Something Only We Know ✔️

By GoldenCalypso

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||Completed|| Love is not an open door. Love is not a game. Love is not a fairytale. When the game of love le... More

Something Only We Know
Special Attention
sleep with me
hulk's daughter
chocolate on my lips
who are you?
keep your eyes on me
why do you have to sing?
the piano
life at risk
one last time
just a wind
his heart
secret for secret
sleeping beauty
something nice
a promise
that promise
thank you
me and you


150 16 13
By GoldenCalypso


Expectation is the root of all heartache.
~William Shakespeare


The next day, at school, Adrian had to quit his classes due to the musical. Miss Peterson had been practicing the musical all day since the musical was the main event of the school's annual concert. Despite all the blabber, Adrian was not in my classes.

I missed his blue eyes. Images of him staring at me with fascinated blue eyes made me miss him more than I ought to.

I missed him.

"Serena, girl are you seriously out of your mind?" It was Shane, my nerd friend stating as we headed to the cafeteria together.

"What, why?"

"Don't you know what guys like him do?", he breathed, "girls like you should be far away from their magnetic field. OMG Serena I never thought that you'd fall for him so easily."

"It was not that easy. Besides he is a good person."

And he deserves it.

"Bad boys are like magicians, Serena." Shane said, "once they produce a rabbit out of their hats, you'll fall for them. Serena, he is using that trick on you."

"I don't fall for rabbits, Shane. Let's talk about something else," I told him, flatly .

"How about your inexplicable detest for mayonnaise?" He asked me.

I glared at Shane. He gave me a meek smile.

Is he gay?
He was talking as if he were a girl.

"Mind if I borrow my girl for a while? I want to know why she doesn't like mayonnaise."
Adrian was smirking at me, his wonderful ocean blue eyes laughing with me. He stealthily sauntered towards me and slid an arm around my waist.

"Sure, Adrian. She's all yours." Shane turned to me, "see you in history, Serena."

With that, Shane went away.

"Hello darling," Adrian whispered to me, "miss me?"

I hit his chest softly, trying hard not to smile.
"Miss you? Or baby I had other things to worry about. How is the musical? Is everything okay?"

Adrian forced a laugh.
"My throat's paining from singing," he stated, "anyways you don't like to hear me sing."

"It's not what you think, Adrian," I heaved a sigh, "I remember what I used to be when I hear music. I used to remember the nightmare that destroyed my life when I hear someone sing."

He was like you, Adrian.
He and you, both of you were singers.
That's what I'm afraid of.

"No pressure baby, just asking." He leaned in and brushed his lips against my forehead. I leaned on his shoulders as we sat on vacant table.

Suddenly, a super blonde girl emerged from nowhere. She had perfect features, her eyes were turquoise; a shade of green and blue, her skin was flawless. Despite all that, she had an innocent smile lingering on her red lips.

I hadn't seen her in school before.

"Hey, Adrian," the girl squeaked, "mind if I join you?"

Adrian tensed.
"Okay, Ana."

How did they know each other?

"Oh Serena, this is Anastasia Hadid, Ana this is Serena, my girlfriend."

Didn't he just call her Ana?
And her name is Anastasia.

"Hello Serena, it's nice to know that Adrian had a girlfriend," Ana told me, "he must have told you about me?"

I looked at Adrian. He looked uncomfortable.

Is it because of me?
Is he uncomfortable because they needed privacy?
Am I ruining the scene?

"No Ana, I forgot to tell her about you." Adrian told Ana and turned to face me, "Serena, Ana is playing the role of Sleeping Beauty."


"So how long have you guys been dating?" Ana asked me, taking a bite of her hamburger.

"Well a couple of days... I don't remember exactly..."

"I knew it! The rumors were true about him... you don't do girlfriend for more than a week, right Adrian?"

"I have changed, Ana. Don't bother yourself about the rumors," Adrian told her, smirking.

Is she telling the truth?
What if I get dumped in the next few days?


Adrian would never do that to me.
He knows that he's everything that's left for me.
Oh my Adrian.

"You two look cute together," Ana said all of a sudden, "Adrian must be a very good boyfriend, isn't he the best a girl can get?"

My cheeks turned hot.

"Yeah, he's the best person ever." I said holding his hand in mine. He gently caressed my hand under the table.

"Do you guys know each other well?" I asked.

"I have known him since last month," Ana told me, "he was the guest singer of the annual concert of our school. Just like I am for your concert."

"Hey, How didn't I see you there?"

