Don't Fall Down (A NewScapePr...

By Mariahreading

19.5K 610 301

[Currently on Hiatus] (Y/n) is a famous bounty hunter. When she was on a mission she ran into a Deathclaw. Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
1k special
Chapter 5
3k special
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 22

205 6 5
By Mariahreading

(Your P.O.V.)

I wake up in a unfamiliar space. Everything was blurry, hard to see certain things. I get up and look around.


Nope, I know where I am.

I'm in the sleeping part of Sky's base. Where they have all the beds and stuff. I take the sheets off of me and turn to the side, letting my legs hang off the side.

I grab my thighs and bring my head down. I was super tired but, I need to check on Cory and the doggos.

I get up and grab my bag, just in case something bad happened to them. Hopefully not, I walk out of the building and down towards the cells. I put on my jacket while heading in, it gets a bit colder as you go underground. I look up after buttoning it up, only to see a guy.

He was wearing some weird hat. He looked at me, then at Cory in the cell. I hear Cory saying something. I've seen that guy somewhere, he goes and opens the cell door. I start to go after him. I noticed that Cory was doing the same.

From walking to running I tried to catch up with me but he was still going too fast. There was a ladder up ahead and I thought It would slow him down but nope. He climbed up that ladder as if his life depended on it. I tried my best to run up the stairs but I couldn't see anything above me. I followed after him but, once I got to the top. He was gone..

I looked around, then bent down to catch my breath. I hear Cory finally get up the ladder and walked around.

"Where's he go?" he asked me. I shook my head.

"I-I dunno." I stuttered, still out of breath. "I- tried, okay? But he was too, fast. Geez.."

Cory looked down at me and patted my shoulder, "Hey, don't worry about it. It's fine." He seemed irritated. I looked down at Alpha, she held her head high. She was trying to sniff out something, but looks like she's having no luck.

"Uni, you can't smell him or something? I mean, you're a dog after all." He scoffed at Uni. Uni whined, probably meaning he couldn't.

"Well then you're a pretty sucky dog then!" He yelled. I nudged him harshly and frowned at him.

"Calm down Cory. It's not his fault. Plus it's probably just all this dust." I looked around at the miles of sand. Nothings at all there in that sandy place.

I sighed, the look of disappointment on my face. "So what should we do?" I asked. Cory looked at me then Uni started barking something. "I mean we could try, hopefully he's okay after all that decoding," Cory looked towards me. "We wanted to talk Dawn." He finally said. I nodded an 'okay'.

"Hey, uh, Dawn?" Cory says while bringing his arm close to his face. I look down at Alpha and see her sitting down next to my feet. I go down and sit on the ground with her. I didn't realize how tired I am from running earlier.

"Cory! I did it! I found out who the man in the bowler hat is!" Dawn says proudly. My face lightens up and Cory is also shocked.

"Well? Who is he?" Cory asked quickly. "Well, you're going to have to give me a few hours to get all my notes ready. It's a lot to process at the moment," Dawn says less proudly. I frowned again. But then my mind starting thinking of the things me and Cory could do in a couple hours. I MEAN, TALK ABOUT. That's all we'll be doing. Don't think to much about the first comment.

"Wha-" "Yeah Dawn! It's fine, completely understand! You get your process thingy working. We can wait," I cut Cory off and smiled.

"Thank you for understanding, (Y/N). I'll be back in a few short hours." Dawn said before going silent.

Cory looked at me weirdly, "Why'd you say that? We could've questioned him more." I giggled at him, he's pouting.

"Nah, just let him do his thing. He'll tell us when he's ready I guess," I leaned onto Alpha's head. She tried to move her head, "Stop, I don't need your affection right now." I smiled at her "But you need U-" She growled at me. "Hehe," my smile grew wider.

"So what are we supposed to do now?" Cory said crossing his arms. My smile faded. "Well, you could stop being so tense. Relax~" I cooed.

He frowned, "I'm not tense." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Your shoulders give it away. Come on, sit down," I patted the ground next to me. He sighed and brought his arms down.

He sat just a few inches away from me, I blush at how close he was. I looked away but looked back when I saw Alpha shuffling in front of me. She laid down and Uni joined her after a while. I smiled at the two.

"It's so crazy, to think that Nick and Adam aren't here," I looked down. I could feel Cory's gaze on me. "I mean I miss them you know?" I could feel warm tears start to form. "All of Adam's sarcasm and Nick trying hard to sell his stupid crap." The tears started to drip down my face.


I looked back up at him and tried my best to smile wide, but that just made me cry more.

"I'm just glad to have you here at least."

Cory looked at me sadly. He seemed like he didn't know what to do. "We'll find them Okay? Adam has to be alive still. He just has to be," he trailed off, "and Nick... We'll find him too." I frowned and leaned on his shoulder.

"I didn't mean to cry, I'm, heh, really sorry" I pulled up my sleeve and wiped my tears away. All of a sudden my hand that was on the ground felt warm. I looked down to see Cory's hand over it. My hand wasn't the only thing that was really warm. Stupid face having to get all red and shit.

"It's fine. Kinda hate to see you like that though." He smiled down at me. I smiled back and moved my hand to hold his.

