Wolf Shifters ☆

By bclulu

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*** Terri Lee ***

948 24 3
By bclulu

Terri Lee


Terri not once looked back on her time in the pack.

Once she had turned 16 and was settled into the pack house, supposedly so the pack leaders could assess her wolf to make sure she was safe to be around, it was such a horror sorry instead.

She had to put up with living with the reeking bitches who covered their raunchy and used scents with horrible perfume which affected her own sense of smell. It affected her wolf so bad, she had to avoid staying inside the pack house for long periods of time.

She didn't understand at first why the older pack members put up with it. But soon learned that the males stopped using their wolf senses all together in the pack house. Her wolf hated those females that reeked like sluts even when they didn't add the perfume stench to cover what they were.

She trained outside, using her senses on her own since no one living in the pack house was helping her with her wolf. Inside the males sniffed around the females and took them up on the offers of unprotected sex often that she had even caught them at.

It was why she kept to herself and stayed away from going inside. She spent longer time at school and used the library to do her homework in.

At the pack house, she sat for second calling of meals since all the pack sluts sat at the first calling. The pack leaders sat at first calling too, and she never understood why nothing was said as the bitches all reeked as they sat at the table with them.


She was the one that kept all her doctor exams and shots fully kept up-to-date. She went down to the pack infirmary before they were due to be given again. The pack sluts needed to be dragged kicking and screaming to have their exams and shots given.

By 17, Terri and her wolf were strong enough to block their scent and shield their aura or essence. She wasn't like the others, all of them acting out of control and loving it as no one in charge were doing anything about them.

She was betting their inner wolves must actually hate their humans as they are going wild at parties too she heard. They were taking drugs and consuming alcohol like it was water. They are all still drunk half the time the next morning at the dining room table if they even wake up in time or just arrived back home for breakfast.

They are skipping school for weeks at a time. They were thinking they were smart enough to graduate without attending and classes.

Exams were a breeze as Terri studied for them. She soon graduated unlike the others who failed not only by their low attendance records, but they failed their exams as well.

It was a eye opener and complete shock to the pack leaders hearing and seeing that even their sons, their next Alpha and Beta both failed to graduate.

All eyes turned to her as she graduated with honors. Both Alpha and Beta grunted before they yelled why didn't you inform us? She looked back and replied about what, them not graduating?

She said I thought you both knew and couldn't care less. They eat at the same table with you for all meals and you could have asked how school was going for them as I wait until second meal is called. They are gone out of the pack house or still in their rooms sleeping by the time I come downstairs. I don't see them at school as their classes are different than mine. She added and I don't attend any parties like them as they all attend each and every one of them and more.

They both groaned as they knew it was the truth.


She headed off to University early. She moved into the dorm and quickly went to find a job. She worked and attended her classes and by the end of the first year, she went back to the pack to discover the pack members were still out of control.

She stayed only a week as she couldn't stand living with them. She had the doctor give her exam early and all her shots were renewed. She looked him in the eyes, shook her head and said the pack members are out of control.

He grunted and said we know. She said I see. Alright, just thought I would warn you as you will be dealing with their pregnancies next. He growled and asked what?

She got off the exam table and said yup, unprotected sex, revolving bedroom doors and even running outside and going at it in wolf form. It's really teaching the younger shifting teens moved in here to live in the pack house what they are outrageously allowed to do, as they are watching the older ones who care less they are seen. They are never stopped or a word mentioned they are teaching the younger pack members wrong.

She left him there in silence. She packed her belongings, every last one and loaded her vehicle. She drove away as the pack Doctor finally got through to the pack leaders on what she had said.

She headed back to University and fully moved back into her empty dorm room, then unloaded her vehicle. She went back to her job and seeing her, the boss was overjoyed she was back. He put her name back on the work schedule at once.


At 19 after she fully graduated, Terri did not go back to the pack right away. She stopped in at the Council Headquarters.

It was because Council Warriors showed up at her dorm room. They waited as she packed the rest of her belongings. They loaded her vehicle and one Warrior drove her vehicle as the others were in theirs.

She picked the Council Warrior's mind as she kept asking questions, but yet he did answer her. The pack was being totally reassessed as Council had become aware of the problem of the out of control pack bitches.

