Doctor's Appointment

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Hi... I kind of took way too long to post this! Blame my sickness. I was way too sick to write for a week but when I did get around to finish it, my internet turned off. I won't get wifi until Wednesday and it's only Friday 😭 I'm using my friend's wifi to upload this, thank god! Expect the next chapter to be up on Wednesday 😉

No copyrights intended. Everything is my own work.


Chapter 13:

Once I got home from the movie with Cameron I hadn't even changed out of my clothes. I simply took my jeans off and got under my sheets. This day has been pretty tiring.

My alarm went off at 7:30 a.m and I remembered I had to do some housework. I got up groggily and went into the bathroom. After washing up I put my uniform on and tied my hair up into a bun. I walked out of my now messy room and into Nate's room. He was already gone to footy practice so it was empty.

I finished up in Nate's room and went into Jonah and Cynthia's. They were both gone too, Jonah was with Nate and god knows where Cynthia is. Their room was pretty clean. I made the bed and opened the curtains and windows. After vacuuming the floor I went downstairs.

I fixed up the couches and cushions in the living room. I vacuumed downstairs as well and opened the curtains. The kitchen was on Ella Rose so I didn't mind with that. I packed up everything and changed into a black and white jumpsuit. I tied my hair up into a neat ponytail and put on my black converse. I grabbed my purse and a cardigan and jogged downstairs.

"Where are you going so early?" Luca's voice startled me and I gasped. "God Luca don't do that" I scolded him. He chuckled but came to stand In front of the door so I couldn't leave. "Luca" I warned and he smiled. He was testing my patience. "What do you want?" I asked him exasperated.

"You haven't cleaned my room" he said simply. "I thought you were still asleep, I wasn't gonna wait for you to wake up" I replied and tried pushing him out of my way. He stood strong and leant against the door even more. "Well I am awake and my rooms messy" he teased. I groaned and turned around. I stomped upstairs to his room and opened the door.

It wasn't even bad. I made his bed quickly and put all his dirty clothes into the washing basket. I opened the curtains and windows. This room needs to be aired out. "It's nice seeing you all dressed up and cleaning" Luca commented from his spot at the door. "Pig" I insulted and he gasped mockingly.

I turned to the idiot at the door and smiled at him. "May I please leave the house now?" I asked him. He raised his eyebrows at me. "First, tell me where you're going." I sighed. I'm going to surprise Cameron at work. Except when I opened my mouth to say that, I didn't. Instead I said " going shopping with Lily."

As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted it. He looked at me with a face that was equivalent to 'you're lying.' I groaned loudly and pushed past him with so much force it almost knocked him over. I ran down the stairs and opened the front door.

Speak of the devil. Lily and Anthony were standing there. "Hi" I greeted them dryly. Anthony stepped back dramatically. I held onto Lily's arm and pulled her down the steps. "What's happening?" She asked. "We're going shopping" I informed her of our sudden plans.

"Wait" she whined and ran back up the steps to her fiancé. "Anthony, I need your card. We're going shopping." Anthony went into his wallet and pulled out his credit card. After giving Lily a peck on the forehead she ran down to my car.

I looked at Luca who was watching us curiously. I stuck my tongue out at him and shut my door.

|| Epping Plaza ||

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