My StepBrother Taehyung x...

By Princess_penguin23

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"What you doin stepbro?" "..." "Don't just don't." A/N: This is the first fanfic I made and I started writing... More

Not a Chapter


17.2K 591 207
By Princess_penguin23

I sigh in frustration and grab my bag from the backseat with my forehead creased in annoyed lines.

Guess I need to change school.

I grumble under my breath.

I often encounter Jocks in every school I transfer and this is the worse so far that I ended up going back to the house.

I thought my first day would end up what I had in mind not in a different unexpected way.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and step out of my car before making my way inside the mansion that I'm still trying to familiarize frustratingly.

Frustrated because of my ruined day, frustrated because of the new environment, frustrated because of the thought of living with my mother and a stranger.

I found myself constantly sighing and I feel so old with a lot of worries.

No one is around the house when I get in beside of the few maids working around who greeted me kindly when they saw me.

This house is so big that Mr. Kim needed more than ten number of house helpers to maintain the wellness of the mansion.

I don't get it, why do he have a mansion like this big if he's the only one who lives here.

I wonder if he even have kids.

I went to the kitchen to get something to drink since I'm still thirsty from all the running a while ago and open the fridge that's filled with assorted drinks and foods.

I grab my desired foods and a sweetened fresh milk and bring it with me at the counter where I took a sit at one of the stool bar.

I wonder if their fridge even ran out of foods since there is so much foods in there.

I didn't expect him to be this rich making me wonder what does he do for a living.

As I'm looking around the screaming thousand dollars kitchen, suddenly the figure of my mother walk in the doorway.

She didn't notice me at first but she was upon surprise when she suddenly notice my presence in the room.

"Why are you home early darling?" She ask questioningly as she didn't expected me to be home yet, confusion swirling in her brown orbs as she stare at me.

I take my bored eyes off her and pour myself a glass of milk instead.

"Sick." I simply told her with no hint of emotion in my tone.

She quickly sprint to my side with worry etching on her features and place her hand against my forehead to check my temperature but I quickly dodge her touch.

I grimace, furrowing my brows at her.

How could she pull an act of being like a concern mother after all those years?

She should have done that before when I was ten and almost dying because I had a high fever and dad was working.

I remember the younger me calling for her mom crying when her mother didn't came because she left her to look for the love of her life.

"Why? What happened? Are you oka-"

I didn't let her finish in her babbling and her pretending she care about me and stop her mid-sentence.

"I'm fine." I breath out and jump out of the stool bar irritated, leaving my untouch foods behind.

Losing my apatite already.

"Y/n can't we just talk like a normal mother and daughter like we used to be even just today?"

She grab my hand to stop me from leaving as I'm about to leave the kitchen.

I can see the sorrow, hope and pain in her eyes but my heart is coated in hatred and pain to care.

There's nothing left in me for her.

"We'll never be the same anymore mom." I told her flatly and strained a smile before taking my hands off her grip and retreated the kitchen without turning back.

Only if she didn't leave us, things won't turn this way.

~ ~ ~

I harshly throw my bag anywhere when I got in my room and slam the door loudly.

Why do I feel so guilty for hurting mom's feelings? I shouldn't care about her!

Throwing myself on the bed, I stuff my face under the pillow and think about the recent event happened this day forgetting about my mom.

Those Madafakers.

First day of school and I already skipped classes.

Let's just expect that they won't leave me alone unless I'll transfer school.

I didn't have much to do for the left hours so I just lock myself in my room and watch random movies since my class should have end at 5 but I'm already home and I don't want to go out and ran to mom again.


I'm in the middle of some action movie when there's a knock on my door.

"Come in." I called, my voice coming out a groan.

I heard the door open but I didn't spare whoever the person a glance.

"Ma'am, your mom and dad is calling you downstairs, it's time for dinner."

The person on my doorway inform, one of the maids in the household.

I grimace at the word 'dad' and scrunch my nose, he's not my dad.

I didn't notice it's already getting dimmed outside and the long hours has past without me even noticing.

I look at the clock on my night stand and notice it's already past seven.

"I'll be there is a sec." I told her but didn't move a muscle as I lay still on my bed.

I heard the door close indicating that she already left.

It's seven in the evening and I'm very hungry since I didn't eat breakfast this morning and forget to take my lunch too because of those assholes at school.

