Beautiful Poison | Jason McCa...

By Jerryismypizza

112K 2.2K 369

Sequel to : Toxic. He left her with nothing but a letter written with the most gratitude and passion one cou... More

Beautiful Posion | Jason McCann |
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 8

3.1K 76 8
By Jerryismypizza

| Jason |
: All For Her

"You had one fucking job Samuel." I said sternly as I grew angrier by the second.

"I know boss, but they had 30 guys by the gate and as soon as I left they doubled up and took the case of money" He tried to explain however, all I could hear was bullshit excuses for bullshit attempts at getting a job done.

All he had to do was deliver a set of drugs to a single guy, no guns, no fighting, all he had to do was exchange it for the thousands of dollars that I sold it for in the beginning and he ends up being a pussy ass bitch and losing the money.

"Did I not tell you to ensure you took loaded guns with you? Why the fuck where they in the van? We carry our firearms, not have them as decorations." I replied standing firmly opposite him as he shook with fear.

"I understand boss, it won't happen again. We'll get the money back" he reassured but it was no use, I wasn't fond of people who can't complete simple tasks that I have trained them in doing. It's the only reason I allow them to work with me so when they mess up I get even more pissed off.

Just as I was about to curse him out once again, the ringing of my phone was heard. I glanced down at it to see Ryan's caller ID appear which was confusing for me as he doesn't really call as much, probably once every other week. But Za calls the most out of everyone and literally ends up crying to me about how he misses me. Typical for him.

"Boss are you -" I cut him off "Just get out before I kill you" I found it amusing how I could say such a thing and have such a big impact on the other individual who in this case was the worlds biggest pussy. He was lucky I had let him walk out of here, if Ryan hadn't called I'm pretty sure I'd have broken his leg or something. It's all part of the bad temper that seems to get worse by the day.

I sighed as the ringing had now stopped and so I assumed he would call back but I was feeling a headache come on from how quickly I had gotten angry. So I sat down in my chair briefly closing my eyes before the ringing sounded again. After a couple rings I picked up my phone before swiping across the screen and answering.

"Why didn't you pick up the first time?" Without even letting me reply to the first question, he continued.

"Forget that. I'm telling you this now so that you don't kill me when finding out from someone else but something happened last night and I'm pretty sure it was intended for your attention" I had no idea what he was talking about and confusion made me angry as weird as that sounded. I liked to be in the know for every single thing.

"What are you talking about Ryan?" I asked breathing out heavily as I rubbed my eyes with my other hand.

"Do you remember that party we went to ages ago, when you were here, it was in Greater Mulwood and this kid called Jacob Finley threw it. It was huge and it got busted for mad use of drugs when we were there?" He asked, I had to stop and think for a couple seconds as I had been to many parties and so it was kinda hard to remember however, the name sounded hella familiar and I eventually remembered.

"Yeah I remember" I told him, wondering why he was even talking about him as I only ever attended one of his parties because they were bullshit.

"Well he threw a party last night and invited hella people from his college, as well as us and a lot of other people we know" He continued

"Ryan I'm hella busy so if you're calling to tell me you fucked someone last night then-" he cut me off as I was starting to think there was no meaning to this phone call.

"No, shut the fuck up and listen" he paused, I was way too tired to argue back and so I let him carry on.

"Well he goes to er, Bella's college," as soon as he said her name my eyes flew open and I felt a whole lot more interested.

"And he invited her and her friends to the party last night-" I knew what those parties consisted off, I witnessed girls basically getting raped because they were so high to understand what was going on. Boys fucked about more than an average party and so it was one of the worst kinds of places for any girl to be, especially Isabella.

"And you made sure she didn't go, right?" I interrupted, I knew he wouldn't let her go to something like that but there had to be a point to this story and I was hoping her going to this party, wasn't it.

"Well um... kinda?" I felt my blood boil as I clenched my jaw sitting up "Listen, we all made sure she stayed at home. But Damian was supposed to be watching her and clearly he didn't check on her because kinda snuck out and went to the party... alone"

I was in shock as to what I was hearing. This was the complete opposite of what I expected from Bella. The girl who hated being anywhere too crowded, she feared even going to the office back in LA with me because she hated the way men looked at her despite me ensuring that she was safe with me. Therefore, I knew there was a reason behind this. There had to be.

"Please tell me you're joking Ry" although I could tell by his voice that this was no joke.

"I'm not done, so we were at the party and it was like midnight when we saw her stood with Jacob, we went over and she seemed like she knew she had made a mistake and was turning to come back with us but he started to get loud and then.... well he kinda grabbed her and basically wanted to fuck her but of course your boys got your back and-" I quickly stood up from my seat, breathing heavy as my hand bawled in to a hard fist.

"Why the fuck did you guys let her get out in the first place? Is she stupid? Does she not know that Finley is a fucking rapist who would easily take advantage of her" at this point I was beyond annoyed and all I could think about was his nasty hands all over my girl as if she was his to do whatever the fuck he wanted with. I knew who he was and what kinda guy he was and I for sure didn't want him around Bella.

"I'm telling you, we made sure she stayed at home, it's not our fault Damian couldn't look after his own damn sister!" He answered.

"Why did she even go to the party huh? And alone?" I questioned as none of this made sense. This wasn't Bella, I know it.

"I don't know man. But recently... after finding out it's been you sending her gifts on her birthday and whatever else, she been acting hella distant. I think she's doing it on purpose... I know you don't want to hear this but she needs you man, I see her everyday and there's not been a day where she doesn't somehow mention your name. And if she doesn't, she'll hear it from someone else and I see the sadness on her face bro" He was right, I didn't want to hear his because it was unnecessary. I missed her like crazy, I wanted her and craved her but I had to remember I was doing this for her, not myself. Which is why I turned of all of my emotions and told Ryan to never mention her sadness to me because i don't know what I'll end up doing but I'll regret it, I know for sure.

"Just... make sure she's safe Ry, that's all I need to hear. If she's doing this expecting me to come back and save her I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I can't have her in harms way when I've worked so hard to ensure her safety." I explained to him.

"This is all for her. One day she'll realise that."

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