Internet Friends | Dan Howell...

By Calybear7

101K 2.9K 5.2K

Meet over the internet. Become close friend. Become more than that? What will happen when you meet in real li... More

The Meet Up
Fixing Our Hair
Another Kitchen Utensil?
Lose You
Pacify Her
Woman With a Plan
Blind to What Never Existed
The Old (y/n)
Who You Used To Be
The Last...
Who Is He?
She's Back?
Why Had I Gone And Done That?
Pancakes and Confrontation
He'll Never Know
Wish I Knew
Please Don't Do This
Girls vs Boys
Everyone Knows
I Want to Scream
I Want
Missed You
The Tour
Play it Cool
I Don't Know
End the Pain
Dang it
The Eiffel Tower
Au revoir
Lead Me On
Talk to Me
I Don't Care
Come Back
Cafe Corner
Warm My Heart
Mrs. Howell
They Just Had to Come Now
Punch Him


865 22 45
By Calybear7



My friend did my hair during study hall today and I'm really happy about it!


(y/n)'s POV

There was a long silence on my way to meet Kenzie for lunch. She had offered to take me out while James was teaching. It felt good to get away from James for a bit considering I'm spending every waking moment with him for translation. Not that I didn't like him or anything, it's just nice to talk to multiple different people. I walked in the sandwich shop, the smell of fresh French bread filling my nose. I spotted Kenzie who was waving me over and I took a seat across from her.

"Hi, sorry I'm a little late." I said.

"No prob." she replied, gesturing to the food in front of me.

"You didn't have to pay." I said, pulling up my purse to reimburse her.

"Nah, it's fine." she said, holding up a hand to stop me. "So what have you and James been up to?" she questioned, wriggling her eyebrows. I chuckled and shut my purse, draping it back on the chair.

"Nothing." I said, smirking.

"Yeah right. Tell me." she urged, biting into her sandwich.

"Okay, uh, can you tell me if this is like a French thing?" I asked and she nodded, gesturing for me to continue. "A while ago, he kissed me on the cheek, goodnight. I mean we've know each other for a span of about...2 weeks." I said. James hadn't done anything in that time.

"God, he's smitten by the beautiful American girl." she said, giggling.

"Oh come on no." I said. shaking my head, but that didn't stop a blushed to creep on my cheeks and ears.

"Oh my God you are too!" she said. I shook my head again. "Look I admit the French can do the kiss cheek thing, like tons of cultures do that, but he knows you're not accustomed to that. He wouldn't do it without a purpose." She said, taking a sip of her drink. I groaned and shoved a chip in my mouth. "What? What's so wrong about him liking you?" she asked.

"Because I'm a rather...complicated girl." I said.

"Spill." she asked. I let out a sigh.

"So there's this boy back home. We dated for a while and I love him a lot, but towards the end of our relationship we were fighting a lot about really stupid stuff and he was insanely jealous and one night I just stormed out." I said. "And then I got hit by a car." her eyes widened and she seemed rather invested in my story. "So I ended up in a coma for 2 months and when I came to I was so determined to see Dan and make up from all the fighting that I left after 1 day of recovery. So I went to surprise him only to find that he had been sleeping with my nurse for the 2nd month of my coma." I explained.

" Oh my."

"And so I was freaked out and we were just friends for a while, or rather I was pretending for his best friend's sake, who's a good friend of mine. So they went away on tour for their YouTube channels and when they came back I just couldn't handle it and I was going to...end my life." I cringed, nervous to be telling her this. I weirdly trusted this girl though. "Dan stopped me and we decided we'd be normal. I gave up on the relationship even though I do love him. It's just hard." 

"Seriously?" Kenzie asked. I looked up at her, her face full of shock.

"Yeah?" I said.

"You are the strongest person I think I've ever met." she said. I felt my face heat up at the compliment.

"Thanks." I said.

"I'm so sorry about him and all that. He seems complicated." she said.

"You have no idea." I said. "Damn I brought the mood down. Did I say too much?" I said.

"No, it's cool. Do you have a picture of him?" she asked, clearly interested. 

"I do, uh I'm supposed to facetime both Dan and Phil later so you can join if you like." I said. She nodded.

"If you don't mind." she said. I shrugged.

