Carmela's Secret

By LailaStyles

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Carmela is a care-free girl with no worries. She does what she wants, when she wants. She's not familiar with... More

Not meant to be
He can sing
An old 'friend'
Sunsets and Blondes
Luca-zero Carmela-one
True colours
Some things are best left unseen
Stuck inside this box
No go zone
Friends again
Wrong man
History class
Doctor's Appointment
Forgot my keys
The Truth
Getting organised
Never heard of him
A kiddy surprise for a stubborn adult
death wish


91 3 2
By LailaStyles

Author's Note: HEY GUYS! okay so I really love this chapter because i have been planning it since day 1. I have exams next week so dont expect an update until after next week. Happy Reading!

Love Laila xx


“I can’t do it” she sighed. Lily sat down and held her head in her hands. “Its too much for me, I’m going to ruin it I know it” Ella continued. Lily leaned into my shoulder and started to sob. Damn it. “Hey hey its fine we’ll figure something out” I tried to soothe the women in front of me who were having minor breakdowns. “I’m getting married in 5 days, five Carmela. You can’t fix this! I don’t have a wedding dress, we have to call it off” she stood up and picked up her phone. “Who are you calling?” I asked her. “Anthony, I have to let…” I cut her off by snatching her phone out of her palm. She looked at me waiting for me to explain. “We are not calling off this wedding you hear me? I am your friend and friends help each other in their time of need.” Ella stayed quiet the whole time. “Ella its fine” I told her. “No I let you both down! I could’ve just told you girls that I wasn’t able to do it from the start. Now you are left with only five days left and you certainly can not fix this in time.” I glared at the elderly lady and warned her with my eyes to shut her mouth. Lily looked up at Ella with her mouth open in shock. We’re screwed.

I got on my knees, panting. This surely was tiring. I groaned out of disgust. My hands were wet. I was feeling something I haven’t felt for a long time. It was satisfying at least. I dipped the sponge in the bucket of soapy water and lifted it up again to wipe the windows in the guest rooms. I hated the feeling of dirty, soapy water on my hands. Thankfully this was the last window in this big house I had to clean. I wiped down the last of the soap and leaned against the wall with a sigh. I had to shower and the wedding dress dilemma was still number one on my list of to-dos. “I’m hearing a lot of sighing and groaning coming from in here” luca made me aware of his presence at the door. I lifted my head to look at him and smiled at what he was wearing. “You’re so bloody weird what the hell” I scolded him. He had on the dress I bought myself the time I went with Lily to Epping. I had told him I bought it for him because lily had bought something for Anthony. “I think you could’ve gotten a bigger size” luca turned around to show off his perky ass. I was of course shorter than luca so the dress was like a t-shirt on him. He was wearing pants though so we were good. “Take it off you’re going to stretch it pretty boy” I whined and got up.

Luca took the bucket from me and walked to the laundry with me. “We have a laundry?” he asked finding it hard to believe. “I believe so” the last part of what I had said transitioned into a chuckle. Luca looked around impressed by how clean everything was. “I cleaned it this morning” I answered his unasked question. He nodded. I emptied the remnants of the soapy water into the sink and dried my hands. “I need a shower” I informed luca. He smiled as he spoke: “I do too, lets have one together and save water.” A smirk found its way onto his face. He leaned against the washing machine waiting for my reaction. “Okay” I agreed. I was of course joking but he believed me for a second and his reaction was priceless. I loved catching him off guard.  “You wish.” I hit him over the head with a rag and he frowned.

After my shower I realized I had no plans for the day. I knew something would come up later on but for the time being I was plan less. I went over to my closet and pulled out my hair straightener. I sat in front of my floor length mirror and tied up half of my hair into a side ponytail. I started on the other side and soon enough it was dead straight. I usually don’t wear my hair down unless I’ve styled it.  Once I finished all of my hair and it was hanging on the side of my face I smiled at myself in the mirror. It looked really nice. I went over to my stereo and played my favorite Hedley album. I picked up my Daryl Dixon poster off of the floor and hung it back up. I bobbed my head to the music and danced around out of complete boredom. “What to do, what to do” I sang to myself. I walked over to my bookshelf and looked through all of my novels. “Game of thrones, lord of the rings, mortal instruments, the fault in our stars…” I skimmed through all of their titles but as much as I loved them, I couldn’t be bothered starting them. Because If I did, I wouldn’t stop until I finished.

