
Von Xscapee

180K 7.4K 13.2K

The world has lived in darkness for over a hundred years since..he..has taken over. Humankind has been all bu... Mehr

Author's Note
Ch. 1: The Before Times
Ch. 2: The Announcement
Ch. 3: Set In Motion
Ch. 4: Preparation
Ch. 5: Spero
Ch. 6: Dancing with Death
Ch. 7: Clever Girl
Ch. 8: Capture
Ch. 9: Slipping Through
Ch. 10: Sickening
Ch. 11: A Demon's Secret
Ch. 12: A Deal
Ch. 13: In Your Place
Ch. 14: Insult to Injury
Ch. 15
Ch. 16: Like Clockwork
Ch. 18: Mask
Ch. 19: Impure
Ch. 20: Atmosphere
Ch. 21: Dinner for None
Ch. 22: Dear Family...
Ch. 23: To the Skies
Ch. 24: Risus
Ch. 25: Visiting Hours
Ch. 26: The Ballad of Risus Schneid
Ch. 27: The Death of the Leader
Ch. 28: Care
Ch. 29:
Ch. 30: Defiant
Ch. 31: Search and Rescue
Ch. 32: Enough
Ch. 33: Treason
Ch.34: Light Hearted
Ch. 35: Not Today
Renegade: Trivia!

Ch. 17: Demons None the Less

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Von Xscapee

(Y/n) sat in her room, using one of the dirty t-shirts she had worn to dust everywhere. She didn't want anyone else cleaning the room for her, so she did it herself. It was a good way for her to stretch around. She hadn't practiced anything or done anything in at least a month. Her skills were becoming rusty and she didn't like it.

A knock echoed through the room several times.

"Come in!" She called out reaching out to the top of a dresser.

Die walked in with something behind his back. "Good afternoon, (Y/n)."

She smiled upon seeing him, "I haven't seen you in days, where have you been?"

"I've been a bit busy, but, I have something to make up for it," Die pulled out a box from behind his back.

"What's that?" She climbed down from a dresser and walked over to him, taking the box.

"It's something that'll help you a bit more around the castle."

She began to open up the brown container pulling it apart with ease. Inside the box was a smaller box, but seemed like it was meant for jewelry.

"Go ahead, open it."

(Y/n) opened the tiny box revealing a pocket watch. She picked it up and pushed the button, opening it up. It ticked away with a time on it, 1:34 PM.

"You got me a clock?" She looked up at him.

"Order by Dark, I went into town and bought it from a friend. It's the same time the sla—other humans run on, so you'll never miss a meal, or get to your room too late."

She stared down at the watch, watching it tick away. "Thank you, Die. I really appreciate it." Without warning, she reached out her arms and hugged him.

His arms lifted, avoiding any kind of touch. Affection wasn't normal, and physical affection basically didn't exist.

"Uh, yeah, you're welcome..."

She realized he was uncomfortable and let go, "I'm so sorry Die. I forgot— you didn't—" She took a deep breath. "I got a little carried away..."

"It's alright, but I also have other news for you."

"What, another clock?" She laughed.

He clasped his hands together, "Well, no. You won't be too happy about this one."

"Oh no, what's going on?"

"Dark and I have recently discussed ... you, and we've come to an agreement. I'm going to help him perform some of his duties so he has more time to study you."

"Are you kidding me?"

"I know you're not a fan of this, but—"

"One of us is going to end up dead by the end of the day and it's not going to be me. I can't stand to be around him for more than a few minutes."

"But you both spoke in the library for quite a while a few days ago?"

She tossed the watch onto the bed, "I'm sarcastic because it pisses him off. He's the reason why I have friends and family that are dead, you think I want to be around him any more than I have to be?"

Die's voice became stern and professional. "He got you a book, and he got you a watch and a room to stay in. You two made an agreement. He's TRYING to be reasonable, the least you can do is try too."

"I didn't have a choice in the matter."

"You made your choice when you walked into this castle that night. You dug your grave now lay in it." His voice raised, surprising her greatly. He shocked himself as well and took a moment to calm down. "You're stuck here, you might as well go with it for the time being. You wanted to learn from him too."

"You're right," She sighed. "What time should I expect him to hang around?"

"After dinner, he'll be around. I'm heading to his office now to go over a few things before I start." He turned and began making his way out of the room. "Oh, and (Y/n)? If you want to walk away from this unharmed, I suggest you keep your sarcastic comments to yourself. Dark is on edge and Anti and I will not be around this evening, alright?"

"Heard you loud and clear, Die. I'll try my best."


"—and if you need me at all, please come and find me immediately, I know this material can become difficult to understand but—"

"Dark," Die interrupted, "I'm fine. I believe you should be aware of some things though."

"Such as?" Dark stopped abruptly in the hall they were walking down.

"Regarding (Y/n)."

"I suppose I could use some advice."

"You have to be patient."

