Our Little Secret

By shorty2oo4

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Emily had a crush on Jaxon for an entire year before she had finally noticed his true colors... he was a jerk... More

1. Jaxon Harris And The Art Of Crushing
2. Encounters And The Jerk Named Jaxon
3. Confessions & Realizations
4. Just Friends And Just Secret
5. Trouble And Chemistry Mishaps
6. Far Away Friends [Life In Japan Crossover]
7. It Began With A Kiss And Ended With A Date
8. Where is Jaxon And Why Won't He Answer His Phone?
9. I Think Katie Might Be The Hulk And Ricky Is A Real Jerk
10. I Don't Think Like Is A Strong Enough Word And Jaxon Is Hot When He's Angry
12. Timmy's Lips Taste Like Chapstick And Jaxon's Taste Like Candy
13. Jaxon Is A Loser And Chris Is A King
14. Jaxon's Being Jerkier Than Usual And Chris Might Murder Him
15. Kissing An Evil Twin And Visiting Sick Jaxon
16. It's Honesty Time, Love And There's A Lot To Spill Including Lemon Juice
17. Timmy Has A Point And I Might Just Move Out Because Of It
18. Living Without Mom Might Be Weird And This Intervention Is Gonna Be Lit
19. David Makes Jaxon A Promise And So Do I

11. Marching Season Is Over And I Think Katie's Going To Kidnap Me

55 4 0
By shorty2oo4

After the events that went down Jaxon obviously got suspended. Morgan was a big help by sneaking in and out of the office so we could exchange messages. She also took a few sneak peaks at the report and apparently it pointed toward Jaxon being the main aggressor but all the witnesses stated Ricky totally deserved it.

On the very last day of Jaxon's  suspension I felt myself get pulled into the janitors closet. I immediately kicked the culprit in his groin.

"Dang, you hold quit the kick," he said. I turned around to see none other than Timmy Tiny-Tape Thompson bending down in pain.

"Oh my god I am so sorry," I said quickly.

"Listen we need to talk about Jaxon and uuhh Brandon," He said blushing.

"I take it he told you," I said shuffling my feet.

"My parents... they don't know," He told me staring at his feet.

"My mom thinks Jaxon is a delinquent," I replied. We stood in awkward silence and I couldn't help but push him further. "Why haven't you told your family?" I asked.

"They don't approve of it. I mentioned that I might be gay before but they immediately shut the idea down," he confided.

"Timmy I'm so sorr-"

"No, I really like Brandon he makes me happy the same way Jaxon makes you happy. The point is I think we should convince our parents that we actually are together so that you can date Jaxon in secret and I don't have to leave behind Brandon." Timmy said.

My heart plunged straight out of my chest. Could this really happen? If I tried would it work? Timmy deserves to be happy with Brandon and I deserve to be happy with Jaxon. But things don't always work the way you want.

"I'll do it. I'm in love with Jaxon and there is no way I'm giving that up." I said.

Next thing I know Morgan opens up the closet in with a grin on her face.

"Guess what," she said.

"Uhh what?" I ask confused as to how she knew I was in the closet.

"I think a really cute guy likes me." She gushed.

"What about your boy-" I started.

"Yeah, that's over." she cut me off leaving.

I gave Timmy a nod before walking out of the closet. I ended up walking straight into Katie. "Ugh I'm not ready for marching season to end tonight," she complained.

"Me either I wish I could see Jaxon tonight," I replied.

"Speaking of which how come Ricky is already out of suspension," she said.

"It's because Ricky has two black eyes, a busted lip, and bruises all over while Jaxon came out without a scratch," I answered.

"So, Ricky's a jerkasaur!" she replied turning green.

"Oh no let's go into the bathroom," I said dragging her.

"KATIE SMASHH!" She screamed  knocking out the bathroom sink.

"OH DEAR LORD JESUS," I screamed. I frantically grabbed a lemon juice water gun that Andrea had given me previously and sprayed it into her mouth. Slowly Katie turned back to normal. "Let's get out of here before somebody questions the sink," I told her.

"I need a favor by the way," She asked.

"Anything you're like the awesomest person in the world." I replied.

"I need you to let me blindfold you, take you to an unknown location, and have you do all the talking." She said seriously.

"Uuh Katie do you have something you'd like to tell me," I asked.