"I want to protect you (Y/N). This world sucks, and I just want to make everything easy for you." Cory continued to stare at me. I tried to cover my face with my hair.

"That's pretty sweet of you. Alsooo really cheesy." I laughed softly. He smiled.

"Sorry, but that's how I feel," He leaned close to me, "I do feel other things though.."

"Get a room you two!" I hear something say. Cory looked towards Uni, "Be quiet, I didn't say anything thing about you and Alpha."

Uni sat up, fur all puffed out. "That's different alright! You two are just being gross and weird." Cory glared at him, "Yeah well, You two can also be very gross sometimes."

"OH MY GOSH!!" I yelled probably too loudly. "Huh? Sorry, did I say something wrong? Oh right, you're probably just confused on what we're talking abo-" Cory tried to piece things together.

I ignored him and jumped towards Uni, "First of all, that was not gross and Second I really don't want to know what you and Alpha have been doing while I've been gone." I smiled up at him. "...Cory she's scaring me.." He finally said.

I pouted, "Rude, and you're voice is different then I thought it would be. But does mean you trust me or something?"

"You can actually talk to Uni?" Cory asked. "I think so, But it's nice to finally hear you Uni!" I said happily. Uni seemed to be, also happy? It's sometimes hard to read a dog's face.

"Well that makes everything easier," Cory sighed. "Not for me." Alpha scoffed.

"And Why's that? Is it because I can finally understand what you and Uni are talking about?" I cooed. She growled at me, "I could care less!" I laughed.

"Screw you, I think I'm going to make sure no one's around here to hear you crap." She stood up and walked away. "Uni, You coming?" She asked before she left.

"Yeah! Sorry Cory, gotta do what the boss lady says. See you in a bit." Uni walked away towards Alpha.

"Those two are too much." I looked at Cory. He wasn't smiling.. "What's wrong?" He looked back towards me, "Nothing, just... Does Alpha not trust me or something..?" I put my hand on his shoulder, "It's hard for her to trust people. When we first met, she was a puppy when I found her. Scared and helpless, suck under a box." I laughed at the last part.

"I've been the only one she trust at this point. Well besides Uni It seems." I looked at them as they ran around with each other. Probably talking about something random.

"She really did miss you when you left. It was hard for her to have no say in going with you or not. At least from what Uni told me, which isn't much." Cory told me. I felt a small smile form but quickly fade. "I'm sorry about that again. Leaving you and all, " my eyes seemed to be clouded, "But I thought that it was better without me and I couldn't deal with those guys. They were weird, after that one guy shot his teammate. I just couldn't be there."

Cory moved closer to me, "No it's fine. You made a choice, your choice to leave us." He put his hand on my outer thigh. "Don't blame yourself for that. Plus you were right in the end, those guys were trouble. They're the reason Adam is missing."

I put my hand on his, he quickly looked down, "Shoot, sorry." He tried to move it but I held it there. "No, it's fine." He stop and left it there.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, I blushed more when I noticed Cory's hand move a bit inwards... This is fine........

Okay Maybe not.


Cory's so close. I just want to... I closed my eyes and bit my lip. I groaned and harshly put my head on Cory's shoulder.

"Ow!" I sat up a bit and rubbed my forehead. Cory laughed at me, rubbing his shoulder a bit. I frowned as the warmth of Cory's hand went away. Also the fact that he was laughing at me for hitting my forehead too hard.

"Ha, Sorry I just," he continued to giggle but it was obvious that he was trying to stop it. I put my head down and covered my face in my hands.

"You're so mean. I didn't even mean to do it that hard." I mumbled. He stopped as time went by. "I'm sorry, it's just. You're cute.." Cory held his breath, waiting for me to respond.


I fell on to his lap, "You can't just say stuff like that!" I buried my face in his thighs. "Uh, (Y/N). Not the best place to put your head." he gasped.

"It just pay back, my dear Cory." I giggled. Cory started laughing again, this time not at me though. I could feel something go through my hair, my face brighten up.

"Wow, your hair is surprisingly soft?" Cory said while messing with my hair. Geez he's hands can work some magic... Don't talk that in a wrong way.

I groaned quietly, "Mm surprising?" He laughed nervously, "Yeah well, it's kinda the apocalypse. So now one really has showers and cleaning products."

"Kinda gross when you think about it- okay stop now before this gets out of hand." I looked up from his lap and grabbed his wrists.

"Out of hand..?" He looked at me. I didn't meet his eye, "Don't ask.."

Cory smiled, that goofy smile. But it turned into something different, not so much goofy. "I would like to know what you're think of, my dearest (Y/N)," He mocked. I sat up, I've never heard Cory's voice go that deep.. It's making me weak.

(I hate myself for doing this, I'm soooo sorry. -Signed the cringy author~chan)

"Ugh, don't do that," I pulled my knees to my chest. I could feel him looking at my back. "Huh? Doing what?" he asked confused.

"...Nothing." I quickly said before hiding my face in my arms. "Come on, tell me. It's probably not even that bad," He moved closer to me. My breath got caught in my throat.

