Dare to Fall

By DreamingToBe17

832K 17.8K 3.8K

Hailey Jones has been moving from town to town to escape her past and the reality that she thought she can ne... More

Author's Note & Playlist
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
DTF short stories
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV
Chapter LVI
DTF short stories
Chapter LVIII
Chapter LIX
Chapter LX
Chapter LXI
Chapter LXII
Chapter XLIII
to my readers
Where It Leads Us

Chapter LVII

5.6K 138 13
By DreamingToBe17

{Dedicated to @tic_tac_toe_ I can't put your name to the dedication. I don't know why}


The guy who killed my dad and my grandmother, seeking revenge because my dad stole Trevor's wife's heart. Now, all Trevor wants is the rest of my dad's family, which includes me, to be dead. It takes lots of lives to be at stake in exchange for his wife's heart.

I could feel my body tensed by the sharp edge of the knife that is swiftly moving up and down behind me. Trevor's strong grip around my neck is making me ran out of oxygen to breathe as if he is nearly choking me. I swallowed my own saliva, telling my brain "it's going to be fine" all over again.

"What do you want?" I said as I try not to stay still in my position, even though I can already feel myself falling on the floor because of how uncomfortable I am and that, both of my knees are starting to hurt.

"Simple. I want you all dead," Trevor said as I let a sigh escape my mouth. I keep repeating the words inside my head, hoping that this is just a nightmare and I am about to wake up any minute now.

It's going to be fine, It's going to be fine, It's going to be fine. It's not going to be fine.

I closed my eyes and forcefully opened them. This is not a nightmare, this is the reality. "You thought you could keep on running away from me? You and your mother are stupid pieces of shit," Trevor said as I felt the muscles from my body tensed.

I feel that the knife is gone and was suddenly replaced by a gun. "I'm ready to shoot," He said in a sing-song tone. "Are you ready to say bye-bye to your life?" Trevor says as if he was just talking to a baby with the tonality of his voice.

"I'll be pulling the trigger, be ready in 3," Trevor says, "2..." I can't believe this is the end point of my life, "1..." I regret everything that I have said to Cayden.

I closed my eyes forcefully and suddenly, I hear a phone ring. I open my eyes as I hear Trevor groan. It's my phone that's ringing, it could be Amelia. I told her to call me once she arrived, maybe she's already here.

Oh, dear god.

Soon, I hear knocking on our front door. "Hailey!" Amelia shouts.

"You scream, I'll pull the fucking trigger and I'll watch you die, slowly," Trevor warns me as I kept my mouth shut. My vision starts to blur because of the tears that are starting to pool my eyes.

"Just please, let me go," I whisper to Trevor as the tears have finally escaped my eyes as I begged Trevor to leave me alone and my mother.

"Hailey!" I hear Amelia shouting again, "I'm coming in!" Amelia shouts and my eyes suddenly widen. I forgot that my front door was unlocked and it's a good thing that it is. "Where are you?" Amelia shouts again.

"Oh shit. Why didn't you lock the front door, you shit head," Trevor hissed as he starts moving slowly as his grip is starting to tighten each step he takes along with me. I hear footsteps about to enter the kitchen. "Fuck."

Trevor whispered again. He takes another step on the kitchen island and he suddenly removes his arm around my neck, bending on the floor as he hides. If I could just run away right now, but I can't. I could feel his gun pointing the back of my leg.

"Hailey. There you are, I've been calling you and shouting your name, but you didn't even think of shouting back or answering my call?" Amelia said as she leans on the wall in the entrance of the kitchen.

Help me! I mouthed her as she plasters a questioning look on her face. When she was about to speak up, I bring my hands to my face, pretending to scratch. My index finger is in my mouth, telling her to be quiet.

"Hailey?" She says and I made a face. I shake my head slowly, closing my mouth and my eyes at the same time. Help me! I mouthed her again and pointed my index finger on the floor, hoping that Trevor is unable to see what I am doing.

Amelia looks down on the floor and sees Trevor's leg on the edge of the kitchen island. Oh my god, Amelia mouths me. "Would you like some pizza?" Amelia asks as she sends me a wink and I nodded my head. "Alright, I'll just make a phone call."

Amelia heads out of the kitchen as Trevor slowly stands up from the kitchen island. "I will shot you if you make such a noise, now move!" He hissed as he starts pushing me towards the back door of our house.

"Hailey?!" Amelia shouts and I look back, seeing Amelia standing in the hallway as Trevor suddenly punches me, making me fall down on the floor as I groan in pain.

