Under The Cherry Moon {A Prin...

By MakeThatChange96

24.3K 1.1K 911

What does a beautiful talented artist plus Prince equal? Trouble. When Prince discovers Allison Richards and... More

The Purple Bug
Prince Charming
The Art Of Seduction
Full Of Surprises
Reality? Check. Allison? Undecided.
The Girl With The Cold But Broken Heart
The Tonight Show Starring Prince & Jerome
Too Good To Be True
Forgive & Forget?
Pick Up Where We Left Off
Horny Pony - Part One
Horny Pony - Part Two
Allison Vs Morris
Prince's Anxiety
Seeing Double
Prince & The New Power Generation
The Next Step
Separation Anxiety
Prince Gets His Way
Two Different Worlds
A/N: Break...
Tell All Interview
Work Shenanigans
A/N: Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year
This Isn't Pretend - Part One
This Isn't Pretend - Part Two
Love 2 The 9's
The Purple One Vs. A Winchester
Putting Down The Knives And Picking Up The Microphone
Winchesters To The Rescue
Don't Go Into The Light
Reinforcements - Part One
Reinforcements - Part Two
Rough Night
Is It All Just An Act?
Off The Reservation
Living Nightmare
Allison Out Of The Picture...Or Is She?
What Doesn't Kill Me Better Run
Oh, Awkward...
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
Tell Him He's Dreamin'
Under The Influence

Can You Turn Off The Purple Light?

236 15 18
By MakeThatChange96

*Author's POV*

Two Months Later...

It's been two months since Allison and Prince went on a break from their marriage, since then, Prince has contacted Allison a few times just to see how she was doing and to try and work out some form of arrangement. But Prince wants her to come to Paisley Park to talk, Allison only came by once, her reason for not returning and not returning Prince's phone calls was because everytime she spoke to him...Mayte conveniently showed up.

Yes, Mayte is still hanging around. She's actually been involved in the rest of Prince's album, since Allison and him had their falling out. She coaxed her way into being a member of The New Power Generation, the other members don't know how they feel about her, they feel uncomfortable, as they should be...

Allison has been focusing on working, after Prince's little stunt with Mayte, she decided to keep her love interest story line with hers and Jensen's character on the show. As a in the heat of the moment type thing, but she hasn't backed down yet, the boys don't mind, they've been by her side the whole time since she moved out of Paisley Park. Well mostly Jared, Jensen has been keeping his distance, he doesn't want to give anybody the wrong idea....

At Jared's House...

Jared sat next to Allison on the couch, placing the two bowls of food he had just cooked on the table in front of them. He sighs as he grabs the notepad off Allison and puts it on the floor.

"Ahh...excuse me?" Allison scoffs.

"You're not excused. You're going to eat this time, don't make me feed you like a baby...because I will. To make it more humiliating I'll do the airplane in the spoon thing." Jared teases

Allison rolls her eyes.

"I'm fine." She says staring at him.

Jared chuckles sarcastically as he pick up her bowl.

"You've been saying that since your visit to Paisley Park...which was a month ago...and you barely eat anymore. You don't sleep, you don't eat...you're really worrying me, Alli." Jared sighs, putting the bowl in her lap.

Allison looks down at the food in front of her, Jared is an exceptional cook. She always loved his cooking, but she's just not feeling it.

"Can you blame me? My marriage is falling apart. And Prince and I can't do anything about it because of his pet he's got running around after him." Allison screws up her nose as she puts her bowl back on the table.

Jared looks at her.

"Pet?" He furrows his brows.

Allison glares at him.

Jared chuckles as he sighs.

"Right...Mayte." Jared chuckles.

"Oh...don't take that tone with me, Gigantor. I don't find this funny, she's literally always there when I'm trying to speak to him. How are we meant to work things out if she's around the corner waiting to walk in at the worst time? Hell if Prince and I were having sex she'd probably be lurking in the shadows and pop out when we finish and be all like 'Am I interrupting something?'" Allison says, mocking Mayte's tone.

Jared holds his stomach as he laughs.

"Wow you're really gunning for her aren't you?" He asks.

Allison scoffs.

"She's clearly after more than a career out of Prince...if Prince has just listened to me in the first place about the whole Jensen sex scene, she wouldn't be in the picture. Now there's three of us in this rocky marriage." Allison angrily explains.

Jared grabs Allison's hand and squeezes gently.

"Let's take our mind off it, plus your anger really terrifies me..." Jared says.

Allison raises an eyebrow.

"I hid most sharp objects for a reason, you almost got Jensen with a ninja knife...I'm not having you stab me with a steak knife." Jared warns, pointing his finger at her.

Allison smirks.

"Afraid to lose against a girl?" She asks.

Jared chuckles.

"Please, I'm double your size." Jared scoffs.

Allison shrugs her shoulders.

"Jensen has a lot more muscles than me and I could take him down...correction, I have, multiple times." Allison says proudly.

Jared smiles nervously.

Allison turns on the tv while shoving Jared, he chuckles as he starts eating. Allison sighs with a smile on her face as she flicks through the channels, her smile disappears when she comes to one of the Entertainment Channels, showing Prince and...of course Mayte. Mayte glued to his hip.

Allison's eyes start to fill with tears, Jared quickly puts down his food as he grabs the remote off Allison.

Jared turns it off, Allison stands up. Angrily pacing back and forth.

"I mean...of course she's stuck to him! Prince and I both agreed nothing can be worked out with her around but...LOOK! HE IS ALLOWING HER TO BE THERE WITH HIM!" Allison yells.

Jared gets up and stops her from pacing, grabbing her shoulders gently.

"Allison, I know this is confronting. It's probably not what you think..." Jared says.

Allison scoffs as tears fall down her cheeks.