Terri grunted and said I see. Council Warrior Henry looked at her and asked what? She said nothing really, I knew that way back when I was moved into the pack house at 16.

Those reeking bitches cared less how out of control they were and the pack's unmated males were definitely not complaining.

Henry grunted and asked what about the pack leaders, didn't they care? Terri said care?, more like they never paid them any mind to what the pack members were up to. I mean they all ate at the same time for first meals as I never did and sat at the second callings.

I personally refused to sit at the same meal time as those bitches who reeked of perfume besides them being disgusting sluts. I never understood as even when I graduated high school, unlike the others in the pack the same age, they all failed because they were skipping days or weeks at a time at school and didn't attend classes.

I was confronted by the pack leaders once they learned their sons both failed. They were pissed and I had to tell them that they ate at the same meals times and could have just asked their sons how school was going but guess they never did.

So about them caring, it was more like they never noticed. They all lived in the pack house and stopped using their wolves to scent the members living there. The pack females reeked of being out of control sluts covering their scents with perfume that to me was overpowering and under that was the stench of them being disgusting well used sluts. But the males were no different as they reeked of all the females they eagerly took in both forms.

Henry growled and said so when you were 16 and moved in they were already out of control? Terri said yes. Last year for summer break, I went back and only stayed a few days. The older members were still out of control and the newer members moved in watched how out of control the older ones were acting and they were eagerly stepping over the line too.

I talked to the pack doctor before I left and was told they knew the members were out of control. I mentioned then they are all aware that soon numerous pregnancies were going to happen under their own eyes and noses. I left and went back to University as I couldn't stay there as they were all acting disgusting and out of control.

He grunted and asked what were they training their pack members once they moved into the pack house? She looked at him and no training, as far as I knew anyways. He asked were there ever any meetings? Assessing your wolves? Teaching you right and wrong?

She said once I moved in and the reeking bitches were smelled. As soon as they covered their stench with stronger perfume, I started staying away from the pack house more and more. I trained on my own as no one was teaching me a thing. I spend more time at school and in the library doing my homework.

As for assessing my wolf, I did shift for the pack Alpha but he wasn't paying much attention to me at the time and left me outside right after.

Warrior Henry grunted and asked what about the Luna, did she spend any time wth you, or teach you anything? Terri looked away and said not with me. I guess since I was at the second meal, she was already done for the time being and was never around.

He grunted and asked what about the pack female staff? Terri said the staff had their own dining room. I was never around the staff much. I cleaned my own room and did my own laundry. I didn't want my clothes washed with any of the pack bitches after the very first time getting them back smelling like theirs.

He grunted and asked so you did your own chores? She said yup, if the laundry room was busy I took my own things to the laundry mat.

He asked were there meetings? She said not that many. He asked and no training? She said nope, I was never trained and took it upon myself to train my wolf.

He looked at her and said that's not good if you weren't trained and the leaders were not watching out for the members. She said maybe it was only with me, but I never saw nor heard of any other females being trained.

He asked where are your parents? She grunted and said they left the pack when I was moved into the pack house and I haven't heard from them since. He asked where did they go?

Terri shrugged and said I have no idea, I never even knew they were moving away. We weren't that close. He grunted and said Council will look into their whereabouts.

Terri shrugged and said I don't think they'd care. He looked at her and said not close at all? Did they teach you anything? Terri huffed and said they taught me that they cared less about me all my life. I was given books to read to learn what I needed to know. They never once asked if I needed help or sat me down and talked.

He asked when was the first time you were taken to the pack house? She said I accompanied them to mandatory meetings when growing up but they never took me inside and we left right after. The first time I went inside the pack house was when I was moved in at 16.

He huffed and said it doesn't sound right that your parents didn't care about you. Did you go to school all your life with the other pack members? She looked off and said no, I went to another school closer to where we lived. When I was moved into the pack house my schooling was transferred to the pack one.

He asked so you went to school with humans? She said yes, I took a school bus to and from school. He grunted and asked your parents never drove you? She said nope, I took the school bus everyday.

He said so they segregated you from the pack members while growing up? She said you could say that. I was never allowed friends over either. But I figured it was because I went to school with humans and they didn't want any in the house or on the pack lands.

He asked did they tell you not to talk to humans about what you were at least? She looked away and said that they did tell me when I first started school. I did not attend kindergarten, I was placed in first grade. So my first day in school was all day.

