Luca-zero Carmela-one

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No copyrights intended. Everything is my own work.


Chapter 5:

I was currently pouring some coke into three cups. I set them down carefully onto a tray and brought them out into the living room. Lily and Luca were seated on one of the couches talking happily. "Thanks" Lily said grabbing one of the cups and started to chug it down. Luca looked up at me before taking one. "Thank-you" I nodded at him before walking away. About five minutes later the doorbell rang. I peeked my head into the living room, once I noticed no one was going to answer it I walked towards the front door. I opened it swiftly and smiled at Anthony. "Hey sugar buns" he smiled at me before giving me a one armed hug. I patted his back awkwardly and watched him stroll into the living room. I heard Lily squeal and I walked half way into the living room when I stopped. She had Anthony's face in her hands and she was what looked like sucking his face. I froze. It never really settled in my stomach and this was like a slap to the face. I cleared my throat and turned around. Running up the stairs I choked back my sobs. Get over it Cam he's gone. I was just about to close my bedroom door when a foot poked in and jammed the door. I stopped and sniffled before opening the door wider so Luca could come in. I knew it was him because of the shoes he was always wearing. A limited edition gold sneaker which looked worn out but still good. He came in and turned the light on before siting on my desk. "What's wrong?" He asked me and I couldn't bring my self to talk. After a moment of silence which Luca respected, I spoke. "I hate her, she's so rude to me and I don't like her with Anthony" I admitted and awaited his reaction. "Me too" he replied.

"She's rude to almost everyone, she thinks she's perfect, she talks way too much and she doesn't even care for Anthony the way he does" he clarified and I nodded. "Why is he with her anyway?" I wondered out loud. He looked at me for a second before whispering really low; " he loves her." I stared at the floor, concentrating on the carpet pattern. "We should go down, they're probably wondering where we are" he stated getting up. I stood up as well and Luca turned to me. "Let me tell you, you better believe me. You don't fall in love once, it'll happen again. Trust me." Luca said to me in a very sincere tone. I stared at him because I really didn't expect that. "Oh and dress up, I'm taking you out tonight" he said finally before exiting my room. I stood there watching my door sway back and forth. I walked towards it and closed it before walking to my closet and opening it. I took out a black, maxi dress with a braid that goes all around the neck. It had an elastic right under my breasts. It was simple yet beautiful. I put it on after I brushed my hair and put it in a bun. I grabbed my red pumps and applied a little eye makeup. I watched myself in the mirror doing a bunch of movements before grabbing my handbag and walking downstairs. As soon as I walked down I saw Lily and Anthony standing by the door. I walked past them towards Luca. "Are they coming?" He nodded. "Where are we going?" "Surprise."

After a very long and weird ride we arrived at what seemed to be a house party. I got out of the car and walked towards Luca. "Here? This is where you're taking me out?" I asked clearly not amused. "No, it's what's behind this place" he nodded his head to where Anthony and Lily were walking with linked arms. I watched them turn a corner around the house and I started to follow them. Luca caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "There are two rules you need to know first" he started. "One, you are not allowed to leave my sight and two you're my date tonight" with that said he linked our arms together and trudged towards the side of the house. I didn't say anything or do anything really. We caught sight of the pair in front of us and we hurried to catch up to them. We stopped at a large, metal door and Anthony knocked loudly. "Who is it?!" We heard a scream from inside. "Dan it's Anthony and Luca open up!" He shouted back. Moments later, the door opened and we were invited in. The room was small and dimly lighted. "Follow me" Dan ordered and we followed him onto a flight of stairs. I could hear music now, it was elegant music and I found myself out of place. Just then I realized Luca and Anthony's outfits. Luca was in black slacks and a white button up top and so was Anthony except he had a red bow tie on. One which I had bought him. Dan was also suited up and his hair was gelled down. Lily was in a red maxi dress except she had a slit on both sides and was showing off her perfect tanned legs. Her hair was straightened down and she wore a pair of black heels. She looked gorgeous.

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