"No I would rather show you by taking you to a discreet location and having you fixing my problems." She answered.

"What about my mom," I asked.

"I told your mom that you were going on a date with Timmy but actually set Brandon and Timmy up for a movie night," She said fully prepared.

"You really want this don't you," I asked.

"I NEED this." She said nodding her head up and down.

That night at the football game I talked to Morgan about Katie's Hulk form.

"She even destroyed the sink today," I said worried.

"No need to worry, I snuck into Mr. Binds office and BURNED an eye witness report of Katie you know.... smashing the sink. I also shook his carbonated water." She told me with this glint in her eyes.

"Did you also do the other thing?" I asked.

"You mean rig the trip to another country?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm trying to hook Bryson and Elise up so I don't have to deal with heart broken puppy dog eyes." I said with a sigh.

"Even so what are the odds their parents will let them take a random trip to some foreign country?" Morgan asked.

"Don't know. Don't care." I said honestly.
"I still can't believe it..." Morgan muttered.

"What?" I question.

"Timmy Tiny-Tape Thompson is adorable," She pouted.

"Did somebody tell you?" I asked with the eyes wide. The only people who were supposed to know about Timmy's sexuality were me, Katie, Andrea and Jaxon's Penny Collector Club.

"Not exactly, after Ricky and Jaxon got in the fight I heard Brandon muttering 'my Timmy' under his breath. He wouldn't tell me what was going on so when I turned on his phone and Timmy was his lock screen I put two and two together." She replied.

"Oof, what a mood." I said looking around the stadium.

"I wish marching season wasn't ending," I complained.

"Nah I'm ready for SCOBDA," Morgan spoke. I sighed deeply. It was another honor band. I never make those.

"Maybe we'll make some friends there," Morgan fantasized.

"Yeah right! Jaxon would scare them all away!" I laughed.

"Jaxon never goes to those! You used to complain about it all the time," Morgan laughed.

"Now he has extra reasons," I smirked. "Ew gross," Morgan cringed.

"NOT THOSE REASONS!" I screamed punching her in the shoulder. She came back at me with a boob punch.

"What was that for..." I whined. "You hit me" she stated.

"I hate you."

"I hate you too"

" It's time." I heard a voice and tried to turn around to see who the voice belonged to but instead I was met with complete darkness. Next thing I knew whoever the voice was had tied my wrists together.

"Eww gross it smells funny in here," I complained.

"Sorry the only burlap sack I could find was my sisters and I have no idea what she used it for," the voice whom I was pretty sure was Katie explained.

"Is nobody questioning the fact that you're carrying me out of the football game in a burlap sack?"I asked.

"Not really," she replied. Next thing I knew Katie threw me in the backseat of a vehicle.

"God why do I have to blindfolded for this?!" I asked. She didn't reply and hopped in the driver's seat.

"Ayy don't forget about the seatbelt," I complained. She buckled me in and sped off driving.

"So I ask again, why must I be BLINDFOLDED," I asked.

"Because I'm about to go kidnap somebody else and if you're blinded you'll be tried as a victim instead of an accomplice under the court of law," She replied seriously.

"Katie are you sure there isn't a thing you want to tell me," I asked. Instead of answering my question she turned on My Chemical Romance and ignored me for twenty minutes. After 'Dead!' ended I felt the car stop and Katie go out the door. I had no idea where we were. I swear she was gone for forever but in all reality it was probably only five minutes. Next thing I knew I felt somebody else get thrown in. Once again Katie went straight for the drivers seat.

"Ayy don't forget about the seatbelt," the other person complained.

"MY GOD WHAT IS WITH YOU TWO AND SEATBELTS," She screamed buckling the other person. Next thing I knew we were driving again.

"Jaxon?" I asked smelling his cologne.

"Hmmm coconut... EMILYYYY," He yelled causing me to jump.

"Jesus Jaxon, how often do you smell me?" I said.

"Just because you don't say it out loud doesn't mean that you don't totally recognize the smell of my cologne," he said like a know it all. I blushed furiously but lucky for me he couldn't tell due to my burlap sack.

"If I did recognize your cologne it would be because you use too much of it," I said.

"Jaxon was suspended for two weeks and this is your heartfelt reunion?" Katie asked.

"It's not like we're gonna make out we we have burlap sacks on our head," I retorted.