He asked how old? She said I was 5, my birthday is in December so I could attend that young in first grade. I was ready to go to school by then.


Once they arrived at Council, she was led into the building by Council Warrior Henry as the others soon followed. She was taken straight down to the Council infirmary.

As soon as they walked into the infirmary, she sneezed at the scents. Her wolf growled in her head then controlled the filtered amount they took in, lessening the affects.

The Warriors stiffened and led her to a room where a female Doctor exiting another room grunted seeing them and soon passed her a gown.

Terri said thanks, then pointed out where to change. In the washroom where she entered, stripped and put on the gown. She exited and was made to sit on the exam table.

She said Doctor, my name is Terri Quade, I'm 19 and you'll discover that all my injections have been kept up to date. I last had an exam by the pack Dr Quinn last June. My injections were given for two years.

Dr Toni asked why two years? Terri said when I was moved into the pack house, I had my first exam and was fully injected with 6 months at a time. Unlike the others who were being injected for only 3 months. I always went in early and updated my injections. Once I graduated and was going off to University, I knew it was going to be for two years, so I got that length of time given to me so I was protected. Last year when I went back during summer break, I stayed only a few days and just got the two years injected again as I didn't know when I would be back.

Dr Toni asked why, were you thinking of not going back to your pack? Terri grunted and said honestly Doctor, I was very disgusted with the out of control pack females there. Same with the unmated males as the older ones cared less they were being watched closely by the younger members moved into the pack house.

The younger ones were crossing the line as they weren't being controlled. I scented near unprotected females close to being fertile, being screwed by the pack males that had me so disgusted that I no longer wanted to stay there. I had my injections given and left not knowing if I would go back.

Dr Toni huffed and said that doesn't sound right Terri. Terri sighed and said I wasn't happy as I had learned after I was injected that the pack leaders knew, same with the Doctor that the members were all acting very out of control. To me it sounded like he wasn't giving a damn about the females being protected and smelling like their shots were lapsing and were near fertile being out of control.

The younger members moved in were seeing the older ones in action as the older ones cared less where they took females to have unprotected sex with. I went for a run and caught two couples having sex in wolf form. I left as it disgusted my wolf and I that they were being caught and cared less.

Dr Toni said they could have been mates. Terri said you can believe what you want Doctor, I left as I and my wolf feared of being jumped and mounted. None were my true mate and I wasn't staying where it wasn't safe to run.

Dr Toni shook her head and injected her to knock her out. Terri was woken after her full exam and all her shots given to her. She opened her eyes and seeing she was alone, she headed to the washroom and locked the door.

She shifted multiple times then showered and dressed before she pulled back all her scent inside her shields and blocked it. She drew back on her essence too then only let out a wee bit so she could only be sensed as a she-wolf.

She exited the room to find no one there guarding nor around. So she exited the way she came and ended up back at her parked and loaded vehicle. She got inside, found her keys and drove away.

She found a hotel and checked into a single room, then grabbed a bag from her vehicle and locked up. She ordered room service as soon as she got to her room.

Once finished eating, she crashed for the night. In the morning, she woke and got ready for the day. She showered and changed clothes, then packed her bag.

She opened the door to see Warrior Henry about to knock on her door, looking not too pleased with her. She passed him her bag and said good morning Henry.

She moved by him and locked the door and said time to check out and grab a meal. He grunted and said you took off. She said no one was around when I left the exam room. I was hungry and too tired to look for anybody.

He took her elbow and said we had an extreme emergency. She said I never totally left the area Henry. He grunted and looked off saying so I discovered. She said so stop being angry with me Henry.

He checked her out of the hotel and took her outside where another Warrior was parked behind her vehicle, preventing her vehicle from leaving.

She rolled her eyes and passed her car keys over and her bag was passed over as she was set inside the Council vehicle as hers was being driven off by the other Warrior.

As soon as they drove away, Terri asked so explain to me Henry? He looked at her and asked about what? She said no one told me to stay at Council. You did say the pack was being reassessed but never explained anything.

He said it's need to know information and you being a member I can't tell you. She sighed deeply and said I see. I'm to be treated as a threat and won't be told anything. She clammed up as he did first and she looked out the window instead of at him.

