Alpha | jjk

By jinandhobi

730K 26.4K 6.4K

- a Jeon Jungkook fanfiction - in which a girl meets a boy who is a werewolf. Jeon Jungkook, a resident playe... More

Before You Start!!!
1 - The International Playboy
2 - Give Me A Chance?
3 - The Werewolf Pack
4 - Such Beautiful Boys
5 - A Zoo Partying in My Stomach
6 - A Nerdy but Artsy Potato
7 - A Mysterious Man
8 - Iron Man Figurines
9 - The Sickest Thing That Has Ever Happened In My Life
10 - The Luna
11 - An Unknown Number
12 - Bruises and Cuts
13 - Stay With Me
14 - Toothbrushes and Pancakes
15 - Two Pools Of Black Holes
16 - Spill The Beans
17 - Little Alpha Pup
18 - Being A Werewolf Has Its Perks
19 - Wolverine from X-Men
20 - A Spy?
21 - He's Got No Jams
22 - Wrapped Around Her Fingers
23 - Jimin's POV
24 - Lying To Ourselves
25 - Fullmoon
26 - Sixth Sense
28 - The Ultimate Fight
29 - Tiny Yet Mesmerizing Sparks
Bonus Chapter

27 - Yes, I'm Crazy

15K 608 96
By jinandhobi

Jungkook's POV

"Annyeong, did you miss me?" I asked with a grin, and just when I thought the whole scenario was cool and a tad bit romantic, my hyungs apparently had other ideas in their minds.

"AREUM!" Taehyung and Hoseok rushed towards Areum and instantly engulfed her in a hug.

"Annyeong, oppa." She giggled when the older hyungs released her, and laughed when Seokjin, Namjoon and even Yoongi gave her another group hug.

"Hey, no fair! I want to hug Areum too!" Jimin roughly pushed the three hyungs away and embraced her tightly before pecking her forehead.

"What are you doing-" I growled at Jimin but got cut off by Areum who raised her palm at me.

"It's just a brotherly affection, Jeon." I sighed in defeat when Jimin wriggled his eyebrows at me, satisfied that Areum was on his side.

"I get to do this then." I smirked before planting my lips onto hers, earning sounds of fake gagging from the pack.

"Go away!" Areum pushed me away, but a smile was still evident on her face.

"Oh, you guys are back." Along with the others, we all turned our heads towards the source of the feminine voice. I swear I saw Seokjin's face lit up when he realized that it was Areum's doctor who had spoke.

"Annyeong, Dr. Han." The oldest among us tilted his head slightly as he went to stand in front of her, surprising the doctor.

"A-annyeong." Dr. Han stammered before awkwardly looking away from him. She then came to where Areum and I were at, and shot me a look before telling all of us to get out so that she could check Areum's wound.

"Hyung, your tail is wagging like a windshield wiper on maximum." Yoongi said to Seokjin who was smiling to himself dreamily.

"Tail? Where?" Taehyung asked.

"Yoongi hyung is saying it metaphorically, not literally, Tae." Namjoon chuckled when Taehyung nodded.

"She's so pretty." Seokjin commented, and we laughed quietly at him.

"He's totally whipped." Jimin shook his head while grinning at him.

The fullmoon shift seemed to had brought back the cheerful Jimin I knew, and I was glad that we had our wolves on our side at all times, to support us when we were having both good or bad days. It was obvious that he was still a little upset about what happened a few days ago, and we all knew the silent rule to not bring up about Yejin in front of him to make him feel sad again.

"You guys can enter now." Dr. Han announced as she opened the door for us to go into the room, to which we did, except Seokjin who stayed outside to talk to her.

Without a single word, I immediately took a seat next to Areum and felt an uncanny feeling surround me. I looked at her, and knew something was up.

"I have something to say." She spoke softly, her hands holding onto mine. We remained silent, and she took it a cue to continue. "The rogue who appeared twice came earlier today."

"What?!" We all shouted in unison.

"Are you hurt?" I asked worriedly, and thankfully she shook her head.

"He wants me to convey this message to you, Jungkook. His leader wants to meet you this coming Saturday, eight p.m sharp, at the empty warehouse outside the city. And if you don't go..." She trailed her eyes towards Jimin before closing them. ".. Yejin will be in danger."

"What?" Jimin exclaimed incredulously.

"Don't worry hyung, I'll go." I assured him and he nodded gratefully at me.

Time for a show down.

It was the Saturday.

Leaving Areum and Namjoon who insisted to be the one to take care of the former back in the pack house, the six of us went to the venue where the mastermind of all this had suggested to meet.

Was I scared? Horrified? Nervous?

I would be lying if I said no.

Even though I was the youngest, I knew my hyungs still depended and trusted me as their Alpha. So I did what I had to do, that was to put on a brave form for them.

We reached the venue at a quarter before eight, and got off the pickup truck we travelled in. Giving them a nod, with me at the front, we entered the deserted warehouse with our senses all sharp, ready for any attacks.

"Good to see you finally, Jeon Jungkook." A masculine voice erupted from the above, and I saw a tall figure, dressed in thin winter clothings like us, jumped down before landing in front of us dramatically.

"What a show-off." I heard Taehyung mutter before getting hushed by Hoseok who was next to him.

"You've requested to see me, and I thank you for that since I'm getting tired of searching for your trace." I spoke carefully, a smirk forming on my face.

"Wrong. It's me getting tired of waiting for you and your pack to find me." He then bowed and spoke again. "Let me introduce myself again, I'm Jang Kibum, and I aspire to destroy all of you self-proclaimed elites."

I watched him quietly, my wolf ready to pounce at him.

"I heard that one of you is my baby sister's mate. Who is it? Is it you?" Kibum pointed at Seokjin, "Or you?" and then Yoongi, before spinning around while making some weird sound from his mouth. "None of you suits my taste."

"Why do you want to meet me?" I was getting irritated by the nonsense uttered from his mouth.

"To negotiate." He glanced down at me as he was slightly taller.

"What?" I asked him back.

"Kill yourself, and I'll let that little mate of yours live."

"Are you crazy?!" Jimin barked at him.

"Unfortunately kiddo, yes, I am crazy. You see, the deal is pretty simple. You die, everyone lives. And we all live happily ever after. Imagine that, won't it be wonderful?" He clapped his hands while cackling, and I growled furiously at him.

"You must be really out of your mind to think that you can overthrow us. There are so many packs in South Korea, yes, you may destroy ours but what about the others? You really think you stand a chance against all of us?" I tested him, but he simply returned me a nonchalant shrug.

"Your pack is the strongest of all, which will leave the others to tremble in fear once yours is down. You're running out of time, pup. You better decide now." He said it with a sing-song voice.

"What do you mean that we're running out of time?" I questioned him, my eyes noticing my hyungs were sending me signals.

"Didn't I mention that I've sent someone to your pack house? I must be getting old, silly me." He chuckled at himself. "Choose, kid. Die or her."

I grinned wickedly before answering. "Neither."

And we attacked.


Im hungry

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