Under The Cherry Moon {A Prin...

By MakeThatChange96

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What does a beautiful talented artist plus Prince equal? Trouble. When Prince discovers Allison Richards and... More

The Purple Bug
Prince Charming
The Art Of Seduction
Full Of Surprises
Reality? Check. Allison? Undecided.
The Girl With The Cold But Broken Heart
The Tonight Show Starring Prince & Jerome
Too Good To Be True
Forgive & Forget?
Pick Up Where We Left Off
Horny Pony - Part One
Horny Pony - Part Two
Allison Vs Morris
Prince's Anxiety
Seeing Double
Prince & The New Power Generation
The Next Step
Separation Anxiety
Prince Gets His Way
Two Different Worlds
A/N: Break...
Tell All Interview
Work Shenanigans
A/N: Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year
This Isn't Pretend - Part One
This Isn't Pretend - Part Two
Love 2 The 9's
The Purple One Vs. A Winchester
Putting Down The Knives And Picking Up The Microphone
Winchesters To The Rescue
Don't Go Into The Light
Reinforcements - Part Two
Rough Night
Is It All Just An Act?
Can You Turn Off The Purple Light?
Off The Reservation
Living Nightmare
Allison Out Of The Picture...Or Is She?
What Doesn't Kill Me Better Run
Oh, Awkward...
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
Tell Him He's Dreamin'
Under The Influence

Reinforcements - Part One

250 13 9
By MakeThatChange96

*Author's POV*

Prince left Allison alone in the room like she wanted, he ran his fingers through his dark curls. His mind racing, he is at his breaking point. He doesn't know what to do anymore, he wants his happy, sarcastic and mean Wife back. He know what she just went through was traumatic, she almost died in an explosion. But she's shutting him out, he's trying all he can to help her, when he thinks she's about to open up she snaps right shut and pushes him away.

Prince sighs as he leans against the wall next to the bedroom door, he closes his eyes as he tries to gather his thoughts and collect himself together.

His eyes immediately reopen as he jogs down to his office downstairs, he closes the door and sits in his chair. He picks up the phone and starts dialling.

"Hey, I hope this isn't a bad time...but I'm desperate. And she won't talk to me, she might talk to you..." Prince sighs.

A brief silence fills the air before he sighs in relief and a small smile plays on his tired features.

"Thank you. I'll see you later." Prince ends the call.

He gets up and continues on with his day, which contains of meetings and checking on Allison in between.

*Several Hours Later*

The doorbell rings and Prince practically runs to it, opening it before the guard does. He sighs in relief.

"Thank god, I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I'm the lousiest Husband in the world, Allison just...one minute I think she's gonna open up to me then she goes mute or freaks out on me." Prince panics.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to her." Jensen reassured him.

"How has she been though?" Jared asks, concern in his voice and eyes.

"Appearance wise, better...mentally, not so much. She's like a completely different person. I feel like I'm losing her." Prince says as he stares off in a distance.

Jared just looks at him as tears fills his eyes.

Jensen looks between the two, he sighs as he puts his hands on their shoulders.

"I know how much you two love and care for her, I do too. And I say this with love and care...but you two need to leave while I'm talking to her." Jensen says.

Prince looks up at him, Jared raises an eyebrow.

"What? Why?" Jared asks.

"Because, well yes I'll try and get her to open up but I'm not exactly going to be kind about it." Jensen admits.

Jared frowns.

"I beg your pardon?" Prince asks.

"Look, Allison isn't going to get out of this rut with lovey dovey affection..." Jensen crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yeah but why do we have to leave?" Jared asks.

"Because it's gonna get ugly, I know what she's like. She's literally gonna take some swings at me, I'd rather let her dish that out with you two not here. I've experienced what she has, that's why you called me, Prince. You two shouldn't hear what she's going to unleash, go get dinner or see a movie or something. I'll call you if something happens or if I make a break through." Jensen explains.

Prince sighs, Jared nods.

The two men agree and head off into town to go do something, meanwhile Jensen gets changed out of his suit from set earlier. He walks inside and up to the bedroom, knocking on the door then walking in.

"Allison?" Jensen calls out.

Allison turns around and looks up at Jensen.

"What are you doing here?" She asks in a flat tone.

"I'm here to talk, and here for you in general. Just like I said I would be." He says.

Allison turns back around, staring out the window.

"I have nothing to say." She says.

"Well I do. You need to talk about this...letting this eat you up like this, it's unhealthy." Jensen says.

Allison closes her eyes and sighs.

"I don't want to talk about it." She says, raising her voice.

"Well you're going to." Jensen says also raising his voice.

Allison turns to face him, her expression clear to him. Anger, fear, sadness, emptiness all written all over her face. That's when his expression softens.

"What do you want me to say, Jensen? I'm scared about almost getting blown to bits? I'm not over the fact that someone had been plotting to end my life for quite sometime? I'm scared out of my mind because I have no idea if the guy has people he might have been working with on this?" Allison yells as tears fill her eyes.

Jensen looks at the floor momentarily before looking back up at her.

"I want you to tell me exactly how you feel about this, let it all out. Because whether you like it or not, I'm not leaving this room until you do...and neither are you." He says.

Allison scoffs.

"Is that so?" She raises an eyebrow.

Jensen nods, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You're such and ass." Allison scolds.

Jensen chuckles as he nods.

"An ass who loves and cares for you so much, who would have been glad to die in that explosion with you rather than leave you by yourself." He reminds her.

She looks up at him.

