Glowing Lagoon

By Hiowriting

701 65 6

Traveling, adventuring and exploring medieval with boats au of decks and fighting and stuff More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Eight

33 3 0
By Hiowriting

Seems like I've Finish cleaning most everything the new thing I used called "a mop" helps a lot! Might as well take a break and I then see Kyle start walking by "Oh hey kyle" I call out to him, but he doesn't answer and keeps walking even though he was right by me.. Odd or maybe he's spacing out but it looks like he's sort of pacing in the down stairs. I then stretch out my arms and close my eyes while stretching.

I then open my eyes to see Dippy stare back at my eyes "Why hello~" she spoke in a more mischievous manor which also caught me by surprise " uh.. Hello! Um how are you?" I asked her I feel a flustered and a shiver go down my spine when she sat next to me and scooted closer, she seems happy! If that's how she is usually in the morning? Though she seems like a totally night owl, "I'm good! How are you darling?" She requested back looking at me with a interesting grin.

"I'm good! So uh.. I don't think I've seen you be down here before actually" I let out smiling even though I was breaking a sweat "Yes and I haven't seen you wear this outfit either" I she responded looking at me head to toe, I must have forgot how use to I am to just changing outfits I guess "Oh yeah well um.." I claimed but then she turn me her way and put her hair into my hair and then she took a look at a strand of my hair "It's cute I like it" She expresses with a grin, but also I started to get flustered again.

"Hmmm.. so anyways do you know how to dance?" She asserted breaking the silence which was a odd question because she said that out of nowhere "Dayn- dancing?" I conveyed in utter confusion "w-well I know what it means but no.. I don't really know how to.." I added looking down. "Well I can show you" Dippy commented as she grabbed my hand and put on hand on my waist and grabbed my other hand and held it up which startled me a bit as I looked up at her as she looked down at me.

"Alright let's start, follow my steps" she told me I then just nodded my head yes and we start to dance.


I then feel A pain hit my toe but it didn't seem on purpose " Oh my bad~!" Dippy delivered with laughter but not sure if she really felt bad about it.. By the way she said it "no you're fine" I shot back at her "I think we should continue now, dancing is fun!" I added as we got back into the pose. Wow Dippy are you ready to go a Ball? Seems like you got yourself a madam for it" I turn around to see who's voice it was Gaby behind us with a drink in hand, seems a bit like gaby, but wait A ball? What does that mean?

"What's.. A Ball??" I asked "it's basically a fancy party event with where you take someone to dance.." Gaby explained for me that's odd "I'll be on my way" Gaby announced but I swore then I heard "Hope you took care of your feeding for this month" from gaby, that's the moment Dippy the had fainted which made a thund and Gaby turned around and tried to pick her so then a helped pick her up into the resting beds where Lorrin was as we sat her on the bed with Lorrin shocked.

" What happened?!" Lorrin asked us both "Were not sure she just fainted!" I justified "I don't understand.." I muttered out, what just happened we were just dancing.. Why did she faint like this. I go to tap her but Gaby stops me "she's not safe right now.." Gaby spoke making both me and her leave as she also get's Lorrin out of his own area "You guys... should go do something else!" Gaby speaked up as if she's hiding something both.

Me and Lorrin had the same idea seemed to go to Nic we walk into his room and him being startled also trying to hide something that he was doing on his desk "oH H-hey you guys us kinda random to see me at this time" Nic sounded startled and was sweating as he put what he was doing in his bag "Nic! Do you know anything about fainting" Lorrin asked Nic "well I know that fainting is caused by blood loss, low energy, nausea and-" "It might be energy!" I interrupted Nic sorry Nic.

"why energy? Do you just FEEL like it's energy?" Lorrin questioned "Well eh I guess.. But I'm going to have to check on Dippy" I clarified with worry. Both male looked at each other worried "Stay safe" both Lorrin and Nic reply at that the same time then as I go out of Nic's door into Lorrin's room I tap on Dippy "Dippy are you alright?" I ask loudly but not very loud as I then see Dippy look at me but her eyes seem more or bloodshot she starts to laugh grinning at me.

"D O Y o U f E e L T h A t M Y is b E a T i NG " she laughs insanely as she then put my hand on her heart it's a loud sonic beat it's scary I then step away " Uh... I need to go.." I then chuckled nervously to the door I then try to open it, B U T I T ' S L O C k E d, I then see she stands up and her claws look sharper "I ' M G E T T I N G M Y M A G I C .. E N E R G Y" she shouts coming towards me as I feel something dark and painful it seems odd I feel little light headed as I start falling and all I see is black.

i hope you guys have a wonderful day and a warmful hug!! anyways byeeee <3 also

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