My bad boy.

By Meg1323

141K 3.5K 288

MY BAD BOY Taylor Smith is your typical good girl: Smart, polite, gets along with almost every body at schoo... More

My bad boy. [Book 1]
[1] Partners
[2] Invitation
[3 pt: 2] Party
[4] Dinner
[5] Beach Day
[6] Sam's Place.
[7] Going Out With Ryder
[8] 21 Questions
[9] Babysitting
[10] Zoo
[11] Taylor's Story
[12] Water Park.
Authors Note.
[13] Taken
[14] Finding Taylor
[15] Fight
[16] Hospital
[17] New Neighbor
[18] Movie Night.
[19] Fair
[20] Back To School
[21] Handing out flyers
[22] Date Night
[23] Sleep over; part 1.
[24] Truth or Dare.
[25] Skip Day
[26] Sneaking In
[27] Championship Part 1
[28] Party. Part 2
[29] Spending The Day With Colton.
[30] We Meet Again.

[3 pt: 1] hideout; football game.

5.9K 149 12
By Meg1323

It was now Friday afternoon and I was now with Tyler. "You want to stop by Quick Trip and get something to snack on?" Tyler asked. I nodded my head "Yeah that would be great." He smiled and made his way to Quick Trip. About an hour later we were now on the way to our hide out.


"I'm going to get you Taylor!" A five year old Tyler said. I giggled and ran faster. Tyler thinks he can catch up to me but me and him both know that isn't gonna happen. "Taylor slow down!" Tyler shouted. I looked quickly around my shoulder and saw he was way behind. I looked back in front and kept running. I stopped when I almost fell in water. "Taylor?!" Tyler shouted. "Over here!" I said. In front of me was a pretty site. A small round lake, tall trees, also there were birds and butterflys' flying everywhere. This is called paradise. "Woah." Tyler breathed. I giggled "Pretty." "We should build a tree house here. It would be our own secrete spot." Tyler said. "Let's go back and ask our daddys'." I said. He nodded and we went to go ask our daddys'.

End of flashback.

"Taylor?" I heard Tyler say getting me out of my flashback I had when we were kids. "Sorry I was just reminiscing." I said realizing that we were at the same spot I was when I first discovered this place. "What time is it?" I asked also realizing that the football game was tonight. "4:30pm." Tyler answered. I nodded and said "Okay, the game starts at seven, we have time." Tyler nodded. The rest of the time we were here we talked about random things before we had to go to the football game.


"Sam!" I yelled as we entered to the game. "Taylor!" Tyler left me to go find Logan and Jace. "Where's Cat?" I asked Sam. Alyssa was by Sam's side drinking out of a red cup. "Saying good luck to Adam." Sam said. I nodded. "You guys wanna find a seat? My feet are already hurting me." Alyssa asked. "Yeah, let's go find a seat." I said.

We made our way to the bleachers to find our seat. The game has now started and the voices became louder. I spotted Trey almost immediately- he is number fourteen. "Go Trey!" I shouted as he caught the ball from number eleven. I looked for Colton and saw him running- he's number twenty. "Go Adam!" I heard Cat. Since when did Cat find us? "Hey Cat!" I half shouted. Cat was sitting on the left side of Sam, Alyssa was on the right side of me, and I was between Alyssa and Sam. "Touch down!!!" The announcer said. 1 point for The Halks and 0 for the seagulls.

"I'm going to go to the concession stand; anyone want anything?" I asked. I was getting hungry so I decided that now would be the best time to get something to snack on. "I'll take a Dr. Pepper." Alyssa said handing me a twenty dollar bill. The rest shook their heads. "Alright, I'll be back." I said getting up then leaving. I walked off the bleachers and made my way to the concession stand. When I made reached it I spotted Jace eating a pretzel. Apparently he spotted me because he smiled and said my name. "Taylor!" Jace said. I smiled and made my way over to him and as well as the line. "How are you?" Jace asked as he took a bite of his pretzel. The line moved so it was almost my turn to order my food and Alyssa's drink. "I'm good." I answered. "You going to the party after this?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah- my friends are making me." I answered. "Hi, what can I get you?" The lady asked behind the counter. "Um, I'll take a hotdog, and two Dr. Peppers." I ordered. She nodded. "Alright, if you go wait over there your food shall be ready in five minutes." She said handing me change. I nodded and smiled and made my way over to where she told me to wait for my food and Jace walked with me. "Where's Tyler and Logan?" I asked. "Over there talking to the cheerleaders." Jace said pointing into the direction where Logan and Tyler were located. "Idiots, they think they have a chance with them." Jace chuckled. I rolled my eyes "and you do?" "Two Dr. Peppers and a hotdog!?" "Right here. Thank you." I smiled and tried to grab everything at once. "You need help carrying something?" Jace asked. I nodded and smiled. "If you don't mind." I said handing him Cat's drink.

We made our way back to my seat. "Who's drink is this?" Jace asked. "Cat's." I answered him. We found my seat. "Caterina Lancaster." Jace said handing her her drink. "Jason fields... We meet again." Cat said. Jason went to go sit by Cat and they started talking. "Oh thanks Taylor for getting my drink for me." Cat smiled. "No problem." I said and sat down to began eating my pretzel.

"What did I miss?" I asked Sam. "Nothing big yet. Half time is about to happen. But the score is 5-4. We are winning." Sam explained. I nodded and smiled. "Is Trey doing any good?" I asked. Sam nodded "Yeah, he made two of the five touchdowns. Pretty impressive if you ask me." Sam chuckled. "Yeah it is." I said. This is going to be a long game even though it's half way over.

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