You Got Me || Jughead Jones

Par jetblackashx

455K 11.3K 2.2K

With the chaos of Hiram's return and the tragic accident with Fred Andrews, Savanna Marrows has her hands ful... Plus

The Characters
A Kiss Before Dying // Part One
A Kiss Before Dying // Part Two
A Kiss Before Dying // Part Three
Nighthawks // Part One
Nighthawks // Part Two
Nighthawks // Part Three
The Watcher in the Woods // Part One
The Watcher in the Woods // Part Two
The Watcher in the Woods // Part Three
The Town That Dreaded Sundown // Part One
The Town That Dreaded Sundown // Part Two
The Town That Dreaded Sundown // Part Three
When a Stranger Calls // Part One
When a Stranger Calls // Part Two
When a Stranger Calls // Part Three
Death Proof // Part One
Death Proof // Part Two
Death Proof // Part Three
Tales from the Darkside // Part One
Tales from the Darkside // Part Two
House of the Devil // Part One
House of the Devil // Part Two
House of the Devil // Part Three
Silent Night, Deadly Night // Part One
Silent Night, Deadly Night // Part Two
Silent Night, Deadly Night // Part Three
Birthday Happiness // Bonus Chapter
The Blackboard Jungle // Part One
The Blackboard Jungle // Part Two
The Blackboard Jungle // Part Three
The Wrestler // Part One
The Wrestler // Part Two
The Wrestler // Part Three
The Wicked and the Divine // Part One
The Wicked and the Divine // Part Two
The Wicked and the Divine // Part Three
The Tell-Tale Heart // Part One
The Tell-Tale Heart // Part Two
The Tell-Tale Heart // Part Three
The Hills Have Eyes // Part One
The Hills Have Eyes // Part Two
The Hills Have Eyes // Part Three
There Will Be Blood // Part One
There Will Be Blood // Part Two
There Will Be Blood // Part Three
Primary Colors // Part One
Primary Colors // Part Two
Primary Colors // Part Three
The Noose Tightens // Part One
The Noose Tightens // Part Two
A Night to Remember // Part One
A Night to Remember // Part Two
A Night to Remember // Part Three
Prisoners // Part One
Prisoners // Part Two
Prisoners // Part Three
Shadow of a Doubt // Part One
Shadow of a Doubt // Part Two
Shadow of a Doubt // Part Three
Judgement Night // Part One
Judgement Night // Part Two
Judgement Night // Part Three
Brave New World // Part One
Brave New World // Part Two
Brave New World // Part Three

The Noose Tightens // Part Three

4.4K 140 33
Par jetblackashx

In the years I've lived with the Lodge family, chaos seemed to be a reoccurring event in our lives. That's why when Dad and Mom both started yelling and stomping throughout the apartment, I knew something was up.

I darted from my bedroom, my socked feet sliding on the floor as I followed them down the stairs to the main lobby. To my horror, Veronica was on her knees on the marble floor, pressing her hands against a body.

"Oh, my God!" I gasped at the color staining her hands before running over and helping her.

Andre's white dress shirt was slowly turning red as I joined Veronica in putting pressure on his wounds, the blood staining my hoodie sleeves.

"What happened," Mom asked as she hovered over us.

My sister shook her head. "W-we just walked in a-and there was someone, a guy, beating up Andre with a hammer," She stuttered in shock.

"Where's Archie?" I asked, concern flooding my mind. If I knew Archie, there was one thing he would do for sure.

"He ran after the guy." Veronica confirmed my suspicions promptly.

Thankfully, the redhead returned seconds after my question, his left hand cradling his eye gently.

"Archie!" Veronica left her place on the floor to fuss over her boyfriend just as paramedics arrived to take care of Andre. I had frozen in my spot at the sight in front of me. Mom was the one to pull me away from the injured man, her hands grabbing my elbows as she lifted me off the floor.


Her voice seemed like it was a blur as she spun me to face away from the body. The room around me faded into a mess of colors as I stared at my hands in front of me. The dark red dripped from my fingers and it was like I could hear it hit the floor. My body went numb as the familiar tingling sensation overcame me and my chest tightened.

This was too familiar for me. I had been in this situation once before, I knew it. I've felt the blood drip from my fingers, felt the room spin around me, and I've screamed. I've screamed so loud I thought I wouldn't be able to ever again and then it hit me. I knew exactly when this happened. I remembered it perfectly, like it had happened seconds before.

"This is all you! This is all your fault!"

Saliva landed on my face due to the angry shouting as he shoved me against the wall, his hands gripping my throat tightly. I screamed.

"You made them all go crazy! You're the reason they're dead! Look at what you've done, Savanna! You killed him!"

I gasped for air, my hands trying to rip the fingers from my throat so I could breathe again. I was fading. This was it, I was going to die. He was going to finally kill me, end my misery. I would finally escape.

I dropped to the ground as black spots danced upon my vision, my airway finally opening as I coughed and tried to take in as much air as possible. He dropped me.

