I beg you!" I heard Kagome yell in English.

"Okay, tell me what the flying fuck is goin on Kagome?!" I yell.

"Kita shut up!" Kagome yelled.

"Make me, you gotta spank me!" I  mock her.

"Seriously are you still upset about earlier me clobbering you?! Get over it, or become Spider Food!" Kagome yelled back.

"Gimme a giant toilet then see how the Spidey fairs when I flush him down it!" I yell, and Kagome groans.

"See what I deal with, she is still raging. And the Spider Demon made it worse thank you very much for getting her going again, dumb spider!" Kagome says sarcastically.

"Whoa, whoa so I'm the worst one with a rage mode than you, seriously?! I heard you yell at Inuyasha and a kaboom goes off earlier, making me envy whatever you did, then you say only my cousin has worse rage modes than me?! Do I have to tell  these guys about your little tantrum when you were twelve when I was babysitting you when I told you you can't bring a dog in the house because it would eat poor Kitten Buyo at the time! You threw things around, I mean come on we both have it bad cousin!" I retort back.

"You two bickering won't solve anything so can you too please get along!" Miroku snapped.

"Miroku!" We both yelled.

Miroku gulped. "Yes?"

"Shut thy insolent mouth!" I yell.

Kagome yells. "Shut up!"

"Quit ignoring me!" The Spider thing roared making the doorflap tear off and I go wide eyed screaming my head off.

"Kill it!! I hate spiders!" I scream loudly making everyone cover their ears.

"Spider phobia." Kagome yelled.

"Snake phobia!" I retort back at her. "Come on snakes are beautiful!"

"No they are not!!" Kagome retorts.

"What you don't see their true beauty. I mean damn... the-umph..." I was hit over the head by Miroku's staff knocked out cold.

Kagome points to Kita and says. "Really you want to eat her, her mouth alone will give you diarrhea."

"Kagome!!" Kaede scolds Kagome.

"What, I got a point!" Kagome retorts.

"I bet if he ate you too, he'd get diarrhea just as bad." Inuyasha says and Kagone glared a rage glare at him making him regret what he said.

"INNNNUUUUYASHAAAAA!! SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!" Kagome roared making the beads slam Inuyasha into the ground and Kagome with it knocking them both out cold.

"They are definitely related." Kaede and Miroku says together with annoyed looks.

Sesshomaru was relieved the two women who are both annoying him to no end finally shut up. Sesshomaru pulls Bakseiga from it's sheath. "No, don't use Bakseiga the villagers will be harmed!" Kaede scolds Sesshomaru who clenched his fangs together in his mouth.

He will be damned if this Spider Demon eats that human and get powers rivaling Naraku, Sesshomaru will not let that happen! "I will take this fight elsewhere then." Sesshomaru's face began to morph, his eyes turning red with blue slits, and he glowed and his body grew larger than a half of his father's sized body in Canine Form. The size of a four story building. Sesshomaru snarled barking at the Spider Demon, lunging at it, and sank his fangs in it, and darts off into the air flying off.

Sesshomaru with inhuman speed, tore the Spider Demon apart its guts maiming the countryside. Sesshomaru transformed back in mid-air, floating to the ground of the village. "The nuisance is taken care of as requested, and I did not do it for Inuyasha's wench, know thus." Sesshomaru walks off, going into hiding until the cousin of Inuyasha's wench wakes up.

"That was fairly quick." Miroku says kinda shocked.

"Miroku, I have the...whoa what happened to Kagome and Inuyasha?" Sango asked confused.

"Sibling rivalry." Kaede states and Sango sighs getting off Kirara.

Sango handed the herbs to Kaede. "Which siblings?"

"Girls." Miroku says and Sango shook her head. "Definitely related." Miroku says as Sango and Miroku helped Inuyasha and Kagome up and get them somewhere safe to wake up.

I slept long and hard, that is until something bright woke me up, making my pink eyes slowly open up and Kaede had me laying on my stomach, my tank top, bra, well all my clothes stripped off me except for one blanket over my body.

My body felt like it was an inferno on steriods, and my head was foggy, my throat dry.  I try to sit up, but my body was weak. "Do not move too much, you have a fever from your wounds, Kagome should be back soon with some more medicine from our dear friend Jinenji." Sango's voice made my head throb hard, I felt like my head would explode as if it were dynamite itself!

"No talking, head is exploding." I groan out.

Sango nods and helps me sip some water through a cup in my laying down position. "We got the medicine!" Shippo's happy voice made me flinch and groan in pain, and Sango glared at him making him sweatdrop. "Sorry." He then whispered.

