Boo's wedding day (sequeal to...

Par DIYPawthors

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Okay, before you read this, I reccommend reading Boo's teenage years. But if you've already read that, then o... Plus

Boo's wedding day (sequeal to Boo's teenage years)
Chapter 1:A wedding dress, a race car driver, and alone time....
Chapter 2:premonition?
Chapter 3: getting caught
Chapter 4:bachelorette and bachelor party
Chapter 5:Time for a wedding!.....Right?
Chapter 6:Changing history....because of a bowtie
Chapter 7:Time travelers club-uh sorry-union
Chapter 8: the effects of what ive done
Chapter 9: Boo?
Chapter 10:Fixing things-hopefully-for the better.
Chapter 11:Time to fix...well...time
Chapter 12: Friend Zoned and broken hearted
Chapter 13: Friends?
Chapter 14: He loves me,he loves me not. I love him, I love him not.
It's official!

Chapter 15: the end

215 8 4
Par DIYPawthors

Emily POV***

I kissed Russel. Right in the park by the fountain under the full moonlight. It was epic and perfect and romantic and everything LyLeng wasn't. His lips are soft against mine. He never pulls away and never tries to. He wants me as much as I want him. Russel tastes like mint and strawberry. And by the way he moans into my mouth, I guess I must taste pretty good, too.

Everything was perfect until I got this pain. A terrible pain flooding-not through my whole body- but through just my mind. I pull away from Russel and clutch my head again. So many thoughts, so many visions, so many people.

There's a girl in a Hawaiian dress that's red with white leaves. She kisses another girl who's short and sort of mousy looking, with black buzz cut hair. I groan, "Minnie...Lilo..." Then I see a girl with full out white hair. She has a snowflake in her hand and she gives it to me before making the entire room flow white with snow. "Elsa?" I grit my teeth. A girl stands beside the white haired one. The girl had red hair with a single white streak. She giggles and plays with a little snowman. More snowmen come. And other people. So many people. So many names. Too many!

I scream out all the names that come to mind. "ANNA, OLAF, OLLIE,OLIVIA, OLIVE! COLLETTE, MIKE WAZOUSKY! DASH, BOB, JACK JACK,HELEN, VIOLET! CEILIA! JR! KITTY!" Then I feel peace. Complete and total peace, like the eye of a storm. I open my eyes which I hadn't realized I closed. Everything is swirling around me and changing. Disappearing and fading. Just moving about too fast for me to exactly know what it is that's moving.

I freeze in place. What was happening again? I ran away from LyLeng....who was that again? Wait but who was I talking about? I can't remember what was happening... Must have phased out there.... Oh well. I'm good now. More time to talk with Talla.

Sully POV***

I watch time swirl around the hovercraft with us in it. I turn to the Doctor, "Will anyone remember anything? I mean, I remember..." Matt shakes his head, "You're a time traveler now. You see time differently so you'll remember but nobody else will. Because it both had to happen, and never really happened." I nod despite my confusion and ask, "Where- when are we going?" the doctor shrugs, "To the night that starts it all. Emily's wedding." I nod and stay silent.

. Finally Cornelius lands in Russel's side yard, "See you, Mr.Sullivan," he says and shakes my hand. I shake his hand and say goodbye. The doctor shakes my hand, "Nice meeting you sully. Do enjoy the rest of your life, try not to fall into anymore time glitches, and I loved the bowtie. It was very cool." I shake his hand, "Nice meeting you, doctor." then they leave. Before they go, the doctor shouts,"you should try the fish fingers and custard! It's absolutely brilliant!" I laugh and shake my head at his crazy smile, and then they're gone.

Smiling, I run inside. I fixed the mess I made. Everything is okay now. Everything would be okay. Everything would be happy and fine and everything would work out.

