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sorry bout late upload but its here. enjoy!


{Luca’s POV}

‘What’s this?” Carmela asked me wearily.  I couldn’t speak, my mouth went dry. I looked to the side to locate the bin. I was going to throw this away before she sees it up close. “Nothing.” Before I had a chance to throw the cake away, she had moved closer to me and was looking down at my cake. I rubbed my neck awkwardly. If she was angry before, she was about to get real furious. “How’d you know I like vanilla?” Carmela dipped her finger in the cake and licked it. I raised my eyebrows in shock. Not the reaction I expected. “Lily told me,” I admitted sheepishly. “Its good” she moved past me to one of the cupboards. She took two plates out and then opened the utensils drawer and pulled out two forks. She set them down besides the cake before pulling out a knife. She cut the cake into 8 pieces and put one on each plate. “I was going to write ‘miss’ instead of ‘love’ but you kind of came out of nowhere” I tried to recover some of my embarrassment. She ignored my statement and cut off a piece of her cake with the fork before putting it in her mouth. This was good, she liked the cake and she was talking to me. Thank you Nate and Lionel, thank you. I smiled at her as she ate her cake.

{Carmela’s POV}

This was sudden. But it was cute. It had taken Luca so long to do something and he finally did. “Hey you know you could’ve just bought me a cake,” I told him smugly. His eyes widened for a moment before recovering, “this is more meaningful though.” I smiled at his answer. Luca kept looking over at me as if he was scared I might burst any second. “You’re still an asshole,” I said confidently. Luca nodded his head and was about to say something before I cut him off. “Don’t talk to me, remember?” I reminded him. Luca honestly looked like he was upset. Genuinely. I put another piece of cake onto my plate and left the room.

I waited a good minute before I walked back into the kitchen, laughing. “That was so funny, your reaction was…” I stopped talking once I saw Luca. He was on the floor, leaning against the cupboard. His head was in his hands. He looked up at me and I felt as if the wind was knocked out of me. He looked so distraught. I didn’t know how much this actually meant to him until now. “I’m sorry, I was just kidding around” I apologized. He leaned his head on the cupboard behind him and sighed. “That was mean,” he mumbled. He stood up slowly. “Can I hug you? I really need a hug from you. Like right now” Luca asked me. I smiled at him, he was being really adorable.

“Yeah.” Luca wrapped his arms around my back. I wrapped mine around his. He lifted one hand to rest it on my head. I felt him squeeze me a little. “Oh god, I missed you so much.” I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn’t. “Asshole makes me cry” I scolded him. I pulled away from him but he was still touching me. He laughed at me as I wiped my tears away. “You made me cry too,” he confessed. “That was partly your fault!” I shouted.  He laughed at my outburst. “Asshole” I sang as I walked out of the kitchen. Cynthia greeted us in the living room. “Are we friends again?” she asked excitedly. Luca looked over at me, expecting me to answer. I nodded enthusiastically. “Oh finally!” Cynthia screamed out before she bounded towards us and wrapped us in her arms. “What’s happening in here?” I heard Jonah say. “Can I join?” We broke apart waiting for him to join.

{2 weeks later}

“Oh come on!” I whined. “You love me!” “You know you can’t use that against me” Luca scolded me. I groaned. “Please take me, my car is empty” I whined again for the 20th time. “I think I loved you more when you were ignoring me” Luca teased. My jaw dropped, “that is so rude! Fine ill just go back to that.” I got up off his bed, to walk out of the room. Luca stood up abruptly and tugged on my shirt. “I’m sorry baby, come sit with me” he pouted adorably and I frowned. I really needed to go and buy some chocolate. I’ve been craving it for so long and Ella hadn’t gone shopping yet. “Take me first” I bargained. He stood up reluctantly and grabbed his keys from the bedside table. “Yay!” I cheered and raced him to his car.

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