Code Lyoko: The Broken Time (...

By DakkokuSuru

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Tells the following story about what happened after Season 3 ( X.A.N.A 's defeat )...Hope you guys enjoyed it... More

Season 1: X.A.N.A Awaken//Episode 1: Start Up (Part 1)
Episode 2 : Start up ( Part 2)
Episode 3 : Project Paradox
Episode 4 : New Allies , New Hope
Episode 5 : The Terror From The Sky
Episode 6 : XANA Halloween Surprise
Episode 7 : Unknown Danger
Episode 8 : The Christmas Miracle
Episode 9: Time Loop
Episode 10: The First Wave
Episode 11: Cold Cut
Episode 12: Paradox Past
Season 2: Broken Reality // Episode 1: Paradox and Consequences
Episode 2: Back on Track
Episode 3: Fracture in Time
Episode 4: Who's Who
Episode 5: Jack and Annie
Episode 6: The Dunbar Brothers
Episode 7: Destiny
Episode 8: Brother Showdown
Episode 9: Winter's Howl
Episode 10: Seize of Camelot
Episode 11: Hard Time
Episode 12: Final Battle (End season 2 )
Season 3 : Legacy // PROLOGUE - Birth Of A Generation
Episode 1: Ghost from the past
Episode 2: Team Lyoko Warriors
Episode 3: Surprise Attack
Episode 4: Fusion of 2 Generation
Episode 5: Rise Of The Descendants
Episode 6: The First Test
Episode 7: Rebirth of XANA
Episode 8: Family Reunion
Episode 9: Sweat ,Bits and Bytes
Episode 10: Rises of Evil
Episode 11: Family Business
Episode 12: Return to the past
Episode 14: Dokusei no Numa
Episode 15: Pieces of the puzzle
Episode 16: Pride and Love
Episode 17: The Doctor, The Artist and The Gunner
Episode 18: The Great Beast
Episode 19: Back to the future (Final)
Episode 19: Back to the future (Alternative End)

Episode 13: New Replica, New Trouble

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By DakkokuSuru

Date 19th August, 2002- The team are still sit on the table to hear Edward explain

- Jeremy: so what you mean is Aelita and I got married and give birth to you?

- Edward: that pretty much to it apparently

- Odd: so who is Enma actually? It she my child? Who is her mother?

- Edward: Emma Bordeaux is our classmate, she join us from the start of XANA's rise, she follows us to the Lab and uncovered the truth, we have no choice but to accept her, turn out that a good idea, i use a special program to enable us to use 2 primary weapon, Emma take William's blade as her second primary weapon.

- Odd: oooh, that explain everything, and i thought i am going to be a father

- Emma: *giggle* what a great father you will turn out to be *laugh*

The team laugh as well, Odd also laugh as well,he think Emma is funny. The team finish their lunch then head back to class. During Math class, Edward and Jeremy keep raising their hand and answer all of the teacher's questions accurately and fast. The entire class when into shock because they have never seen anything like this before. *Bell ring* class is dismissed, it 4:30 PM, Jeremy go to his room to check on the scanner, Odd and Ulrich go to their room and Yumi head back home.Edward phone Maya and Emma to rendezvous at the Library for a emergency meeting. They show up at the library, the entire room is empty, they start talking

- Emma: alright Ed, why do you call us here for?

- Edward: to talk about what we will do next, it not just XANA gonna attack then run away, it now have Monty. I don't have a computer to check on the status so i might guess the he is 50% recovered, soon he will 100% recovered, when that happen, we will be in a lot of trouble.

- Maya: so what do yoh suggest we do?

- Edward: we devirtualize him as fast as we can, i will make an antivirus program just like dad did for Mr Dunbar, if it work that Monty will be free and he don't have to step inside the Lyoko for another step.

- Emma: when do you start?

- Edward: after i 3D print myself a new laptop(*open door and head to the factory *)

- Maya: what do we do now?

- Emma: wanna go ask Edward to print us some new outfit

- Maya: sure *smile* (*open door, go after Edward*)

- Ulrich: (*looking from his room's window*), (*call Jeremy *), Jeremy i see them heading to the factory, they look like they in a hurry

- Jeremy: can you and Odd follow them?