"I am—"

"Generally, but sometimes you're not, especially with the humans. If you want to learn anything useful be patient with her like you were in the library."

"Anything else I'd find of value?"

"Don't let her do all the talking, and when she gets sarcastic do it back."

"Is that all?"

"The more you show yourself, the more she'll show. She knows when you're faking it, and she'll fake it as well. I know how you are about that stuff, but you have to give something to get something, so choose wisely."

"Very well, thank you Die. I'll remember your advice while I'm with her. I hope all goes well with you today, I look forward to reviewing your material in the morning."

"I'm quite excited myself." Die walked down the hall and turned the corner making his way to Dark's office.

Dark let out a sigh and placed his hands behind his back. "Do you think of me as a fool, human?"

(Y/n) jumped down from the wooden rafters in the ceiling. "Well, well, well, I'm impressed, Dark."

"And why is that?"

"Well, I'm surprised you didn't say anything sooner, and I'm impressed you noticed me at all."

"You reek of human, how did you think I would not notice?"

"Alright, you have me there." She turned and began walking away.

"And where do you believe you're going, human?"

"Well, I don't know the castle at all, so why not give me a personal tour? It's not every day the leader of the world has to babysit you."

"I will give you no such thing."

"Looks like I'll have to find my way around myself." She turned the corner at the end of the hall only to run directly into Dark. "You move fast..."

"You are not permitted to travel to the rooms of the castle." He spoke plainly.

"You can't just change the rules all of a sudden. I was only told I can't go into several rooms."

He raised a brow at her forming a plan, "I have a better idea. If you'll follow me please."


Dark walked around the castle talking about its history to (Y/n). To her surprise, she actually enjoyed what he was saying and was shocked by the different details. She stayed quiet yet attentive to him paying close attention just in case the information came in handy.

"And here we have the leisure room." He pushed a large door open and walked inside turning on the lights.

The room was already generally lit by the windows, but the lights helped even more. At the far end of the room was a large flat screen TV, in the middle of the room was a pool table, a dart board on the wall, a poker table in the corner, a ping pong table, and a few other leisure devices to pass the time.

(Y/n) had only heard of a few of these things, and only ever played pool.

"I didn't think you were this kind of person, Dark." She began pulling the balls out of the pockets.

"What are you doing?" He questioned.

"Let's play a round. I haven't played this in years."

"This game is childish. I rather spend my time doing far better—"

"Oh my gosh, you can't play."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Listen," She picked up a pole and leaned on it, "I get it. You can't play. It's alright, humans are better at lots of things, and pool just happens to be one of them."

"I beg to differ, human."

(Y/n) picked up the pole and began spinning it around in her hands like a staff, then landed it pointing directly at his face. He didn't flinch or blink.

She then rolled her eyes, lowering the stick, "Come on, I'm so bored here."

He let out a sigh, holding the middle of his eyes. "If I partake in this, will you stop whining?"

"Whatever it takes to get you to play."

"Very well." Dark began sliding off his suit jacket. "Will you set up the balls, human."

"Of course."

She grabbed the triangle and put all the balls in, making sure they measured out perfectly. Dark took this first hit, getting stripes, leaving her with solids.

A few minutes into the game she thought it was time to mess with him, especially because he was losing.

"Hey Dark." She called out as he was lining up his shot.

"What is it, human?" His eyes didn't leave the ball.

"What's the difference between a hippo and a Zippo?"

"I beg of you, do not do this."

"A hippo is really heavy, and a Zippo is a little lighter."

He rolled his eyes and took his shot, hitting a ball into the hole. "Hysterical." He spoke with a neutral face.

She took her shot and made it no problem. and up he went, lining up his stick.

"Hey Dark."

Dark let out a sigh, "Yes, human?"

"Why can't you run through a campground?"

"I'm unsure as to why."

"You can only ran, because it's past tents." She began cracking up at the end of her own joke.

Dark shot, and missed his ball completely, even more, angered by her laughter.

(Y/n) went up to shoot, and again, made it no problem.

This time he kept an eye on her, making his way to a position to shoot. Almost telling her, 'you better not', but a smile sat on her face as her mind rushed through a file of puns.

"Hey Dark." She snickered.

"Human I swear to you if you bear my ears with one more immature joke I swear—"

"How do you put a baby alien to sleep? You rocket!"

He let out an annoyed sigh as he shot once more, making his shot.

She only had the eight ball to knock in before she won, and Dark was not about to lose to a human. He glanced up watching the smirk on her face as she lined herself up.



He couldn't believe he was stooping to her level. "What do you call a classy fish?"

She wrinkled her brow and snickered. "What?"


(Y/n) paused, holding in a laugh, but couldn't for more than a few seconds. She burst out laughing accidentally knocking her stick into the white ball. "Oh no, my shot." She spoke through her laugh. "Where did you hear that one?"