"I-it's nothing, I swear." I said, too quickly.

Oh, fuckkk.

I could feel his arms around my waist. This is not the Cory I know. He's way too confident. But damn was it good on him.

"(Y/N)? Can you look at me." He didn't really ask though, more like demanded. I turned my head slowly towards Cory, he was sitting behind me.

"Do you, um, are you okay with this?" Cory started to lose some confidence. Confident Cory was hot but I like regular Cory a bit more. I nodded as I relax my shoulders, also biting my lip.

"Then can I, really don't know how this works but, can I keep going..?" He put his head near my ear as he talked. Hot breath against my neck.

"How do you want to c-continue?" I shuddered a bit and I could hear Cory shuffle. "Um, didn't think that far into it I guess." He moved me so that I was in his lap. I was still facing the other way.

"Maybe something like this..?" Cory moved his face from on my neck to in my neck. He was kissing my neck.

Just, butterfly kisses? All over my neck. I tried not to make anything weird noises.

But Damn,

This guy is going to be the death of me.

After a while of just soft kisses, it started to get rougher. Like he was trying to make a mark or something.

"C-Cory.." I put my hands on his legs.

"Shoot, Sorry. Am I doing this wrong? I wouldn't know because I've never done it before. Mainly because I've never had time to, plus I didn't really think we've met anybody that I would like to do this with. And well the obvious, It's the freaking wasteland and I get too busy with problems one after another-"

"Cory, shut the hell up and just keep doing that. It feels nice so you must be doing something right." I explained. I put my head down in shame because I was having too much fun with this.

"R-right, sorry." Cory continued to do his thing. I had to put my head back to let him be able to do it better? Still figuring this out.

"But I just want to make sure this is the right time to do this. With Nick and Adam gone and we're still trying to figure out who this guy is-" Cory seemed really nervous. I frowned as he stopped again.

Yup, Confident Cory has been replaced. Time to take things in my own hands.

I turned my self around to actually face Cory. He was really red and... sweating? I laughed at him softly. He looked at me in the eye.

"C-can I..?" He leaned in. I smiled slyly.

I grabbed his face and brought it towards mine. His hands went to my sides quickly.

Wow, this happened really fast.

Wonder how this is going to work out.

The kiss was nice, like really freaking nice. It wasn't sloppy or heated. More like, we are too scared to do anything bigger? Probably cause it's our first kiss. Can I just say how soft his lips are? They were soft and warm, and I couldn't get enough of them.

"Mmm, (Y/N).." I heard Cory groan. This made me want to kiss him harder.

One kiss turned into a full blown make out session. The first hesitant kiss was not the same. It was what I said it wasn't. Somewhat sloppy and very heated. He's hands definitely moved down, more towards my hips.

At this point I couldn't help but make some type of noise. This seemed to make Cory very happy 'cause he kissed me harder when I did it.

I pulled away first, out of breath. I put my head against his chest. I could hear his heart beat going really fast, I bet mine is too. For a minute there I forgot that we aren't in a normal house that hasn't been blown up.

Nope, we are on the ground. In the dirt making out. I felt Cory put his chin on my head.

"So... What does this mean?" Cory said while trying to catch is breath.

"I means, that I really like you." I looked up at him. In his stupid but somehow handsome Camera Face. What I used to call him when I was supposed to be hunting him.

"I have feelings for you too. I should word that differently..." he looked away and I laughed. He smiled, "I really like you too."

"Oh and Can we keep doing that? Because, Uni and Alpha are somewhere else and.." Cory tried to ask. I looked at him, his lips seemed to be really red and swollen.

"Whatever you want Cory." I went to kiss him again. He was more into it this time.

"Cory! I did it! I can explain it now!" I could hear Dawn's voice. Cory didn't stop and continued to make out with me.

"Stop 'Sucking faces' with your girlfriends and Hear me out Cory!" Dawn's voice become more irritated. Cory pulled away and looked really confused.

"Dawn How did you-?" Cory tried to ask.

"That doesn't matter right now Cory, I need to tell you this now." Dawn said.

"I call out for Uni and Alpha." I said getting up. I could feel Cory's gaze on me.

"This is really big, Cory. We're a step closer to figuring out everything..."

{Bonus to make it to 3000 words}

"What do you think they are doing?" Alpha looked back at the spot they had left earlier. It was out of sight at this point.

"I dunno, probably something gross." Uni stuck his tongue out. Alpha snickered.

"Probably, It's kinda weird though... How all of us get along like that," she said. Uni looked at her.

"Are you still worried about that thing?" Uni asked. She looked up at him quickly. "No, No. I just don't know what to tell them."

"I could tell them, I mean I can talk to both of them now." Uni continued to walk besides her. But got closer as if being protective over her.

"You know, they're probably kissing each other." He scrunched up his face. She looked down.

"We've done worse..."

(AHHHH KILL ME PLEASE. I really didn't mean for this to be so long. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of mistakes in this chapters. Also 90% of this is just talking and has nothing to do with the plot. Also sorry if Cory is too OOC. I suck when it comes to writing his character. Anyways sorry this is so long.)

MariahReading Out~~

(Fucking 3225 words)

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