Burn (A transformers prime fa...

By fireshadow96

11.1K 406 40

War changes and affects everything. War changes people's lives and opinions. Autobot's become Decepticon's an... More

Burn Introduction
Half Truth, Half Lies.
Discovering The Truth
Making Friends
A New Side
Lost And Found
Brother & Sister
Hello And Goodbye
Visions of a Monster
One last kiss.
A Second Chance


1.2K 28 1
By fireshadow96

The sound of a young female’s scared gasps spread across the Autobot base, Jack and Miko were the first one’s to investigate the sound. The children stayed here during the weekends but recently Optimus and the other’s have been doing their best to keep the children away. Jack and Miko ran into the bedroom installed by Agent Fowler for Ratchet’s human charge, Crimson. 

The two stopped as Crimson was gripping the bed faintly whispering “No,” over and over again. Jack grabbed Crimson by the shoulder’s, waking her from whatever bad dream she was having. Miko and Jack gave Crimson a soft smile but she brushed it off and walked past the two and out to the balcony to sit on the couch. 

“You alright ? You were having a bad dream again.” Crimson looked up at Jack and opened her mouth to speak but stopped as Ratchet came into the room with Optimus and the others. Ratchet had a worried look on his face, one Crimson was far to fond of, he took a deep breath as he tried to talk to Crimson. 

“Are you alright ?” 

“Just a bad dream.” Crimson grabbed a bottle of water from the small refrigerator, she was determined to get some fighting in today. Ratchet could see her determination and tried stopping her by placing his hand in her way of the stairs. 

“I said I’m fine. Just…let me go train,” Crimson huffed in anger then jumped over the railing of the balcony and walked down the long stretched hallway. Jack went to follow her but Arcee shook her head and motioned for him to sit down on the couch. 

“Hey Ratchet…How did you guys find Crimson ? You never really talked about it. I mean she has been here for two years. Shouldn’t we have the right to know ?” Ratchet scoffed as he thought back on the first day he saw Crimson. Agent Fowler and June came in through the tunnel entrance, smiles as they saw team Prime.  

“We found Crimson because we were protecting her mother and father. They were government agents who worked with us,” he lied.

“Like Agent Fowler does ?” 

“Yes, Beatrice and Eric Blackwood. We worked with them for six long years, once Beatrice and Eric became life partners they decided to leave our ranks but we continued to protect them.” 

Fowler and June took a seat on the couch while continually listening to Ratchet speak. Miko was fully enticed by the story of how they found Crimson, she was so distant, such a loner. She never spoke to Jack or Raphael or anyone for that matter. 

“Why would you continue to protect them after they left ?” 

“Because Megatron ordered them to be captured for questioning since the two had been seen with Autobot’s, Megatron knew they were close to us” 

“Were ? Why are you talking in past tense ? Wait did they dump Crimson on you guys ?” The tone of Jack’s voice caught Ratchet’s attention. He hated how rude the boy’s tone seemed but he let it slide knowing how little Jack really knew about Crimson. 

“No Jack…Her parents didn’t leave, they were..killed.” The room fell silent and Jack instantly felt horrible for the tone he had moments ago. Jack looked to his mother, fear running through him as he thought about the possibility of losing her.

“Wheeljack was in charge of watching over them at all times but he was too late. Megatron had us all in different regions at the time. Wheeljack was by himself and out for a drive when he got a distress beacon from their home”

“Wheeljack use to be a full time Autobot ? Why did he leave ?” Miko’s voice sounded hurt as she asked her questions about Wheeljack but Ratchet slowly told the events of that fateful night. He just hoped Crimson wasn’t around the corner listening to the conversation, it had been two years since the incident but still it hurt her deeply. 

“By the time Wheeljack got to their home Megatron had Crimson in his hands, Eric and Beatrice were..gone and Crimson was a emotional wreck. Wheeljack, bravely, took Megatron on by himself and single handedly saved Crimson”

“Awesome ! So why did he leave ? He’s a hero ! He saved Crimson and beat the bad guy ! I don’t see a downfall in that.” Jack understood what Ratchet was getting at and shook his head at the mere thought, he could understand why they had only seen Wheeljack in the most dire of times. 