"Eww gross," Katie replied.

"I wouldn't mind," Jaxon said.

"It's only okay when I say it," I told him. Next thing I knew Katie started blasting 'Panic! at the Disco' Only about ten minutes later I felt the car stop.

She opened up the backseat and took the burlap sacks off of our heads. Turns out Jaxon had a cardboard box on his.

"You two are a normal couple, I'm a normal female, and you two make all the conversation, got it?" She said.

"I'm so confused." I told her as Katie stared at me for a moment.

"Let's go," she said walking away. Turns out we were at a diner. We walked through the door and Katie elbowed us.

"Hold hands," she said. That's when I saw him he looked like a movie star. His jawline, his hair, his build was just ugh. He was fine. But the thing I noticed... he was staring right at Katie.

He walked up to us and smiled at her with perfect white teeth. "You made it," he said.

"Yes, and I kidna- I mean brought my friends with me," She said acting normal. "Although I might be coming down with something so I should probably-"

"Take this Tylenol that I bring to every football game because of screaming children," I finished for her. There was no way I was letting this go wrong for her.

"Hi my name's Emily and this is my boyfriend Jaxon," I said introducing us.

"My name's Chris it's nice to meet you." he said back. We all sat at a table together and I didn't know what to say. Why didn't she just tell me she had a hot date and needed backup.

"So how did the two of you meet," I asked.

"That's not really important," she said blowing it off.

"This blonde girl name Adni or Andrea... something like that started flirting with my friend Tom. But after he started reciprocating the flirt session she started ignoring my bro. So I being a good friend went up to Katie here and asked if she could convince her friend to give my man Tom a shot." He said glowing.

"Did she?" I asked.

"Yeah, she ditched me with Chris here than he asked me to meet him here as yeah," she said.

"I asked her on a date." he finished.

"Oof," Jaxon mumbled.

"So how did you two meet?" Asked Chris.

"I'm actually not sure..." I replied thinking back.

"I purposely tripped her the first day of fifth grade," he said.

"That was you!" I screamed.

"Not my fault I was dared and you were pretty," he replied.

"You're such a douche canoe!" I screamed punching him.

"Wow uh yall are interesting," Chris sweat dropped.

"We have a complicated relationship," I replied.

"She's dating a gay guy," Jaxon finished.

"Guuuuys," Katie said turning green. I reached into my purse for some lemon juice but there was none.

"So uh Chris do you by any chance drink lemon juice," I asked even though it was stupid question.

"I LOVE lemon juice," He said grabbing a few packets out of his pocket.

"That's crazy, did you know that Katie is a hug fan of lemon juice," Jaxon said.

"Would you like some he offered," she nodded her head and they both began drinking lemon juice. 30 minutes later and Jaxon and I started getting extremely bored. Turns out Katie didn't need us at all. They went from lemon juice, to potatoes, to hydration, all the way to discussing communism.

"Hey Jaxon and I are gonna go," I said gathering my stuff. I called Timmy's number.

"Hey are you and Brandon done with yalls movie night," I asked.

"Yeah, want me and Brandon to pick you and Jax up," he asked.

"Yeah if you walk me to the door my mother won't be as suspicious," I replied. A while later Brandon picked us up. "Thanks guys," I said staring out the window holding Jaxon's hand.

"It's no problem really," they replied. We got to my house first and I kissed Jaxon before getting out of the vehicle.

"I'm so glad you gave Ricky a ton of bruises for me," I said giggling.

"Yeah Katie probably would have beat him up more," Jaxon said.

"Sorry about this," I said taking Timmy's hand before walking up to my front door. Timmy's hand was colder and limp. It made my gut wrench knowing that Jaxon was probably watching the two of us... knowing that my mother despised him.

"It's okay," Timmy whispered.

"I'm going to talk to Jaxon later... so he knows that what Brandon and I have is real and that this," He pointed between us, "is fake." I nodded my head before Timmy knocked on the door.

"Hello Miss," Timmy said.

"Oh my you two are absolutely adorable" my mother said. I scowled but put on my best fake smile.

"Definitely," I said.

"Let me take some pictures," she asked but it wasn't really a request. My mom took a ton of pictures and finally she stopped.

"Oh, that's enough." she smiled. "But I need one more," she said.

"I need you two to kiss."

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