Dark couldn't believe how easy it was to distract her. "You hear quite a few things over the years. I'm amazed it came in handy."

"Well, I missed, it's your turn." She moved out of the way letting Dark move up.

Out of fairness, she kept silent, but he did not.



"I am only acquainted to twenty-five letters of the English Alphabet, I do not know Y." He glanced up before taking his shot.

She began laughing lightly, then let it turn into hysterical laughter. So much so she had to lean onto a nearby chair. "Oh gosh, that's a good one!"

Dark smirked and shook his head. "Shall we leave this game at a draw and complete it later?"

"Why, scared you'll lose?"

"Not quite, I've grown bored of this game."

"What!" She protested. "You're lame!"

"Not lame, human, just no longer interested. Come, we still have much to see."

Curiosity had gotten the best of her and she followed along. He seemed eager to show her more, which was odd. The game of pool had definitely loosened him up. He was more tolerable of her.

There were rooms for everything and then some. A community bathroom. A "hospital" like room. A mass classroom. A meeting room. A laboratory. A meditation room. If you asked about it, it probably existed.

While speaking to one another a guard quickly approached Dark and (Y/n).


Dark rolled his eyes, "What is it? I'm busy at the moment."

"We have a problem, sir. We have reason to suspect that one of the servants is a spy."

"A spy?" Dark glanced over at (Y/n). "Very well. Bring her here."

"Mr. Septiceye has her, Sir."

"Then bring them both to me. I do not have the time for this."

"We're comin', don't you worry Dark." Anti called out as he walked down the hall.

Both Dark and (Y/n) looked past the guard to see Anti walking down the hall with a girl in his grip.

He held her arm so tight that she was bleeding. (Y/n) bit her tongue, not wanting to overstep her place.

"I'm going to go back to the library." (Y/n) announced casually.

"This will only be a moment, human," Dark spoke back.

"It's alright, I'm—"

"Going to stay." Dark stared her down.

"Let me go!" The servant called out, trying to pry Anti's hand off of her.

"And what have you brought me, Anti?" Dark walked closer to both of them.

"I've brought you a traitor. Our men caught her returning to the castle grounds with unauthorized goods."

The black haired servant glared at Dark, not afraid of what would become her fate. "We are treated unfairly."

"You made your decision when you broke the law, human. This position was a second chance."

Meanwhile (Y/n) could feel a fire in her heart that she always felt when traveling on a mission, or fighting a demon. It was a power of passion and determination. She could feel her adrenaline rise.

At such a young age no one would suspect her to have PTSD, but in these times it was often common to see it in anyone over the age of fifteen. By fifteen you were more than likely to see someone you loved killed. She had seen several.

Dark could feel her heart beat rising, and her breathing thickened as the conversation carried on. He was curious to know what would happen if it continued.

"What do you want me to do to her, Dark?" Anti began to smile, hoping to hear a specific command. He was almost drooling with excitement. "The torture chambers?"

"We have no time for this and no time for traitors. Kill her, and have the other servants know of her death. Make this an example."

Anti couldn't contain his excitement as he threw the servant against the wall, holding her up by the throat. Her airways were cut off completely.

(Y/n) flinched briefly, almost launching out and ready to fight, but she held it back.

"How should I take care of you." His laugh glitched. "Ḯ̴͕̲̲͉ț̴̢̘̂͌̊̽'̷̭̑s̴̱̾̋͐͌ ̸͕̞̬͚̄̂̈́b̷̘͑e̶̛̳͇͚̹͆͐̑e̷̯̅̀͘n̶̼̽͛ ̷̢͉̼̱̏̿̕͠ṯ̵̒̐ơ̶̰̹͂̈ͅo̵̮͕̺̜̎̑̈́ ̶̗͓̝͋͐̑̓͜l̶̠̗͇͌͑̎̄ò̷͓n̸̙̱̈́͋͝͠g̴̨̩̩̓̂.̵̭͝"

The servant looked over at (Y/n) before smiling largely. "Venit dies tuus, daemones. Seditionis vivat."

(Your time has come, demons. Long live the rebellion.)

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Anti, let her go!"

Dark's head turned slightly making eye contact with (Y/n). He was prepared to stop her if she herself tried to stop him. Anti didn't seem to hear her call to him through all the excitement going on in his mind.

With his other arm, Anti reached back then pushed it into her chest, grabbing her heart.

The servant stopped kicking around as blood came dripping from her mouth. She looked down at Anti who held the barely beating heart in his hand.

"Nighty night!" He laughed.

The servant's eyes went dim, and her body went limp.

"Now clean it up," Dark demanded.

"What!" Anti looked over at him. "If you would have told me sooner I— wait — where's (Y/n)?"

Dark turned to the guard who looked at him and shrugged his shoulders.

"How..?" Dark inquired, quite surprised he didn't hear her leave.

"Sir, I didn't hear her leave." The guard defended himself. 


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