"Shut your mouth, you piece of shit. You think you're getting out of here?" His hands latched into my hair, yanking on my skull. "I'm about to make your life the definition of hell. Just you wait."

My head connected with the wall behind me by the force of his hand. I bit my lip to keep from crying out, knowing it was just earn me another injury in return. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I fought to get air back in my lungs while sobbing.

"No," My voice cracked as I crawled my way across the floor. "No."

My hands blindingly moved across the room until they connected with something else. Skin.

Another scream tore through my vocal chords as I took in the sight for the second time. My hands smeared the red liquid further as I tried to clean the skin of it. I wanted him back. I couldn't lose him too. I couldn't.

"Anthony, no!"

Hands ripped me away from him and threw me across the room, my weak body slamming against the tile. My hands, covered in blood, smacked against the floor, leaving prints on the white surface.

"I told you to shut the hell up!" He screamed even louder, letting his first punch the wall just inches from my face. "You did this, Savanna. You killed him. Happy?"

And then the world spun around me before disappearing for what I hoped was forever.

My throat couldn't take in air fast enough as my body flung up from its previous position on the couch. I waved my hands in front of my face, only to find they were clear of the blood that drenched them only seconds before. I dropped my arms as my nails scratched at the cushions in an attempt to remove any contact of it with my skin. I let out a sob, my eyes blinking tears out and down my cheeks.


I screamed as someone's hand grabbed my shoulder, making me fling myself to the other end of the couch. My body was shaking as I slammed against the armrest and came face to face with my sister and Archie.

"Don't," I choked out as I squeezed my eyes shut, willing the images to disappear from my head. "Please don't."

Veronica didn't say anything but rather stood up and returned with a glass of water, holding it out to me. I gently took it from her fingers into my own. My hands were so shaky that the water in the cup swished back and forth as I brought it to my lips.

I quickly drained the cup of water before leaning my head back against the cushions. My heart still pounded in my chest as I tried to take deep breaths to calm down. I shut my eyes and pressed my palm to my forehead.

"Are you okay?" Archie spoke quietly, as if I would shatter to pieces if he were any louder.

I gulped and pulled my head back up to curl into the cushions. "I think so," I mumbled as I tapped my fingers against the glass in my hand. "What happened?"

"I think you blanked when you saw..." Veronica trailed off before finding the right words. "Everything. You fainted so I had Archie carry you up here. Daddy's downstairs getting everything settled with Andre."

I nodded and let my eyes drift from the duo in front of me.

Veronica placed her hand on my knee slowly, waiting to see if I lashed out on her again. "Do you need anything, Van? Coffee, a granola bar? Maybe a-"

I shook my head. "No." I twisted the cup in my fingers. "Um, I'm going to head to bed, actually. Tell Mom I'm staying home tomorrow. Please."

Veronica gave me a small nod, her eyes following me as I let my legs fall off the side of the couch to sit up. She nudged Archie in the side before motioning her head.

I set the glass on the table and pushed myself up on shaky legs only to have Archie lift me off the ground seconds later, his arms pulling me up into his chest.

Veronica glanced between her boyfriend and me before leading the way back to my bedroom. My eyes threatened to close with sleep clouding my mind. I felt the familiar comfort of my bed press against my back before blankets were placed over my bare skin.

I heard hushed whispers as I let my eyes close and seconds later, a hopefully dreamless sleep consumed me.


Luckily, Mom didn't object to me staying home from school and called in to say I was sick. I barely heard from anyone all day, besides a few concerned texts from Jughead and check-ups by Ronnie. I did, however, receive news that Toni was called to the office and received a phone call from Nana Rose. Ronnie promised to inform me of the entire deal, but she told me we were sneaking out tonight, undercover and undetected.

Without hesitation, I agreed and found myself pulling together an all black outfit. I chose some sleek ripped leggings, a low-cut black tank top, and my leather jacket. I was lacing up my heeled boots when Veronica burst through the door, clad in her own dark outfit.

"We good to go?" I asked as I sat back up in my spot.

She shook her head. "We have to wait until they check to see if we're asleep. Toni's meeting us in the lobby at 11:30. I'll come get you, okay? Don't say a word."

I nodded before she headed back to her room. I turned my lights off, jumping under the covers as soon as the room went black. My eyes scanned my phone screen with the series of texts from Veronica explaining where we were going and why.

I honestly couldn't say I was surprised as to where Cheryl had been sent. Figures it was the Sisters of Quiet Mercy that would keep the hush money from the Blossoms and take her in. I couldn't even begin to think of what she was going through.

One faked slumber later, Veronica and I were making our way to the lobby where Toni Topaz sat with her backpack next to her. She smiled at the sight of us and stood up.

"Sorry," Ronnie apologized as we came to a stop. "Had to wait for our parents to do bed-check." Toni nodded her head and without another word, we made our way to the front of the Pembrooke where our car was waiting. Veronica slid in the front seat, leaving Toni the passenger while I climbed into the back.

