Dare To Love

By NicoleFrenchie

55.8K 2.3K 1.7K

[Complete] Louis is a drama major starting his sophomore year in college. A bunch of stupid dares from his fr... More

1 - Classy Bitch
2 - Coffee and Glass Doors
3 - Smoothies
4 - Revelations
5 - Large Americano
6 - Night Out
7 - Friends
8 - Rehersals
10 - Dancing in The Rain
11 - Polaroids
12 - Be A Sinner
13 - Not a Big Deal
14 - Pancake Sunday
15 - Tearful Calls
16 - Asshole Disease
17 - Control
18 - Painted Nails
19 - Not About Me
20 - A Nose Nudge
21 - Sharing Passion
22 - The Sweetest Scheme
23 - The Perfect Date
24 - Stay
25 - One of Those Days
26 - No More Waiting
27 - One-Quarter Gay
28 - Braver
29 - You Only Get One
30 - Lucky
31 - Tattoos and Roses
32 - Just Love
33 - Final Show
34 - Home

9 - Ready To Run

1.6K 72 57
By NicoleFrenchie

There was a twist in Louis' stomach when he'd walked into the cafeteria the following day with his food, his heart erratically beating for just being on his way to lunch. But, he couldn't help the way his fluttered and breathing hitched in his throat when he walked up to the table where Harry, Niall and Liam were already waiting.

Green eyes looked up as Louis made his way over, and he couldn't help the way his breath stuck in his throat or how the shadow came closer.

Harry's face broke out into a shy smile as Louis took a seat next to Liam, returning the smile with a simple quirk of his lips, even if he wanted to laugh at how ridiculous it had been that they'd kissed in his room, and now they were just gonna eat lunch without talking about it. Good. He didn't want to talk or think about how soft and gentle Harry's lips had been on is either.

He took a bite of his over-priced sandwich, feeling pairs of eyes fixate on him. Louis cautiously chewed his food, furrowing his brows at his friends.

Suddenly, he wondered for a moment if everyone knew him and Harry had kissed. He knew that it was ridiculous. Of course, they couldn't tell, but that didn't stop Louis' hyperactive brain from over-analyzing the situation. His neck prickled with the proximity of Harry's body, adrenaline flowing through him when they caught eyes briefly from across the table as he chewed. It wasn't like Niall and Liam could feel it, but he felt like the air was crackling with the heavy weight of that secret.

"Yes?" He asked, drawing out the question, blue eyes rising to meet his friends'.

"You ran out, yesterday," Liam remarked, frowning in concern and Louis nearly choked on his food. "Everything good?"

Swallowing and clearing his throat, Louis shrugged and scratched the back of his neck. "I was feeling a bit sick," he answered. "The beer didn't taste good. It tasted like plastic, or something."

"What were you drinking?" Zayn asked, taking a seat next to Liam and draping his arm over his shoulder. "There might have been too much yeast in it."

The small group went on to talk about yeast for a few minutes, and how someone at Niall's old school had tried to make their own beer by putting yeast into a carton of apple juice. As Niall vividly explained, the school had smelled like shit for days. Everyone had laughed, and when Harry's intense eyes connected with Louis', the smaller boy averted his eyes.

He knew that if he let his eyes linger for too long on Harry's face, the taller boy's red face would give them away, and they'd become the endless target of the three boys' jokes and teasing.

It was a little like being a kid all over again, Louis mused to himself. It was almost like sneaking in an extra piece of desert and eating it at midnight, or that time when he'd stolen his dad's Playboy magazine. Sure, this time there was a layer of fear and worry surrounding that secret, but there was also something exciting about it, and Louis couldn't shake off that feeling no matter how hard he tried.

"Did your date with Sophie go well?" Louis teased, smirking. "Or, did it go well? C'mon tell me how good I am."

Zayn blushed, unsuccessfully trying to conceal a bright smile. "It was fine."

"With my matchmaking skills, are you joking? It can't have been just fine!" Louis argued, elbowing Zayn's side playfully. "Please tell me that you kissed her, or held her hand."

"Fine, you got me out of the hell that is the friend zone, Lou," Zayn laughed, smirking to himself. "I did all of those, and I even gave her my expensive coat when she was cold."

