Safe And Sound (Paladin Danse...

By anonymous__ash

34.5K 673 257

No description needed ;3 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Part 24 (last chapter)

Chapter 4

1.9K 31 14
By anonymous__ash

As I walk back home I examine this rifle he's given me. I trace my fingers along the barrel and find a name calved into it, 'Ritious authority' it reads. I smile, cool name. The rifle is already loaded but I try to avoid any unnecessary danger, especially since it's getting really dark.
I get back to my little cosy shack and unlock the door. Once I'm inside I chuck everything down and lay on my bed with Ritious Authority. "Will I even be able to come back?" I say to myself, part of me doesn't want to leave but... this could really help me find Shaun, with the brotherhood on my side I'm sure they'll help. Plus Virgil... I have to find Virgil.

Morning comes and I didn't have the greatest sleep ever... I have made up my mind though, I'm joining the brotherhood. I pack food, ammunition and guns, pretty much everything I will need. I leave everything else, I can't bring my whole freaking house. "Cya then." I say, placing a hand on the wall. I look at all my training equipment and drawings that I've done in the dirt, they're pretty messy though, it's been a little windy.
I make my way back to the police station the same way I did yesturday. After passing the truck and making sure there were no gouls I make my way through the entrance and let myself in. "Hey, Paladin?" I call, Danse immediately comes into the room. "Welcome back soldier, have you decided yet?" He asks politely, but clearly wanting an answer right now "Yes, I've decided I'm going to join the brotherhood. If you're still willing to give me a spot." I smile, I'm pretty excited. "Outstanding. Rhyse, Haylen, get in here." The two enter the main room and stand infront of the two of us. "Thank you, I'm happy to announce that (Y/n) will be joining us in the brotherhood. I will also be granting her the rank of initiate" Danse turns to me "since I don't have the authority to give you anything higher." I nod "So you came back? I ws expecting you to take your payment and run." Rhyse says, I roll my eyes and don't respond. "No response huh? You just want more caps? You wanna take over? Or maybe you wanna show off at how good you are." I sigh and look at him with my arms crossed, "maybe YOU wana shut the fuck up." I growl, what a shit head. "Rhyse that is enough, you better show some respect and as for you, you need to realize how important the brotherhood and being part of it really is." Danse says, shooting Rhyse an evil glare. "We live for protecting the Commonwealth of everything that wants to destroy it. That being raiders, super mutants, the institute and everything in between. You will follow orders and not disobey them, got it?" I nod and smile, "Absolutely." Danse smiles back and just looks at me for a while before I wave at him "uhh... Danse?" I say, waving my hand in his face. "S-Sorry... anyways, I will act as your commanding officer so you follow my orders. Clear?" He says, looking away for a second before regaining eye contact. Having him as my commanding officer will be good, at least I can get to know him better. "No arguing with that!"

"Alright now please follow me up to the roof, there's a virtibird waiting for us." Danse says simply. "Ad victorium." Haylen salutes,  "Psh, she probably doesn't even know what that means." Rhyse adds, Danse turns to me, "Ad Victorium, means 'to victory'." I nod and smile, awesome. We start up the stairs, Danses power armor clanking as we walk up. "What's a... virtibird?" I say, I guess it kinda sounds obvious but... I really have no idea. "It's the brotherhoods airships, they dock at the prydwin and are always on patrol." I nod, I've probably seen them around. "Well now I'm excited! I've never gotten to fly on a helicopter type... thing!" I say as we exit the station and onto the roof, it's so big! Danse smiles at me but doesn't say anything. "Welcome aboard Paladin." The pilot says. It's a big jump up, Danse decides to jump back down and lift me up. "Thank you Danse." I smile happily "No problem, now if you could just man that Machine gun..." he says as he lifts himself back on board. I stand at the gun and we lift off, it's noisy at first but once we're cruising it's quiet. I kinda latch myself onto the gun when we have to turn, I'm not very stable... Danse comes over to me and sits on the edge next to me. "You alright soldier?" He snickers and I pout, "No need to boast, this is my first time on one of these things and there aren't even any seat belts!" I say in a bit of a panicked tone. "A seat belt? Whats that?" Danse asks, I thought he was joking but he seems legitimately curious. "Oh... a seat belt is something you have in like every car and vehicle, well use to anyways." I look away, it always makes me sad talking about before the war, even something as simple as seat belts. "What do you mean use to be?" Danse moves a little closer and looks up at me, I look back "Before the war... I uh, actually woke up not too long ago. Before the war there were heaps of cars and trucks and trains and boats and planes." I smile sadly, "You're from before the war? But that was... over 200 years ago." I nod "I was chyrogenically frozen. I woke up once before and that's when..." I stop and get teary, I can't cry don't cry don't cry! "Sorry... I just-" Danse cuts me off "It's okay, you don't have to say anything more if you don't want to." He smiles that warm smile of his, I can't help but smile back.
"Okay theres the airport, that's our base now. We moved in here not to long ago." I stare at the airport...
Where is he? I look up at the times for the planes arrival, that's Nates plane... he should be here by now. I jump when I feel someone smack my butt, I turn around quickly and see Nate "Hey beautiful." He smiles and I hug him tightly "Nate! You're back, took your time didn't you?" I smile, burying my face into his chest, "Well I couldn't really help it but yeah, I'm suuuch a tease." I giggle and give him a kiss for the first time in a looong time...
"(Y/n)?" Danse pulls me out of my thoughts, "Are you alright." I feel a lump in my throat and my stomach feels a bit tingly, hold it in (Y/n). "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." I say simply, not looking at him. I can here him sigh and look up at me with his brown eyes. I just admire the pridwin.
"You alright to get off yourself?" Danse asks, I nod and look for an easy way off the virtibird. He just rolls his eyes playfully and jumps off, lifting me down once he's stable. I smile and we just look at eachother for a short moment until Danse pulls out of whatever trance he was in. "Follow me... I have someone you have to meet." He says and I giggle shyly "Okay.." We walk down the run way and meet a man at the end, "Welcome back Paladin, we're glad you're back." He says, Danse nods. "I've read your reports on this young lady" I cross my arms "But you're still going to have to check in with elder Maxson." The man finishes, "Affirmative." He says "Good, now back to your duties." They salute to eachother and Danse walks off. "Now you, you don't look like much of a soldier." I look him up and down with my arms still crossed "and what are you mean to be? A sea captain?" I smirk, he chuckles and looks away for a moment "I would watch your tone with me, getting on my bad side isn't something you would want to happen." He says with a smug smile on his face, "oh boy I'm so scared! Are ye gonna make me walk the plank?" I say in a pirate voice, making weird gestures. "I'll do more then that, trust me. Now before you get on my nerves anymore I think you should head inside and speak to Elder Maxson, just through that door and go to the far room." I nod and he salutes, I decide to do it back and laugh as I walk off,  well messing with him is fun.

Yo yo, I'm probably spelling Virtibird and Prydwin wrong, I haven't been able to play fallout 4 because my stupid Internet at my dads house won't download the G.O.T.Y edition ;^; buuuut some cute stuff is coming up! ;3

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