.Rise And Fall.

By takenbyshawnbut_

1.9M 66.9K 10.6K

Highest ranking: #1 in Rise. #1 in Fall. #1 in... More

.Rise And Fall.
.Rise and Fall. (1)
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.Author's Note And Cast.
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.Bonus Chapter.
.Bonus Chapter.

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26.7K 893 59
By takenbyshawnbut_


The door chimed again and I look up immediately. I sighed heavily when I saw an old man entering the diner. 'Where is he?', the only thing that was going inside my mind right now. It's almost time for my shift to end and like Mary said, 'he comes here every weekend' yeah ignoring the fact that 'with every different girl' I was desperately waiting for him to show up. After he rushed out of my house all I heard was roaring engine of his bike. He didn't return home.

Last time I checked his driveway before coming to the diner, his motorcycle was not there. So, probably he wasn't home either. The only thing I told him was to go home because it was getting late and I'm sure I was polite enough. I didn't have the slightest hint why he thought me to be same like everybody else. Then again aren't all humans same? The only thing that differ them is feelings. And I don't have any feelings for him. Do I?

"Move your pretty ass and come here Serena", Mary called pulling me out of my pool of thoughts.

I walked up to her after I cleaned the last table. Mary is straight forward with her words like I mentioned before but she isn't bad. Even though she had an attitude, she was a sassy mouth. So, it was tolerable. Most of the time she would snap and be rude but I know she had a good part too and she cared. The dinner was almost empty now with only an old couple and the old man who entered before.

She sipped her coffee as I sat on a stool at the other side of the counter she was standing at. She brought down the mug before placing it on the counter. I waited for her to say whatever she called me for.

Hesitantly she started after rolling her eyes at my questioning face, "Not that I care but you look like an alien and out of this world."

She's probably talking about me zoning out most of the time. She cleared her throat before continuing and carefully choosing her words, "And that is pretty annoying. So if..... Umm you wanna spill out your beans or whatever I'm ready to lend my ears." She looked away when I raised my eyebrows at her. "Even if they start bleeding", she quickly added looking back.

A slow smile formed on my face, "Thank you".

She groaned before hanging her head low, "Okay, this face is more annoying now." I kept smiling just to annoy her. She let out another frustrated growl and walk away from the counter.

"Your shift is over. So get out or else I'll spank you", she yelled from the kitchen. I shake my head laughing before taking off the apron and walked to the hanger to take my overcoat.

"Thank you again", I yelled back slipping my hands inside the overcoat.

She came out from the kitchen with her hands on her hip, " Oh no no. Don't test me honey." I just nodded smiling at her and left.

The diner wasn't far from my house so the drive back home was not to long. Just a fifteen minutes walking distance. I'd prefer walking rather than driving. But no, I had reasons. First, I don't want to trouble Sal and second, if there is a next time I want to have a good reason so I don't have to ride with the bad boy. Third, its freaking cold. Fourth, the weather is as unpredictable as the people here and I better not trust. Fifth, last but not the least, the Lockswood's graveyard was just around the corner before reaching my house.

No way I'm walking across that at the dark hour of the day. The clouds were growling over my head as I stepped out of my grandad's old blue mustang that I own now. My eyes snapped to the direction of 'his' house. Still no sign of his badass bike.

I took slow steps towards my house still looking at his house. I saw the same faint light coming out of a window on the first floor. And then a shadow near the window. Someone was living in his lifeless house. Must be the girl he was talking about before, I thought and felt the burning pain inside my chest coming back. I hate these feelings. I fisted my hands and walk inside my house before locking the front door.

I don't think I was harsh. Was I?

"You're just like everybody else." But why?

I need to study, "Methly alcohol added to......."

"I want it to stop. Fucking stop." But what?

There was pain in his voice.

I shouldn't have pushed him away.

But what else was I suppose to do? We cannot stay all night holding like that. Even though I wanted too.

"How many damn fucking times I have to tell you that I can't come tonight. She's in my house." Where was he going? And who is 'she' ?

Of course the girl living in his house.

"Methyl alcohol added to chlorine would give......"

Then why was he in my house? Didn't he like the girl?


Doesn't make any sense, none of the these. Finally when I decided to study for the mid terms that starts next week, 'he' had to stuck in my head like a noose on a throat. It's been like an hour I'm trying to study but my brain is finding hard to solve even one simple equation. What is wrong with me?

This has never happen to me. Nothing mattered to me more than my grades. But today, everything's a mess. The same line I've been reading again and again, still its all blank.

I groaned out of frustration before taking my phone and calling the one person who could what sickness I'm suffering from.

"Pick up. Pick up", I murmured impatiently tapping my feet with the phone stick close to my ear.

"Hey, are you alright?", she finally picked up after five rings with her voice somewhat concern and suspicious.

"Yeah, I just... wanted to talk, you know. How you doin'?"

"Its all good here", she quickly replied. There was few seconds of silence. I didn't know how to start, or what to say.

"Spill. Like I'm really serious right now", she sounded impatient. Sometimes it sucks to have a bestfriend who knows you better than you do yourself.

I bit my lips before taking a deep breathe and blurting out, "Sarah, I can't study. I'm trying so hard to concentrate. But my mind goes back to only one thing. I mean one person and I hate to say that its 'him' out of all the people. I needed to let these things out. Its really fustrating. Please help me."

"Who is 'him'?", she asked putting pressure in the word 'him'. I groaned internally rubbing my face with the free hand. I shouldn't have called her.

"....Nickelblack", I said quickly.

"Come again. I mean say again. Who?"

I gritted my teeth, "NICKEL BLACK."

"WHAT??!!! OH. MY. GOD", she squealed loudly. From the sound, I could tell she was jumping. But, why was she so happy? Before I could question her about her unreasonable (yeah, that's what it seem to me) happiness, she beat me to it.

"Finally, you realised you like him." .

What??! I was beyond shock, if there is something, anything.

"What do you mean, 'I like him'?", it even sounded weird saying.

"Come on, I'm your best friend since 5th grade. I know you. What do you think, I don't notice you? Duh, I do."

"But... B..but.....", I was lost at words.

"You know what. Pause it. I'll explain everything once I get back. See you on Monday", she said dismissing the matter.

"Yeah, good night."

"I can't wait to see you. Sleep well", she said before hanging up.

Sleep well after what you have put inside my brain, I thought. Even my hard, well armed skull couldn't resist it. So tonight it just me and my thoughts. Great!


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