Turning the TV off, I lazily get up from the bed and take a quick shower to get rid of my frustration.

I change into my pajamas after taking a shower and let my hair dry before heading downstairs mumbling incoherent things under my breath as I think of those guys.

I'm even wondering why I am thinking of them.


When I arrive at the dining room I found mom and my stepdad exchanging faint words and loving stare to eachother looking so inlove and cliche.

I frown at the sight infront of me and I clear my throat to get both of their attention to inform them my presence.

They immediately stop flirting and turn on my direction, giving me a warm smile.

"Oh darling, come take a seat here." Mom sweetly smile at me pulling the chair beside her for me to sit in but I ignore her sweet gestures and take a seat across from them instead.

Away from strangers.

She sighs at my cold treatment towards her and just take her seat, I catch a glimpse of Mr. Kim comforting her in small gestures of hand rubbing whispering something in her ear that made her slightly smile.

I narrowed my eyes at how irked I am of them, slightly shaking my head in distaste.

Sitting here for about five minutes, I notice that we didn't started eating yet even we're all already here (for what I know) making me wonder who we're still waiting for.

"By the way honey we want you to meet someone." Mom told me, still hadn't gone tired of smiling at me even I keep on brushing her off.

"Who?" I raise a brow looking between him and Mr. Kim confuse while folding my arms over the marble glass table.

"My son, he's in the same age as you." Mr. Kim said, grinning tightly.

I didn't remember anything mom telling me about Mr. Kim's son.

"Okay." I shrug, no interest at all.

Right at that moment I heard the front door open, a maid in her uniform walk into the room and bow her head in courtesy.

"Sir Taehyung is here" the young maid announce before leaving quietly.


Cliche as it sound my world stop and I feel everything moves in slow motion as I look towards the doorway and a very familiar sculprit walks in the room.

I look deep at those crescent eyes, that dirty blonde dyed hair, pretty glass skin, straight pointy nose, those thin pink lips...

And I realize...

I gasp in disbelief, it's one of the assholes earlier at school.

Why didn't I even notice his close resemblance to his father.

(Laugh nervously.)

You gotta be kidding me.

I shrink in my seat, wanting to disappear before he'll see and recognize me.

"Hey dad, hey mom and-" he soon stop himself when his eyes fall on me.

We share the same facial expression of shock, disbelief and -you got to be kidding me- look when our bewildered eyes met.

But an arrogant grin quickly replace his shocked facial features and he seems happy to know that I'm his stepsister?

And wait- did he just call my mom MOM?!

"Hi stepsis." He winks on my direction that mom and Mr. Kim didn't seem to catch.

"Good thing that you came on time." His father told him as we all started to eat.

He was sitting across from me and he just keep on staring at me that already bothers me.

"Ofcourse dad especially that I'm meeting my step sister for the first time." He grin, but his eyes was on me the whole time.

I restrain myself from rolling my eyes at him and ignore his uncomfortable stares instead.

"Since you two goes to the same school, I want you to look out for Y/N and guide her." Mom sweetly said to him and I was quick to object the moment I hear that.

"But mo-"

But the jerk himself cut me off and insert before I can even finish.

I glare at his way.

He really likes annoying me and he's doing a well job.

"Ofcourse mom." He smile sweetly at her and only grin at me.

I'm already shooting daggers on his direction but he just give me an innocent smile.

"I heard that you skipped your class again Taehyung."

Mr. Kim spark up the conversation again looking seriously at Taehyung, surely disappointed at his son skipping classes.

I look at Taehyung who doesn't look like he care at all.

"We just have a little trouble at school." He simply states to his father, glancing at me when he mention trouble.

I quirk a brow at him.

Is he's talking about me?

THEY are the one who is TROUBLE not me.

"I don't want to hear that you're skipping classes again Taehyung, understood?" Mr. Kim said in a stern and firm voice.

"Understood." He grin obediently, not once taking his eyes off me.

What is he looking at?

~ ~ ~

Taehyung keeps on bothering me the whole time while we're having dinner. He's kicking and brushing my legs under the table and I would kick him back with much more force for him to stop but it seems that nothing will stop him.

I hurriedly finish my food to get away from this Jerk and Taehyung seems to notice my hurry because he chuckles under his breath watching me in amusement.

"I'm going ahead." I announce in a low voice and push myself up from the chair in a rush wanting to get away from these people.