- Ulrich: sure, no problem

- Jeremy: thank, i have to work on a program it will surprise you all

Edward go to the supercomputer to begin making the 3D print program but a bug show up

- Edward: what the heck? Missing data in Sector 5? (*Maya and Emma show up*), what are you doing here?

- Maya: well, we wanna ask you something, can you print us some new outfits

- Edward: yeah, if you can help me find a missing data in Sector 5, and you know what it mean

- Emma: fine, let go Maya (*head to the scanner*)

- Edward : scanning Emma, scanning Maya, virtualization!

The girl spawn at Sector 5, they travel so quickly since Jeremy have redesign all of Lyoko, they get into the Sector 5 HUD. Maya begin to use the interface. Ulrich and Odd show up

- Ulrich: what are you doing?

- Odd: probably up to no good

- Edward: no, i'm about to do something that will blow your mind away

- Ulrich: like what, making Odd smarter so he studies harder instead of copying Jeremy .

- Odd: hey!

- Edward: no, i can "materialize" some object to the real world so we can use it, and don't tell Jeremy, please!

- Ulrich: sure, if you can give me a book about hitting on girls

- Odd: oh oh, make me a new pet chew toy for Kiwi, he seem a bit naughty today, biting all of my shoes

- Edward : no problem, after the girl finish fiding a missing program, then we can sort this out (*radar show warning*), oh no, XANA sending some monster to attack the girls

- Ulrich: yeah,yeah, we will be in there

- Edward: scanning Ulrich,scanning Odd, virtualization!

They somehow spawn in the Desert Sector.

- Ulrich: hey genius, we are not at Sector 5

- Monty: (*show up*), of course you're not, you are here with me (*William show up*)

- Odd: ah great, like William is not causing us pain already but we have to fight both of you

- Ulrich: Edward ,i think you should call some back up

- Edward: i'm on it(*dial Aelita number*) Aelita, we need your help, we are under attack by XANA at Lyoko, come quick!

Aelita got the message and call Jeremy and Yumi, they go to the factory, at the same time, a tower is activated in the Ice Sector. Edward is having a hard time handle all the problem, Jeremy with the gang arrive at the factory, he see an activated tower, he tell Edward to go to the scanner with Aelita and Yumi.

- Jeremy : scanning Edward, scanning Aelita, scanning Yumi, virtualization!

They spawn at the Ice Sector and there already a welcoming party for them. At Sector 5, Maya is finding the missing data but the monster just keep interrupting her. Emma tries her best to defend Maya. Emma throw the Yoyo it hit 3 creeper and destroy them but there is more coming. At the Desert Sector, Ulrich and Odd are running away from Monty and William, trying to stall time for the team. The activated tower on the Ice Sector doesn't summon any spectres or controlling anything, it just help XANA spawn more monsters to Lyoko.Ulrich and Odd split up

- Ulrich: we split up on the canyon up ahead

- Odd: ok

They split up at the canyon , Monty and William have to split up to chase then down, Monty chase after Ulrich while William chase after Odd. Ulrich unluckily run into a dead end. He turn his back and see Monty right after. He pull out 2 sword and stand ready. Monty use Tiger stand, his strength ia doubled. Ulrich triplicate, he and the clones charge in, Monty charge up, he blast out a cone of fire in shape of a tiger. The real Ulrich quickly jump upward to dodge, the clones are hit and disappeared , Monty smile as he have Ulrich in sight, he stand charging waiting Ulrich to land down, Ulrich land down and see Monty are in front of his face, Monty punch that make a hole on Ulrich as he slowly devirtualize. Maya and Emma are finally found the missing code, they transfer it to Jeremy. Jeremy receive the code but didn't ask any questions. He spawn them the Overwing to get out of Sector 5, in the mean time that the Mantas also spawn in to chase them, they dropped mines over the entrance. Emma let Maya drive the Overwing, she jump on 1 of the Mantas, she use the Yoyo and destroy the other ones. She lead the remains Manta straight to the mines. The minefield exploded, clearing the path for Maya but Emma is devirtualize. Maya ride the Overwing and get to the Desert Sector. William chase down Odd to the edge of the area. Run then quickly brake as he about to fall to the Digital Sea. He turn his back and see William slowly walking to him.