I however ended up picking up the fault in our stars only because I was convinced no one was thinking about me and I was going to be locked up in my room all day. I was almost finished the book and I had tears streaming down my face. “Okay” I muttered to myself as I wiped my tears away with my sleeve. “Stupid John Green.”

I managed getting out of the comfort of my room and went into the kitchen. My stomach growled as I opened the fridge door. I pulled out some vegemite and decided on a sandwich. Luca called for me later on and we went over to the big old oak tree.

“I don’t know what to do about lily’s dress,” I confessed to him. He sighed dramatically. “You’ll figure it out I know it” he reassured me and I thanked him for being so optimistic. “Your phones ringing” Luca told me and I looked at him as if he was stupid. “I have ears.” I pulled out my phone and answered it without looking at the caller I.d. “OH MY GOD!” I heard lily scream. I moved the phone away from my ear. “Oh my god I almost fell out of the tree” I replied and she laughed for a second. “Why are you in a tree?” she questioned me. “I’m watching the sunset with Luca” I replied simply. “Aww” she cooed and I rolled my eyes. “What’s oh my god Lily?”  I asked. She squealed excitedly before she spoke. “Danielle thought it would be a good idea if I bought a plain wedding dress and stuff and then Ella can alter it to suit my liking” she announced. “That’s actually not a bad idea Lily,” I said hopefully. “Oh thank god, we’ll go tomorrow, love you!” lily hung up on me. I lowered my phone slowly. “Looks like we’ve resolved our problem” I told Luca. He smiled. “Told you so.”

“You’re a loser,” I teased. “I’m your loser” Cameron groaned. “And you’re still in bed, aren’t you?” I retorted.  “Maybe” I heard him shuffle around and he yawned. He was still in bed. “What are you doing today lady friend?” he asked me randomly and I sighed. I got up off my knees and closed my cupboard. “Well, we’re buying a wedding dress today” I informed him. “The wedding is in two days, you’re buying the dress now?” his voice was coated in disbelief. “Yeah.” “I was hoping we could’ve done something today” he whined. “Later okay” I promised him. “kiss kiss” he said in a cute voice and I couldn’t help but grin. “Kiss kiss.”

I knocked on the door to their apartment and waited for a reply. “Coming!” I heard Anthony yell. He opened the door and grinned down at me. He was way taller than I was. We both just stood there staring at each other and suddenly I was so emotional. “Oh Anthony” I uttered under my breath. I leaned in and wrapped my arms around his waist. He wrapped his around my whole body. I started to tear up and I sobbed against his torso. “Hey what’s wrong?” he asked me, concern clear in his voice. “You’re so tall, and muscly.” I moved my head back and poked at his chest for emphasis. He chuckled and it vibrated through his chest. “I love you,” he whispered and I sighed. It sounded different now, the way he said it. In high school it was more sincere and I believed it. Now, he said it to me and I felt like I was hearing Lion say it to me. Cause Anthony isn’t my boyfriend anymore. I wasn’t going to marry him. We weren’t going to buy a double story house and own horses. None of our dreams we thought of when we were together were coming true. And they weren’t going to. We’re only friends. Anthony is my friend. And he loves me as a friend. I didn’t mind though because I loved him that way too. I was happy for him and Lily. And I had Cameron so I didn’t feel like a complete loser. “I love you too.” He kissed my forehead.

“Are you okay?” lily came and touched my face. I was probably red and had mascara running down my face. “Yeah I’m fine, you’re fiancé made me emotional is all” I replied. I went into the bathroom and washed away the makeup I had on. I opened my handbag and pulled out my makeup case. I applied mascara and some lip-gloss. “You still love him,” she stated and I turned to face her. “Yeah but only as a friend, he’s yours to keep don’t you worry” I hit her arm playfully and she smiled. “So lets go, what are we waiting for?” I asked rhetorically. “Daniela’s coming. She took the next few days off and she’ll be here any second now actually. I’ve been waiting for her all morning.” I sat down on her bed.

