There's Good In Goodbye

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"Carrie Marie Underwood!" Catherine yelled removing the blankets from above my head exposing my face to the blinding sunlight as I opened my eyes.

"It's 7 in the morning, let me sleep!" I replied sleepily, turning my back against her and pulling the covers back above my head.

"Oh come on, it's 8 am! Your date will be here at 10 to pick you up. You need to get ready!" She said, yanking the covers.

I got up, frowning. "Well maybe you should go out with him! I'm not in the mood on going out." Though I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

Catherine followed behind me. "But you haven't been out for months." She leaned by the door frame.

"For your information, I go out twice or thrice a week to the studio to write songs. Plus I'd be back on tour in four months and then i'd be out everyday." I fake smiled, wiping my face with a towel.

"Oh, please? Just this one time, I swear. You'll like him and if you don't then fine, Never go out with him again." Catherine spoke on and on and on, persuading me to go out with this guy, I have no idea who.

"Gosh, fine." And with those two words, Cath was squealing at the top of her lungs, jumping up and down.

"Now you have to go downstairs because I already made us pancakes for brekky." She laughed dragging me by the wrists down the stairs.

"So this guy i'm going out with, what's he like?" I asked chomping on my food.

"Later, you'll see." Catherine winked.

"You won't even tell me his name!" I whined as I stood, finished with my food, placing the plate on my sink.

"Now it wouldn't be exciting if I told you so you have to wait until later when he picks you up. Alrighty now, you need to take a shower because it stinks up to here." She laughs scrunching her nose.

I shot her a look, I may not have gone out for days but jeez, I take a bath everyday!

"I was kidding." She laughed standing up. "Why are you always so serious these days?" She got up, sprinting up the stairs to my bedroom. "Alright." She said, one hand on her hip as I entered the room. "All you need to do is get into that bath and i'll take care of the rest." She smiled proudly.

I barged into the bathroom and started my bath, though even if the bathroom door is shut, I can hear Cath cranking up some of music and singing to it and I can imagine that she's also dancing. I laughed at the thought.

This is going to be the first time i'll be going out again. With a guy. These past 2 months have been the worst ones of my life, I felt as if I have no right in being happy. For the only source of my happiness is gone. Like a bubble that makes you really amused and jolly and then in just one second it pops then bam, it's gone.

Though I try and think about positive things. I may be down still and not yet moved on but I know i'll get there maybe not now but I will at the right time.

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