Something Only We Know ✔️

By GoldenCalypso

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||Completed|| Love is not an open door. Love is not a game. Love is not a fairytale. When the game of love le... More

Something Only We Know
Special Attention
sleep with me
hulk's daughter
chocolate on my lips
who are you?
keep your eyes on me
why do you have to sing?
the piano
life at risk
one last time
just a wind
his heart
secret for secret
sleeping beauty
something nice
that promise
thank you
me and you

a promise

161 21 8
By GoldenCalypso

To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it.


"Baby, is something wrong?"

Serena's chest was heaving up and down, her breath almost failing her perspiring body. Her dark black brown eyes were bulbous for her full cheeks and the shock was clearly written on her eyebrows.
I felt guilty of myself.

Oh shit.
I have scared the hell out of her.

"Adrian,"she spoke, her voice meek as a mouse, "please stop."

I stepped inches away from her.

"Serena, baby, everything is fine," I began saying, "look... I have already stopped. I'm not going to do anything that you don't want me to do, okay?"

Her eyes met with mine.
She nodded, ashamed.

We didn't speak for a moment. We continued to stare at each other, still naked but still caring for each other. Even though I was quite aroused inside I didn't want to hurt her.

God. That feeling sucked. But I would hold it in, for her.

"Serena, is something wrong baby?" I asked her.

She closed her eyes and sighed.

"It was a panic attack," she admitted, her eyes closed, "I thought I was totally cured."

Panic attacks?
Serena is a strong girl... why would she ever have panic attacks?

"It's fine baby. You don't need to have any pressure about it. We still have each other."

I leaned in and kissed her forehead, gently.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders,inhaling me. I pressed my chin against her hot cheeks and kissed her.

I didn't want her to get hurt.
She's mine.
And she won't get hurt.

"Do you always have them?" I asked her.

"Have what?" She asked me, her cheeks caressing mine.

"The panic attacks... do you have them for a while?" I repeated.

Her eyes pierced through mine.

"No, it started after one night, a year before a day like today," she said, "I have been suffering from panic attacks ever since."

Oh. My poor baby.

I didn't know that she was having a hard time before she met me. But something in her made me come into certain theories. Yet I didn't want to scare her away. I wanted to console her; tell her that everything was fine.

"Was it a hard night?" I asked cautiously trying my best not to make her afraid.

She turned her face at me, her eyes bulbous, clearly shocked.

"If you don't want to tell, that's fine with me," I began, "I don't want to make you trust me."

"I trust you, Adrian. But..."

She stopped, abruptly.

"But what Serena, do you think I will tell someone?"

"No it's not that. It's just I'm afraid you won't be the same if I told you. I don't want to lose you Adrian." She grumbled, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Hey, don't cry." I told her, "I'm not going to let you go."

Even though you want to.
We are meant to be together.
I believe in us.

"Then, will you hear me out?" She stuttered, exhaling.

"I will listen to you Serena. I will always be there for you. You can tell anything to me."

And I won't judge you.

She inhaled a breath and let it go.
"It was a typical Tuesday night," she began, " I was at the club, chilling up with my best friend Kate. We talked about everything and..."

I listened every bit of her words.

"And what happened?"

Her cheeks turned pale.
"And I was a drug addict at that time." She blurted out.

How did she get over that addiction?

"So I was having my usual drugs with Kate," she said in a low voice, "most of the time I didn't have drugs in the club, but I remember Kate urging me to have it."

She gulped down.
I caressed her shoulders.

It was as if she was revealing everything for me. Her edges and her imperfections; she was showing them to me.

"And that was when I found myself in an old barn," she began, "I didn't know how I ended up there. I didn't know who took me there. When I was almost half awake and my vision still blurry, I remember three people around me."

"Who were they?" I asked her, stupefied.
I felt anger gush through my veins.

"They were a few of the boys that I had had a relationship and eventually dumped. However, they were together. They had planned it all. And they wanted revenge on what I did to them."

Oh. My Serena.
I wanted to punch someone.
I was angry.

