No go zone

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Heeey! Sorry I took too long! Busy week at school. I have two tests on Monday wish me luck!!

No copyrights intended. Everything is my own work.


Chapter 9:

We both stood there staring at Cynthia. I couldn't process what had just happened. One minute I was going to kiss him and now I'm staring death in its face. Cynthia looked pissed. "Carmela downstairs now" Cynthia ordered stepping aside to let me through. I put my head down and walked past her and bolted down the stairs. She stayed up there with Luca for about 2 minutes before coming down. She was probably scolding him. I was twiddling my thumbs when my boss walked Into the kitchen. I looked up at her and opened my mouth to speak but she hushed me by lifting up her fore finger in the air. I closed my mouth and watched her. "Do you not understand me?" She asked me slowly. I gulped. "I did and I do it's just it happened in the spur of the moment and none of us were thinking I swear nothing happened" I tried to explain but her face told me she didn't believe me. She shook her head slowly. "Carmela honey I would love for you to find love just not with my nephew come on its common sense I don't even have to explain it" she hissed at me and I literally moved back. I knew what she meant. "It won't happen again, sorry" I whispered in hope she would back off. Thankfully she did. She stood up and brushed the imaginary dust off of her skirt. "I suggest spending time apart" she added before walking away. I stood up and followed her moments later. She was walking out the front door. Probably going to get her nails done or her hair trimmed. I leaned against the wall and let out a sigh. "That was harsh" Luca suddenly popped up out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me. I let out a scream and then smacked his arm when he started to laugh at me. "Did you hear everything?" I asked and he nodded. "Yep!" "Now come on, suns about to set" he instructed not the slightest bit fazed about what had just happened. When I made no attempt to move he grabbed onto my hand. I looked up at him and he smiled. I was caught off guard and just looked at him. "Beat ya there" he whispered before letting my hands go and running away. "Shit" I cussed before running after him.

"Why you so mean for?" I teased once we were sitting up in the big tree at the back of the garden. Luca laughed and so did I. I loved making him laugh. "You're such a girl, I hold your hand and smile and I got you in this trance it's so fucking awesome!" He yelled flailing his arms around. I laughed again and groaned. "It's not fair, you know you're so good looking you can use that! The only thing I have is a voice" I whined and he turned his head to look at me. "You don't think you're beautiful?" He asked really confused and I giggled. "I'm so sexy Luca" I said in a sarcastic tone. "You are though, especially when you're up on stage, you're definitely one of the sexiest girls I've met" he admitted nodding his head as if to justify his comment. I smiled before holding my head down. "Hmmm" I hummed. He nudged my shoulder and I looked up. The sun was setting and just like all the other times I've been up here, it was stunning. I haven't seen anything out of Australia so I was shocked even to see this. There was a whole world of beautiful out there and I work as a maid. I looked to Luca to see if he was as stunned as I was. He looked pretty normal. Definitely more relaxed. He turned his head to face me because I stared at him for longer than I had planned. We sat there, staring at each other. I wondered what he was thinking. I suddenly knew what he was thinking. I've seen that face before. Today in his room when we almost kissed. As if on cue he leaned in and I moved my head back really roughly. I lost balance and fell off the branch. I didn't scream this time however but I did hit my leg really badly on the branch, before Luca held onto my arm. I groaned in pain and he let me down slowly until I felt the ground underneath my feet. I sat down and pulled my tights up to check on my leg. There were scratches here and there but I could tell I was definitely going to be bruised in the morning.

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