Maiden In Black {Sesshomaru...

By FanficDemon1701

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{Book and look of Kita has been updated and re-edited} Takes Place after Naraku was defeated.... Kagome had a... More

Character: Kita Higurashi
Maiden In Black: Enter Kita
The Maiden In Black: Electric Angel
Maiden In Black: Spidey Is Back/Hello Doggy!
Maiden In Black: Tolerant Doggy
Maiden In Black: Patience To Bullhonky
Maiden In Black: Red String Chain String
Maiden In Black: Kidnapped
Maiden In Black: The Dog's Possession
Maiden In Black: Bathing To Ogre Attack
Maiden in Black: Overwhelmed Kita
Maiden In Black: Obedience to Marked=Catnip
Maiden In Black: Obedience to Marked=Catnip 2
Maiden In Black: Queen Of Pranks Strikes!
Maiden In Black: Truth To Her Existence In Feudal Days
Maiden In Black: Healing An Injured Canine
Maiden In Black: Jinenji's Help
Maiden In Black: Fleeing
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P1
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P2
Kitrainyokai's Fanart Of Kita and Sesshy
Enter: Ray Piper and Nicolas/Nick
Future Sneak Peaks: Future Characters
Bad Omens
Part 1:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Part 2:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Enter!! Yoko Kurama!!
Bad Inuyasha and Rin's Message
Inuyasha's Betrayal & Down The Rabbit Hole
Shopping Chaos Part 1
Shopping Chaos To Affections Across Time
"Do not say such nonsense" Sesshomaru
To His Amusement
Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha Combine!!
Mating Game
Fighting For Her!
Shocking Revelations!!
Meeting a Long Lost Sister

The Maiden In Black: Dragged To Lala Land

624 20 2
By FanficDemon1701

Theme song above....



I literally slap myself to make sure I wasn't seeing shit as this creature eyed me.

"Kita!! Hurry get away that's a Demon!!" Sota shrieked in horror.

"That's  a fuckin demon?! That's something from my worst nightmares I hate spiders!!" I yell at him.

"You idiot run!!" Sota yelled. "Unlike Kagome you can't fight that thing!"

"Whoa! Whoa My cousin Kagoooooooome fuckin fights things like this! The little cousin of mine who was scared of everything and anything?! You're yankin my balls, which I don't have actually!" I say mocking myself at the end of that.

"I'm going to devour you, your powers shall make me a powerful demon!" The thing hissed evilly.

I began to freak the fuck out. "The fucker wants to eat meee?!" I shriek in my horror. "I don't have powers!"

"Well I can tell you are related to Kagome, cause she acted like this the first time she went into the well." Sota says facepalming his face.

The Spider thing spit webbing outward towards me, and it flew towards Sota making him hit the wall hard might I add, cause I could hear the wood crack."COUSIN SOOOOTAAA!" I shriek as I was soon unable to move as the web covered me from my upper arms to my knees.

The Spider thing soon crawls down into the well, and the well began to glow in purples, blues and weird starry stuff and the spider thing disappeared from in front of me and I  heard it wail in anger. "NOOOOOOO!! DAMMIT YOU WELL SEPERATING MY MEAL FROM MEE!!"

The shrill voice made me get the shivers as it faded and my body floated and soon my body plopped, and tied up in spider webs might I add on the dirt floor of the well. "Shit! What the flying fuck am I gonna do now?!" I shriek in anger and horror. "What if that thing comes back?!" I whine.

I then yell. "Cousin Sota go get Auntie!!" I listen hearing nothing. "Cousin Sota don't make me come up there and give you a purple nurple!!" I yell louder, but still heard nothing.

I listen closer to my surroundings hearing birds chirping, and wait water running somewhere?! "SON OF A BITCH!! DUMBASS MONKEY TURD, DAMMIT GET ME OUTTA HERE!!" I holler so loud I heard my voice echo the well, then echo outside the well upward.

Okay, okay, think, if it echos from inside and I'm in the middle of fucking ScrewedVille Nowhere then if I yell loud enough maybe someone will come, and maybe if I yell a song one of my dumbass songs I made up. Cause I bet like Gramps said the well connects to Feudal Japan, so nobody except Kagome could understand English. Okay, I just hope nobody here in this timeline understands English.  I think to myself.

I take a deep breathe and began horribly doing that song in a loud way. "THE WORLD IS PISSING ME OFF! PISSING ME OFF!
HUMANITY ITS YOUR OWN FAULT FOR PISSING EACH OTHER OFF!!" I take in a big gulp of air and breathe out and kept silent listening for anything.

I heard rustling above. "Cousin Sota that you?" I holler loudly lifting my head up to look up and I see a little boy I guess he's a boy with animal legs and a poofy tail. "Dear gawd you're a cutie!!" I gush and he looked at me odd and began talking in the Japanese language. "Kiddo I don't speak whatever you're language is." I say and he tilts his head to the side. "Kagome." I say and he perks up. "Kagome go get Kagome!!" I say and he seemed to understand and darts off yelling.