"So which one is the heart breaker?" she questioned.

"Dan. I said. "He's the one with the brown curly hair and Phil has black." I explained.

"Okay, I'm weirdly excited to meet them." She said.

"Yeah, I get that. Sorry for like spilling my guts." I said.

"No, I'm glad you trust me, and I've had a guy cheat on me before. I mean it was a little different considering he was gay." She said, chuckling.

"Okay well no it's your turn to spill." I said, laughing along with her.

~Time Skip~

"You have a nice apartment." I said, glancing around. 

"Thanks. You should stay the night!" she suggested.

"Oh my god that's a great idea." I said, now excited. "Oh and the facetime. Dan's a little...I don't know how to explain it, about me going to France." I said.

"Why?" she asked. I shrugged.

"Wish I knew." I said. I pulled out my phone and dialed Phil. We always went to his phone for group facetimes and such. He answered relatively quickly.

"(y/n)! It's been so long! I saw the Eiffel tower pictures!! They were so good!" he enthused.

"Woah, slow it down there." I said. He chuckled. I heard a noise in the background and Dan popped into view, giving me a silent wave. "Oh guys, this is Kenzie by the way." I said, gesturing to her beside me.

"Hey." she said, giving me a smile.

"Nice to meet you!" Phil said. Dan just smiled awkwardly, nodding along.

"He reminds me of Abella." Kenzie said, looking at Phil. I smirked. 

"Yeah totally." I said.

"Hey! Who's Abella??" Phil questioned,

"Just a dancer." I said. Kenzie flashed me a face and I laughed. "But anyway, what's going on with you guys??" I asked.

"Not much, you Dan?" Phil asked.

"We do literally everything together. So no." Dan remarked. Phil, rolled his eyes.

"Shut up." he retorted.

"I'll shut your mum up." Dan said. I relaxed back in my seat, holding back my laughter along with Kenzie.

"Are they always like this?" she whispered to me. I shook my head yes.

"I'll shut your mum in a box." Phil replied.

"That doesn't make sense." Dan said.

"Your mum doesn't make sense." Phil said.

"Okay guys, let's not do this anymore." I interrupted.

"Fine mum." Dan replied.

"Hey, I'm not your mom and I don't need Phil shutting me in a box." I joked and Kenzie snorted. "Seriously you guys aren't doing anything?" I repeated.

"Nah, not really. You?" Phil asked.

"I'm hanging with Kenzie mostly." I said.

"And James." She said. I shot her a look. "I mean she's staying with him." she said. Great. Way to throw me under the bus.

"You're what?" Dan questioned.

"Hey, Kenz is just salty she's not as good at French as he is. He's my translator. I don't want to die here." I argued.

"Whatever." Kenzie said, grinning at me. She was trying to provoke Dan, to see what he would do. On one hand I really don't need that happening, but on the other, this might help me understand why he's so grumpy about France. "(y/n)'s just salty because she's in LOVE with him." Kenz said. I watched as Dan's face changed, his jaw clenching.

"I do not." I said, motioning for her to stop. It was going a little too far. 

"Fine." she said, shaking her head and I shoved her.

"Oh, well we're going to let you go." Dan interrupted before Phil could say anything more.

"Oh, okay. Bye guys." I said.

"By--" Phil was cut off by Dan hanging up. I let out a huff.

"That was a little too much sorry (y/n)." Kenzie said, her head hanging slightly.

"That's cool. He's already mad about me leaving." I said.

"I saw him looking at you the entire time. He must still really love you." she said.

"Not like it matters. I still see him as a cheater." I said. "I always thought him of all people would never hurt me, but I guess I was wrong." I said.

"Oh. Sorry again." She apologized.

"It's fine." I said. "I'm just glad to get away from everything for a while." 

"Is that why you came?" Kenz asked.

"Yeah, mostly. I just find it difficult to live with it sometimes and I think a break would be nice. I admit I've been avoiding their calls and text for a week now." I said.

"Well that's okay. Sometimes you just need time to yourself." she said.

"Yeah you're right." I said. "What do you want to do now?" I asked. She grinned wildly and everything seemed to return to normal. I just needed time to myself.

Yeah. That's it.

Stay awesome!


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