I hear gunshots behind me, the direction of where Amelia is and soon, Trevor knocks me out, knocking the daylights out of my sight as my vision completely turns pitch black.

I woke up by the cold bucket of water that was splashed on my face, soaking my hair and the clothes that I'm wearing. I curse inside my head, I haven't even got to wear this white hoodie and now it's already dirty and wet. I felt the pain in my stomach and my left hip.

I looked up and saw Trevor triumphantly smiling at me suffering in front of him. His left-hand hold a baseball bat. He walks around me, checking my body, probably. "It's nice to see you suffer," He said and I can't help but roll my eyes at him.

"But don't worry. I won't kill you instantly because I know how much you love your life," He says. Yeah, please kill me now. "But I didn't say that I won't kill you. I will just kill you slowly so that you feel every pain that I have gone through," He added.

"Leave my mom out of this. If you want me dead, just kill me, already," I said and he chuckles bitterly as he walked towards my direction, lifting my chin up aggressively.

"It's nice that you are volunteering but, there's no need," He said as he smiles evilly, "I decide how you die and how your mother dies," He said as he lets go of my chin, he looks at the watch on his wrist. "Your mother should arrive now, any minute."

"You stupid bastard."

He slowly looks at me as he chuckles bitterly again and slaps me on the face, painfully. I wince inside my head as I close my eyes, feeling the pain in my cheek. Oh, just kill me now. "Say that again and I won't think twice about killing you."

"Stupid bastard," I said again.

His hand was about to hit my face when a phone starts ringing. He rolls his eyes, "Thank the phone who saved your ass," He said as he walks away and answers the phone call.

I look around the place, noticed that everything is gray around here. I look out the window and saw a building that seems to be abandoned, maybe this place is also abandoned. Why are there places in America that are abandoned? Shouldn't they put it all down?!

I hope Amelia's fine. I hope she's not yet dead and I hope she wasn't shot at all. I look down at my feet, seeing that it was tightly tied with a knot. I should've listened to a girl scout event when I was ten, instead of sleeping my ass off. I never knew that knot tying would come in handy in situations like these.

"Hailey?!" I hear a familiar voice. I look up and saw my mom's face beaten up. Her lips were bruised as well as her left cheek. Trevor continues to drag her and stops a few meters away from me.

"This is going to be fun. It's like a mother and daughter talk," Trevor says as his huge, bald assistant hands him a chair for my mom to sit down.

"Here," Trevor says nicely, "Sit down, bitch!" He shouts to my mom. Spitting venom out of his own mouth as I can't help but get mad at him even more.

"Don't call my mom a bitch, you dick!" I shouted to Trevor and he looks at me annoyingly. "Hailey! Language!" my mom said. Seriously? Trevor looks at his assistant, telling something for him to do. His assistant walked towards me with a baseball bat in his hand.

"Sorry, kid," The bald guy said as he swings the bat right through my stomach as I start coughing and spitting blood out of my own mouth. My stomach feels so weak, I should've kept my mouth shut.

"Enough, enough!" Trevor screams. My eyes start to weigh as I breathe through my mouth, "You know, even when you scream, there will be no sign of people to come here and help you," Trevor says.

"So, now that everybody has settled and shut their mouths up, let's play a little game of death," He said and I looked at him with a hint of annoyance on my face. "Whoever doesn't answer truthfully, the higher chances of you getting killed," Trevor says.

"Let's begin!" He says happily with a hint of evilness. He looks at me and at my mom, "You. Did you tell your husband to pay the doctor twice the amount for the surgery just to get my Wife's heart be transferred to Arthur's mother?" He asked mom, pointing a gun at her.

My mom's face screams horror. "No," she says and I look at Trevor, hoping that he would put the gun down. Trevor turns to look at me, pointing a gun at my head, "You. Did you convince your father to get my wife's heart?!" Trevor asks.

He's madly insane. "Leave Hailey out of this. She doesn't know anything about it!" My mom says as Trevor looks at my mom, "Shut the fuck up! I'm not asking you!" He said and my mom shuts her mouth. Trevor looks back at me again, still pointing the gun at my head.

"Answer!" He screams. "No, I don't know what the hell are you talking about!" I said and he looks at me annoyingly.

"Wrong answer," Trevor says and I closed my eyes, prepared myself to be shot in the head. "Bye bye," He said in a sing-song voice.




What a hectic day to write. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed reading today's update and I know that some of you may or may not be satisfied with it but, hey! It is what it is.

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts because I really love reading them and Share this story to your friends because it really helps me out a lot. There are 6 chapters left!

As always, Carry on and Happy Reading!~

-The Author

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