Hawkfrost X Reader (Female bi...

By -NightStars-

38.4K 685 765

Hello! I found that even though I have a whole book of Warriors X Reader oneshots, I really enjoy writing the... More

How Do You Really Feel?
No Turning Back
The Truth
Two Nights
Dreams and Secrets.
Thought you knew
Claws of the Enemy
Not Leaving You Alone

Prove It.

2.3K 44 13
By -NightStars-

It was almost sunrise when you woke from the Dark Forest. Sure enough, the claw marks had appeared on your throat. Luckily, you hadn't slept in camp that night. That meant that it would be easier to come up with a story of what happened without any cat questioning you.

Fox would be too obvious, since I was barely attacked by one about a quarter moon ago, a badger couldn't possibly do this... You shook your head with annoyance. It's clear that these are claw marks. So how do I hide the fact that another cat did it?

Then it hit you. A dog! A dog would be easier to convince Mothwing of, since some of them had little claws on the ends of their paws. Okay, now I need to get to the medicine den before I bleed out.

You carefully wove your way around the rocky terrain, overgrown with moss and reeds. It was simple. That is, until you were spotted by a patrol. Well, here goes nothing.

You decided not to try and hide, since that would make you look suspicious, and you already weren't trusted. Not slowing your pace, you padded forwards. Maybe they won't stop me and I can— "(Y/N)!" Your name was called out by Mintfur. Or not. You slowly made your way toward the patrol made up of Mintfur, Duskfur, Troutstream, and Beetlewhisker.

Troutstream was the first to notice your wound. "(Y/N)! What happened?" The pale gray she-cat's voice rose in shock. "Who did that to you?"

Beetlewhisker nudged her aside, narrowing his eyes in thought. You sighed, annoyed. "While this is great and all, I'm losing blood by the second. I need to go and see Mothwing, so if any cat wants to continue their patrol, that'd be great."

Duskfur stepped in front of you before you could move forward, blocking your path. "No, (Y/N), we need to know where you got that." He motioned to the claw marks on your neck. This had better be believable. You sighed inwardly. "A dog did it. I was sleeping under a bush because I'd gone for a walk last night and I didn't want to go all the way back to camp. I woke up when I heard barking, and saw the dog running up to me. Long story short, I got injured while I fought it off. It ran back in the direction of the Greenleaf Twoleg camp." While Duskfur processed what you had said, you stepped around him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to Mothwing."

The patrol went the other way, seemingly buying your story. Thank StarClan. You picked up your pace, running by the time you saw the camp. You caught your breath just outside the entrance, hoping to not cause any attention to yourself.

By a stroke of pure luck, the camp was almost empty except for a few cats sitting by the warriors den, and Leopardstar dozing by her den. You quickly made your way inside the medicine den, spotting Mothwing in the back. She turned around at the sound of your pawsteps. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the wound.

But all she did was sigh. "I told you to stay away from my brother. Things like this are difficult to hide when you're not so lucky to have the advantage of an empty camp." She said no more, only applying a stinging poultice to your neck. "I know the risks, Mothwing." You replied when she finally finished. "I know that I could possibly die. But I'm becoming a better warrior." She shook her head as she turned away, muttering something under her breath. "You'll see. Everyone in this Clan will see. I'm loyal to what I believe. You all think I'm a traitor. That's your loss."

Mothwing turned around as if she were going to retort, but you didn't give her the time. You shoved your way out of the medicine den, causing some of the cats in camp to exclaim, but you didn't care. You wanted to get away from this horrible place. Away from Mothwing who kept acting like she knew what was best for you. Away from Mistyfoot and Leopardstar, who treated you like dirt. Away from your "Clanmates" who called you a traitor. Away from it all.

Bursting through the camp entrance, you ran. You didn't know or care where. All you knew is that you wanted to get as far away from here as possible. The cats in camp shouted after you, but you weren't listening. Just keep running.

After a while, you noticed that your paws had taken you to the lake. You sat on the shore, watching the water's surface ripple. You wished your life could be as calm as that. I wish I had a normal warrior's life. I never even did anything wrong. I don't get why I'm not trusted here. Your mind swirling, you looked up to see the sun rising above. The sky was full of orange and pink on one side, and on the other was stars finally fading. It was beautiful. "Why can't everything in life be that simple?" You muttered to yourself.

"Because we're different than the cats with a simple life." You jumped at the sound of Hawkfrost's voice. He sat down next to you, your pelts brushing. "We don't have the ability to have the lives of cats who don't have any life at all. They spend their days following the orders of their leaders, time and time again. Their lives have nothing special. And it's all the same. They wake up, patrol, hunt, and then sleep. That's their life for all their days. And you know what else?" He looked down at you, his icy eyes glowing. "They never want anything more. They're okay with it."

You sighed. "I know. I just wish I knew what I did wrong. I've never done anything to betray them, so why don't they trust me?" You looked forward once more at the lake.

"Because they're looking for anyone to blame. Leopardstar can't control the problems in her Clan, so she blames anyone she can about anything she can. That's why she doesn't trust me, either. And because she doesn't trust us, nobody does. That's how blame works." He licked your ear, then added, "That's why we have the Dark Forest."

You shuddered. "Yeah, and I almost died. What if I'm not destined to be a warrior there, Hawkfrost?" He blinked. "Why do you say that?"

"Why? Maybe because I'm not trusted there, just like how I'm not trusted here. You should've seen the look in Tigerstar's eyes last night. He doesn't trust me. He was testing me to see if I was smart enough to get away. If I wasn't, I'd be dead. And yes, I know that dying isn't a personal thing. It comes with the weak. But this was distrust, Hawkfrost. And if Tigerstar doesn't trust me, and if Leopardstar doesn't trust me, then where do I belong?" You looked up at Hawkfrost to see his eyes full of sympathy.

"You do belong in the Dark Forest, (Y/N). Tigerstar doesn't trust anyone. That's how he got where he is. He only trusts those close to him. Like kin. You need to prove to him that you can be trusted." You nodded slowly. "Yeah. I'll prove it to him. I'll show him that I'm as good a Dark Forest warrior as any." Hawkfrost purred. "Good. Now stop being sorry for yourself and go be the warrior I know is in you. If not for RiverClan, then for yourself. Show them they were wrong to not trust you."

You stood up. "I will." You felt a rush of pride. I can't control what RiverClan thinks, but I can control what they know. And what they know is that I have never done anything wrong. So I'm going to have to live with that feeling of judgement for the rest of my life, yes, but as long as I know that I'm the best warrior I can be, they can't make me think otherwise. Hawkfrost stood next to you, his pelt catching the wind so he looked as powerful as when he was in battle.

"Let's go back to camp. And who cares if we're together? We have nothing to hide from them. They think we're traitors anyway." You curled your tail along with Hawkfrost as you both headed up the shore, towards camp.


Wow! This is honestly a pretty short chapter, it kinda feels like a filler, not going to lie, but I have interesting stuff coming, I promise. Also, I know the timeline is pretty screwed up, like for example, how the Dark Forest didn't start recruiting until after Hawkfrost dies, but my story works better this way, so we're going to pretend this is how everything happened.

Okay, so, hope you all enjoy, thanks for reading, and may StarClan light your path!

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