Daniela was exactly as I expected. She was bright and smiley and way too enthusiastic. She had a light brown skin tone and perfect white teeth. Her hair went all the way down to her bum. She was wearing a short peachy dress and she wore a pair of wedge heels. She was gorgeous. “Hey you must be Carmela! Nice to meet you” she held out her perfectly manicured hand and I took it, shaking it. “Nice to meet you too Daniela. Lets go get a wedding dress now.” Danni clapped her hands excitedly and lily laughed obnoxiously. “See ya lover” Lily kissed Anthony and she held his head in between her hands. Anthony wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up to him. She giggled and hit his chest and he let her down. “Be good,” he said and he pointed at the three of us accusingly. “We will.”

“Its gorgeous, I don’t even want to change it” Lily stared at the dress before her. She was astonished. “It is gorgeous” Daniela agreed. She went to touch the dress but Lily slapped her hands. “Ouch” she muttered. “But the back isn’t open?” I added to the conversation. “Oh yeah, Ella can do that part. Cant she?” she asked me. “Yeah I’m sure she can.” We ended up buying the dress. It was tight fitted all the way down to her thighs and then went out. The rim of the dress was laced in an off white colored material. It literally was amazing.

Daniela insisted she buy us lunch and we didn’t argue. We were at a restaurant on Lygon Street. ‘Michellinos’ it was called. I ordered a pasta and the girls had lasagna. “I am actually so excited look it” Lily said as she showed us her hand. It was shaking a little. “Me too” Daniela added and she too showed us her shaking hand. They looked at me and I held my hand out. “Nope” I said. They looked disappointed. “When I’m excited I tap my feet,” I said and they both looked under the table. I tapped my feet long enough to please them then stopped. “You guys are the best” Lily sighed. “You are too,” I said truthfully. She was my only girlfriend.

“So you want me to cut the back off” Ella repeated and I nodded my head. “Just so it can show her back tattoo or make a big hole whatever, can you do it?” I asked her hopefully. She paused for a moment then smiled. “It’ll take me all day but yes, it’ll be ready by tomorrow.” “Thank you so much.” I kissed her on the cheek and ran out of the room so she could get started.

“Tomorrow night is going to be amazing” Luca announced and I laughed. “Why cause you’re going to a strip club and you’re gonna get strippers to rub up all against you?” I asked very specifically. “Yeah pretty much” he replied. “We’re having a bachelorette party too” Lily said matter of factly. “I doubt you’d have naked girls there though” Anthony interrupted. “Yeah but there will be naked men” Daniela said and clapped her hands. She seemed to do that whenever she was excited. We all laughed. Luca and Anthony didn’t though. They both looked irritated. “What’s wrong?” I asked them. I knew what was wrong I just decided to play dumb. Lily and Daniela caught on to my act and joined in. “Yeah baby what’s wrong?” Lily said to Anthony. Daniela rested her hand on Luca’s shoulders. “Big muscles” she whispered seductively. She squeezed his arms playfully but frowned after a second. “Well not so muscly, I bet them male strippers would be pretty muscly” she looked at me and I nodded. “Oh yeah definitely” I leaned into the couch and sighed contently.

“Is Cameron okay with you going to the party?” Luca asked me. I giggled flirtatiously. “Oh yeah he’s cool with it” I lied. I haven’t even spoken to him about it. “I don’t like the strippers being there” Anthony finally confessed. “Well I don’t care” Lily said. She leaned into his arms and traced her fingers down his chest. “Please baby” she pouted her lips. He shook his head. “Its not going to work” Anthony stated. She widened her eyes and he groaned. “Fine” he gave in. “bro” Luca interjected and he sat up. Daniela scrambled down the couch. He must have forgotten she was holding onto him for dear life. Luca looked at me and he sighed. “Whatever” he too gave in. Lily, Daniela and I all smiled in triumph and we all got up from our spots and sat on the couch opposite the men. “That’s not fair you used your womanly superpowers on us” Luca sat up again and pointed at us. We all started laughing at how serious he was being. “Womanly superpowers” I said in between laughs. He was too cute.

After around two hours of mucking around and teasing the men, I got a phone call from the other man in my life. “Baby is later now?” he asked me and I was confused for a second. I laughed when I realized what he meant. “Yeah it is, but I’ll come over the guys are over at mine.”

