Just Another Day

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Today I woke up earlier, again. because we're gonna finish the music video today. I'm not as excited as I was yesterday. I don't know why.. i'm .. nervous. Not about the video of course. i'm just nervous. My heart is pumping faster than the usual. I didn't have a bad dream or something. I feel like something bad' gonna happen. It's just a feeling though. Maybe I don't really have to worry about it.

Anyway, I got up and hopped in the bath tub. Turned the radio on and "Then" by Brad came up. Brad, of course, left last night and said he's gonna pick me up again today. After a good one hour I got out of the shower and got dressed. I only wore a 3/4 jeans, a Nashville Preds sweatshirt. what? i'm a fan! and a canvass shoes. I plugged in the iron curler and started curling my hair and put on a light make-up.. Just as I was about to finish putting on my eyeliner, the door bell rang.. it's only 8 in the morning, wonder why Brad's too early..remember our call time's at 9.

I immediately ran downstairs and when I got to the door I fixed myself for a while and wore a huge grin before opening it.

"Hi." The visitor greeted who doesn't seem happy.

My huge grin suddenly turned into a huge frown. Now this, i'm sure, is the reason why i'm nervous this morning.

"hi.. would you like to come in?" I asked not really sure if i did the right thing.

"sure." The visitor replied.

I then told the visitor to sit on the couch and offered something to drink. I placed the iced tea on the coffee table and sat down.

"So uhmm.. Kim, what brought you here?" I asked.

"Carrie.." she starts off as she held both my hands. Tears are starting to form in her eyes. "These past days since I saw you and Brad in our backyard, he's been sneaking out every night. He doesn't know that I know that. I also know that whenever he sneaks out he goes here." She said looking straight into my eyes. A tear escaped her eye. "I'm not mad at you. Just so you know. I'm mad at myself knowing that if I can fulfill all his needs then he wouldn't be cheating. I love Brad so much. I love him more than my life. I love my family so much. I'd do anything for them. For my kids. And it hurts me a lot seeing them sad when Brad and I fight or when Brad isn't home. I mean, they're still too young to experience these kind of situations and it breaks my heart. I love Brad so much that i'm willing to let him go and be happy with you.. it's just, I can't let the kids have a broken family because of me." she continues. "I know, i'd be asking a lot if I told you to please stop your relationship with Brad, but i'm begging you, Carrie. please. At least for Huck and Jasper."

My eyes are now flooded with tears. I don't know what to say to Kim. What she's asking for would be very sad and tragic for me but it would be the happiness of her boys. Would I agree? oh gosh. I guess i'd have to decide for the best of everyone.

"I uhmm.. i will. I will stop this thing with Brad. I just. Just so you know, i too, don't want your kids to have a broken family because of me. I don't wanna be a homewrecker. You know I love your kids too. They're just the sweetest thing ever. I mean, you are so lucky to have them. You just have the perfect family and I wouldn't wanna be the reason to ruin that." I said holding back my tears. "And i'm sorry." I finished off.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Carrie. And you know, i am sorry too for what i've told you last time. I was just carried away. I mean seeing your husband kissing another woman.. I mean.."

"I know what you mean, Kim. That's why i'm apologizing."

"apology accepted. well, it's already 8:30 so I better get going. I still have a taping and you too, right?" Kim asked.

"thanks. and yeah we're gonna finish the music video today and our call time's at nine.." I replied as we both stood up and escorted her to the door.

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