"I never thought I'd see the day when Zayn Malik would lend his coat to someone," Liam rose a brow, almost letting out a giggle. "You almost broke my arm that one time when I touched it."

"It's a really expensive coat," Zayn defended himself, laughing it off. "And, I even brought her to eat Dinner! Steak and wine, lads."

"Shit! Zayn, you classy bitch!" Niall whistled. "Did you get some?"

The boy winked, cheeks flushing as he took a sip of his drink. "A gentleman never says."

"I knew you were going to say that!" Liam pointed his fork at Zayn and then at Louis' hysterically laughing face. "Why did I know you were going to say that!?"

"Now, I have another date tonight," Zayn exclaimed proudly, straightening his jacket and finishing the last of his food. "We're going to that big game. Are you guys going, too?"

Liam shook his head, pushing the colourful cafeteria tray further away from himself. "I was planning on video-chatting Danielle, and—"

"Sorry to disappoint, Liam, but we're going too," Louis offered when most of the food had been eaten. "I have an idea for Niall's dare, and we have to be there to do it."

"Hit me," Niall nodded, tilting his chin up.

"You know how there's that big game, tonight?" Louis started, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "We're going and I want you to streak as your dare."

It would be very embarrassing, but that was the kind of dares Niall would do to win a large amounts of points. Niall never backed away from big and embarrassing dares, and he'd do them without flinching, because he knew it would give him a better chance at winning. And, Louis knew Niall would take it.

"That has to be a ten," Harry insisted, his eyes widening almost comically. "It's gotta be super embarrassing to do that."

"No big deal, it's not like I haven't done it before," Niall laughed, leaning back in his chair confidently and wrapping an arm over his roommate's broad shoulders. "Ten is good. I'll even settle for a nine and a half, Lou! I feel like you'll fuck me over, so I want a nine."

"I was gonna give you a ten," Louis teased, sitting back and watching a look of panic settle onto Niall's face. "But, since you really want that nine-and-a-half, that's what you're gonna get."

. . .

Louis stared at his reflection, passing a hand through his hair, pushing his fringe off his forehead before pulling on his beanie. He had showered, and after many unsuccessful attempts to do his hair,he gave up. If he was going out in the cold, there was no need to do his hair. He wore a white beanie to hie his mess of hair, his usual dark jeans and a white shirt paired with his grandfather's denim jacket.

He shrugged on his denim jacket, fishing out his phone from his pocket when it buzzed with an oncoming text from Niall.

[19: 10 - Niall] We're outside

Louis rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath before heading towards the elevator, elbowing his way through the crowded elevator and pressing the button to the lobby. Yeah, he'd have to get a better place to live soon. Many freshmen crowded the elevator, most of them already drunk out of their minds and sporting their University's colours for the big game.

As soon as the doors opened to reveal the lobby, Louis darted out and stepped to the side to allow the freshmen to make their way out. Straightening his jacket, he took a deep breath of air that didn't smell like fruits and margaritas and headed towards the glass doors.

"Hey, Lou," Niall called as Louis emerged from his dorm building, a smirk stapled onto his lips. "You're looking good. Must have dressed for your Juliet, tonight."

There'd been a little bit of teasing regarding Harry's crush on him, and a few jokes about their Romeo and Juliet rehearsal thanks to Niall, but there hadn't been any dares for the two of them in a while, but Louis was sure the boys were planning something.

Niall's tone and mischievous grin confirmed Louis' fear, and he tried his best to act natural. Don't let them see you sweat. Don't let them see you sweat.

"I know I do," Louis dismissed, flipping Niall off as he walked towards the groups, dragging his eyes upward to see an unfamiliar figure standing next to Zayn.

There was a blonde girl — Sophie, Louis reminded himself. Her name was Sophie — she wore form-fitting jeans that hugged her curves and a sparkly grey shirt, a coat covering her shoulders from the cold, and a mess of fabric that she probably called a purse or a bag.

Then, Louis' eyes wandered towards Harry. His green eyes instantly lighting up as he noticed Louis. He was dressed in skin tight jeans, and a red University sweater, his boots crossed at the ankles. His curly hair was styled back with a dark blue beanie, and his vibrant green eyes and deep rose lips were more apparent in the soft lighting of the artificial street lighting.

