Do I Love Him?

By SarcasmRocks

29.8K 351 163

I have always hated my best friend's brother with all my guts. He annoyed me to no end. Well, I thought I hat... More

Do I Love Him?
Chapter 1~ That idiot!
I'm not a stalker! Am I?
Sad news! :(
And the neverending sleepover begins...
Date with Jeremy
Truth or dare?
And The Fun Begins...
Just Another Bad Day
The Break Up
We're Not Friends
A little bit of Jealousy can be Good: Part 1
A little bit of Jealousy can be Good: Part 2
The Time Has Come
Admitting the Truth
Confessions Part 2


1.3K 16 11
By SarcasmRocks

When I woke up the next morning, I was surprisingly happy. I'm not gonna let that piece of shit ruin my life. I can't believe I actually facebook stalked that jackass.

I got up, went for my run, came back and showered. Donna left already (AGAIN!) when I came back from my jog so I just went to school. Donna wasn't at school so I guess she was probably with her dad again. She said that he's recovering remarkably and that her visits really help. She just wished that Nylon would visit.

Speaking of Nylon, he and Jeremy decided to be walking down the hallway right when I was. Why?

I was about to turn the other direction and start to walk quickly but then I remembered, I'm not the one who should be running, he is. So I turned around and walked in that direction. As I was passing, Jeremy grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the closest room.

"What do you want, Jeremy?" I say, irritated.

"You never gave me a chance to explain." he said, pleadingly.

"Nothing you can say would change my mind, Jeremy."

"So this is it? This is how we're going to end."

"You chose your fate, not me." I said, then walked out.

I know, I'm a bit dramatic. I'm a drama queen.

Thankfully, this would be the last I see of him for the day.


Nothing exciting happened today, except when Donna came late to Ms. Fern's class and she completely blew up at her for being late because she hated tardiness. Poor Donna was just standing there all scared-looking but inside she was probably like "Eff you, bitch."

When I returned home, I was so bored! I decided to see what Guy was doing. I looked over to his bedroom but there was no one there. Guess I'm on my own.

Suddenly, I heard a car coming up the driveway. I peeped out and saw Nylon's car. In his passenger seat was the jackass himself.

"Why the fudge is he here?" I wondered out loud.

Hopefully, Guy left his balcony door open again.

The odds were not in my favour because when I twisted the knob, it didn't budge. Why did he choose NOW to lock his door? I really didn't want to face Jeremy right now but then I remembered something... I have nothing to be embarassed about. He should be the one hiding.

I know. I sound really immature.

I change into comfortable clothes and go downstairs to watch TV. After all, it is my house (well, my parents' but same thing). I walk down the stairs and I hear Nylon and Jeremy's voices coming from the kitchen so I go to the TV room, put on the TV and watch some "Punk'd".

It was the episode where Tyler The Creator was hosting. Shenae Grimes was being punk'd. Some weird stranger is coming to reclaim their dog and she's wondering if they're cute. Is she crazy?

When the guy gets all rapist-like, I burst out laughing and Nylon walked into the room at that very time. Wonder where Jeremy went?

"What are you laughing at?" he asked.

"None of your business." I say, rudely.

"I know you're probably wondering where Jeremy went. He went home."

"I don't care." I said simply.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Are you joking?"

"Ok, you're kinda scaring me so I'm just going to walk away slowly." he said, stepping back slowly.

"Nylon, wait." I said, causing him to halt. " Do you seriously want to talk, though because I have to let out my anger somehow." I say.

"Ok, let's talk." he says, sitting down.

"I need alcohol if you want me to talk." I tell him.

"Ok, I'll go grab some beers." he says. I think I'll need something stroger than that...

He returns with a few beers, opens one for me and hands it to me then takes one for himself.

"How do you feel? Are you ok?"

"It's just mostly anger. Of couse, I'm ok. I feel as if I want to swear off guys though."

