Under The Cherry Moon {A Prin...

By MakeThatChange96

24.2K 1.1K 911

What does a beautiful talented artist plus Prince equal? Trouble. When Prince discovers Allison Richards and... More

The Purple Bug
Prince Charming
The Art Of Seduction
Full Of Surprises
Reality? Check. Allison? Undecided.
The Girl With The Cold But Broken Heart
The Tonight Show Starring Prince & Jerome
Too Good To Be True
Forgive & Forget?
Pick Up Where We Left Off
Horny Pony - Part One
Horny Pony - Part Two
Allison Vs Morris
Prince's Anxiety
Seeing Double
Prince & The New Power Generation
The Next Step
Separation Anxiety
Prince Gets His Way
Two Different Worlds
A/N: Break...
Tell All Interview
Work Shenanigans
A/N: Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year
This Isn't Pretend - Part One
This Isn't Pretend - Part Two
Love 2 The 9's
The Purple One Vs. A Winchester
Putting Down The Knives And Picking Up The Microphone
Winchesters To The Rescue
Don't Go Into The Light
Reinforcements - Part One
Reinforcements - Part Two
Rough Night
Is It All Just An Act?
Can You Turn Off The Purple Light?
Living Nightmare
Allison Out Of The Picture...Or Is She?
What Doesn't Kill Me Better Run
Oh, Awkward...
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
Tell Him He's Dreamin'
Under The Influence

Off The Reservation

262 13 10
By MakeThatChange96

*Author's POV*

Three Weeks Later...

Allison and Prince have been trying their best to cope with the loss of their child, they've been trying to make their marriage work after almost calling it quits. Straight after their talk three weeks ago when Allison had the miscarriage, Prince went to Mayte and made sure she got the message that she was fired from The New Power Generation. He even got her banned from Paisley Park, he paid her a generous amount of money before escorting her from the premises though so she wouldn't be broke.

Allison had just moved back into Paisley Park today, but she still wanted to go see Jared often. After living with him for three months she was used to seeing him everyday, plus she felt something was off about him. She reached out to Jensen and tried to see if he knew anything but he said there was nothing to worry about. So Allison shrugged it off for now as she got ready for her day with her Husband.

"It's been awhile since we've actually gone on a date." Allison says.

"I know, but it's about time we did. I miss our little adventures." Prince comments.

Allison furrows her brows.

"Remember the last one we went on? We went to the lake after dark, had dinner under the big that you put little lights in that lit up the place perfectly. Still amazes me how you got up there, and the moonlight that beautifully reflected off the water." Allison recalls.

Prince smiles and hums.

"Mm, and that teenager you hissed at for ruining a moment we had. That was a highlight for me." He smirks.

Allison looks up at Prince.

"Yeah, but the look in her eyes though when I did that was worth it." She smiles.

Prince laughs.

"You scared her to death! She's probably laying on a couch talking to a shrink about how you're the source of her nightmares." Prince scoffs.

Allison shrugs her shoulders.

"Oh well, shouldn't have been snooping around then." She says.

Prince chuckles as he shakes his head.

"Besides it could have been worse, she could have walked in when we decided to go skinny dipping...would have been some horror movie type stuff for her right there." Allison says.

Prince smirks.

"Or a porno." He mumbles.

He walks up beside her, looking at her.

"What? Did I get mascara on my eyebrow again?" She sighs.

He chuckles.

"No, I just like looking at you. Because you're beautiful." He sighs, pushing some o her hair behind her ear.

She smiles back, reaching up and placing her hand on his cheek. Prince leans into her touch.

"Ready to tell me where we're going?" She asks softly.

Prince smiles with his eyes closed, enjoying the feel of her hand on his cheek while he shakes his head.

"Nope." He says.

She uses that same hand to gently slap his face, but not too hard. Prince flinches and looks at her wide eyed.

"Don't play with me Nelson, you know I hate surprises." She says, pointing her perfectly manicured finger in his face.

Prince squints his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get that. But you'll love this..." He says, taking her hand.

He leads her downstairs and outside, while waiting for their ride Allison notices Prince leaning towards her.

She shoves him away from her while laughing.

"Perv!" She yells.

Prince laughs, gripping her by the waist and pulling her into him.

"Hey! I'm not the one showing cleavage!" Prince scoffs.

Allison raises an eyebrow.

"Oh? I'll go change." She goes to turn around.

He pulls her back into him.

"I didn't say I didn't like it..." He says.

She smirks as she wraps her arm around him, her expression changes when she sees a bus pull up.

"I swear if this is a party bus..." She mumbles.

"Relax, it's not." Prince says.