“For the first couple of nights Crimson would wake up screaming and crying, the memory of watching her parents perish haunted her…Wheeljack couldn’t handle seeing her so..hurt so he left. He feels as if their death is his fault, he can’t forgive himself and I fear that he may never forgive himself.” 

Ratchet let out a heavy sigh. Optimus put a hand on his shoulder and slid his mouth-plate back to reveal a sad smile. 

“In time he will forgive himself but for now we must help Crimson. We must keep her safe while also giving her the space she rightfully needs…Arcee and Bumblebee you will be coming with me for a scouting mission.” Ratchet nodded and entered the coordinates into the ground bridge for the three, keeping silent as they left base. 

“So what are you to her now ? A guardian ?” Miko asked in a tender yet curious tone of voice. 

“Wheeljack was her guardian but once he was gone I felt saddened by Crimson’s pain and took it upon myself to keep her safe.” As if on cue Crimson came walking, more like limping, up the stairs to lean against the railing. Crimson’s hand was covering her right side as she hissed in pain, June grabbed the girl’s shirt and raised it to see a large bruise forming. 

June had Crimson sit down on the couch while she gave her some pain medication and some water. Crimson’s face dropped as she looked up at Ratchet, worry written on his face, Crimson chuckled before giving him a soft smile. 

“I’m fine, just a bruise. Promise,” June shook her head as Crimson got up and walked over to the railing next to Ratchet. Miko and Jack gave her smiles but she brushed them off and looked to Ratchet. He smirked then gently grabbed the girl and put her on his shoulder. 

“Hey Bulk want to go dunebashing ?!” Bulkhead chuckled and gave a curt nod as Miko ran down the stairs. Miko stopped at the end of the stairs and looked up at Crimson with a small ounce of hope. “Hey Crimson you wanna come with ?” Ratchet shook his head as the question left Miko’s lips. 

Crimson pulled her knee’s to her chest, watching as Miko climbed into Bulkhead’s alternate mode and left base. Bulkhead sped up as he heard Crimson and Ratchet talking back and forth, Miko’s face looked confused and hurt. “Did I say something wrong ?” Bulkhead didn’t speak, instead he kept driving until he found a suitable cliff to go dunebashing on. 

He transformed and placed Miko on the ground in front of him, she laughed for a klick then turned back around and sat in front of Bulkhead. He sighed then leaned back to rest against a rock. 

“Miko, Crimson hasn’t been outside of base for two years. After her parents were killed Ratchet kept her close. Real close. He know’s Megatron wants her for something so he’s kept her in the base ever since then,” Bulkhead lied. They all lied to the kids, and June. Agent Fowler was the only human at base who knew the truth about Crimson. 

“But why ? That’s not very fair to Crimson. Think of about all the awesome things she’s missing out on !” 

“Yeah but we can’t change what goes on Miko, Ratchet made the rules…It’s basically like me taking you out when a Con wants you. It’s not safe and there’s a chance I’ll lose you. A chance not even Ratchet wants.” Miko sighed and climbed back into Bulkhead’s alt mode. 


“I’ve loved you since the first day we met, please just don’t leave again !” 

“I’m sorry I ever left…I love you”

“Ugh, how you can watch these stupid romantic movies is beyond me. They’re all the same. Boy loves girl, girl doesn’t love boy but goes through such bullshit to find out their soul-mates. Yuck.” Crimson threw the pillow on the couch as she pushed herself up and walked over to Ratchet. 

“Jack it’s getting late. Miko do you need a ride home ?” 

“I guess. Bye Bulk ! Bye Crimson,” Crimson stayed sitting on Ratchet’s shoulder not bothering to move or say goodbye to either one of them. They’d been here for just over a year and yet Crimson still couldn’t bring herself to being nice to them. Once they were gone Ratchet placed Crimson on the ground and shook his head, Optimus walked into the room to observe the situation unfolding. 

“You need to be nicer to them Crimson. They are trying to become your friends”

“Yeah I guess I should but it’s not that simple Ratchet, I-..I can’t”

“Can’t what ? They are trying to be kind to you and all you do is act like they hurt you ! They have done nothing wrong Crimson !” Crimson clenched her hands into fists and yelled in frustration and anger. No one could understand, none of them, Crimson huffed in anger. 