Ana rolled her eyes at Adrian and smiled meekly.

"I was singing backstage, well for the last event."

I observed Adrian's eyes lit up.

"Was that you? I always wondered who could ever have a beautiful voice like that. Wow, you sing spellbindingly."

Ana smiled with Adrian.
My Adrian.

"Serena, he's all yours now," Ana stood up to leave, "Adrian, Miss Peterson wanted you to come right after the interval. Plus you will have to stay an hour after school, you didn't forget, right?"

"No, I will stay today. I'll meet you in the auditorium."

Ana rolled her brilliant turquoise eyes at Adrian.
"See you later, Adrian."

Adrian smiled. "Laters, Anastasia."

When she was gone, I suddenly felt more relaxed. I didn't know why, she was looking innocent and girly. She even complimented us as the cutest couple. But something in the way she looked at Adrian was awfully wrong.

She's just a friend, Serena, I reminded myself.

"So you will come home late?" I asked Adrian.

Our eyes met.
"I'm so sorry baby," he began, "it won't take too long, I promise."

"That's fine. I'm going to the Donut shop anyway. You can go home straight after practicing."

Adrian brushed his lips against mine.

"Bring me some donuts when you get home," he kissed me, "I'll be waiting for you."


"I really thought you weren't going to come for work again," Theo told me.

"I'm sorry, Theo. I had to fly to California to meet my parents. That's why I couldn't come for work."

I was so happy to meet Alec and Theo again. The siblings were the second kind people I met( first place goes to Adrian), and I loved spending time at their shop.

Throughout the afternoon, we made dozens of doughnuts and Theo even taught me how to bake cupcakes.

We had a lot of customers and most of them came here for coffee.

"You coffee tastes really good," Alec told me, "no wonder, you are a born genius."

Everyone tells me that.
And that is why everyone wants me.
Well for Adrian, he doesn't know that I'm a born genius.
But he still wants me.

"Serena, you remember the hottie who showed up in our shop a few days before?" Alec asked me as we were closing the windows of the shop as it was almost six in the evening.

"Yeah, you mean Adrian?"

"Yes! I didn't hear from him although I did give him my number. Do you know anything about him?"

"Well," I breathed.

Should I tell her?


"Adrian is my boyfriend." I blurted out.

Alec looked shell shocked. But after a moment, a huge grin went over her face. I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Way to go, cupcake," she punched me and laughed.

"Why do you have to hit me?"

"For getting him sooner than I could." Alec said, still grinning.

I stared at her.
Is she angry with me?

"No Tinkerbell, I'm super happy for you!" Alec hugged me, "after all you are my friend."

I hugged her back.
It's good to know that you have people who care about you.


The donut shop closed a little late than the usual time. Usually, it closed around five in the evening. Now, it was almost 6:30 pm when I started cycling home.

Adrian must be waiting for me.
He must be freaking out because I am late.

Parking the bicycle near the gate and gripping the box of donuts that I made specially for Adrian, I headed to the front gate.

What is this?
The gate was still locked.

Hadn't Adrian arrived home, yet?

'I'm so sorry baby. It won't take too long, I promise.'
Adrian promised me that he would come straight after practices.

Is he okay?
Is he still at school?

Sheepishly, I sat on the front porch, with the box of donuts in my hand.

He will come soon.
He told me to bring him donuts.
He will come any minute, his blue eyes welcoming me home.

I waited.


For hours. I didn't know how many.

It was getting really dark.
I didn't have a mobile phone.
I threw the last one I had to the pool of the night club, weeks ago when Gemma left me.

For Adrian's sake, I was still alive.

True, he saved me multiple times.
My Adrian.

Despite all the things that were going in my head, I continued to wait.

Did anything bad happen to him?
It was getting really dark now.

What was the time?

I looked around me.

An old lady passed me, her expression longing and her legs feeble to walk.

"Ma'am, may I know what time it is?" I asked her.

"It's 10.15 dearie." She answered back, "Are you waiting for someone?"

I didn't answer. Instead I gave her a feeble smile.

Why is he getting so late?
He told me it would only last for an hour...

I can't wait any longer.

Loading the box of donuts into the bicycle, I started cycling to school.

Dear fantastic readers,

I'm sorry that the update came 12 hours late. But anyway, I did update a longer chapter.

Why do you think Adrian didn't come home?

Please make me happy by clicking ON THE STAR ⭐️ BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SCREEN.

Believe me, it would be everything for me.


I'll be updating in 24 hours❤️

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