Boo POV***

I smile as I speak with Talla. She seems good for Kitty. She'll be good to him, and if she's not good to him I'll make her pay! But she does seem nice. At last, I see him return. My kitty. He smiles at us and hugs me close,"Having a good time?" he asks. I giggle and nod, "Of course I'm having a good time!" He sets me down and blushes looking at Talla. I smile and look between them before taking both their hands and joining then together. "You should go dance. A good slow song is coming up." then I gently nudge them into the dance floor.

. I smile at them. Aw they're so cute! But if she breaks his heart, I'll break her face. Suddenly, I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I giggle and turn to see Russel. He smiles at me and kisses my neck. I lightly moan and lean back against his chest. "I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you," I whisper. Russel nods and kisses my sweet spot again, "Me neither. But thankfully, I've got you forever and I'm never letting you go." I smile and turn around to kiss him on the lips. He tastes like mint and strawberries.

The music dies down and I hear someone speaking so I break away from Russel. "Okay, now it's time for a few speeches. Would everyone take their seats?" Abe smiles and Russel releases my waist before grabbing my hand and walking us to our table. All the tables were outside and mostly everyone was in their seats.

Once everyone is seated, Abe brings the speaker system out and and sets up the mic in front of everyone. Abe taps the mic and feedback sounds, "Okay, firstly we'll have the best man come up." He gestures to Kitty. Kitty smiles and gets up. I notice he had been holding hands with Talla under the table. Aw! My Kitty is growing up! He smiles at everyone and heads to the mic.

He clears his throat and looks out at us all. After licking his lips he says, "I'm not very good at this, but I'll give it a go." Everyone lightly chuckles. "I don't exactly stalk Russel and Boo everyday to keep an eye on them. As much as I've tried." Again we laugh and I have to cover my mouth from giggling too loudly. Kitty smiles a bit, "But I know they're good for each other. The way they look at each other, you can just see how much they care. And I know nothing could ever keep them apart." He turns to look directly at me and Russel, "No person could keep them seperated. No thing could keep them separated." He smiles brighter, "Not even a change in time or alternate universe could keep  you two separated. I know you have many happy years and many fun times ahead," He chuckles, "Just not too fun? Okay?" He raises a glass he had been concealing in his fuzzy paw and we all raise our glasses, too, before taking a sip. 

Kitty sits down and I notice him grab Talla's hand again. Oh! My Kitty has a crush! That's just so dang cute... Everyone waits in silence before my maid of honor goes up. Lilo. She repositions the mic because Kitty had it set for a much taller person. "Russel, Boo, you're awesome. And I hope you stay that way. Just as much, you're amazing and wonderful and epic. And I want you to stay just the way you are. I know everyone here wishes you well, and you know I wish you well, too. And hey, don't forget me, okay? Even when you've got a bajillion jr's of yourselves to take care of- because lord knows Boo loves kids- don't forget your friends. 'Kay?" We all laugh and Lilo exits offstage. I think over what she said...Kids?

Russel POV***

After Lilo gets off stage, Doug runs up. He pouts-only the way a dog can pout- at the microphone. I get up and approach the stage. As I take off the microphone and place it low on the ground for Doug, I see Boo looking up at the stars lost in thought. Wonder what she's thinking about.

I return to my seat and Doug begins his speech. "Oh boy! Oh boy! I am most happy for you two! But I hope you will let me stay with you because I like you both a lot! And I do not want to lose you! So you have to promise extra swear and double swear to not leave me behind! Promise?!" I laugh and nod my head. Doug smiles with his tongue out and runs about in a circle, "Oh boy! Mistress Boo will be like my mommy and Master Russel will be my dad! Oh it is most excellent and fun! I cannot wait! I cannot wait!" He howls and runs off stage as everyone laughs. Doug comes bounding down and races up to me. "Heel boy." I tell him. Doug pauses and stops right in front of Boo. "You promise to take me in?!" He asks anxiously. Boo giggles and scratches behind his left ear. "Of course we'll keep you with us Doug. But we're going to leave you with Mr.  Fredrickson for a couple weeks while we're on our honey moon okay? We'll be back for you though I promise." Doug howls and licks her hand, "Oh boy! I am most excited! Well, I will be off, I must go find my friends." Then he bounds off before another word can be shared.