“I can’t be friends with them because I can’t lose them ! Not like I lost my parents ! Not like I lost…”

“Wheeljack ? You didn’t lose him Crimson he-..” 

“He left ? Oh thank you for reminding me how horrible it is to know me ! Let alone watch over me ! Ugh ! Just leave me alone !” Optimus put a hand on Ratchet’s shoulder as Crimson walked away and slammed the door to her room. Ratchet slammed his hands on the table and sighed. 

“Ratchet you cannot blame Crimson for her actions, she has felt much pain from the loss of her parents and her guardian”

“I just…I need to know she’ll be okay Optimus, to know she still understands how much they care for her. I want to know she will be okay.” Optimus nodded and moved his hand from Ratchet’s shoulder. 

“She will be in time. So long as she has you there for her old friend she will get better. Let’s get some recharge, it’s been a long day.” Ratchet gave a curt nod and followed Optimus into the back hallway to their berth rooms. Ratchet looked back at her bedroom before turning and continuing to walk down the hall. 

In the bedroom Crimson took a deep breath before slipping on a pair of black combat boots and grabbing her helmet. She quietly slipped out of her room and down the stairs of the balcony. Crimson managed to convince Ratchet it was a good project for her to repair a old motorcycle, funny enough Crimson had been using it every night. 

She opened unlocked the tunnel entrance and walked her bike outside, she climbed on the dark red bike and sped off towards Jasper in hopes of finding some street racers. The whole way into town Crimson heard Ratchet’s calming yet strict voice in her mind, she replayed his words, “They did nothing wrong.” He was right but she was afraid, more afraid of losing someone else, she hated the emotional toll it took on her. 

Crimson rode into town looking for Vince, he was the one she went to for night races. Crimson drove past the burger joint Jack worked at and down to Jasper high school’s parking lot. Crimson pulled to a stop as Vince pulled in beside her bike and rolled down his window. 

“Well, well look who got away from daddy. Tonight’s a big race with big boys, you sure you’re up for it princess ?” Crimson laughed behind her jet black helmet and revved the engine of her bike. 

“Where’s the starting line ?” 

“Five miles outta Jasper, in no man’s land…Suppose I’ll see you there. Race starts in one hour,” Vince rolled up his window and left the parking lot. Crimson quickly checked the time on her cell phone then started her bike, she drove down empty streets until she found a alley to sit in. Crimson made a alarm clock for midnight knowing Ratchet was one for getting up in the middle of the night to check on her. 

Crimson set the alarm and slid off her helmet in a attempt to calm the nerves she had building inside of her due to the race. Crimson froze as she heard footsteps running towards the alley, she climbed off the bike and hid behind a dumpster. 

Jack ran down the alley in search of the loud motorcycle engine thinking it might have been Arcee, instead he found Crimson’s bike. Jack was astonished by image since Crimson wasn’t allowed outside of base, Jack grabbed his phone ready to call base. 

Crimson jumped over the dumpster knocking Jack back into a brick wall, she quickly covered his mouth and grabbed his phone from his hand. She threw it on the ground and kicked it away from the two, she couldn’t let Ratchet find out. She knew she’d be dead meat if he did, Jack stayed standing there in shock and awe. 

“Listen to me, you cannot tell Ratchet or anyone else that you saw me. Got it ? If you so much as breathe a word to any of the Bot’s I will beat the slag out of you,” Jack nodded. 

“Good then we won’t have any problems,” Crimson climbed onto her bike and slid on her helmet and sped out of the alley. Jack took a few deep breath’s then grabbed his phone and called Autobot base, he waited what seemed a eternity before someone answered. 

“Jack ?” Arcee sounded half awake but still had some fear in her voice, fear Jack never liked hearing. 

“Get me Ratchet, please Cee.” Arcee could hear the angst in Jack’s voice and quickly moved to wake Ratchet from his recharge cycle. Ratchet groaned before getting up and following Arcee back out to the database to see what was going on. Ratchet never liked being wakened from his recharge cycle unless it was of grave importance. 

