He Cannot Wait.

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When we entered the house i immediately slumped onto the couch. I am awfully tired. Not sure of the reason why though. It wasn't too long til i fell asleep.

Time Lapse.

I was awakened by that luscious smell. I wonder what Brad made for our dinner. I'm still not in the mood to  get up. Brad must've noticed me awake so he walked over to me.

"How's your sleep, lovely?"

"it was good and looong, i think."i replied.

"very long Missy. it's 9pm already! anyway, I made you Veggie Burgers and Brussles salad.."

so sweet of him right? "thank you. and it's 9pm?!?" i asked. "why didn't you wake me up? "

"well, it seems like you were so tired, so i didn't bother. In fact, earlier, i went home and grab some clothes. I'm planning to sleep here for a couple of days." hi winked at me.

"reasonable enough and Brad are enticing me?" I said laughing.

"do you want me to?" he answered slyly as he leans forward to me.

"uhmm. nope." i stood up leaving him there with his face slumped on the couch.  "i'm hungry." i responded.


We both finished eating. I am now doing the dishes.  when Brad embraced me from the back.

"are you not done yet? i wanna go to bed now." he said kissing my shoulders

"obviously, not yet. Go ahead, i'll go up when i'm done."

"aww. c'mon now with me. I promise to finish that tomorrow morning as soon as i wake up." 

"i want to finish it now. i don't want to leave the kitchen dirty all night.Besides i'm not sleepy yet."

"PLEEEEASE??" he pleaded with those puppy eyes again. ugh. why can't i resist that look?

"Okay. Fine. You win."

"yay!" he said excitedly then carried me (like a bride) all the ways upstairs.

"You know, Brad, we still aren't sure about Kim cheating on you." I said as he lays beside me.

"but there were pictures. There are evidences that she is."

"What if that's not Kim. What if its photoshopped? What if she really isn't cheating on you? What if, Brad, What if?" i asked concerned.

"I don't know Care. I really don't know."

"Do you think she could really cheat on you?"

"No. She's been a very loyal wife to me ever since. She loves our family so much."

"Then why did you believe it immediately?"

"Because Carrie, with that we have no reason to hide, we could already be together like we wanted. We could enjoy more times together. That was all i thought about earlier that's why i accepted the fact that she she is cheating on me. and because I LOVE YOU Carrie. i love you." he said, tears are streaming down my face.

"And i couldn't wait any longer to spend my everyday with you, those mornings where the first thing i would see is your face. Those nights where i'll kiss you goodnight. I cannot wait, Care." he continued. tears are still streaming down my face.

"Me either Brad, but we just have to accept the fact that the controversy about your WIFE is still not confirmed. We still have to keep in my mind that you have YOUR OWN FAMILY and that i'm just your... your other woman." i said.

"Don't look at it that way."

"But its true. i am your other woman. I have to accept the fact that i am."

"i don't know what to say. but there's no turning back now. We would go through all these together. Promise me that." he says as he leans me on his chest.

"I promise, Brad. i promise." i say as i held his arms tighter.

"I love you Underwood." he replied as he kissed my forehead.

And with that i drifted off to sleep. But even before I really fell into a deep slumber Brad wakes me.

"Carrie, Carrie."

"hmmm?" i respond.

"You didn't say "I love you" back" he replied, which i can imagine is also pouting his lips.

"what?" i sat up. "Do i really have to?" i teased.

"why? do you not love me?" he asked .

"i'd have to think about that." i teased even more.

"WHAT?" he asked KINDA hysterically, kinda.

"woah woah, calm down mister.!Of course I do.!" then i pecked his lips. " i love you Paisley." then laid back again.

"that's it? that short?" he protested.

"obviously, YES, any problem?"

"YES, I HAVE A PROBLEM."he says as he climbs on top of me.

"Brad, i'm tired. get down and go to sleep."


"No MORE BUTS." i said silently laughing.

then i finally drifted off to sleep. it was such a long day OF SLEEP.


i was awakened by the bright sun shining on my face. so i get up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Brad is no longer in bed, so most probably he's preparing breakfast downstairs.

after my shower, i decided to just wear a tee shirt and shorts. Just then i felt Brad's arms wrap around me. I turned around to face him then

"hmmmm." he kissed me.

"Good morning to you too, Handsome."

"Wanna go downstairs for breakfast beautiful miss?"

"okay.." then i ran, AS IN RAN downstairs as he chased me. i went at the back couch so he wouldn't catch me but then my eyes couldn't catch him. i can't see him anywhere. then


"aaah!" i screamed like a little girl as we both fell into the couch laughing!

"now I gotcha!" he teased .

Then he kissed me. Ugh my kiss addict boyfriend. My knees are starting to feel weak then i heard a knock on the door.  I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me go. He hold me tighter and just let that someone knock on the door. I can just kiss him forever and ever and ever and won't let go of him. I want to stay like this forever..

"ehem ehem." i heard someone clear HER throat. Brad and I then both Frozed.



hi lovely readers!

ooooh. guess who SHE is? comment below. and tell me what you think! and don't forget t9 VOTE VOTE VOTE.

Yours Truly,

KAYE :))

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