I blew a fucking long raspberry. I soon heard voices above and I recognized Kagome's sound of her voice. "Cousin down here!! Yo Kagome its your cousin Kita!!" I holler and I saw her peek over the well entrance.

"Kita? How the heck did you get to this era?!" Kagome asked.

"Well, so you know I was with Sota cleaning the well area then this fuckin spider thing appeared and you know how much I hate spiders and welp now I'm in LALA LAND!! PLEASE GET THE SPIDER GUNK OFF MEEEE!!" I yell at her.

"Okay, geez, I know your phobia of spiders." Kagome sighs.

"Don't forget storms!" I yell up to her.

"Seriously still scared of them?!" Kagome asked as I watch a guy in all red plop down making me scream.

"Who the Hell is that?!" I yell as he grabbed me, hoisting me over his shoulder and I scream louder as he jumped and landed on his feet on the grass and threw me on the ground. "Jesus Christ dude manhandle me like that again I will rip your balls off and nail them to a fuckin wall!!" I seethe as my ass throbbed.

The guy looked at Kagome confused. "I'm not repeating that insult Inuyasha might clobber you Kita." Kagome rolled her eyes.

"Just get the spider webs off me!" I snarl out.

Kagome spoke to the guy in red and he moved his hands so fast before me that I didn't notice the web's were gone until I moved my arms a bit and I stood up brushing myself off like crazy making the guy in red look annoyed.

I walk over to Kagome hugging her frontal making the guy in red gape at that. "I missed you baby gurl!" I say rolling the R on purpose.

Kagome laughed and hugged me back and I give her a noogie. "Gramps told me everything." I say pulling away and fold my arms to my chest giving her the You're In Trouble Look.

"He did? But how did you come through the well? It was sealed after I crossed over?" Kagome asked.

I blew a raspberry and shrug. "Fuck if I know?" I look to the well gasping. "Could I be trapped here?! I mean Sota was lividly freaking out! Oh and Auntie she could have a mini-stroke after the news I gave her and Gramps!"

"Whoa, what news?" Kagome asked.

I sigh ignoring the guy in red. "Can we talk somewhere, not here I'm afraid that spider thing will come here, we got separated inside the well when it dragged me here?"

Kagome nods. "Okay follow me, but so you know only Miroku, Sango, ad Kohaku know English in the village, the guy in red is my husband Inuyasha the boy with the tail you saw is Shippo. He's a Fox demon."

"Gramps told me about your friends to a big detail." I said following her and Inuyasha followed looking at me odd with distrust.

Kagome led me to a little shack and she sat down next to an old woman, and there was a monk and another woman there. Kagome motions towards me speaking the Japanese Language, a lengthy story I guess I could tell even about I guess my learning issues by how she moved her hands and stuff.

Everyone looked between me and Kagome and did it several times and I lean into her ear asking sarcastically yet nervously. "Why are they looking at me like that?"

"They are trying to figure out how you and I are related saying we don't look alike." Kagome giggled.

"Of course we don't look alike, I took after my American mom more than dad who is your uncle Ayato Higurashi." I say rolling my eyes.

"They never seen someone from America before, because the people in this timeline don't encounter them until later in history, so I said you are half Japanese and you are half foreigner. That's the only way they could understand you know you can't mess with history Kita." Kagome says and I nod understanding because of movies I watched about time travel in America.

"Do they know I don't speak the language, and no matter how hard I learn it I can't due to my learning problems?" I ask her and she nods.  I look to the friends of hers. "Okay, who speaks English here raise your hands?" I say.

The guy in purple, and the girl next to him raise their hands. "Okay good, um....where do I start. Kagome what do I ask?" I say nudging her side.

Then I noticed Inuyasha's ears and I stare at them. "Oh my gawd please Kagome let me touch his ears please!!" I shake her and she laughs.

"Okay, but don't be surprised he might slug you." Kagome giggled.

"Please I can handle him, I mean thugs back home I did, you witnessed me that one time." I smirk.

"Okay." Kagome says.

I walk over to Inuyasha and Kagome says something in Japanese, and Inuyasha seemed annoyed but obeyed. "Thank you Inuyasha." I say and I reach out and gently rub his ears and awe. "They are so fluffy and soft I love them!" I gush as I giggle at myself and let his ears go and he chewed Kagome out in Japanese.

"I'm sooo jealous of you right now cousin able to touch his ears whenever you want now." I say sitting next to her making Sango and Miroku giggle.

Kagome blushed red. "What news from home did you bring me?" Kagome asked and I sigh.

I give her a sad face. "Dad died last month. His will said for me to go live with Auntie and Gramps, and I gave Auntie his ashes. He wanted her to have them and Gramps." I say and Kagome began tearing up making Inuyasha glare at me until Miroku put a golden staff in front of Inuyasha speaking quick Japanese and Inuyasha's look softened.

"Uncle Ayato? How?" Kagome asked.

"His smoking when younger, lung cancer, they caught it too late. And mom died when I was born, and she was an orphan, so dad wanted me to be with my family here." I say and Miroku spoke to Inuyasha in quick Japanese.

"I didn't know he smoked." Kagome says crying.

