Twisted - A Paisleywood Story

By sugarmeltsintherain_

21.9K 781 192

You'll have to read to know what the story is about, bae More

Wait, WHAT?!
Friendly Date Night?
Can't Do It No More.
Miranda Finds Out
He Cannot Wait.
A Bit Shocked
The Truth Exposed.
A Day Without Brad?
The Reality
The Reality Part II
Isn't It Surprising?
Starts With Goodbye
Starts With Goodbye Part II
Get Out Of This Town
I Know You Won't
The Next Day
Remind Me
A New Friend
Just Another Day
The Ellen show
This is it.
what now?
This is Just A Dream
Next step?
Home Sweet Home :)
Thank God For Hometowns
I Love You
Back For You
Fun Fun Fun!
It Is A Lovely Night Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
Stay With Me
Don't Keep Your Hopes Up
There's Good In Goodbye
Untwist It
The Future.

The Call ☎

402 13 0
By sugarmeltsintherain_

Sitting up on my bed, scrolling through my cellphone for the 20th time today. Re-reading the texts Brad sent me. I probably have memorized it already.

I remember that night we danced to "Amazed" by lonestar. I wouldn't forget that. It is one of those very special moments we've had.

The moments where i'd just look into his beautiful brown eyes and i'd melt already. Where he'll sing to me. Every time we're goofing around the house, chasing each other. When we watch movies and i'd snuggle up to him.  Those nights where we'd talk about our future together. How we use to daydream about future kids and their names.

"I Love You." His voice keeps repeating on my head. And by now tears are streaming down my face.

"How come we ended this way?" I whispered to myself.

Gosh, Carrie! I shouldn't be thinking too much about this!

"Carrie.." My Mom says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Your phone's  been ringing for about 15 minutes already. You have like, 12 missed calls from an unknown number." She says handing me my still ringing phone then gets out.

Unknown number? who could this be? And why would they call me for 12 times? Maybe this is Brad. oh c'mon Carrie. don't put your hopes up too high. Why would he call you?

C: hi, Carrie Underwood speaking.

UN: oh gosh, you picked up, finally! I thought you were shunning me.

C: sorry, may I know who this is?

UN: This is Derek.

C: Derek?

UN: Derek Peters, the guy from the club.

C: oh, that Derek! What can I do for you?

D: well, i just wanna know if you'd like to go for a drink or something?

C: oh, Like right now or?

D: yeah, 'cause i'm actually just outside your house.

C: Oh My Gosh, wait, i'm gonna go there.

D: okay.. i'm just standing here. right in front of the door.

C: yeah, I can see you from the peephole hahaha.

D: oh, can I come in then?

C: oh shoot! yeah of course.

I opened the door and saw this tall, handsome, blue-eyed, brunette haired man as he flashes a huge smile and I can see his teeth sparkle again.

"Hi!" he said.

"Uhmm, you can actually hang up the phone now." i said giggling.

"oh yeah, sorry. I was just.. erm, you are so beautiful!" i blushed.

"oh come on! i'm in sweats and a tank top, no make-up on and you call me beautiful. something must be wrong with your eyes." i said laughing motioning for him to sit down on the couch.

I sat down on the couch across him as I pulled my hair up into a ponytail. Then suddenly his eyes widen and chuckled a bit.

"uhmm, May I ask what's so funny?"

"no, nothing." he said stopping himself from laughing.

"seriously, what is it?" I asked as I look to where his eyes are glued to. "Oh gosh! i'm so sorry." I said as I put my arms down.

Great! first time meeting and he'll see you with underarm hair. #awkward.

"oh no, don't be."

"no really, it's just that I haven't been to the spa yet." I said nervously laughing.

"i really don't mind. it's just.. i never imagined seeing Carrie Underwood like this, so simple yet still gorgeous."

"awe. thank you. oh and about that  going out for a drink thing,maybe we can just stay here and watch a movie or something."

"sure! i'd love to!" he exclaimed just as Mama walks in.

"hey, who's this handsome guy?" she asks.

"well Mama, this is Derek.."

"Oh, Derek?"

"Derek Peters, ma'am." Derek responds.

"And Derek, this is my mom."

They shook each other's hand.

"well i'm gonna go and leave y'all here. If you need anything, i'm just upstairs."Mama says.

I nodded in response. I put in "Nightmare On Elm Street" and i'm just there cuddled up with a pillow. We're both sitting on the opposite end of the couch.

I remember when Brad and I used to watch scary movies and i'm gonna lay in his chest feeling safe and unafraid. Gosh, I miss Brad so much. I'm watching a movie with this very nice guy and all I could think about is Brad.

Well, the truth is, I was gonna decline his invitation for a drink but then he was already outside my house, i mean, that'd be so rude! 'cause i'm not ready for anything like this yet. it's only been a month. Yes, we kissed but I was in a drunken state last night. lame excuse, I know.

I wasn't really aware of what's happening in the movie. i kept thinking about Brad. next thing I know is i'm escorting him to my front door.

"Hey, thanks for accommodating me. I really enjoyed this night. Maybe we could do this again some time?"

"sure." I said.

As he was leaning in to kiss me, I turned my head away and just gave him a hug. He bid goodbye and so did I, he said he'll call me. and I said sure. Then he was out.

Gosh, what am i getting myself into? i'm still not over Brad yet i'm gonna go out with another guy. great, Carrie.

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Sorry for the terrible name for the book its all about well I guess you will have to read it to find out