Smile (The Vamps)

By GalaxyDefender5ever

39.7K 784 182

Lauren Brooke is just your average 18 year old girl. She has the same dream as most teenagers as well. She wa... More

I Guess I'm just lucky
The audition
Meeting the band
Hotel Tag
Wild Heart
Never have I ever
The first of many shows
Meeting Sara
The first cover
The Party
Bye Bye Bitch
Radio one's big weekend in Glasgow part 1
Radio one's big weekend in Glasgow part 2
Emergency Twit cam
Alton Towers
The Beach
Awards Night
Not another song about love
The Fight
The final Song
New York Day 2
Austin Mahone tour day 1 San Antonio
Sorry its just an authors note
Dallas here we come
Dallas the second show
Happy birthday Tris
Last day on tour
Meet my family
Meet The Vamps tour Liverpool
The summer set
Will you marry me ?
I made a trailer
It's Christmas
It's over!

Alton towers splash landings

976 19 2
By GalaxyDefender5ever

Lauren’s POV

I woke up and tried to get up without waking up Tristan, which didn’t work as was trying to get of the bed I tripped over Tristan’s leg and ended up in a heap on the floor

“Are you alright beautiful?” Tris looked of the edge of the bed to see me on the floor

“Yep, I was trying to get up without waking you but that didn’t work and I tripped over your leg and fell of the bed but that is just a usually day for me” I replied as I felt the warmth rush to my cheeks from his previous comment

“I was just going to get ready for splash landing because it will open in a couple of hours” I added trying to make myself look like less of a foul, before we both got out f bed and started to get ready.

After getting ready Tris suggested that we woke Brad and Sara up, I got my phone and Tristan got his wireless speakers then we started to blast out all the small things by Blink 182 and jumping on the bed laughing, Sara and Brad sat up

“What the fuck! Why did you feel the need to do that?” Sara said sounding quite pissed off

“Erm if you two don’t hurry up we will be late for splash landing, James, Brooke, Connor and Georgina text us a couple of minutes to say that they will be around in a couple of minute so I suggest you get ready, now” I laughed and continued to jump up and down on the bed until the pair of them got up.

Brooke’s POV

James and I stayed up a little later the Con and Georgina last night getting to know each other better and we also did a bit of song writing which was fun, I think my feelings towards James have defiantly grown over the past couple of months.

We were currently making our way down to splash landing after having made a quick stop to pick up the others; I looked over next to me to see Lauren and Tris walking hand in hand

“So what’s going on here guys?” I said to them motioning towards their intertwined hands

“Oh...erm...” Lauren stuttered and then let go of Tristan’s hand I looked to see that smile of his face had faded as soon as she did

“Can I talk to you Lauren?” I asked her and motioned everyone else to go ahead

“What’s going on?” I said

“Well last night me and Tristan kissed but I’m not quite sure if we are together that’s why I let go of his hand when you asked me what was going on” Lauren replied looking a little confused

“Look why don’t the pair of you go on a date soon and see what happens from there”

“Thanks Brooke, what would I do without you and the girls?”

“Well somehow you survived before” I said we both started to laugh and made our way to the entrance of the water park.

Once we had put all our stuff in lockers we made our way into the water park and found that James, Brad, Sara, Georgina, Connor and Tris had got us some sun loungers, at the moment there wasn’t that many people in splash landing at the moment but I had a feeling that pretty soon it would be quite busy

“So what do you want to go on first?” James asked me

“I think that we should go on the rush ‘N’ rampage, what does everyone else think?” I looked around to see everyone else agree with me then I looked back at James my eyes falling on his toned body

“Brooke, you okay there?” James said bringing me back to reality

“Oh erm... I was just thinking how amazing this place was” I stuttered I saw a small smile creep across his face at my answer, well done Brooke you have just made a fool of yourself in front of the guy you like.

*2 hours later*

Everyone apart from Tristan, Lauren and James had disappeared somewhere to we decided to go into the outdoor Jacuzzi and just all have a chat, as we were walking out I was sure I saw my ex boyfriend Ash, we broke up because he was really controlling over me and what I did, I carried on walking hoping he hadn’t noticed me, then I heard a faint voice shouting my name I turned around to see a slim figure with blonde and brown hair walking over to me

“Hey Brooke, haven’t seen you in a while, how have you been?” Ash asked when he had walked over to us

“Oh im fine, I joined a band this is Lauren one of my band mates” as I introduced him to Lauren I saw something sparkle in his eye

“But she’s going out with Tristan” I interjected before he could make a move on her

“Oh right, hey are you still single?” he asked me I started to panic when I heard the words leave his lips, what am I going to say I didn’t want anything to do with that creep the only person I cared about was James

“Yeah she’s with me” James said as he wrapped his arm around my waist

“I gotta go nice seeing you again” Ash turned and walked of over to a group of girls at the bar. A couple of minutes later we were joined by the rest of the group who had seen Ash walk off

“Who was that hot guy?” Sara asked me motioning to Ash

“My controlling ex boyfriend, seriously Sara don’t go there, oh and James thanks for stepping in” I looked up and smiled at him he still had his arm around me, everyone else headed outside I was about to go with them when I felt James stop me he bent down to the level of my ear and whispered into it

“I really do love you Brooke, I know it seems like only yesterday we met but would you like to go on a date with me?” I turned and looked it James’s eyes

“Yes” I whispered back

Thank you all for reading it’s amazing that I have 337 reads and 46 votes on this story so thank you to everyone.

Sorry I will not be updating tomorrow as I am at an awards ceremony and won’t have time

Please keep voting and commenting

Love you all

Charlotte xx

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