Luca was upset I was leaving so late, it was 10:30 p.m. and when I told him I was going to see Cameron he got even more upset. “Don’t be jealous,” I told him. He shrugged like he didn’t care. Cameron didn’t hesitate to kiss me as soon as he opened his door. “Well hello to you too” I teased. “It’s been too long you tease” he scolded me. “I’ve been a bad girl” I flirted. “You have and you need to be punished” I cringed at how cheesy we were being. It was fun though. He took me up to his room and we stripped off our clothing.

We lay panting, trying to catch our breaths. It was now 1 a.m. He smiled at me and I giggled. “So how was work?” I asked him randomly. “Sucked, this little kid got his hand stuck in a bike chain, pretty gruesome,” he said a little too calmly. “What? Shouldn’t he be going to a hospital not to a clinic? Did you stitch him up?” I asked totally concerned for the well being of the kid. He chuckled at my reaction and kissed my exposed neck. “I’m kidding,” he muttered. I slapped his chest playfully and he faked a hurt expression. “When did you get so strong?” he teased and I gasped. “I’ve always been strong.” I straddled him and started punching him. He caught every single one though. Asshole. “Stop laughing at me. I hate you” I scolded him. He chuckled as I got off of him and lay beside him again. “No you don’t.” I looked at him and we just stared into each other’s eyes. I didn’t hate him that’s for sure. But did I like him enough to call it love? Did I love Cameron Taylor? Cameron shifted under my gaze. “What?” he asked me uncomfortable. “I love you,” I said. I hadn’t even known what I was saying until I said it. I didn’t even think before I said it I just did. I just told my boyfriend I loved him. Cameron’s eyes widened a little and he moved his head back. Oh shit, I scared him. He’s going to ask me to leave. I hate myself. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that” Cameron whispered to me and I sighed. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. I loved him. I loved Cameron.

The next morning a phone call woke me. I quickly answered it so it didn’t wake Cameron up. “Hello” I groaned as I stretched. “Hey its Lily!” she greeted me. “What do you want?” I asked her. “Someone’s grumpy this morning, are you coming over later?” she questioned. “Yeah, why?” “I was going to say get your sleeping clothes too so in the morning you don’t have to come over you’ll already be here” she responded. “Oh okay see ya later then.” I rubbed at my eyes and yawned. I looked down at my sleeping boyfriend and smiled. I leaned into him and pecked his lips. He stirred but didn’t wake up. This time I kissed him, hard. It woke him up in no time and he was kissing me back. Once I pulled back he looked up at me. “I can get used to that,” he told me. I laughed at him. “Get up, you have work.” I left Cameron’s house a little later after that. I packed up my pj shorts and singlet, the nights were getting hotter. I made sure to put in my favorite bra; I only wore it on big occasions. They also made my boobs look exceptional.

My hair was a little less straightened then it was yesterday courtesy of Cameron’s bed, so I straightened it again. I applied black eye make up and some bright red lipstick. I put on a strapless bra and wore my dress for the night. It was a short dress, stopped mid-thigh, it was a greyish color; it had a V-neck and some black lace around the rim of the dress and the sleeves. It was plain but sexy as hell. I put on a pair of thongs because I couldn’t be bothered wearing my heels just yet. I made my way downstairs with my backpack slung over my shoulder. Just as I opened the front door Cameron appeared. He had his fist out just about ready to knock. “Oh” we both said simultaneously. Then we both chuckled. “Hey Cameron I was just heading out” I started before I gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Oh don’t worry I’m not staying” he responded. I stood there waiting for him to speak but he didn’t. “So...” I urged. He sucked in a breath before letting it out. “I’m going to LA,” he finally said. I lifted my head higher and looked at him to see if he was joking around. He looked serious. “When?” I asked him. “My flight leaves in an hour” he answered. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier, I would’ve packed my bags. I mean we could’ve you know booked the flight for after the wedding not before it but …” Cameron cut me off mid-ramble. “No you don’t understand, I’m going alone” he corrected me. I nodded my head slowly. “Okay…” I dragged. After an awkward minute of silence I opened my mouth to speak. “How long you going for?” I asked him. He took a step back and sucked in another breath.


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