
By ROBLOXGamingDavid

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**Partially On-Hold - November 23, 2019** The night of May 17th, 2017 in Minneapolis, is the day that everyth... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight, Part One
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Eight, Part Two

31 1 0
By ROBLOXGamingDavid

**Los Angeles, CA - May 18th, 2017 - 12:10 PM**

Daniel and Phoebe who were trying to help the injured people who crashed onto Tuxford St as it fell from the Golden State Freeway bridge, realized that they were running out of time. Mass panic quickly intensifies and now they can see hundreds of people trying to run on foot in a desperate situation to reach higher ground.

"D-DANIEL!" shouted Phoebe in fear and despair.

"We're going to die if we stay here. We gotta get to Angeles National Forest right now. Come on Phoebe, we gotta go right now!"

Phoebe is still breathing quickly in her panicking state and Daniel and herself reached the police car and they speeded away towards the Angeles National Forest Range.

By then after two minutes, a massive 165-meter tsunami swept up Santa Monica and the coastline of Los Angeles. The Manhattan Beach is consumed by the huge wave. People remaining in Los Angeles are now on the high-rise buildings with most of the people in the US Bank Tower are now bracing for the worst as the tsunami surges towards Downtown with strength, speed, and power.

Phoebe and Daniel heard a huge wave roaring, smashing through buildings and racing towards them. They realize that the tsunami is now on land and is catching up with them.

(Phoebe): "Uhhhhhhhh..ahhhhhhh... Daniel..."

Daniel knew he has no choice.

"Phoebe, hang on alright? You put your seatbelts on?"

(Phoebe) "Y-yes..."

"Now, DON'T LOOK BACK.," he said as he revved his engine and starts accelerating towards the Angeles National Forest.

He is currently on La Tuna Canyon Rd. He drove all the way to San Fernando Fwy and he quickly turns right towards I-210. When he arrives at the interstate, he gunned up his engine and raced through the Interstate at 135 miles per hour.

The tsunami surges through Downtown. People in the upper floors of the highrise buildings shouted:


They braced themselves and then the wave hits through densely-packed buildings. Everything starts shaking as water gushes through and smashes through windows and large debris floating on the water hits buildings. One highrise building was toppled over and smashes into the waves and disappeared below the surface of the sea with the huge...


..creating the chain of destruction as the collapse has damaged other buildings.

For Lisanna and Brandon who finally met each other on the road, they are on US State Route 101 heading towards I-5 that will lead towards San Francisco. They revved up past through vehicles who were trying to head to San Francisco.

**Author's note: I got her first name that is Lisanna Strauss from a Japanese manga series called Fairy Tail with the anime adaption of Fairy Tail.**

**Minneapolis, Minnesota - 12:30 PM**

At the Minneapolis Police Department, I saw the news that the majority of Los Angeles has been hit by the tsunami. Hundreds of people remained on the highrise buildings which remained intact but some of them are at the risk of collapsing. Seth was wondering if Brandon had made it out alive with Lisanna, unknown that the latter was heading to San Francisco.

At 12:45 PM, I looked at the Spitball Tracker Mainframe and all I could see was Jessica walking around Minneapolis. I guess she is still searching for me so I decided to go home. Fortunately, she is not near my house so I don't have to worry about that.

"Guys, I gotta gather some evidence and case files and I can head home."

"What can we do?" asked Maggie.

"You can only keep the close watch on the Spitball Tracker Mainframe. I set the Perimeter Security System to Emergency Security Lock which the system is still active but will require my password to have full control of this system. I'll be back tonight."

"Wait wait wait!" said Blaine quickly. "Remember about the clue she said earlier?"


"Well, it's a small clue for you. Purple ones get stronger at night and get weaker in the morning... That is all I can tell you but I will be back for more.... soon... Kekekekekekeke.."

**Call ended**


(David): "What do you mean?"

(Blaine): "After I heard the clue and I saw the death ray from Jessica, her power lever is still tremendously high!"

(David): "Wait, how did you know about that!? Wait, is it a joke!?"

(Blaine): "I'm serious. I have this Demon Power Level Detector Device with me this whole time."

"Come to think of it. How did we survive when I threw a snowball at the death ray, despite her powers is at fullest potential?" I thought to myself, confused.

"Where did you get that?" asked Seth.

"I got it from Stacy, even though that she was freed from the demon's influence, her intelligence has been changed to demon hunting intelligence meaning that she is trying to invent things like this so nothing will happen ever again."

"Woah, did Stacy invented this??" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, no wonder how she can build this but this is the state-of-the-art technology used to scan the power levels on human beings who have been infused with demonic powers."

(David): "This means, she tricked us!"

(Blaine): "Possibly."

She is probably trying to trick us. When we got a report in the university, we thought that in the morning, her powers won't be as strong to cause such devastation so it should be safe, but now her demonic powers are still very high, enough to create utter chaos and destruction in the city.

(Blaine): "Which is why I have 2 of these. I'll give this one to you, I thought it will come in handy just in case."

(David): "Oh! Thanks, Blaine."

