Stay With Me

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~This ain't love it's clear to see, but darling stay with me.~

Months have past by and it has been the same scenario, Brad sneaking out every night to my house, we'll do our thing and then he'll sneak back to his house, still not caught. No rumors flying around. None at all.

"Brad, i've got to tell you something." I practiced in front of the mirror at 7 in the morning. I know, I woke up at an ungodly hour, six frigging thirty in the morning and since then I have done nothing but brush my teeth and practice my speech. But even before I could finish that first sentence, I find myself on the bathroom floor hovered over the toilet seat emptying my empty stomach.

"Carrie?!" I hear Brad call. It's really early for him to be here, to be honest. "Care?" He called again.

"In the bathroom!" I replied as I tried standing up but completely failing as I got sick again.

"Missed-- oh my gosh, are you alright?" Brad said almost running to my side, holding my hair back and stroking my back as I throw up once more.

"I'm fine. Probably just a stomach bug or something." I stood up, taking Brad's hand for leverage as I went again to brush my teeth.

"I'm taking you out tonight." He stated nonchalantly, arms crossed leaning by the door frame and yes, smiling. That carming smile.

I placed the toothbrush back and looked at him, hands on my hip. "Come again?" Eyebrow cocked.

"I, Brad Douglas Paisley, is taking you, Carrie Marie Underwood, out tonight for dinner." He walked over to me and pecked my lips. "Now, I've got work to do and i'll pick you up at 5:30."

"Are you kidding me?" I walked out of the bathroom and sat on my vanity, pulling my hair in a ponytail. "You do know,we can't go out in public, right? Rumors are going to start again, we might even get caught!"

Brad sat on the bed. "Look at me." He started, taking a hold of my hand. "We won't, alright. I've got this. Just trust me."

"But-" I tried to argue only being cut off.

"No buts, Underwood." He leaned in. "Don't stress about anything." He stood up making his way over the door of my room. "Oh, and before I forget, it's fancy." He smiled, turning on his heels and out the house.

When I heard his truck roared off, I began my day, and by began I mean, going back to sleep.

"Carrie." Somebody was tapping. "Carrie." This is getting annoying. I am too sleepy, and someone keeps on poking my shoulder. Doesn't the blankets over my head indicate that I have no plans on getting up? "Carrie!"

I fluttered my eyes open, i'm pretty sure my nose and ears are smoking. "Jesus, WHAT?!" I blurted, finding Miranda, eyes red and puffy."oh God, what happened?"

"I'm pregnant!" She beamed.

"Congratulations!" I gave her a long hug. "How long?" I asked.

"3 months." I swear, i've never seen this woman smile this big. I mean sure, she has the sweetest husband and now she's going to be a mom! How can she not be so happy?

Conversation with Ran went on for an endless 3 hours, don't get me wrong, I love talking to Ran but anout babies? Not really sure about that. She told me everything she's been experiencing lately, from morning sickness to crazy food cravings. Blake nd Ran couldn't be any happier. They are the perfect family.

Ace licking my face got me out of my trance though. "What's up buddy?" I picked Ace up and went to the kitchen as my stomach starts speaking to me too. I opened the fridge and found only veggies so in short, steamed broccolli is what I had for lunch.

By 3:30 I started getting ready, off by taking a long bath to picking my outfit. Something fancy. I pulled out a black strapless dress and tried it on, as I checked myself on the mirror. Nope. I tried on a red one. Not digging it. Then a pink one. Meh. And it went on for an endless eternity til my phone starts blaring Brad's ring tone.

"Yo, dude. Wassup?"

Amd sure enough I could hear Brad laughing on the other line. "You're funny, Carrie. Anyway, I forgot to tell you that I kinda bought you a dress and everything you will need for tonight and I might have left it in your guest room so, yeah, that's all."

"Thank you, i've been struggling to find out what to wear!" I replied laughing.

"Oh, that only costs two thousand bucks, no big deal, just pay whenever you want."


"Na, i'm kidding. Now go get ready, I can't wait to see you."

"You just saw me earlier today!" I laughed.

"Not enough. Well, I got to go. See you in an hour." I felt my face heating up.

"See ya'!"

I went to the guest room, finding a blue dress lying beautifully on the bed along with a maroon Louboutin.

I carried the ensemble to my room and started with my make-up. Blood was rushing through my hody just the thought of going out with him in public, I mean, this is only the second time we'll be out prancing around in public after the very first one where all this started.

"Hey gorgeous." Brad greeted closing the distance between us. "You look absolutely beautiful."

"You don't look half-bad yourself." I joked.

"Shall we?" He asked holding out his hand.

"We shall." I laughed, locking the door behind us. Brad, as usual, opened the car door for me, helping  me up his truck.

Silence filled the room, I thought of how badly I wanted to have my own family, to be as happy as Miranda with Blake and a baby on the way. I wanted to have what my Mom and Dad have. I wanted to be really happy, to be completely happy. Knowing that I am not stepping on anyone's foot. That I am not breaking anyone's family.

"Babe, you alright?" Brad's voice took me out of my trance. Am I alright? Hmm... I don't know, I woke up today feeling sick to my stomach without knowing the reason why. A stomach bug? Am I pregnant? For God's sake, I haven't been out of my house for a week, I have no idea what is happening around me. So am I alright? No.

"Earth to Carrie, earth to Carrie." Brad called again.

"Yes, i'm fine. Sorry." I snapped out of my thoughts. "What were you saying?"

"Are you sure you're fine? You've been zoning out since we drove off. If you want we can just go back to your place so you can rest?"

"No really i'm fine." I answered fake smiling.

"Good, 'cause we're here." Brad smiled, getting out of his truck and opening the door for me.

We were at the same Italian restaurant the first time we went out and again, he rented the whole restaurant.

"Thank you, kind sir." I said with a smile as I used his hand for leverage hopping out of his truck.

"After you, my lady." Brad placed his hand at the small of my back walking behind me.

We went inside the retaurant to be greeted by a waiter. "Good evening ma'am, sir."  He greeted. "I'm Norman and I will be serving you for tonight."

Brad smiled at Norman as he lead us to our table, handing us our menus. Brad ordered steak, as usual and I stuck with my pasta and salad.

"Brad, I need to tell you something." I spoke, putting my fork down fidgeting with my fingers. "I-"

"Don't." Brad cut me off. "I just- I know that if you really wanted to tell it now then it might be something bad so don't. Please." Brad shut his eye as if regaining his composure. "I've had enough bad news today."

Guilt panged my chest. Today, all I've been thinking about is what i'm feeling, not thinking about Brad might be having problems too. "Sorry."  Just then I felt sick to my stomach again, I rushed to the bathroom and emptied once again, my stomach.

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