Back at the Council building, more vehicles were parked, filling up the parking lots. Henry ended up parking her vehicle in a fenced in area. She got out after he did.

She looked off as she didn't move after getting out being glared at by other Warriors getting into other vehicles. Henry moved around to her and quickly grabbed her arm and took her inside.

She was led back into the infirmary that was full. Her car keys were not given back either telling her she wouldn't be able to leave.

She scented some pretty familiar reeking scents in the Council infirmary as the pack sluts were decontaminated and their scents were fully exposed.

Warriors of all kinds were standing by exam room doors all stiff and on guard. She was led finally to a waiting room and told to stay. She sat quietly in a corner seat and refused to look at anyone coming or going.

It felt like hours had gone by before she was nudged and looked up at another Council Warrior. He said Terri come with me. She stood and he took her wrist and pulled her along with him.

They ended up in the Council chambers as she was led to a seat. He made her sit and he said stay there. He moved and took a stance behind her as she was seated at the back of the room.

She sighed deeply, not looking around. When she was nudged from behind, she looked around then stood as everyone got up.

She looked away as the pack sluts were led into the room. They were lined up before she was nudged again. The new Council Warrior grunted and said down on the floor with the others.

She walked towards the disgusting reeking sluts. He took her arm as she wasn't moving fast enough. He dragged her in front of the others who saw her and snorted.

Terri looked to see who stood beside her as the pack sluts started getting angry, calling her disgusting names. She moved as he looked her over and checked her out. On the other side of the Council Warrior who grunted at her moving, she looked off as she was not impressed as next Alpha Brent always thought he was hot and resistable.

Brent finally asked who are you? She refused to talk and the Council Warrior looked at her with a brow raised before he asked why doesn't he know you? Terri said because I'm not like the others and a disgusting reeking well used pack slut.

The Council Warrior chuckled as Brent growled and said you aren't a member of our pack. Why are you here? Terri looked at the doorway as others were being led in, then finally the pack leaders and their mates showed up.

They were moved in front of the sluts along the same line where she was standing. Then the doors were closed and multiple Council Warriors stood in front of them and guarded so no one could run.

As the Council showed up, Terri looked up an saw them all. She lowered her head again until her her arm was taken and she was moved up to the table where the Council were all sitting behind.

Terri was looked over then one said explain to us who you are. She said my name is Terri Quade, I'm 19, just finished two years of University and a member of the Tri-Ridge Wolf pack.

One male stood and asked who are your parents? She said Marie Lee and Lance Quade. He looked off and then at Alpha Allen who grunted.

She turned her head and looked at Alpha Allen who looked back and he said tell them the truth. Terri frowned and said go ahead and talk as I honestly don't know what you're talking about Alpha as I wasn't told they weren't my birth parents.

He grunted and said they told me differently. She shook her head and said then just tell us what you know because I have no clue whatsoever.

He said your the end result of a pack's next Luna and her ultimate betrayal of her mate with an unknown stranger to their pack.

She totally turned to him and said no one said a word, so who was she and this so called stranger? He said the pack Alpha ousted her after she was rejected. She had you and abandoned you in a hospital. She took off and was never found again. As for your birth father, no one knows.

She shook her head, turned to the Council table and asked why wasn't DNA testing done to find out who my birth father was?

He grunted and she looked at him again. He looked bloody guilty as he shiffled his feet. She looked at his mate who glared back then looked away being caught.

She huffed and looked back at Council and said I renounce my ties to the Tri-Ridge Wolf pack. I sense the Alpha as well as Luna know something which was never told to me.

The Luna snarled and said you knew, we were told you were informed. Terry said lies can be scented and you just lied.

Alpha Allen snarled my mate doesn't lie. She said bullshit Alpha. She stepped up to the table and said I request that Council have DNA tests done on me so we can find out the truth. I'm very shocked at learning I'm supposed to be the daughter of a next Luna. I was never once told, but it makes sense since the couple I thought were my parents were so indifferent or cold to me all my life. Once I was moved into the pack house, they moved away without telling me.

The Luna snarled and said lies, you were told. Terry turned to look at the Luna and said lying again bitch, I was never once told. Watch what you are saying as I'll demand you be read to learn the truth. The Luna shut right up as Terry turned to the Council who were standing now.