"He used too before mom got pregnant with me, when she was pregnant with me he quit cold turkey. But all it takes is just a few years of doing that at home to have that happen, because the crap they put in tobacco products." I say and Kagome nods and I hug her to my chest as she began sobbing.

"Uncle Ayato is gone and now Rin, this is horrible." Kagome whines in my chest.

I blink confused. "Who's Rin?"

Kagome wipes her eyes pulling away from my hug. "Kaede took her in, she died last month, from an unknown illness. Her funeral is today."

I side-hug Kagome. "I'm sorry." I say, that's all I could say to her, because I know her and this Rin were close at one time.

After Kagome introduced me to her friends she introduced me to the village and the villagers smiled at me and welcomed me, the children were curious of how pale my skin was, and how my hair was so gray with black and white streeked, it was odd but unique to them. 

Kagome translated what villagers asked about me and I answered their questions about why I was so different looking than Kagome.

When the sun went down, it was the time for Rin's funeral. I dressed the same, and everyone else dressed in pretty yukatas, except for Inuyasha. I watch everyone do their prayers which I didn't know how to do, but I paid my respects to her grave by placing a flower I picked while talking to villagers on her dirt mound of her grave.

The funeral was almost finished when I noticed a glimmer in the trees far away as my head was bowed, and I look over, watching as a tall man with silver hair watch the funeral, I felt he wanted to pay he respects, yet he did so far away, and I looked over to Inuyasha who stared at the man silently, like Inuyasha knew the guy.

The funeral ended and Kagome was hugging me again frontal, like we did as youngsters. I try to comfort her running my fingers through her hair on her scalp. I guided her back to the cottage and had Inuyasha take over nodding to him, to finish calming her down.

I didn't want to be near her when she is like this, it is hard for me to see my cousin so upset, seeing others upset that I love like this bothers me.

I let out a heavy sigh and Sango walks up. "You are a caring cousin to Kagome."

"Thanks, I wasn't always like this. I used to make fun of her growing up until I changed for the better." I say and she nods.

"Siblings tend to do that and grow out of it but not all of them." Sango says.

"Yeah, Inuyasha didn't." Shippo scoffed on her shoulder.

"Inuyasha has a sibling?" I ask Sango.

"Wait, you didn't know about Sesshomaru?" Sango asked shocked.

"Gramps never once mentioned that guy, only you guys and Inuyasha." I shrug looking up to the stars, thinking. "Yep, only you  guys and Inuyasha, but it don't surprise me because he's getting up there in age." I say and Sango nods understanding.

"Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's older brother, but he's a pureblooded Dog Demon. Inuyasha is only half Dog Demon, and half human." Sango says.

I nod making a weird face. "So in terms daddy dearest was a manwhore?" I say and Sango gapes at my language. I laugh at her reaction and say honestly. "I'm kidding I'm not serious! Okay. It was a bad joke, my bad." I say sweat dropping. "I know what you mean, they had different mothers happens alot where I come from since I'm half Foreigner." I say and she sighs in relief.

"Okay, please don't do jokes like that again. Sesshomaru could hear them and he might kill you for it." Shippo scolded me.

"Like I care." I say and Sango sighs in defeat.

"Great another Inuyasha but in girl form." Shippo says annoyed.

"Hey Inuyasha want to find out what fried fox tastes like?!" I jokingly yell out.

Shippo squeaked and poofs into a purple balloon and says. "I better go to Fox Demon School."

Shippo floated off and I laugh at him while he goes. "Oh my gawd, now I know how to make him shut his voice box. Sota would be dying from laughter at this." I say bending over holding my gut. "Oh, my ribs I'm laughing so hard they hurt." I laugh and then start coughing and Kagome comes over and bonks me over the head, which made me fall to the ground on my ass. "Son of a monkey turd! Kagome the Heeell?!" I snarl at her standing back up on my boots.

"Stop bullying Shippo I swear you and Inuyasha are the same when it comes to Shippo." Kagome glared at me.

"So am I pissing you oooff fafah?!" I say impersonating Peanut.

"Oh no please no not your impersonations!" Kagome put her fingers in her ears. "You know I can't handle them they are too funny!" Kagome glared at me and I pout.

"Geez, you're no fun." I smirk like an idiot putting my hands over my head laughing.

"You're too much." Kagome sighs in relief pulling her fingers from her ears.

"Nope I'm just down right illegal for anyone's ears." I say and wink at Kagome then she started laughing.

"What am I gonna do with you?" Kagome giggled and Sango giggled too.

"I just wanna huuuug." I do a goofy face and hug my cousin Kagome and she laughed.

"I love you too Kita." Kagome hugged me back, and I pat her back.

"Making someone laugh is my way of showing someone I love them, know it and you must learn to love it." I say and Kagome giggled.

"Inuyasha says you are strange." Sango says as I pull away and see Inuyasha look at me and Kagome weird.

"Well, thank you for the compliment." I give him a thumbs up.

"Kita, you will be staying with Kaede, the home here." Kagome says and I nod. "Oh, they don't have fluffy beds here, and no showers."

I look at her like she lost her mind and yell. "WHAAAAAAAT?!" My voice echoed for miles on end....


To be continued....

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