"Why? Why would you risk your life for me?" She asks.

Jensen sighs.

"I told you...in that burning car and just then." He says.

Allison looks away, rubbing her temples.

"Come on, talk to me." Jensen says.

Allison runs her fingers through her hair.

"You want the truth?" She asks.

"Well yeah...that would be nice." He says.

She takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Fine, I am scared. The whole thing keeps playing in my head, and what things would be like for Prince if I wasn't here. How he would have to deal if I hadn't gotten out of that car on time. And I am scared because I was grabbed just outside here...what if it happens again?" She explains.

Jensen stares at her as some tears present themselves in his eyes.

"Allison...I know you're scared, but...I'd never, let anyone hurt you, ever again." He says above a whisper, as he steps closer to her.

Allison doesn't look at him.

Jensen grabs her face, making her look at him.

"Look at me, dammit!" Jensen says.

Allison looks at him, she sees the tears in his eyes as they make their desperate escape. Jensen was supposed to be the one to be getting her to open up but seems to be the other way around.

"I promise you, I won't let anyone hurt you again." Jensen says.

Allison stares into his now puffy green eyes.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Jensen." She whispers.

Jensen scoffs.

"I intend to keep that promise." He says with confidence.

Allison squints her eyes for a moment before placing her hands over his on her cheeks.

"Do you still have feelings for me...Jensen?" She asks.

Jensen furrows his brows.

"What?" He asks.

"Do you?" She asks.

Jensen chuckles as he pulls away and turns his back on her, but Allison grabs his shoulder and spins him back around.

"You do! You still have feelings for me." She scoffs.

"You make that sound like a bad thing." Jensen scoffs back.

Allison rolls her eyes.

"Yes, I do. They never really left, but I haven't had any intention on acting on them. My true intentions are protecting you and being your friend, I like the friendship we have." Jensen admits.

Allison crosses her arms over her chest.

"You put yourself in the friendzone?" Allison asks.

Jensen rolls his eyes this time.

"Yeah, So? I hated us fighting before, I want us to be friends like before. I miss us hanging out, you, me and Jared. We can still do that if you get your ass out of this room." Jensen says.

Allison glares at him.

"What? Aw did I hurt your feelings princess?" Jensen smirks.

Allison clenches her jaw, she goes to take a swing but he blocks it. She pulls away and takes another and gets him in the ribs, Jensen leans over grabbing his side while coughing.

"Aw, did I hurt you, princess?" Allison mocks his voice.

Jensen laughs then groans in pain.

Jensen looks up at the knife in her hand, his eyes widen.

"That's cheating!" He exclaims.

"How?" She asks.

"Because I don't have a weapon." He frowns.

"Well that's too bad then, isn't it?" She shrugs her shoulders.

Jensen stands back to full height.

"Come on now, put it down, there's no need for knives now." He says.

Allison throws the knife, which sticks into the wall right next to Jensen's head, making his eyes widen.

"Okay, I put it down." She says.

He quickly moves away from the knife.

"Oh my god, I sure know how to pick them." Jensen mumbles.

Allison sits on the bed, staring in a space. Jensen looks at her confused.

"You better now? Got it out of your system?" He asks.

Allison looks up at him, giving him a fake smile.

"Oh yeah, much better. Thanks for the talk." She says.

Jensen smiles as he sits beside her, he wraps his arm around her, pulling her in for a hug.

"You don't have to go through this alone, you can call me anytime of the day...whether it's 2pm or 2am. You can call Jared too, I know he's worried sick about you, but you know who you should really be talking to?" Jensen asks.

Allison looks up at him.

"Your Husband, you know...the one who's been running around this big Tetris looking thing like a headless chicken because all he wants is to help you but you keep shutting him out." Jensen says.

Allison looks down at the floor.

"I know." She sighs.

"Then talk to him." He jabs her in the ribs.

She hisses and pushes him on the floor.

"You know I don't care that you did that, as long as you talk to Prince." Jensen groans, he leans back onto the floor.

*Later that Night*

"How did it go?" Jared asks.

"It was rough for awhile, she's a stubborn little thing." Jensen shakes his head and sighs.

Prince scoffs and nods with wide eyes.

"But I think we got there in the end, after the punching, kicking, jabs in the ribs and knife throwing." Jensen fills in.

Jared's jaw drops.

"Knife throwing? She didn't actually get you...did she?" He asks.

"No, to be fair I did tell her to put them down so that was kinda on me." Jensen shrugs.

Prince stares at Jensen in awe.

"She has knives?" He asks.

Jensen raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah...from the last show she was on, you didn't know that?" Jensen confirms.

Prince laughs nervously as he shakes his head.

"Well, they're in a red velvet box in the closet. Just so you're aware." Jensen says.

Prince scratches his head, now afraid to enter the bedroom with this information.

Allison enters the room, all three of them look up at her.

"Allison..." Jared says as a smile appears on his face.

"Hey, Jared." She sighs.

"Baby, how are you feeling?" Prince stands.

Allison turns to Prince, walking up to him, placing her hands on his chest.

"Much better." She smiles.

Jared and Jensen smile.

Allison pulls away as she looks between the three.

"Listen, I'm gonna step outside for a minute, get some air." She says with a small smile.

Prince smiles as he nods.

Allison walks towards the door, detouring to the kitchen, grabbing Jensen's car keys before going back to the door. Once she grabs the door handle and opens it, she jumps when she looks who's on the other side.

"Going somewhere?" Chris, Allison's Father, asks.

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