Louis quickly cleared his throat, raising an eyebrow. "Well, are we going or what?"

"Not yet," Niall informed him with a smile. "I have a dare for you."

"What?" Louis sighed, watching as Niall smirked and placed his hand on the small of Harry's back, pushing him forward gently.

"For a total of two points, I'd like," Niall said, pointing between the pair as a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. "For you to hold Harry's hand for the whole walk to the field."

"Why are all your dares for twelve-year-olds?" Louis complained, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Come on, Louis!" Zayn edged on, wiggling his brows suggestively. "It'll be good! At the very least, do it for Harry. He would appreciate if you to do the dare and hold his hand, he told me that hims—"

Harry's face turned deep red, visible even in the low light of the street when Louis instinctively glanced over out of the corner of his eye. Unlike the other times, Harry's weak chuckle was heard and he shoved at Zayn's shoulder playfully, scratching at the back of his neck.

"What?" Zayn laughed, rubbing exaggeratedly where he'd been hit. "It's true!"

"Even if he did," Louis huffed, swallowing down the discomfort and adrenaline shooting through him. "It doesn't mean that he wants to hold my hand to walk across campus, dumbasses."

"Two points for you, and two for Harry," Niall shrugged, looking back and forth between the smaller and taller boys of the group. "What do you think, Harry? Are you in, or out?"

All eyes were on Harry, and Louis was hoping he would refuse — say that he was sick or something, but despite the flush of his cheeks and uneasy eyes as he glanced sideways at Louis, Harry managed to shrug and hesitantly walked forwards, looking unsure about whether or not that was what he was supposed to be doing.

"Okay," he agreed hesitantly, deep voice making Louis shiver. "I—I need the points."

"Great!" Liam exclaimed, clapping his hands.

"Louis, are you gonna take the dare, or what?" Zayn asked, pointing at Harry and smiling widely at them from under the glow of his phone. "If you pass, then I'll take it."

"I'll do it," Louis sighed loudly, flipping off the camera. "From here to the game, right?"

He stepped closer to the taller boy, watching as Harry's breath hitched in his throat, rubbing his hands against the material of his jeans. Green eyes darted around to avoid Louis', lips parting in surprise when Louis extended his hand first and intertwining his fingers with Harry's when their palms hesitantly met.

When Louis glanced up, Niall was smiling proudly and nodded slowly as he admired the result of his dare. Three pairs of eyes looked at them, all smiles and mischievous glints while Sophie fidgeted with her bag, unsure of what was happening. After all, this was only between the five boys.

"Never thought I'd see Louis holding someone's hand," Liam remarked, face splitting with an amused smile. "So pure."

"You know, I shouldn't be enjoying this, but I really am," Niall chuckled, and Louis furrowed his brow. "I feel like a proud parent."

"This is so stupid," Louis let out, feeling every twitch of Harry's long fingers against the back of his palm. "Can we go?"

Walking while holding hands was very impractical in Louis' opinion. He had to make the effort to walk twice as fast to keep up with Harry's long legs, not to mention the fact that they had to move as one large unit to avoid walking into people heading the opposite direction. Which, often led Louis' back to be pressed against Harry's toned front and he could feel the warmth radiating onto him as the shadow followed closely behind. This led to images of the Harry dreams to pop back into his mind momentarily, but he quickly shook them off.

The field where the game was going to be was a ten minute walk, the gravel beneath the two boys' feet nearly sufficing for conversation while the others were engaged into an interesting conversation relating to Zayn and Sophie's date.

"God, your hand is so sweaty," Louis said when they about halfway to the field, the lighting becoming scarcer and scarcer, the field's lighting shining like a beacon on the bay.

Harry tilted his head to the side, intense gaze focusing on Louis. Green eyes racked the length of Louis' body involuntarily before panic settled firmly into them as Louis did the same.

Harry's hand felt clammy against his, but granted, it did provide warmth to their intertwined hands. His hand had slowly but surely relaxed into the hold, barely noticing that they swayed gently together unconsciously as they walked.

"Sorry," Harry had hastily apologized, letting out an awkward chuckle, but somehow Louis felt bad for bringing it up.