“Jack. This better be important”

“Ratchet I heard the sound of a motorcycle in the alley behind my house and went to check it out thinking it was Arcee but it wasn’t. It’s Crimson ! She’s here in Jasper for some reason.” Ratchet scoffed not believing the words leaving the boy’s lips but then he took notice of the missing motorcycle. 

“How long ago was this ?” Instantly Ratchet was wide awake, fear spreading through him the more he thought of the endless possibilities of things that could happen to her. 

“About five minutes ago, Ratchet if she’s here in Jasper it’s not for sightseeing, the only thing Jasper would have to offer her are street races.” Ratchet growled in frustration and thanked Jack before ending the call. Immediately Ratchet started trying to track her cell phone in hopes of finding her and bringing her home. 

Crimson pulled up to the starting line beside Vince’s car, Crimson become more nervous as she noticed she was the only one on a motorcycle. She pushed aside her nerves and tightened her grip on the brake, Vince rolled down his window and laughed. 

“How about we make a bet princess ? I win you gotta give me a kiss,” Crimson scoffed at the idea but decided she wasn’t going to let him win. She couldn’t let him win, especially with what she had in mind for him when she won. 

“You’re on”

“And if you win, key word being if”

“Guess you’ll just have to find out huh,” Crimson let go of the brake as the green flag waved. Vince was so distracted by Crimson’s appearance that he got a late start. Crimson pulled on the brake as a racer tried to ram into her but instead ran into another racer’s car, Crimson laughed. 

As she looked back she saw Vince and another racer catching up to her, she let out a deep breath and sped up in hopes of keeping her lead on them. She could hear her cell phone going off but she ignored it to try and stay focused but now she thought back on Jack. She knew he had called once she left, he was to loyal to Optimus to betray them like that. 

Crimson could see the finish line just meters ahead but she also saw Vince ramming into the other racer and knocking him off course. Crimson was going as fast as she could but still she feared it wouldn’t be enough, Vince nudged the back of her tire causing her to gasp in shock. Crimson hit the gas again speeding up to a thrilling 125, she flipped off Vince as she crossed the finish line and pulled to a stop. 

“Way to go dude !” She laughed as some of the teens called her ‘man’ and ‘dude,’ Vince groaned and slammed the door of his car shut. Crimson pulled off her helmet and chuckled before walking over to Vince. “Looks like you lost,” Crimson brought her knee up to his stomach and laughed as he groaned in pain. 

“Nice moves sweet-spark,” Crimson backed up as she saw the red race car, his engine revved once before speeding forward, almost running Crimson over. Crimson got on her bike and slid on her helmet, she sped off into the desert but the race car was still behind her. Crimson’s heart skipped a beat knowing she couldn’t go back to base with him following her. 

Crimson pulled a sharp right and drove away from Jasper and onto a old unused dirt road. She looked behind her again and saw a blue off roading vehicle similar to Bulkhead’s, she knew who they were and started to panic. 

“C’mon beautiful just stop runnin’ it’ll be a lot easier that way !” The voice sent chills down her spine, Crimson spotted a small cave and turned towards it. She sped into the cave, her heart beating as the two transformed and reached inside to grab her. Luckily the cave was a small fit and they couldn’t reach her but she knew she wouldn’t be safe forever. 

“Knockout your arms are a lot smaller then mine. You grab her !” 

“And ruin my finish, no ! Just break the wall and pull her out ! I am not risking my paint job for some fleshy creature.” Crimson took the moment of opportunity to call Ratchet, her voice stayed a soft whisper as she dialed base. She needed him to answer, she’d be dead if he didn’t, minutes went by before she got an answer. 

“Crimson Rose where are you ?” She covered her mouth as Breakdown’s arm slammed down on the ceiling and caused multiple rocks to fall down. 

“…Ratch I’m sorry..I didn’t know he’d be there. Please, Ratch I’m sorry.” Ratchet could hear her worried tone over the phone, he snapped for Arcee to wake the other’s from recharge. Crimson heard a louder banging on the top of the cave and yelped in shock. 

“Who’s there Crimson ?”

“Knockout and Breakdown.” Ratchet heard her scream before the phone line cut and the call was ended. Ratchet’s worry rose, Optimus and the other’s came rushing into the room, shocked as Ratchet explained everything he heard. Ratchet opened a ground bridge for them and watched as they left to save Crimson.

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