- Odd: can we just talk this one out? After all we are friend, right? (*smile*)

- William: ....

Maya ride the Overwing passing by, Odd see her.

- Odd: well well, this is the part that you get mad while i'm making a great escape(*jump off the edge, pick up by Maya*) see you later

William use Dark Matter to lift his blade up like a hover board, he jump on and ride like one.

- Odd: hey, that is not fair at all

- Maya: Odd, take over, i'll handle him

Maya create a narrow gap on William flight path, he stumble and fall, he have to turn to super form and head back to the ground. His face look angry. Odd and Maya made it to the Mountain Sector. They see their team are pin down hard, they can't get to the tower with all the monster attacking. Yumi throw her fans and hit 2 Blok, they are destroy and replace with 4 Megatank. They fire back, Yumi is devirtualized, Edward trying to hack the monster but he can't, the monster somehow got an upgrade from XANA, they are immune to all hacking.

- Aelita: with of this fire i can't concentrate to make a bridge to go across

- Maya: maybe we don't need a bridge, we need a gap, we will do it together

- Aelita: it worth the try

Maya and Aelita hold hand, they both concentrate to make the ground disappear, the ground begin craking, all of the monsters fall down, Aelita recreates the ground then heading straight to the tower. Aelita enter the tower, she place her hand on the HUD, *"Aelita"* *loading* *"Code Lyoko"*. Jeremy then rematerialized all of them, then everyone gather in the main room.

- Jeremy: can anyone tell why Emma and Maya doing in Lyoko for XANA to send an army to attack us?

- Edward: XANA is getting stronger by the minute, i'm trying to access Lyoko to find any left over code left from XANA to create an XANA destroyer program to get rid of him once and for all

- Jeremy: well to bad for you, this Lyoko have been recreated by me so there is nothing left to search

- Edward: ok, i'm sorry for using the Supercomputer without telling anyone.

Everyone left the factory and go back to their places. Edward are waiting his chance to use the 3D print program and his luck finally came at 26th August,2002- when they have a pop quiz at Physics. Edward quickly finish the quiz then ask the teacher to go to the infirmary for having a headache. He sneak to the factory and print himself a new laptop, he also keep his word and print for Emma and Maya their new outfit,give Ulirch his book and Odd his new doggy chew toy. They are really appreciated, all of them give Edward a thank, Emma give Edward a kiss in the cheek. Date 11th September, 2002- Edward finish his anti virus for Monty while Jeremy finished upgrading the Skid for extra seats. Edward secretly install the anti virus to ensure that he not affecting the time line too much. With the appearing of Monty can make a big impact on the future. While helping the team, Edward trying to find out a way to get back to his time, but all attempts are fail, his PDA won't work if the mission isn't complete.Date 12th September, 2002- 6:00AM, Jeremy tell everyone to meet him at the factory for a big surprise. He virtualizes each member into Sector 5. Then tell them to go to the main core

- Jeremy: lady and gentleman, i present to you, The Skidblanir, a ship that can help us travel through the Digital Sea and destroy XANA's Replicas. As you can see it have 7 seat, each can be separated into small combat ship.

- Odd: ooooooh, can we test it now?

- Jeremy: sure, i've identified a XANA's Replica , i'm sending you the coordinate now.

- Edward: hope this ship doesn't leaks(*the team laugh*)

- Jeremy: i can ensure you that this ship is water proof.

- Aelita: launching now, (*get out Sector 5*) prepare to dive(*dive*), all thruster activated (*ship speed up*)

On their way they are being attacked by Shark and Squid, but they easily defeat them thank to Edward help on finding their attack pattern. They reach the Replica gate, Jeremy decode the gate, they enter the Replicate. They find a tower to hack, Jeremy virtualize Odd,Aelita,Maya to the tower's coordinate on the real world. That spawn near a secret lab in the Japanese's Fascist Occupied Island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. The rest are teleported out of the ship.

