Rogue Cheney x OC (Re-editing)

By Faithful_2004

22.9K 262 42

Aurora is the sister of Gray Fullbuster. Aurora was first with her dragon called Glacia, but she recently di... More

My Name
Saving Lucy
Grand Magic Games
Dragon vs Dragon
The Dragon Festival
Saving Lucy Again
The #1 Guild of Fiore
The Gate
Dragon Force
The Future
The Decision
New Guild
Natsu's New Pet

Naval Battle

942 10 2
By Faithful_2004

*Aurora's pov*

After Natsu left, Master Jiemma said to me "Minerva will be taking your place and you'll be placed as reserved," "Oh Yeah!!! The most strongest team is back!"said Sting "oh, so Im not strong?"I said giving him a mean glare "umm... you are strong, but not strong against Milady Minerva,"he said scratching the back of his neck, I got furious and challenged Minerva "Fine,"she said and the battle began.

Minerva used her magic and hit me continuously. I got sick of people underestimating my abilities so I used my most powerful move "Lost Magic... Time Ark... CLOCK STOPPER!!!!" and time stopped. I walked to Minerva and punched stomach which made her go somewhere far then, time resumed and everyone was confused "I stopped time and defeated Minerva,"I said for everyone to hear and they were still confused, I them saw something greenish blue, Minerva appeared out of it, she looked beaten up "You win,"Minerva said and everyone was surprised "Aurora, you arent in the reserved seat anymore,"said Master Jiemma "No, Minerva should take the spot,"I said and walked to my room. I thought to myself 'I need to see what happens at the grand magic games between fighting with Minerva'.

Next Day

I was the stands with the team and it was the naval battle between Minerva, Shelia, Juvia, Lucy, Jenny, and a guys from Quatro Puppy (i dont his name or how to spell the guild's name). Lucy used Aquarious to drive everyone out of the sphere and they fell. Minerva, Juvia, and Lucy were left and Juvia used her love for Gray to attack them, I heard my brother scream "Knock it off!!!!" (😂😂😂😂) while blushing but Juvia got out of the sphere so Minerva and Lucy were left. Minerva was too rough, she beated up Lucy badly, I got angery so I walked down and revealed my face "OMG, RED HOOD WAS AURORA FULLBUSTER!! WHAT A TURN OF EVENTS!!"said one of the judges "Im resigning from Sabortooth and joining Fairy Tail!"I said "What!"said Sting "You!"said Minerva walking towards me and grabbing my collar "You used us!"she said and tried to punch me but used my ice to freeze her "I had no intention in join your guild from the start!"I said "what?" they said "You see"

~ Flashback ~

"what do you want Nii~san?"I said looking at him confused also Mira "Aurora, did you see the future?"he asked "yeah, why?"I asked "can you tell me what happened?"he asked and I nodded my head "Lucy was singing, thr palace fell, and dragon took over the world,"I said "I see..."he said "I want you to join Sabortooth to know their weaknesses and hear their plan ok?"said Gray "Of course brother," "Here's the plan, when me and Aurora fight, she shouts that she's leaving the guild, when she asks you (Mira) to erase her guild mark, you dont do it so Aurora erases it herself but it isnt, then she joins Sabortooth to get data on them, got it?"Gray said "Ok,"me and Mira said.

~ End Flashback ~

"And now you know why,"I said and walked to Fairy Tail's side "IF YOU EVER HURT MY FAMILY AGAIN, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO PAY WITH YOUR LIFE,"I said with an angery tone, I erased my Sabortooth mark I made and unerased the Fairy Tail mark on my leg. I used my satan soul amd turned into a demon. I had my red hair flying up, my eyes had blue flares, my arms and legs were armor, I had a blue cape, I had the same outfit as Mira but its blue, everyone was surprised that I finally completed my satan soul "I completed my satan soul by using the power of family, their love made me stronger, after seeing Lucy getting beat up, I felt guilt that I hurt one of you,"I said and walked towards Minerva and umfroze her, I held her by the throat and leaned close to her ear "You're no match for us,"I whispered and dropped her. I turned back to my regular form and ran to Lucy to heal her, I then heard Erza say "You've just angered a guild you dont want to anger," I smiled at her words. I carried Lucy to the infirmary. Everyone from the guild questioned me "Juvia knew the whole time,"said Juvia "She's right, I told her,"I said "When?"Gray asked "When I battled her,"

~ Flashback ~

"JUVIA DOWN!" "RED WINS THE MATCH!!!" I walked over to Juvia amd whispered "Sorry, Im doing this for the good of Fairy Tail, I'll come back, dont tell anyone I told you this ok?" and I saw a little nod.

~ End of Flashback ~

"Im sorry I kept it from you guys,"I said bowing "Its ok, at least you did it for the guild,"Erza said and I smiled 'Erza is such a great older sis' I thought to myself, Master then came in saying that we need to have a new group so he chose...

Next Day

The groups were chosen to fight agaimst eachother "Sabortooth and Fairy Tail!!!!!" our new team came. Gray, Erza, Natsu, Me, and Laxus were chosen 'we are the most strongest team of Fairy Tail', the pairs were matched, Me and Natsu were against Rogue and Sting "ITS THE BATTLE OF DRAGON SLAYERS!!!" "Coooolll!"said one of the judges and the match began.

Me and Natsu started off with a roar "ICE DRAGON ROAR!!" "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!" and it hit them. I was against Rogue and Natsu was against Sting "Why didn't Gajeel participate?"Rogue asked "Ask him yourself,"I said, "ICE DRAGON'S ICE FIST!!" I threw a punch at him "FIRE DRAGON'S IRON FIST!!" Natsu also threw a punch at Sting "It's time show our true power,"said Sting standing up "Huh?"said Natsu 'does he mean Dragon Force?' "We have most strongest power, and we got that power by killing our dragon,"said Sting "Wasn't it your parent?"I asked "It doesn't matter,"said Sting "Fine, bring it on, let's see how strong is your power,"I said in my fighting stance "White drive." "Shadow drive." Before I knew it, the match became more serious and the terrible future was about to come in one heart beat.

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