(Blaine): "You're welcome. It comes with instructions that Stacy wrote so you could know how it works."

(David): "Alright. Guys, I'll see you tonight."

(Seth and Blaine): "Be safe."

**12:52 PM**

Stupid snow. Wish I have snow chains so I don't want to crash into vehicles. I always drive very slowly like 35 miles per hour throughout the whole ride, it took longer than I thought. Well, at least I arrived at my home. I got off from the police car with my evidence and case files filled with pictures and information. When I arrived at my doorstep and opened the door, I saw something... A wooden rectangular crate. I have no idea but one thing is for certain, it could be a bomb inside but when I opened it, I saw something surprising.


It's a sword with the same design. It's glowing like Jessica's purple sword except for its colored blue. I have absolutely no idea and I thought I was like "Is it from Jessica?" but then I noticed a piece of paper beside the sword.

I put everything I carried on the table and I picked up a large piece of paper. It's a note and it has a lot of words. Regardless, I start reading. It says.

"Hey, I heard the news and it is the most horrifying thing it ever happened before but this is like what I have experienced a long time ago back in New York. I researched Jessica with my knowledge and my books with demon powers and I realized that the one you saw, she is much more powerful than me. She cannot be killed by firearms but you can only immobilize her for a short amount of time. I was willing to stop this from happening and I don't want that to happen again like I did, which is why I made you a sword. It may look the same as what you are seeing right now but its colored blue and it's even powerful and stronger. When you hold the sword, you will receive greater demon power but you can control these powers and you can use demonic powers of your own to aid in the battle against Jessica. I know everything about it because Blaine called me yesterday last night. He told me about everything and i knew that something bad would happen and of course, Blaine was thinking what am i thinking. I know you can do this. It may seem a little crazy but I also got an idea of how to disable Jessica's demonic influence: by removing the demonic pendant that was worn around her neck."

That I can do and I already know that. I continued reading.

"You need to snatch her pendant or you can destroy it. But I have one thing to tell you."

"What?!" I thought surprisingly.

"When you and Jessica fight each other with demonic powers, there is a risk that it would cause EMP disturbance or power outages and there would be a high chance that it might cause severe damage to infrastructure and could cause massive casualties if you are not careful. So be careful and think of your strategy before rushing in towards her. Good luck.

Then the note ends with her name with a cute emoji...

"-Stacy :3"

Despite her violent actions in the past, she is the smartest demon researcher and a hunter too and now she is giving me a demon hunter sword of my own.

So I grabbed my sword and almost immediately, I can see the light glowing and I can feel my powers going into my veins. Soon the intensifying glow dissipates and now it leaves a blue light glowing on the orb between the blade and the handlebar.

"Thank you, Stacy," I said to myself.

I covered up my blade with its protective casing made out of reinforced plastic which I found it inside the crate and placed it in my bag. My bag is military-grade and it can carry lots of stuff.

After that, I quickly grabbed the note that Stacy wrote and I quickly drove towards the Minneapolis Police Department, not realising that there are still lots of snow on the road and today, it is snowing harder than I expect now I don't see any sunlight or a sky. It's now colored gray I the clouds and I felt like there's a snowstorm.

The road was skiddy with snow and ice. I keep applying the brakes whether I was going too fast but it gets even worse.

"WOOOOOAAAHHHH!!" I screamed as I turned the steering wheel to the right while my SUV is drifting to the left.

"Damn it! I forgot about the snow chains! I left it back home in the garage!" I shouted myself.

When I entered I-94, there isn't much vehicles passing by and I thought rush hour is already passed, or was it? I entered the freeway and started speeding through the interstate at 95 miles per hour. As I made through a slight turn as I approached the interchange of I-94 and State Highway 55, disaster strikes.

**Loud SUV screeching**

(David): "Ohhhhhhh shiiiiiiit!!!!"

I drifted further and now it keeps going on forever. I looked left and then suddenly I saw a purple pick-up truck in front left side of me and then, lots of vehicles stuck in traffic on the left lanes. I looked away and I applied the brakes as hard as I could but it's no use. I smashed into the back of the truck and then the Blue Mini Cooper at 79 miles per hour. I bounced back and I hit a concrete barrier of the interchange and suddenly starts to fall from above.

As of this moment, my life went flashing back to my moment of my childhood to this point and I thought I'm going to die as soon as my SUV slams on State Highway 55. I closed my eyes tightly and I put by seatbelt on. Finally I put my hands around my head and then....




I was unconscious for a while. I feel like it's been around 5 minutes since I fell from I-94. I slowly woke up. My head is still throbbing and I suffered from slight pain in my neck and back but I can see it around me. There are lots of vehicles stopped by the road and I can hear a lot of police sirens. I landed near the entrance of I-35W and I-94. I landed in the middle of the road and caused some traffic on the road. At least nobody died or was injured as no cars was passing by the moment of the crash, but for myself, it was a different story.

I tried to unlock my seatbelt, but the crash has jammed it's seatbelt lock but with brute strength I have, I eventually broke the seatbelt and I freed myself. Now all I have to do is to crawl myself out from the crushed and mangled car.