-Yumi : this place look like Lyoko so much

- Jeremy: yes, it a 100% replicate of Lyoko but only 1 sector and from the look of thing XANA didn't take the effort to replicate all of the other Sectors. *radar warning* ,You got companies. Stay sharp

Ulrich take out the swords and stand ready, Yumi ready her fan, Edward stay back and point the watch straight,Emma ready her Yoyo. A wave of Krankalas storm in fiercely, Edward fire the tether that bind the Krankalas, then slam it on the ground, Yumi throw out her fan and cut 10 Krankalases. Ulrich use his swords and deflect the lazer back at the Krankalases, destroying them in the process.Emma throw the Yoyo in an arc, that slice through the Krankalases.At the Jungle, the lab is controlled by a supercomputer, it is growing some very strange plants, Odd poke 1 off the plant and it release a toxic gas that make him hallucinates. He see Maya and Aelita turn into 2 mutant creatures in his Dr.Shrank movies. He turn aggressive and fire at them

- Aelita:(* take cover*) Odd what are you doing? Why are you firing at us?

- Odd(*sweating*): you can't fool me, you are Dr.Shrank's mutants

- Maya: oh dear, it must be plant, they're making him hallucinates. Let's blast him back to the ship, on 3, one...two....three (*Both Maya and Aelita blast Odd*)

Odd go back to the Skid unconscious. Maya and Aelita find the supercomputer in the center of the lab, they're about to destroy it until William step out from behind the supercomputer, he blast Dark Matter at them, they dodge, the blast destroy the gate. At the Replica, the team push back the Krankalas's attack with the help of Odd. Then Monty show up, with 2 Savage Megatank

- Emma: not them again

- Jeremy: woah, what the heck am i seeing on the screen?

- Edward: they are the Savage Megatank, they have spikes that automatically shot after taken damage or destroyed which mean we have to destroy them from a distance or devirtualize with it in the process. They don't fire 1 blast, they fire homing missile after opening their shells.(Monty knowledge about future XANA can help this past XANA change the tide of the battle in his favor, we must take him out)

The Savage Megatank fire a missile barrage, the team can only do is to take cover, some missiles hit the Skid, interrupting the transmission process. Edward use the watch to grab hold to the missiles of then throw it back at the Savage Megatank. 1 of them hit a Savage Megatank, it explode then shoot out it spikes everywhere. Edward unfortunately got hit and devirtualized. The second Savage Megatank attack, it broken the Skid shield, Maya and Aelita are fighting William in the lab are disconnected then return to the ship unconscious.

- Jeremy: oh no, what should we do now?

- Edward: (*get out of the elevator*) i suggest we retreat, if they stay any longer the Savage Megatank will destroy the Skid.

- Jeremy: alright, i'm teleporting all of you back to the Skid.

The team teleported to the Skid then quickly retreat before thing got for the worse. Odd and Aelita got devirtualize before they completely teleported back to the Skid. Maya full thrust to lift off then dive back to the Digital Sea. They reach Lyoko safely then Jeremy rematerialized all of them.

- Jeremy: that must be a really tough battle for all of you

- Yumi: XANA monster is getting stronger, Monty is also getting stronger, do we even stand a chance?

- Aelita: look on the bright side, we now know something from XANA

- The rest of the team: what?

- Aelita: i saw some documents in the lab, they said the toxic plants will be ship to all over the world by 19th September

- Edward: which mean we have 1 week to stop XANA from poisoning the world, turning human against each other

- Maya: but that not all, i see 1 document said the plant that Odd poke that give him hallucination was just a young plant, the full grown one will turn human into a wild animal

-Emma: that's awful

- Jeremy: that settle then, we have to destroy XANA's Forest Replica before too late, does anyone have any test this week?

- Yumi: i have a Math quiz this afternoon with spectre William (*Ulrich seem a bit jealous*)

- Edward: Maya,Emma and i have swimming test at Friday

- Ulrich: and we have a Chemistry quiz from miss Hertz by the start of Monday and we need you to help us Einstein, we're not planning on failing this.

- Jeremy: very well, we will attack XANA by Saturday, by 6:00 AM

The team head back to school starting their new day.<<To be continue>>

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