Not meant to be

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Author's note:

Hey guys! I'm Laila and this is my first book on watt pad. If you enjoy this chapter then continue! It'll get better, I promise!

No copyrights intended. Everything is my own work.


Chapter one

I walked outside the massive door that I've gotten so used to, holding the washing basket filled with freshly cleaned clothes. I had my headphones in but no music was playing. I bobbed my head to the side as I hummed a tune that was stuck in my head. I couldn't seem to stop hearing it in my head so I started to sing out the lyrics.

' can I have your daughter for the rest of my life, say yes say yes cause I need to know'

I continued singing as I started hanging up the clothes onto the line. I worked in a huge building which belonged to a rich family. I got good pay, the staff loved me and they're giving me a place to stay. Perfect huh? Hell yeah! When I was almost done I started hearing a soft voice coming from somewhere in the garden. I've never heard it before but wow it was beautiful. I stopped singing and started to follow the sound. I kept walking until I came to a halt outside one of the main gardens where only staff and family members of the Marone family were allowed to enter. The sound was coming from in there.

I peeked my head in to try and get a glance of the mystery person. And boy did I get a glance. Wow. Sitting on one of the benches under the apple tree sat a boy maybe a little older than me, strumming his guitar and singing a song i wasn't paying attention to. He had his hair up in a quiff. It was a brown color. From far I couldn't tell his eye color, but I could tell they were beautiful by the way he closed his eyes when he sang. I was mesmerized. When he finally finished the song and started to just strum the guitar strings I decided to tell him that he wasn't allowed to be in here. After I mustered up the courage and fixed up my hair, I walked in to the garden and stopped right behind him where he couldn't see me. "You're not meant to be in here" I simply stated and watched as the mystery boy turned his head to look at me. For a second, I thought I saw his eyes widen but it was probably just my hallucination. Up close he was even more beautiful. He had a little stubble growing that made him look masculine. Now that we were mere feet away I could see his eye color. It wasn't anything special. It was brown.

I waited for him to speak but I noticed he too was checking me out. I decided to do a total me move and held on to the hem of my skirt. I did a little spin and smiled. "I know, I know I'm hot" I said and I smiled at the mystery boy who still hasn't spoken. Finally he spoke even though it was a cocky remark I couldn't help but hold my breath. He had an accent. Italian. And it was beautiful. "I could say the same thing about myself" he said and smiled back at me. After involuntarily letting out the breath I've been holding I once again repeated my first statement. "You're not meant to be in here" I said with a little more authority tone in my voice. He looked at me and he grinned. Why was he grinning! He was supposed to be intimidated. Stupid, cute, mystery boy. "Why not?" He simply asked. "Because this garden is only for staff aka me and members of the Marone family aka not you" I said and looked at him sternly. He grinned again and let out a low chuckle. "Oh but honey you got it all wrong. I am part of the Marone family" he replied. "My name is Carmela not honey and I've been working here for two years now and I've only ever just met you. I'm sure I would know if you were living here" I said with a final tone in my voice. And for a second, I saw him hesitate. " uh my parents died. My aunties taking me in. She lives here so I now live here. Nice to meet you Carmela my name is Luca Marone" Luca said and I couldn't help but gasp.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to interrogate you I just I've never seen you before and no one mentioned you were coming so I didn't know of you and" Luca cut me off mid-ramble with a chuckle. "Carmela it's fine really. It was just a misunderstanding." He said with a sad smile on his face. I felt stupid and bad and stupid. "Sorry" I mumbled since I had nothing else to say. He just smiled at me before saying something completely out of the blue. "You have a lovely voice by the way." "You've never even heard me sing" I defended my self, completely embarrassed. " I heard you singing before, you weren't that far away Carmela" he said and laughed I'm guessing because of my red cheeks. "You do too!" I all but screamed and I just made him laugh even harder. When he stopped laughing, I gave him a glare and he sat up straight. "Sorry thank you" he mumbled obviously intimidated this time. Ha! I smirked. Before either of us could mention anything else, someone shouting my name from afar was heard. "Gotta go!" I shouted and started running out the way I came in. "Wait!" I heard Luca call out. I stopped abruptly and turned around. "Huh?" I questioned him. "What's your second name?" He asked with genuine curiosity on his face. I looked at him and hesitated. Should I tell him? No. "Daneel! Carmela Daneel!" I lied before running out of the garden away from Luca.

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