Shrugging, Louis looked back in the direction they were walking. Having Harry's green eyes on him for too long had him feeling strange, giddy, almost. "It's fine," he shrugged off, determinedly facing forward.

"Okay," Harry said quietly, his hand tightened around Louis' gently, his fingers flexing and Louis swallowed.

"Almost there!" Niall informed, beaming as he turned around to watch the pair before turning to the others.

"So," Harry said, breaking the silence between them, lowering his voice to keep from being heard by the others. "How are you feeling? After the whole, you know, panic attack. I know you didn't want me to bring it up, but I'm—"

"I'm feeling fine," Louis interrupted, shoulders hunching against a gust of wind. "Thanks."

He looked like he was going to apologize again, but then he seemed to notice the bright lights of the outdoor stadium and his mouth fell agape in wonder, completely forgetting

"Oh my god! That's huge!" He exclaimed, staring at the large crowd and many lights raging in the distance.

Even when it was time for Harry to let go of his hand and they went to find a seat, the unease in Louis' stomach was still there. It gripped him like a threat.

One wrong move, and the shadow would take over.

. . .

"Are you sure there's no one coming?" Harry anxiously asked, repeatedly glancing over his shoulder as Niall pulled his t-shirt over his head and threw the fabric into Harry's arms before looking over to the lit fields of grass and many people sitting and cheering. "I don't want to get arrested."

"There's no one coming," Niall brushed off. "Now, am I allowed to cover my junk or not?"

The crisp night air of Autumn brushed through Louis' denim jacket, making him shiver, so he imagined that Niall must have been freezing as he kicked off his jeans. They were hiding behind the dark side of the bleachers, out of the bright light that lit the luscious green field where the football game raged on.

"Well, I don't want to see it," Louis cringed. "How about one hand covering, the other waving around like a crazy person?"

"It's cold," Niall complained, looking at each of the boys imploringly. "Isn't my dick gonna freeze off?"

"It's not gonna freeze off," Liam assured him, grinning. "I love how we're gonna ruin Zayn's date."

"We're not ruining it," Louis corrected with a grin, blue eyes twinkling with mischief. "Let's just say that we're...making it memorable."

Arms crossed in front of him, probably more due to the chill in the air than modesty, the Irishman stood awkwardly in his underwear, shifting from foot to foot as he stepped on the cold grass, waiting for the go ahead.

"Whenever you're ready," Liam told him with a laugh, taking out his phone and pressing the red button.

The boys held their breath as Naill stepped out of his underwear, the only sound was of Harry's muffling laughter and Niall cursing.

"It's fucking cold!" The blond yelped, though no one was really listening.

He'd been whining for the past half-hour.

"If you guys aren't here with my clothes when I get back," Niall threatened, pointing to each of the boys menacingly with his spare hand, the other covering his dignity. "I will personally kill each and every one of you slowly and painfully in your sleep. And Harry, you're gonna be sleeping outside."

"What?" Louis teased. "You're gonna shove Lucky Charm cereal down my throat and Irish dance on my dead corpse?"

He grinned proudly when Harry let out a laugh, dodging Niall's fist. "We'll be here," Harry nodded, trying to conceal his laughter.

After giving them all one last look, the blond took a few deep breaths and ran out from behind the shining, silver bleachers — one arm waving frantically, the other covering his dignity, and his bare back seeming to glow under the lights as he ran out into the field.

The visual was immediately funny, having the three boys hunched over and trying to keep from making too much of a ruckus with their laughter as Liam filmed the dare. This was one of those dares that would actually get them in legal trouble if they were caught.

"Should we leave?" Louis joked, earning a smack on the arm from Harry and a loud cackle.

"And make me sleep outside?" Harry asked, gesturing to Niall running and the loud sound of hoots and jeers. "I don't think so."

"This is too good," Liam snickered, watching as some football players started clapping and laughing as Niall whizzed by. "It would go viral on YouTube!"

"It would," Louis agreed, watching as Niall finally finished making a lap around the field and whizzed off the opposite end of it, making his way back to them from the other side of the bleachers. "But we're not that cruel."

"Fuck!" Niall yelled, speeding towards them. "Clothes!"