It's a little difficult. It is snowing and it's very cold but I got my winter jacket on but as soon I was halfway from my vehicle when suddenly, I saw something that I never expect to see: a bright purple glow and I knew what that means.

"Oh no. She probably heard the crash and she's trying to look for me! If she found me, I don't think I can survive." I thought to myself.

I start to panic a little. I struggle myself to get me out of here before she could spot me but the glow is intensifying more quickly. I realized that my time is running out but at last, I got out from my car.

No time to think, I quickly grabbed my backpack and ran  away to find somewhere safe. But because of my injuries on my legs, I can't run very well when it's snowing heavily. Nevertheless, I managed to hide behind one of the trees and some shrubs beside the entry ramp of I-94 and I waited it out as Jessica arrives. I waited intently.

(Jessica's P.O.V.)

When she arrives at my car, she began a thorough search around my SUV. I saw everything and I think she is like a police detective. Then I saw some people, trying to hide or run away. I realized that they heard the news and they thought that she is going to hurt themselves but I knew that she is trying to find me.

"Hmmm... Where is David??" she said to herself as she looked at the front of my car.

After a minute, I see some police officers and I immediately knew that something is wrong. I thought I heard the news that the Minneapolis Police Department has called off the search.

I got my binoculars and I scoped at these guys and I realized that it was the Minnesota State Police but why are they doing this?

**Minneapolis Police Department - 1:17PM**

(Seth): "Guys! Come take a look!

Blaine, Maggie and Damon ran towards him.

(Damon): "What is it?"

(Blaine): "The tracker signal is stopped here. Right near Interstate 35W."

They were worried that it is possible that Jessica must have felt the spitball on her back and she tried to remove it but they were wrong when they saw the news.

KTSP: "We got unconfirmed reports that the suspect was seen standing on the road what it looks like she is staring at the black Chevrolet SUV that was crashed as it fell from I-94 due to overspeeding on icy roads...."

Blaine and the others are horrified. They knew that it was the car that I was driving. I survived but they didn't know that.

"No! NO!! THAT CAN'T BE TRUE!!" shouted Maggie.

More police officers heard Maggie. One of them is Brandon. He walked towards her.

(Brandon): "What's wrong??"

"Oh... N-nooooo!" sobbed Maggie.

(Seth): "Brandon, that black car. It was David. He probably died in that crash."

Brandon is also horrified.

"Then, who is going to stop Jessica now?" he wondered with worry. "Without him, well I guess the world is about to end."

(David's P.O.V - 1:19PM)

While I was still hiding, I knew that my police officers will think that I'm already dead if I wait it out for too long so I have no choice. I climbed and climbed precariously until I reached the freeway. I start to walk. It would take me sometime but I never walked through the freeway before in my life but I got no choice.

**10 minutes later**

Sometimes I would run and walk, maybe I could save some walking time. However, my legs has suffered minor injuries. So I can barely run as long as I wanted to.

**10 minutes later**

I reached the exit from the Interstate 94 towards 11th Street. I ran towards the exit until I made it.

"I can't walk anymore further. I need a taxi. I don't think taxicabs stop here in the middle of the interstate for passengers. I need to get into the city so I could get the cab." I said to myself.

After a little while, I need to use my phone to call Blaine. I feel worried that my phone would've broke when I crashed my car.

But I was relieved. It is still working despite some scratches on my screen protector so I immediately called him.

"Come on.. come on.. come on.."

**Minneapolis Police Department - 1:51PM**

(Blaine): **cellphone ringtone** "Oh my god. Could it be!?"

(Blaine): **beep** Hello?

(David): "Blaine. It's me. I'm still alive."

(Blaine): "Oh my gosh it's you! I'm so happy! W-wait, hold up.."

She told to Seth, Maggie and the others.

"Guys! I got a call from David! HE'S STILL ALIVE!"

I can hear some people cheering on my phone.


(Maggie): "David's STILL ALIVE! Oh thank goodness!"

Soon, I can hear everyone talking to me.

(Seth, Damon, Harris and Maggie): "David! We missed you so much!"

"Yeah, I missed you guys. I thought I might never make it back." I replied.

"We were thinking about the same thing when we saw the news. Your car has been crashed, what happened?" asked Maggie.

"Well... I just drove too fast on an icy road when I found something that could help me with this case. I just wanted to show you right away."

"What is it that you want to show us!?" asked Maggie "Is it more evidence, clues or something for us!?"

"It's more than that but I will not say this to you yet until I come back."

"By the way, where are you now?" asked Blaine.

(David): "Still walking at the end of I-35. I'm heading to umm...  Grant Street. I will be waiting at the Gateway Play Area. Can you pick me up?"

"Oh! Okay! I'll be on our way as soon as we can."

(David): "But please hurry, I don't think I'll be safe for long as long as Jessica is still looking for me."

(Blaine): "Don't worry, were on our way right now. Just hang in there alright."

"Okay" i said anxiously and then i hung up.


-Story by ROBLOXGamingDavid.

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