Something Only We Know ✔️

By GoldenCalypso

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||Completed|| Love is not an open door. Love is not a game. Love is not a fairytale. When the game of love le... More

Something Only We Know
Special Attention
sleep with me
hulk's daughter
chocolate on my lips
who are you?
keep your eyes on me
why do you have to sing?
the piano
life at risk
one last time
just a wind
his heart
secret for secret
sleeping beauty
something nice
a promise
thank you
me and you

that promise

141 18 22
By GoldenCalypso


It hurts when you realize you aren't as important to someone as you thought you were.


Where is Adrian?

I was running through the corridors of the school, expecting to meet him any second. I didn't find him in any of the classrooms and I didn't find him in the musical section.

'Bring me some donuts when you get home, I'll be waiting for you.'

I held the box of donuts tightly to my chest. Adrian would never break a promise. I already knew that. And he wouldn't lie to me.

He told me he would come back in an hour.

By now, seven hours have already passed.

Where are you Adrian?

Swiftly, I shuffled to the direction of the auditorium. He should be there. Or he could be there.

I have to know why he is late.

At a glance from outside, I could clearly see the stage of the auditorium from the glass doors. Bringing my self to a half, I sheltered myself in front of the glass door, expecting to see someone.
I didn't want to go inside.
I didn't want to create trouble.
Adrian would think I was stalking him.

Leaning on my toes, I looked in the auditorium stage.

I wish I hadn't been there in the first place.

What I saw made me nail to where I was. I could feel the blood circulation freezing all over my body and my heart giving a familiar sound of breaking, this time harder.

Adrian and Ana, they were on the stage.


I wouldn't dare believe what I was seeing. I trusted Adrian more than I trusted myself. How could this be happening? If it was for the drama, where is Peterson?

I couldn't see the teacher anywhere.
They were not acting.
They are truly kissing.

For a split second I wanted to open the damn door and slap Adrian in the face. How could he kiss someone else even for a musical? And even for practice?
The teacher was nowhere. So that undeniably meant that they were not practicing.

Adrian and Ana.
Adrian was kissing Ana in front of my bare eyes.

How could he do that to me? After all I had been through. He knew that he was everything that was left for me.
Even more, how could he cheat on me?

'The rumors were true about him, you don't do girlfriend for more than a week... right?'

Are they true?
Hadn't he been serious in our relationship?

Is this all a game?
Am I the flavor of the month?

Everyone told me about him. I remembered the day he dumped Ziara in the cafeteria on my first day at school. The words he told her kept echoing in my mind.

'Actually Ziara, I had never liked you. So I guess it's over for us. Goodbye, Sweetheart. Don't break your heart.'

I felt the box of donuts fall from my numb hands.

Don't break your heart, Serena, I told myself.

Don't think about Adrian.

I turned to leave him forever.

I had never felt so lost before. Even though I had had a long list of exes, none of them made me feel the way Adrian did. It was as if I was missing an important part of me. It was as if I had no one to live for.

I felt devastated.

Giving my legs the strength to move on, I sheepishly removed myself from the heartbreaking sight. I didn't know why Adrian cheated on me.

Did I not given him what he had wanted?

Why did he betray me?

That I had to know.


Miss Peterson was awfully the worst person you will ever meet. She promised me that the practices won't take long until she received an occasional phone call from her mother who was meant to be sick in Starling.

"I'm so sorry, Adrian," she told me, "I won't be able to come to school for about a week. My mother is sick. She wants me by her side."

"How can we help you, Miss Peterson?" It was Ana, flipping her super blonde hair at my direction.

"Could you please stay a bit longer for practice? We could set the scenes with the music if we could just spare a few more hours."

Shit. Serena would be at home by that time.

I told her that I'd be waiting for her.

I messaged her phone number.
Geez, did she even have a phone with her?


By the time I arrived home, Serena was not there.

Where is she?
She should be at home at this hour... it's closer to midnight.
Did I keep her waiting for too long?

Waiting at the front gate, I stood looking for Serena. At a distant, I saw a silhouette. She was walking at a slow pace, her steps shuffling the ground.

I ran to her.

"Serena, what took you so long?" I asked her as I embraced her. She had her hands hanging, not accepting my arms.

"Did you wait for me?" She asked me, her voice coarse.

Our eyes met.

"Yes, Serena," I hugged her again, "I thought you had left me."

She didn't respond.
Her eyes were sore, her cheeks were puffed up as though she had been crying.