"Why would you want to do that when there are guys like me around?"

"Maybe that's exactly why."

"Seriously, though, we're not all bad."

Where did I hear that before?

"Where did I hear that before?"

"I don't know. Do you feel better? Do you need me to join you in boxing classes or something to relieve the anger?"

"No, I'm fine." I said and got up to hug him.

"What are you doing? Are you going to strangle me or something?" he asked.

"I'm just going to give you a hug." I said and embraced him, making him stand too. I'm so definitely, positively drunk.

I only had like 3 beers, though. Guess I never really realised that I got drunk fast.

Even though he was all muscular, he felt soft and comfy. I didn't want to let go so I started squeezing. "You're like a huge teddy." I say softly.

"You can let go, you know, but personally, I don't mind." he said.

I look up at him and study him. His black hair is a bit messy, his lips are slightly pink and his eyes are brown, like chocolate. I love chocolate! I wonder if he tastes like chocolate.

"Do you taste like chocolate?" I asked. But before he could get a word out, I grabbed him by the collar and kissed him.

Immediately, he responded. His tongue slipped into my mouth and ,my hands moved to his waist. I wonder if he has tickles.

I moved my hands slowly to the end of his t-shirt, then I travelled up to his abs, outlining them with my fingers. I moved my hands around, to tickle him but he had none.

Nylon switched from my lips and began kissing my neck then he was biting. Hopefully, he won't leave a hickey. I hate those.

Then I pushed him away, remembering my inquiry.

"You don't taste like chocolate." I tell him.

"No, but you taste drunk," he said, laughing. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

Then he lifted me bridal style and carried me to my room and dropped me on my bed lightly.

As he was about to turn and leave, I grabbed his hand but I grabbed too roughly because he fell and landed on top of me.

"You know, this isn't such a bad position." he says.

I pushed him off, giggling like an idiot. "Please stay. I'm afraid to sleep by myself."


"Um, ok." he said, uncomfortably.

In a matter of minutes, I drifted asleep with Nylon's arm around me.

I could've sworn I heard "Love you." but then again, I am drunk.


I woke up the next morning with a banging headache. Then I realized that Nylon's arm was wrapped around me. "How did I reach in this predicament?" I thought. It felt good, though. I didn't want to move.

I poked Nylon.

He stirred a bit and finally got up.

"Morning." he said. "I'm guessing you're sober."

"Why are you in my bed?" I asked in the most serious voice I could muster.

"Long story. I'll be going now." he said, getting up.

"I can't remember anything that happened last night." I say. "We didn't, um, you know, right?"

He smirked. "What do I know?"

"We didn't, like, do anything, right." I asked, anxiously. I wouldn't want to forget something like that but I didn't mention that to Nylon.

"Of course not. I wouldn't want to take advantage of you like that. I like my women sober and able." he said, still smirking.

I wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

"You're not my type anyway." he said.

For some reason, that hurt my feelings. Thankfully, he left my room at that moment.

I don't know why but I started crying.

Why the frankenstein did I feel hurt by that simple statement?

"You okay?" I heard.

I turned and saw Guy. I walked out on to my balcony. "How long have you been standing there?"

"I came to get something for school then I saw you. crying your eyes out. What's wrong? Is it your pretty boy boyfriend again?"

I smiled. "No."

"Shit! School!" I said then I ran to the bathroom, stripped my clothes and showered. I then hurriedly got my clothes and put them on. Guy (and Nylon) was already gone.

I had about ten minutes to get to school so I grabbed an apple, got in my car and went to school.


In third period, Ms. Jackson, the school secretary, called me out of class, to the office.

"What did I do?" I don't know.

"Your mother is here to pick you up." Ms. Jackson says, answering my question.

My headache just worsened.

A/N I know I haven't uploaded in FOREVER! Sorry about that...

Sorry for spelling mistakes and vocab... Enjoy! (Sorry it's sooo short!)


-SarcasmRocks :)

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