"Okay sweetie Goodnight." Mom sweetly smile at me as she always does.

I ignore her being sweet, moving my feet to move forward and head my way upstairs, glancing at Taehyung for a split second who's staring back at me with a malicious lopsided grin plastered on his face before stepping out of the doorway.

I glare at him, rolling my eyes as I'm out of their sight.

I just can't believe what's happening right now.

# # #

I sigh in relief when I got back in my room and finally out of Taehyung's sight.

Why do he have to be my step brother from all the guys in the world out there?!

With a loud audible groan, I went to the bathroom and brush my teeth before going to bed.

I can't hardly believe that one of those Jerks at school happened to be my stepbrother.

I walk out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth clean and I almost jump on my feet in shock when I saw a presence of an unexpected person in my room.

Laying there on my fucking bed is fucking TAEHYUNG!

He's laying there with his arms behind his head and his eyes closed like he owned this room.

Well, he definitely owned this house but still.

"What are you doing here?!" I scream at him making his eyes open.

Taehyung propped himself up with his elbows on the bed and looks at me with those crescent eyes when he heard me screaming.

"Hey baby." He smirks scanning me from head to toe with those uncomfortable gaze again.

I shift under his uncomfortable gaze and glare, covering my braless chest with my arms.


"Stop looking at me." I snapped, glaring annoyingly at him.

Taehyung just chuckles and run a hand through his messy hair.

That's hot-

Shut up!

"You're so troublesome aren't you?" He said lowly with a wicked grin.

I furrowed my brows and narrowed my eyes at him.

I watch as he slowly gets up from the bed and walks towards me in slow calculating steps and he literally screams danger.

I instantly back away from him and move on the other side of the room, but still keeping my confident form despite my outrageous heartbeat.

Masking how intimidated I am at his presence.

I cautiously look at him watching every dangerous move he takes with narrowed eyes.

"I will kick your ass if you come any closer I swear." I told him boldly, trying not to stutter.

Taehyung cackle, shaking his head from left to right and make a clicking sound with his tongue.

"I'm just going to invite you for lunch tomorrow."

"Then back off because I won't." I snort.

"You do and you don't have a choice but to join us at school tomorrow since your mother left you to me." Taehyung said, grinning smugly at me.

"Seriously? You think I will go with you because she said so, hell no."

I said through a humorless laugh, raising a brow in amuse of the thought that they can decide for me and can make me follow around.

But my chuckles dies down when he stalk in my direction in heavy step and push me against the wall harshly, with a stern look.

I gasp at the sudden impact on my back and my eyes widen at how close he is, completely invading my personal space.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, trying to squirm out of his strong grip but he's way too strong that he keeps me on place.

I tried to knee him but he quickly trap my legs in between his legs before I can make any move to hurt him.

I groan.

"You'll go with us tomorrow or we'll make your each day miserable."

He lean closer to my face and whisper darkly in my ear, threatening me.

Taehyung's warm breath was tickling my neck and it gives odd chills spread through my whole body.

I unconsciously gulp and release a strained voice.

I'm surprise that I still have a voice.

"Let go of me Taehyung." I grunt, tugging my hand from his firm hold but he keeps me on place.

"Not until you will go with us tomorrow." He whispers in my ear, this time intentionally brushing his lips on my earlobe that sent tingles on my whole body.

"O-okay" I stutter still restraining myself from making an unwanted sound that I'll regret.

He's teasing me.

He shouldn't be appropriate when our mom and dad is just downstairs.

I feel him smirk against my neck that stiffen my whole body.

"Now Let go of me." I manage to breath out, my voice comes out strained and breathless.

"Okay." I feel his lips brushing against my neck when he spoke, sending odd shivers run down my spine that I almost gasp.

"You jerk." I hissed and manage to kick him on the shin while he just chuckle.

Taehyung slowly released me from being pinned on the wall and I sigh in relief.

I irritatingly look at him who's still grinning at me giving him a mean glare.

"You're such a Jerk." I grumble, looking at him with a hard stare.

I'm still barely recovering.

"I'll see you tomorrow tiger." Taehyung said lowly before leaving my room with a cocky grin.

I groan, tugging my roots frustratingly as I pierce my gaze at the closed door.

For all the guys in this universe he has to be my step brother?!


A pervert Stepbrother?

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