Soon enough, we arrived at the edge of Fox Forest and began our trek further in to find Kevin. My flashlight whipped around the dark forest as our boots crunched against the leaves. There was a haunting vibe surrounding us as we walked with the owls as our soundtrack.

It didn't take us long to find Kevin who was leaning against a musty, rotting building. He was going to be our key in getting out when we made it inside and found Cheryl.

"According to my intel, the tunnel that leads from the main residence comes out here," Kevin said as he motioned to the heavy door.

Veronica nodded. "Okay. That's our way in, then. Kevin, you stay here. If we're not back in 15 minutes, call your dad."

Toni got to work on busting the lock on the door as I stood beside Kevin. I constantly felt like we were being watched which led to me looking over my shoulder every ten seconds.

"Let's go," Toni called as she shoved the door open. Kevin gave me one last look before I disappeared into the tunnel after the Serpent, my sister following behind me. The rungs of the ladder echoed with the impact of our heels as we quickly made our way down into the wet tunnel. Toni's flashlight led the way as we darted around the corner.

"Okay. When we get into the main building, what happens then?" I asked as I fought to catch my breath. It smelled terrible down here, not to mention we just sprinted half a mile to find Kevin.

Toni turned around to look at me, her flashlight pointed at the floor. "We search each and every damn room until we find her."

Veronica and I shared a look before we faced the pink-haired girl again, giving her a nod of approval. I gripped my flashlight tighterin my hands. "Let's do this."

Splashing noises filled the hallways as we made our way into the main residence halls and began searching. Four empty rooms and I was beginning to doubt we would ever find Cheryl without getting caught.

"This isn't gonna work, Toni." I stopped mid-step as I observed all the rooms surrounding us.

She brushed hair from her face. "Let's split up. We'll cover more ground that way."

I nodded, spinning on my heels as I started to walk down the hallway to my right. "Be careful!"

Similar warnings followed me as they disappeared from my view. My eyes scanned the windows of the rooms I passed but none of them held the redhead we were in search of.

"Cheryl!" I shouted as I ran into the bathrooms. I kicked the stall doors, each of them flinging open with the force and yet, all of them empty.

"Who's there?"

My body froze at the question that was asked by a voice much older than my friends'.

"Oh, hell," I mumbled to myself as I darted out of the bathroom only to come face to face with three nuns. "Shit!"

I spun around and sprinted the other way as I heard them call out for backup. I glanced over my shoulder to see two others join the chases, this time male nurses.

"Veronica!" My throat burned as I screamed out for my sister. If I didn't make it out of here, she needed to.

I yelped as my foot slipped out from underneath me from my shoes being wet against the tile floor. The two nurses were on top of me in seconds, one of them shoving a needle towards me. I struggled in their hold, flinging my arms and legs in a desperate attempt to get away.

I took a deep breath and focused on the situation, an idea coming to mind. A laugh escaped my mouth as I realized what I was about to do. "Fuck you, Jones." I smiled as I flung my elbow back, nailing the nurse with the needle in the nose. My right hand latched onto the arm of the other nurse before I twisted it, sending their arm in the wrong direction.

Once the grip disappeared, I pushed myself off the floor and used my left leg to swipe under their feet, sending them tumbling to the floor. The nuns looked at me in shock as I took off.

"Hell yes, I'm Natasha Romanoff!" I laughed as I cut into another hallway. "Veronica!"

"Vanna?" My sister pulled away from the window she was looking through. "What happened to you?"

I ignored her question and grabbed her arm. "We need to get out of here!"

She led the way out of the hallway, back towards the tunnel we broke in through.

"Toni!" Ronnie shouted as we passed the movie room, seeing the door wide open. To my shock, Cheryl and Toni were standing in front of the projector screen, kissing each other passionately.

"Cheryl, Toni, we need to go. There's a bunch of nuns coming," I gasped out as I looked over my shoulder. "We have to go, now!"

The two girls were quick to follow us as we retraced our steps from earlier back into the tunnel as alarms starting sounding through the building. Nuns kept blocking our path in groups until we made it out the door, Kevin slamming it shut behind us and shoving the crowbar in.

The door continued to rattle as the five of us ran from the scene back towards the car. As soon as we were all situated, Veronica sped off, getting us as far away from the forest as she could.

When the high school came into view, I let out a sigh of relief, glad to be on the course to home. If there was one thing I could pull from this week, it was that maybe in another life, I could definitely be a secret agent.

Okay, maybe not, but a girl could dream. I could definitely dream.


lol the ending sucks but oooooo more drama from savanna's past up there in italics woooooo. whatcha think? early chapter because i have my ap us history test tomorrow and i'm gonna die so you're welcome for this.

also, my poor baby jug in this last episode i'm so upset :( just let the poor damn boy be happy for once and he best be okay or i'm not gonna watch anymore

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