I hugged her closer. Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she closed her eyes.

"That was the last moment I remained as a virgin." She exclaimed, her heart thumping faster, " they raped me Adrian. And burned the barn."

They burnt her alive?
How could anyone do such a thing?
I was shaking with anger.
How could anyone do that to my Serena?

She was crying so hard.
"Don't think about it, love," I said to her, "I got you."

I'm so sorry for you.
I'm so sorry that you had to go all through that.

"To my luck," she began sobbing, "the fire brigades found me. But I was completely burnt. And was with one kidney,"she remarked, her eyes closed.

"I'm so sorry, Serena." I told her meaning every word, "I won't let anything happen to you again, I promise."

I would always be there for you.

"After a lot of surgeries they made my skin and gave me medicine to live with a single kidney," she continued, "well you already know that I have a renal failure, right?"

"Yeah," I grumbled, flatly.
But I didn't know that it happened in that brutal way.

No wonder, the girl doesn't want to let her shield down for anyone.

We kept looking up at the ceiling for minutes. There was this eerie silence that I didn't like. It was as if Serena was waiting for something unexpected to happen. She was waiting for my judgment, my decision about her.

"You are a strong girl, Serena. Not all can overcome that sort of harassment," I told her, finally.

She turned her face at me, her eyes still wet from the tears.

"That's it? That's what you've got to say?" She asked me, quite awkwardly.

I stared at her in confusion.

"I'm sorry too." I admitted, "for not coming into your life before they met you. I'm sorry for being late. I just wish I were your first."

Her eyes stood alarmed. The pupils in her darker eyes were radiating shades that I've never seen in her before.

"Well, you did have an ex boyfriend before," I reminded her.

She faked a smile. Her eyes didn't shine the exact way when she smiled for real. She was pathetic, extremely pathetic at her condition.

"Not an ex boyfriend, Adrian," she said, " I do have quite a long list."

A long list of ex lovers.
What am I? Just another line on that list?

"Actually Adrian you are my first," She said hesitantly, "I've never really cared about anyone before than the way I care about you."

"So you like me more than anyone?" I said, trying to say the L word instead of the L word I already used.

"Is that even a question, smart boy?"

God, her smart mouth was back.

Then it was gone, she became awkwardly silent, all of a sudden. Her eyes stared something at a distant.

"Adrian," she began, "after all the worst things I told you about me, why are you still here? Why don't you leave me?"

"Why should I leave you?" I asked her, "I told you Serena and I tell you again, you are that one girl I want to spend the rest of my life with."

And I am not leaving you.
I am here to stay.

Our eyes met.

"Scarlett, are you still afraid of them?" I asked her. "Are you hiding yourself because you don't want them finding you?"

Her expression froze.

I shouldn't have asked her that.
I knew that she was afraid of something or someone.
I already knew that it was the very reason for her decision of leaving me.

"Tell me, Scarlett," I asked, cautiously, "Are you hiding from them?"

Meekly, she nodded.

I wrapped my arms around her. She snuggled into my chest like a little teddy bear and started to cry. I patted her shoulder and kissed her forehead.

"Don't cry my little girl," I told her, soothingly, "and don't be afraid. I will always be there for you."

I won't let anyone or anything take you away from me.
I won't give you any bad memories. Not when you are with me.
I will protect you.
My little girl, I will always be there for you.
And that is a promise.

Hello my amazing readers,

Aren't Adrian and Serena the cutest couple? I might die if something or someone makes them apart.

Okay, so it's 12:51 am here. Gosh, I should be sleeping. Actually, my insomniac condition has worsened with the plot of the story. I think I won't sleep at the end of the story.

So I guess I deserve your love.
So please( with grave respect) press that LITTLE STAR ⭐️ BUTTON ON THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SCREEN.

I would love to wake up tomorrow with some notifications than not having any.
So thank you, for supporting me.
I love each and everyone of you.

P.s. I will be updating in the next 48hrs
⭐️⭐️⭐️please do vote!!!

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