Harry dutifully held them out before Louis placed a hand between the two boys. "I didn't hear a please," he taunted, smirking at how very impatient Niall looked. Though it was cold and Niall was completely naked, so it was understandable.

"Louis, for fuck's sake!" He exclaimed, one hand shielding himself and the other reaching out. "We need to get out before security gets here!"

Cackling, Louis handed the pile over and snorted as the boy muttered a string of nonsense as he hurriedly got dressed and the dim light of flashlights and sound of booming voices neared them.

"I second," Liam added quickly, moving in the general direction of the dorms when Niall was finally fully dressed and men dressed in dark uniforms rounded the corner of the bleachers. "Get ready to run, boys!"

"Shit!" Harry yelped, instinctively reaching out for Louis as he froze in place. "What do we do?"

"Run, Harry," Louis instructed, watching as the other boys hurriedly ran away. He let out a frustrated sigh, quickly grabbing at Harry's hand and dragging him along. "Come on!"

Louis' grip on his hand seemed to bring the boy back to reality, and Harry's eyes widened as the blinding light of a flashlight shone a few feet away. The two boys took off, speeding past the bleachers and hearing sounds of yelling from the security. Louis was breathing quickly, legs burning as adrenaline coursed through his body. Harry's long legs were quicker than Louis', but with Louis hurrying up, their intertwined hands and Harry glancing over his shoulder to make sure the smaller boy was next to him, he never got too far ahead.

The moon hung high above them, casting their silhouettes onto the sidewalks of campus as they ran. Louis' attention shifted from the main street ahead and to the subtle alleyway between the Arts building and Social Sciences building. That's when Louis tightened his grip on Harry's hand and pulled him into the dark alley, pushing Harry's back into the brick wall and placing a hand over his mouth as Harry yelped, motioning to be silent.

Harry stood four inches taller than him and yet, he felt minuscule in comparison. Louis crowded into Harry's space, his gaze intently shifting between Harry's eyes and the dimly lit street. They were hiding in the darkness the two buildings provided, panting and adrenaline coursing through their veins as they watched the two security guards run past.

The air was thick and ripe with silence as hot breath fanned over flushed faces. They stood inside the alley for a few moment, holding hands and staring into each other's eyes, chest pressing together as they breathed. Green eyes peered into blue ones, repeatedly shifting between lips and eyes.

"I think they're gone," Louis whispered, hot breath fanning over Harry's face.

Weakly nodding, Harry deeply inhaled in relief. "Yeah, I think so."

Louis' fingers gripped at Harry's before letting go and moving to the opposing side of the wall. He bent in two, hands on his knees as he panted and tried to catch his breathing.

"Fuck," Louis panted, rising himself upright. "That was close."

It had been too close for comfort. Way too close.

The funny thing about running in the cold was that Louis had no idea if he was hot or cold. There was sweat gathering beneath his jacket from running half a mile, but at the same time, his face was entirely numb — ears and face stinging from the cold winds of a chilly Autumn night. He didn't know if he wanted to rip his coat off or if he wanted to curl up and try to get warm.

"Remind me to never do that again," Harry said, letting out a laugh.

"It's not usually like this," Louis piped in. "Usually, we don't usually come this close to trouble. We just got unlucky."

"Story of my life," Harry laughed, ruffling his curly hair.

A smirk came onto Louis' face and he pushed himself off the brick wall, a few bricks digging into his back. He shoved his hands into his pockets as they slowly walked out into the empty campus and quickly walked towards Louis' dorm building where the four of them had agreed to meet.

The night finally ended in Louis' room, three of them drinking beer and Harry drinking a can of soda. Their eyes had met over their bottles and it reminded Louis of the kiss from last night, and he quickly averted his eyes, swallowing a large gulp of beer.

The moment seemed to last forever, green eyes boring into blue ones intensely. But as soon as it started, it was over. The moment was over and no one had probably caught it. If only he had as well.

. . . .

a/n: here's the ninth chapter! Sorry I haven't been updating this fic in a while, University has been taking up most of my free time! As always, let me know what you guys think!!

If you want to stalk me on social media:
twitter - @smilleyNicky
tumblr - ijugu
Ao3 - NicoleFrenchie

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