The couple get on, Allison sees The New Power Generation as she sits down.

"Oh, oh...I am not performing either." Allison glares at Prince.

Prince rolls his eyes.

"This isn't a tour bus either." He says.

Tony smirks as he looks at the two.

"Aw, trouble in paradise?" Tony asks.

Allison now averts her glare to Tony.

"Don't you start, Tony. Don't make me do something about that pretty hair of yours." Allison says.

Tony furrows his brows.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Oh you didn't know? I mixed Nair in one of your bottles of shampoo but you buy in bulk so I can't remember which one it was...I was going to go find the one I mixed and throw it out but since you wanna be like this...I might leave it in there." She shrugs her shoulders.

Tony's jaw drops as he touches his hair.

Prince starts laughing.

At A Restaurant Downtown...

Jensen had just finished work for the day, so he was going to go grab a bite before going to go check on Jared. Allison's call about him being off has got him paranoid, so he didn't intend to be there long...that was until someone sat down.

"Mind if I sit?" Mayte asks.

Jensen looks up at her and sighs in disgust.

"Yes, that seats taken." He says.

Mayte furrows her brows.

"By who?" She asks.

"Anybody but you." He says.

She rolls her eyes as she sits down.

Jensen sighs as he turns his attention to her.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"For us to work together." She says.

Jensen chuckles.

"Sorry, Supernatural likes real actors." Jensen scoffs.

Mayte frowns.

"Ouch, but no. That's not what I meant." She says.

"Then What did you mean?" He asks.

"What we both really want..." She smirks.

Jensen furrows his brows, shaking his head.

"A good afternoon with a shrink after this conversation ends?" Jensen asks sarcastically.

Mayte groans.

"No! You want Allison, I want Prince. I can make that happen for the both of us, if you just cooperate!" She says frustrated.

Jensen stares at her for a moment before bursting out laughing. Mayte looks at him confused.

"What? What's so funny?" She asks.

"You! You're so delusional. The fact you of all people, think you can get Prince astounds me!" Jensen explains while laughing.

Mayte glares at him.

Jensen continues laughing as he wipes away tears.

"Oh wow, I haven't laughed like that in a long time." He mumbles.

"Oh and like you...of all people could get Allison?" She asks.

Jensen immediately stops laughing as he stares down Mayte.

"Maybe I could have if I wanted to, but I didn't act upon it. Why? Because she's married, and I'm not a psycho." Jensen glares at her.

"What if she wasn't married?" She asks.

"Then I would pursue her yes." Jensen shrugs his shoulders.

Mayte stares in a space for a moment while smirking.

Jensen snaps his fingers in front of her face, getting her attention.

"Hey, Girl Interrupted. If I catch you doing anything to destroy their marriage, I'll make sure you regret it." Jensen says.

Mayte now starts bursting out laughing.

"Wow you're so far deep in the friend zone, you poor thing." She laughs.

"Yeah well, I'd rather be in the friend zone and stay there rather than end up being a lonely vindictive, manipulative, evil, desperate psycho like you." Jensen says with a straight face before getting up and leaving.

Mayte sits there staring blankly into a space.

As Jensen reaches Jared's House, he notices his car is still in the driveway. Which to him is a good sign, Jensen has his own set of keys so he unlocks the doors and walks in, he furrows his brows when he sees that Jared's no where in sight.

"Oh Jared, where did you go?" Jensen asks out loud.

He walks over to find a note, explaining Jared has left. Jensen starts to go into panic mode as he runs to the car.

Paisley Park...

"Well...you outdid yourself today." Allison sighs as she finishes getting changed.

Prince chuckles as he looks up at her.

"Yeah? Wasn't it a nice surprise?" He asks.

"I wasn't expecting us to record that song..." Allison says softly.

Prince stands up as he walks over to her, taking her hands in his, lifting them up to his lips. He peppers them with soft kisses.

"I've recorded that song before with Rosie, but when I sang Nothing Compares 2 U with you...I felt nothing but pure love." Prince whispers.

Allison smiles as she looks into his eyes.

"Me too." She says.

There was a knock at the door, that interrupted them. Prince opened the door.

"There's someone downstairs for Mrs Nelson. Mr Ackles, he said it's an emergency." The Guard says.

Allison's face drops as she drops her hands to her sides. Prince looks at her.

"Lets go." He says.

They both head downstairs to see Jensen.

"Jensen, what's wrong?" Allison asks.

"Jared's missing." Jensen reveals.

Allison's jaw drops as she looks between Prince and Jensen.

"Wha...no..." Allison says.

Jensen stands as he passes her the note he left.

"It's bad." He says.

