*** Kathy Rosemary ***

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Kathy Rosemary

Wolf Shifters

Kathy was only 4 when she heard her wolf talk to her for the first time. Yeah she was really young to be speaking to her, but her home life was about to get rough.

Her parents were fighting, every single day. They argued until one or the other stormed out of the house and she would be left sitting in the corner of her room crying silently.

Now that her wolf spoke to her, comforted her when her parents would abandon her. She didn't understand what was happening until her wolf helped ease the blame from her young shoulders and put her to sleep.

A few days later, her parents bundled her up with all her belongings and took her to live with strangers. They abandoned her all together, but promised her they would be back.

But days, weeks and years passed and they never came back. She was left with a couple, both rogue wolves who liked to move around a lot, probably due to local wolves finding out about them living too close to their pack lands.

Then when she was 8, Kathy was abandoned again. They had moved closer to a city and both her caretakers took jobs away from where she was put into school. And one day they just never returned.

Kathy had walked home from school like she was told and when she got there, she found their things gone but hers still set up in her small room. That night, Kathy ate a peanut butter sandwich and drank the last of the milk, then curled up in her closet with her blankets and went to sleep.

The next few days, Kathy did the best she could, getting up for school, grabbing a box of cereal and eating it dry since the milk was all gone, then dressing and walking to school.

Her wolf was on alert, making sure she was safe until the manager who had rented the house to her caretakers showed up looking for the rent. Of course she was found all alone as the manager used his keys to get in.

He had looked around the place, and found her in her closet hiding. He swore when he realized what had happened and called the police right away. When they showed up, Kathy kept quiet as she was afraid.

The social worker bundled her and her things up and sent her to live with a temporary foster family. But things didn't work out well, they were cruel to Kathy, shaving her head was one of the first signs they were going to be abusive to her.

When the social worker found Kathy, she had a bald head and sporting bruises and some cuts from a thrown beer bottle that had shattered and shards hit her hard in the head. The man of the house had lost his job and he took it out on Kathy.

The man had said to her before he threw the empty beer bottle, ten years he had that job until she came into their lives, he then told her she was cursed. They man's wife explained to the social worker that she was at work herself so she had no idea what could have happened.

The next 8 years Kathy was placed in one abusive foster home to the next until she turned 16. She had kept quietly to herself, did her chores and spend the rest of her time outdoors to keep out of the men's hands as she had grown and developed breasts that the men drooled over and wanted to grab and touch.

When she turned 16, things changed. She shifted for the first time and had her first run as a wolf. While running, her wolf was explaining to her about their species, teaching her about rogues, about packs, and when they had stopped to drink some water, that was when she was attacked.

Seems they had come dangerously close to a pack territory and had to be taught to keep away. She refused to shift when they tried to order her, then when clothes were shoved at her and she went behind some bushes and shifted back, then dressed.

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