She stepped up and dropped the block on her scent then said I request my DNA be taken and tested as I honestly had no idea. The couple who raised me never spoke to me about me not being their birth child. They left the pack when I was moved into the pack house at 16 and I was not informed at all and I have no idea where they went.

They took in her pure scent then nodded as she spoke nothing but the truth. She bowed and said as for the pack? A Councilman asked so they were out of control with the pack leaders and Doctor's knoweledge? Terry said yes. I was told by the pack Doctor when I was last there and had my full exam and shots given before leaving after only staying less than a week. The older pack members were out of control who taught the younger members moved in to cross the line as well. None of them cared the pack members were so out of control and I was utterly disgusted. I left as it wasn't even safe to run my wolf as the males were all mounting the females outside in full view of others.

They all growled scenting it was the truth. He asked how is it you are still pure living with them? She said moving into the pack house was shocking as the sluts were all out of control, covering their scents, but the males's scent were exposed to smell who they were having sex with.

I spent all my time out of the pack house training my wolf as none of them were teaching any of the new members a thing. Being raised by the couple, I learned to survive on my own. So I wasn't following their lead as I was utterly disgusted with them all.

They growled again as all the pack leaders snarled at her words. She stepped back as a Warrior stepped up and took her arm. She bowed and pulled back every bit of her scent before she was led away. The Luna yelled we won't ever forget your betrayal.

Terry said right back at you bitch. You don't deserve a title or wolf as you never once thought of the care of your pack members. Living under your roof, you allowed disgusting out of control members to teach all other new members to become disgusting eager sluts. You should be branded as one as well as you watched it happen and never did or said anything to stop them. The Luna screamed and would have shifted to attack if she hadn't been knocked out by other Council Warriors.

As she was taken down to the infirmary, Terry grunted as the Warrior said not good being witnessed as disrespecting your Luna. Terry then said she lied as I was never told a thing. As for that Luna, you respect your leaders but tell me do other leaders disregard the well being of their members as they did? Not once was I ever told what it was like in that pack house. The females were already totally out of control when I was moved in. I was only taken inside when I was moved in and to my complete shock, they all reeked.

I was raised away from the pack house and never went to school with the pack members until I was moved in at 16. To my complete horror, their scents were off the charts and I had to spend the vast majority of my time outside training my wolf on my own as no one took the time. I never really knew any of them. I lived with them, went to the same school once I moved in but never connected to any.

He grunted and said not good then. She said I know, but it was out of my hands. I truly did respect pack leaders as a member. But honestly they never showed me that they deserved it.

He growled not good. She said I know and it's why I was never planning on going back. I told the pack Doctor the last time I saw him, after he told me they all already knew the pack members were totally out of control. I said the pack females were all smelling as their shots were lapsing and near fertile and would all be pregnant soon as none of them were using protection. He looked like he hadn't had a clue. I immediately left in disgust.

Once DNA samples were all taken, Terry asked if they would check to make sure the Alpha couple were true mates. The Council Warrior stiffened and asked why? She said because my wolf is asking me to ask. She seems to feel they aren't. It would explain a few things, like why the Luna never acted like one to me and was never seen as truly caring for the pack. My wolf says that true Lunas are nothing like that.

He grunted and said then neither was your birth mother. Terry huffed and said I have no idea who my birth mother or father is. I have always wondered why the couple that raised me were so indifferent to me. They never taught me anything either. It was my wolf once she woke that taught me everything I knew.

He looked off then said boody hell, they aren't true mates. She grunted at the Doctor who huffed and said you are to go back up. He smiled and said to confuse you more, your file does not state you were adopted. The couple that raised you was recorded as your birth parents, so more lies?

She sighed deeply and said now I'm more confused. My birth certificate doesn't show who my birth parents were. It states where I was born and not the location. I assumed it was born in the pack infirmary and not in any hospital. So a cover up?

He grunted and said we'll find out if you have no records. She said it's all I have Doctor. She looked off and said I was never shown any baby pictures of when I was born, the couple were so indifferent it was never brought up.

She slid off the chair saying anything you can get your hands on, I would love copies of Doctor. It truly changes everything. He asked how? Terry said it changes things as I have no idea who is truly related by blood to me.

She thanked him and and was taken back up to the Council chambers.


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