I laugh as he departs and then turn to Boo. I slip my hand in hers and interlock our fingers. She smiles and we each squeeze each other palms at the same time. Some more people go up to speak. Elsa, Minnie, Olaf, Mike, and Violet. I try to pay attention. They're mostly about how they wish us well and not to forget them. I can't listen too closely because I'm too entranced in Boo's lavish beauty.

As Violet exits the stage, I assume the speeches are done, but no. Mr.Fredrickson- with a heavy groan- stands and shuffles to the microphone. He clears his throat before attempting to speak, but a hearty cough just comes out. I start to help rise to check on him but he waves at me to stop. He places his white handkerchief back in his pocket before clearing his throat again. "Russel, I thought I had nothing left to do in this world after my Ellie died. But then you came knocking on my doorstep asking how you could assist me. And, Boo, I thought Russel would never find real best friends, and then we found you at pizza planet. I just want to say I'm glad I met you both. And I'm glad you two met each other. Hopefully you'll have a wonderful life together like me and Ellie did." He smiles before coughing again. He sighs after tucking his handkerchief away again. "Look, I'm dying. I'm old, and I'm worn out. But at least I got to see you two happy. I'm moving into the Shady Pines retirement home for the last few months I've got. So this poor old house will be all alone. Now I know it's not the best house, but it's yours. Enjoy your marriage and many happy years to you both." Everyone cheers bittersweetly and raises their glasses.

I let go of Boo's hand and rise to assist Mr.Fredrickson. He smiles at me and jokes, "You always wanted to walk me across the street like a good boy scout. Now, I guess you've got to." I smile and nod. "Mr. Fredrickson, thanks...But hey, you'll be okay." He sighs and shakes his head, "Nah. I won't. I'm nearing 86 Russel. I've had a good life. Had a wife, and had you as my kid. I raised you and saw you grow up. I even got to see you find your own Ellie. Life's been kind to me. So when it's my time, I won't go bitterly." I smile sadly and nod. We reach his chair where he sits with Mike, Ceilia, and Jr., and I give him a big hug before returning to my seat.

Mr.Abe approaches the mic. He picks up the mic-although it looks like a black line against his-giant hands- and says, "Okay,it's time for dinner now. Hurry and finish because then we get cake!...Also, we get snowcones!" He smiles big at the mention of snow cones. Mr.Abe always had this weird thing for them.

Everyone serves themselves-well except for Boo, I serve her dinner because I want to- and we all eat in small enjoyable chatter. Boo takes a big gulp of her grape juice. (Everyone else was drinking wine, but Boo didn't want any alcohol so I made sure she got grape juice. Of course, I didn't want her to be the only odd one out drinking grape juice at her own wedding so I was, as well, drinking grape juice.)

She finishes her chicken and green beans quickly and tugs on my sleeve. I look over at her, "Yes?" She smiles, "Hurry! I want to eat cake!" I laugh but nod and hurry to finish eating. Once I'm done, Boo giggles happily and tugs me over to the small wedding cake. Everyone gathers around us-even though most of them aren't done with dinner- and raise there cameras to take pictures. Me and Boo grab the knife together and cut the first piece of cake. It's chocolate- of course it's chocolate what else would Boo want?- and is triangular in shape. It's a rather big piece though. Will Boo be able to finish it? Oh my god, what am I saying?! She's Boo, of course she'll be able to finish it.

We cut pieces of cake for everyone-even the people who haven't quite finished dinner yet- and then return to our seats. The minute we sit down, Boo begins to wolf down her piece of cake. She sits back in her chair and rubs her belly happily when she's done. Meanwhile, I just roll my eyes and finish the last three fourths of my slice.