Allison reads the note, she covers her mouth as she gasps. Tears filling her eyes.

"I honestly didn't know...I thought he was getting better." She says as tears escape.

Jensen runs her shoulder soothingly.

"So did I, I think he's just mastered hiding it from the both of us. I think I might have an idea of where he might be." Jensen says.

Allison's eyes light up.

"Where?" She asks quickly.

"There's this old building he likes going to, just to be alone." He says.

"Being alone is the last thing he needs. Let's go!" Allison says.

Jensen grabs his jacket and heads to the car, Allison turns to Prince, taking his hands into hers.

"I'm sorry, I know this is meant to be our day." She says.

"Don't be, go find him." Prince says, kissing her cheek.

Allison gives a small smile before going to join Jensen in the car. They head to the building Jensen spoke of, slowly approaching the entrance. Once the doors open they see Jared sitting down in there staring in a space.

Allison slowly walks in, trying not to alarm him. The last thing she wants is to scare him off or upset him. She slowly makes her way in, he looks up at her, he furrows his brows.

"Allison, What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I've come for you..." She says.

"Why?" He asks.

She stares at him in disbelief.

"Because I love you and care about you, you're going through something and I can't let you do that alone." She whispers.

He keeps his eyes on her as he stands.

"You've already got too much going on, that's why I left...you don't need my problems on top of yours." He says.

Allison scoffs.

"Jared...I told you several months ago, no matter what was going on with my life I would be there for you in a heartbeat. Yes I've been through a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop being your friend and abandon you..." She says.

Allison starts to tear up, Jared doing the same.

"I wish you'd talk to me." She says.

"You and Prince just reconciled...I can't be in the way of that by needing you 24/7." Jared says.

"Then you could have asked for my help..." Jensen says walking in.

Jared looks up at Jensen.

"Jared...buddy...we know you're struggling. But we're your friends, we're family. You gotta let us help you, you can't go out of your way for us all the time and not let us do the same for you." Jensen explains.

Tears escape Jared's eyes.

"I was sick to my stomach when Jensen told me you left, I thought something had happened to you. I would never forgive myself if something has happened to you..." Allison says, uncontrollable tears streaming down her face.

Allison walks up to him, gently holding his face in her hands.

"Don't ever feel like you're alone, you have me, always...always and forever. Remember, you and me against the world. You also have Jensen. Point is you'll never be alone when you are struggling." Allison says.

Jared stares into Allison's red puffy eyes.

Allison pulls him into a hug, Jared wraps his arms around her waist, burying his face into her neck. He lets out a huge sigh of relief. Once they pull apart, Jensen walks up to him.

"I don't know what made you think we wouldn't be there for you..." Jensen says, almost offended.

Jared looks away for a moment.

"You guys seemed happy, I didn't want to ruin anything for you. I've been keeping this inside for so long I just couldn't do it anymore and had to get away." Jared reveals.

Jensen sighs.

"This wasn't the answer, man. You disappearing like that was going to be noticed, our happiness would turn to crap because you disappeared. You are apart of our happiness, Jared..." Jensen explains.

Allison nods in agreement.

Jared looks at the ground.

"Come on, come here." Jensen pulls him into a hug.

"Let it all out, Brother." Jensen says.

Jared breaks down into Jensen's arms, letting out everything he's been holding in for several months.

Allison watches on as she sighs in relief, feeling thankful that Jared's got the message that he can come to people for help.

The three head back to Paisley Park so Jared can get cleaned up and have a proper sleep, Jensen was making him some tea while Allison stands in the hallway to the guest bedroom. Jared was laying on the bed, watching tv.

Prince walks up beside her.

"Allison, you can't watch him like a hawk like that." Prince sighs.

"Watch me." She says.

Prince rolls his eyes.

"Baby, I know you're worried sick about him...I am too. But he's under our roof, he's going to be fine. He's not alone now, he's two doors down from our room...if it makes you feel any better I'll have a guard watch the room." Prince says.

Allison gives a small smile.

"No that might be abit much..." She says.

Allison walks into the room, sitting on the bed beside him.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asks.

"Better, that hot shower was amazing. But I can't thank you and Jensen enough for being there for me." Jared smiles.

Allison smiles, taking his hand in hers.

"Don't thank us, we'll always be here. I'm gonna let you sleep, it's been a long day." She gets up to leave but his hand grips hers.

"Please...stay." He pleads.

Allison looks down at him, she smiles and nods. She climbs into bed beside him, he buries his face in her neck, Allison wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into her. She lets out a sigh as she closes her eyes.

All she can think about is her best friend is safe. Her marriage is back on track...everything is stable for once.

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