"Where were you?"

She heaved a sigh. "I've been to a friend's place."

"Adrian," she began, "do you remember back in California, you made me promise you something?"

'Promise me, that you will say goodbye to me before you leave.' My words echoed in my brain.

"Yes. Why do we want that now?"

"I came here to keep that promise." Her voice grumbled, flatly. "I came back to say goodbye."

"Why?" I almost gasped.

"Adrian, it's been nice knowing you." She told me, her tone unreadable.

No. This can't be happening.

"Why are you leaving me all of a sudden? Is it because of them? I told you Serena, you don't have to be afraid of them. I will protect you, baby."

I placed my hands on her shoulders.

"It's not them that bothers me," her voice came rough, " it's you, Adrian."

Our eyes met.
For the first time I saw how sad a person can get. There was a miserable melancholic frown hovering on her lips.

"You don't like me?"

She shook her head, cautiously.

"Did I do something wrong?," I shook her shoulders, "tell me Serena, did I do something bad enough for you to leave me?"

Her eyes became fierce.
"Get your hands off me!"

I stood stupefied. Why is she acting this way?

"Yes, Adrian. You did do something very wrong!" She shouted, her cheeks turning red, " and I'm quite surprised, you don't even realize what you did..."

"Do you trust me?" I asked her.

She remained silent.

"Answer me Serena, do you trust me?"

Her answer landed flat on my face. She slapped me.

"Does that answer your question?" She asked me, tears flooding her eyes.

"Do you always slap someone when they ask you a question?" I said, trying hard to gulp the insult.

"I will and always slap a person who deliberately without any conscience broke the trust I gave him!" She yelled, "You deserved it, Adrian... you were the one who broke my trust in the first place. How do you expect me to behave?"

"Oh for the sake of gods, I didn't do anything to break your trust! Do you hear me?"

She shot me a glance.

"I have eyes Adrian! I saw you kissing Ana at school!"


I steadied myself. My hands were shaking from anger. I couldn't quite look at Serena's face.

"It was an act, Serena," I told her, "I'm sorry I had to do it."

"'Sorry' doesn't count, Adrian. And I don't care if that was a part of the musical. I mean, how could you even try to do that even for a musical?"

I didn't respond.
"It was just a kiss. Nothing more."

Her stare was solid against my eyes. Despite all her rough words, I could quite see her heart breaking, her insides thawing.

It wasn't my fault. I didn't cheat on her. I would never even think about doing that. All I did was kiss Ana on a stage in a musical called 'Sleeping Beauty'.

"Serena, I swear that I didn't mean to cheat on you," I said, meaning every word, "you are my everything. My heart, body and soul, they belong only to you."

She hesitated, her breathing tense. "I don't care."

"Please, Serena. You won't leave me, right?"

Her pitch black eyes stared at me. They looked hurt and wistful.

"It might be a kiss for you," She grumbled, "but it's not the same for me."

"Serena, you can't do this to me. We are perfect for each other, why do you have to let this go?"

"Because I'm nothing to you, Adrian!" She started shouting, " you would kiss a girl if someone asked you to! You will do anything others say! And for a damn musical that lasts one night, you are gladly willing to break my heart!"

"Stop it, Serena."

"I'm not going to stop Adrian." She inhaled, "I don't care what you think about me. And I don't want to know either. I only want to let you know that I'm not the one for you. I can't stand the thought of you kissing anyone else, specially in front of my eyes!"

Great. She was going to leave me.

"I don't want to stay with you, Adrian. I don't want to stay another minute," she took a step away from me, "if I stay, I would have to watch the blue movies that you act in. That's what gonna happen Adrian. You'll say 'it's just sex'."

I threw my arms around her shoulders.

"Listen Serena, I don't want to lose you. But I don't want you controlling what I do and what I don't."

She glared at me.
"Let me go. Adrian." She struggled.


I let her go.

"You know what Adrian?," Serena was saying, "music ruined my life. You betrayed me for music. You would do anything a musical wants you to do!"

"I did not cheat on you, Serena."

She laughed and stepped away from me.

"Fuck music, Adrian." She shouted, "and for breaking the trust I gave, fuck you too, Adrian!"

Hello my forever amazing readers,

I'm really sad that I had to write a chapter like this. I'm so sorry for making you feel distressed. Right now, I'm feeling bad, too.

Anyways, should Serena forgive Adrian for what he did?

Comment your ideas.

And do not forget this;


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