My vision blurred and soon as I gulped down water my head fell forward into the cup of water and spilling it, as I passed out again. "She's passed out again." Sango says, as Kagome and Kaede were mixing the medicine up into a small dose in a sake cup.

"The medicine is ready, Jinenji said it should help the fever and help her heal faster with how bad her injury is." Kagome says and helped Kita drink down the medicine, and she took it all unconsciously.  "There she should be feeling better in another fifteen minutes." Kagome says.

"The injury we didn't realize was so severe, but her body isn't used to this kind of punishment or injuries. She wasn't a very active girl when we were growing up. She only visited my homeland when it was summertime from clear across the world at my homeland. It took several days to travel, she usually travelled alone since my Uncle worked alot to support her to put a roof over her head. When she visited she was always protective of me and Sota, if we were bullied she would take care of it. What I mean by not being active much, is she never played outside with us when we were growing up, she tended to read and draw more than anything, I admired how she could read hard books, and draw well when I was in gradeschool. I was so envious of her, but I never knew the reason she was not very social is because people treated her different for having a learning problem, she quit school. But I didn't see her as a dumb cousin, I saw how smart she was by how she loved to read words in English I couldn't, and draw better than me. I loved hearing her read me her short stories she would write for me. I think I still have the last picture she drew for me hanging in my room at home." Kagome says as she teared up. "I still remember the gang kids at home would call her Maiden In Black, because she was the toughest girl who beat them up for trying to bully Sota and I. She was always getting into trouble with gangs at home, and they tried to take it out on me and Sota when she took us to any place to hang out, and she would in front of us beat them up. Sota I remembered told on her and mom scolded her all night, until Gramps heard the commotion and defended her, after the gangs spray painted the shrine. She immediately without being told to stayed up all night scrubbing the shrine that had the paint on it. Gramps and mom were shocked she would do that. She scrubbed all night long until the shrine was clean where the gangs painted the wall. Gramps found her asleep by the well entrance the next morning. I overheard Gramps talking to my mom that doing chores was her way of tormenting herself from getting in trouble, and us in trouble. I overheard them talking to my Uncle who admitted it to them. I didn't understand why, now I understand it is because, she blamed herself about her mom dying when she was born." Kagome wipes her eyes of tears. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. Get better please. And then try to attempt to make Inuyasha laugh at your funny impersonations." Kagome says and takes Kita's purse from the floor and holds it to her chest.

"She will get better, I know she will." Shippo says trying to cheer Kagome up.

Kagome nods. "Yeah, I believe she will too." Kagome says with a tiny bit of doubt in her voice.

"Kagome don't worry Jinenji's medicine never let us down before." Sango says trying to encourage Kagome more to believe Kita will survive.

Kagome stood up and ran out the doorflap and Sango sighs as she stood up and says. "I'll go talk to her again."

"Well, I never seen Kagome like this either, she must really look up to Kita." Shippo says.

"I agree Kita, Kagome had seen growing up a person she wanted to be but never could be and admired Kita. But in the end Kagome became like Kita was a hero growing up, Kita was Kagome's hero during Kagome's childhood dealing with children who picked on her and Sota, so she saw Kita as her hero. Children are like that." Miroku says as Sesshomaru was listening the whole ordeal off in the distance his back against a tree.

Sesshomaru stayed hidden. "The odd mirror though Kagome called it a phone, and the things in her ears play music, odd, makes me wonder how they work?" Miroku says to Kaede.

"Remember monk, we are not to touch those things, unless ye want Kagome upset, and also Kita upset." Kaede says making Miroku shudder.

"Right, two volcanoes ready to pop if angered how can I forget." Inuyasha snarkly says.

Miroku bopped Inuyasha over the head with his staff. "Lest we should not anger Kagome because Kita will gang up on the one who angers Kagome, know that, both of them will show you their womanly wrath Inuyasha."

"I can see it now, when both are mad they foam at the mouth in anger and have fangs and claws like Inuyasha, but more hideous!" Shippo shrieks and then Miroku bops Shippo on the head gently.

"Shippo please don't talk such nonsense, women do not become like how you are imagining when angry like that." Miroku reassured Shippo.

"I hope not I would run like a bat outta hell!" Shippo gasped in horror.

"Alright now Shippo you have Fox School do you not?" Miroku reminded Shippo.

"Awe!! Fiiine I'll go. Let me know how Kita is, I wanna know more about how good she draws." Shippo darts out the door poofing into a purple floating ball and flew off.

"Shippo has a very wild imagination, I believe he finally creeped me out that time." Inuyasha shrugged off the shiver he felt.

"I agree full well." Both Miroku and Kaede shiver.


To be continued.....

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