"Are you serious? Did you not just hear a word I just said? We both agreed she is a problem to us working things out...and fucking look! He clearly has no intentions of getting rid of her, he probably wants her there!" Allison growls with pure anger.

Allison grabs her head, all of her anger is making her head spin and her vision blurry.

Allison can faintly hear the sound of a door opening and closing, she looks up to see who it is walking towards them but her head is really spinning.

"Allison? Are you okay?" Jensen asks.

But Allison didn't hear a word he was saying, instead her eyes roll to the back of her head as she collapses on the floor.

"Oh my god!" Jared panics.

Jared and Jensen both kneel beside her, checking her for signs of breathing and a pulse.

"Oh my g...Jared...she's not breathing!" Jensen panics.

At Paisley Park...

Prince has returned from the press conference he was at with The New Power Generation and was getting ready for an album cover shoot, he had only just gotten dressed when he hears a knock on the door.

"Mayte." He says as he looks at her.

"Hey, can I come in?" She asks.

Prince steps aside, letting her into his bedroom. Mayte walks in, she turns her attention to him.

"What's this about? I have a photo shoot soon." Prince asks.

"Ooh, I'm sensing some hostility. What's bothering you?" She asks.

Prince sighs as he punches the bridge of his nose.

"What's bothering me? Where do I start? I was starting to work things out with me Wife, but she doesn't want anything to do with me because you keep popping up everywhere." Prince explains.

Mayte gasps, looking at the floor then up at him.

"You're angry at me?" Mayte asks.

Prince scratches his head as he stares at her.

"Well you're kinda the problem at the moment...I hope you know your only purpose here is for business...nothing else." Prince explains.

Mayte raises her eyebrows.

"Strictly business? Is that all? You're just using me for your career?" She asks.

Prince sighs as he grabs his jacket.

"That's not what I meant, I'm not trying to hurt you...really, I'm not. I think you're great, you're a brilliant dancer, you have a beautiful voice...but this has already gotten out of hand. You being around all the time needs to stop. Or I'm going to go from Husband to Ex-Husband in a split second." Prince says as he walks out the door.

Mayte just stands there with a smirk on her face.

At The Hospital...

Jared and Jensen were granted permission to go into Allison's room, the doctor quietly explains to them what's happened to her while Allison sleeps.

"So, What happened?" Jared asks in a whisper.

"Well, we've managed to get Allison stable...unfortunately there wasn't much we could do about the baby." The Doctor explains.

Both the boys go wide eyed.

"I'm sorry...baby?" Jensen asks.

The Doctor nods.

"Yes, She was in the very early stages. At the approximate three month mark, and her body was under a lot of stress...which I can only guess Allison herself has been very stressed or been through something traumatic that's caused this miscarriage." The Doctor explains.

Jared sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair, looks at Allison. Jensen stares at Allison.

"She didn't know...did she?" The Doctor asks.

"No, she didn't." Jensen responds.

The Doctor sighs as he places his hand on Jensen's shoulder.

"I would let it out gently, anymore stress will be another repeat of what happened earlier. We don't want that." The Doctor says.

Jensen nods, as The Doctor leaves, Allison sits up.

The boys walk over to her, giving her small smiles.

"Finally, you gave us quite a scare." Jensen says.

Allison smiles.

"I didn't mean to." She says.

She looks at Jared who looks extremely concerned.

"Okay, are you going to tell me what's with the face? You're freaking me out." Allison asks.

Jared and Jensen exchange looks before looking back at her.

"There is a reason you collapsed the way you did..." Jensen sighs.

Allison looks between them.

"Why?" She asks.

"All of your anger and stress...Allison...you had a miscarriage." Jared reveals.

Allison covers her mouth as a quiet gasp passes her parted lips and into her palm, tears instantly forming in her eyes.

"Allison, I'm so sorry." Jensen says.

Jared wipes away a stray tear.

"Are you going to tell Prince?" Jared asks.

Allison chuckles unamusingly.

"Yeah, I bet Mayte would love that." Allison scoffs as tears fall down her burning up cheeks.

Jensen rolls his eyes.

"Okay I'm sick of this." Jensen says.

Jared and Allison's jaw drops as they both look at him.

"Beg your pardon?" Allison asks.

"I am so sick of hearing about this shit, you won't go over to see him and we both know he won't come to you in case he thinks he'll run into me. So...I'll go over there, end this once and for all." Jensen says in anger.

Allison starts to panic.

"Don't! You'll make things so much worse!" Allison warns.

"No, I'm going to get a point across into that Purple Fairy's head." Jensen says as he leaves.

Allison sighs as she lays back.

"One of them is walking out of there with a black eye..." Allison sighs.

Back At Paisley Park...

Prince had finished his photo shoot, he was doing a sound check on the stage as he was doing a small concert that night.

"It's still not right...hold up, I'll come adjust them." Prince says as he jumps down from the stage.

He walks over backstage, playing with the controls for the microphones.

"What time are we on?" Mayte asks.

Prince jumps.

"In two hours, I'm just fixing the sound on these microphones." Prince confirms.

Mayte looks at what he's playing with.

"You're very particular about everything aren't you?" She asks.

Prince chuckles.

"What can I say? I'm a perfectionist." Prince shrugs, standing up straight.

Mayte giggles.

"Well it pays off!" She says.

Prince smiles and nods, checking the sound on the microphone he's holding.

"I just want to say thank you for the opportunity you gave me, for working on this album and being with The New Power Generation. It's been great." She smiles.

Prince looks up at her, smiling back.

"Of course." He says.

What caught Prince off guard was Mayte suddenly throwing herself into him, her arms wrapping around his neck, her lips on his. His eyes widen, he goes to grab her waist and push her back when he hears someone clearing their throat.

"Want to work things out with Allison, my ass." Jensen scoffs.

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