When I'm done, I grab Boo's hand and look at her contently, "You enjoying yourself?" She giggles and nods before just pecking my lips with a kiss, "I'm getting married to you, all my friends are here, I get to live in this beautifully colorful house with you, and I got a big piece of chocolate cake. Russel, how could I not be enjoying myself?!" She smiles. I laugh and lean in for a kiss. Boo pecks my lips before pulling away. This just makes me pout. "Come on, can't I have a longer kiss than that?" She giggles and shakes her head, "Nope! You have two weeks of just you and me for our honeymoon. There'll be enough kissing to last forever." I chuckle and whisper in her ear, "There will never be enough kissing between you and me." She blushes and hides her face, "Oh Russel..."

Everyone is still eating cake, but another song comes on. (Of course it's panic at the disco. Boo and I loved the band so most of the songs played tonight were by them.) I grab Boo's arm and pull her up to come dance. She giggles. "Russel!" I laugh back and pull her close to me. "Come on. Dance with me. Isn't this one of your favorites?" She pauses to listen to the song and squeals, "Build god then we'll talk!" She takes my hand and we sort of swing dance to the song. Soon enough everyone else joins in. Everyone has their own variations of dance moves but everyone has the same smile as they dance.

Finally people begin to head home as it begins to grow darker and later in the night. First was Collette with Linguini and her very tired looking child. "It waz very nice to zee zou Emily. Hopefully we will ztop by again zumtime." Then Mr.Fredrickson leaves. "Well, my ride to the shady pines is here. I'll be seeing you two around. Take good care of the house okay? And uh, Boo, I want you to have this." He pulls out a small pin. I gasp inwardly as I see what it is. It's the grape soda pin Ellie had given him. He places the pin in Boo's hand and smiles softly at her, "Take care of it okay?" She nods and hugs Mr.Fredrickson tight. Then I hug him as well before helping him out to the waiting van.

Next to go is Lilo and Minnie. "We'll be wanting to see you two soon. And you better take good care of our Boo." Lilo says. "And you better not forget to call us in two weeks the minute your honey moon is over!" Minnie giggles. We say good bye to them before they depart.

Everyone leaves by the time it's nearing eleven o'clock. The wedding lasted five hours. At last, the only people left are Sully, Boo, Talla, and me. Sully slides an arm around Boo's shoulder and walks her away from me to talk in private. I watch from afar and enjoy seeing Boo's precious smile and hearing her sweet giggle. Finally Sully returns to me to speak with me alone. "Congratulations Russel. Now, you take good care of Boo. I mean, I know you will, but you know how I am...Alright, I know you're probably waiting for me and Talla to leave, so we'll get going then." He pats my back and then goes back to Talla. They head inside and exit through the special door that leads to the monster world and then Boo and I are alone.

I race over to her and pick her up like the bride she was. She giggles and hangs on to my neck. I smile at her and carry her through the house and upstairs to my room. She giggles and moans as I kiss her neck and slowly reach around for the zipper holding up her dress.


Boo POV***

With a small yawn, I wake up. Immediately my eyes see Russel's sleeping figure cuddled right next to me. His face is mere inches apart from mine. I blush just thinking about what happened last night. 

I'm officially with Russel. Officially his wife. Now I get to be Mrs.Kyle Ghanmirc! Oh my gosh! I get an extra r in my title now! I'm not just a ms, i'm a mrs! Cool! I smile at Russel's soft and peaceful face. Craning my neck around, I see my wedding dress abandoned on the floor along with my underwear right next to it. Then I spot the broken lamp that Russel may or may not have accidentally knocked over last night...

Biting my lip I turn back to see Russel waking up. His eyes blink open before focusing on me. He smiles at me, "Good morning Boo." I smile back, "Good morning Russel." He kisses me softly before saying, "Would you like your usual desert for breakfast?" Smiling I nod.

Russel slips out of bed and pulls on some shorts. Then as he departs to make breakfast, I think about how lucky I am. I had a wonderful husband who loved me and nothing could ever change that! I was living the dream....

It was the best wedding I could ever ask for....


This is the last chapter. I will write an epilogue though don't worry! I'll see you guys soon with the epilogue and yes, there will be a third book since you guys asked for it! Yay! Okay bee bye!





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