Core Pride and Innocent Sorrow

By SpiderWitch96

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The Black Order is no more. The Noah Family has disappeared along with the Millennium Earl. All that's left i... More

Chapter 1- God's Most Beloved Child
Chapter 2 - Beginning of the Blue Exorcist
Chapter 3- Cross Paths Again
Chapter 4- The Curious Demon meets The Clown Saint Part 1
Chapter 5-The Curious Demon meets The Clown Saint Part 2
Chapter 6 - Ambitions of the Brave or just Plain Stupid
Chapter 7 - Demon Cook and Hungry Saint
Chapter 8 - Timcanpy and the Cursed Eye
Chapter 9 - The Tamer and Shiemi's Choice
Chapter 10 - I Spy a Demon
Chapter 11 - Ghost Hunt
Chapter 12 - Bookman
Chapter 13- Bleeding Curse Part 1
Chapter 14 - Bleeding Curse Part 2
Chapter 15 - The Eye of the Gale
Chapter 16 - Calm before the Gale
Chapter 17 - The Black Division
Chapter 18 - Familiar Strangers
Chapter 19 - Chaos in the Black Division
Chapter 21 - The Family
Chapter 22 - The Devil's Home
Chapter 23 - Diavoluli
Spooky Halloween Chibi Comission prices! And a Free Allen!/Closed
Chapter 24 -Stare into the Mirror long enough and you will see the Devil
Christmas Special - Family
Chapter 25 - The Vampire
Update/Apology *Delete later*
Chapter 26 - Fall...
Chapter 27 - ...of Grace
Chapter 28 - The Red Bookman (Final Chapter)
Re-Write Chapter 1 / Incorrect Quotes / Au Ideas

Chapter 20 - The Offer

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By SpiderWitch96

"Damn it!" Rin hissed. He's sitting on a swing in the local park. He got fired from another job, again. He's shaking with anger and frustration. Mostly towards himself. Why couldn't he do anything right? Why did he keep failing? It just wasn't fair.

"Rin?" A voice a said in front of him. Rin looks up.

It is Allen. He's wearing a deep blue woollen jumper and black gloves. The jumper was one Rin had given him to try and get the quiet boy to open up. His left side of his face is covered in bandages.

"What are you doing out here in the cold?" Allen asked. "Couldn't you find a warmer place to sulk?" He said that part in a shy joking tone.

"Shut up." Rin sighed.

Allen sat on the swing beside him. He had a concerned look on his face, despite the joke he said moments ago.

"I take it the job didn't go so well?" Allen asked.

"What do you think?" Rin huffed in frustration.

Allen stares at him for a few moments. He then suddenly laughs.

"Is me getting fired funny to you?" Rin growled.

"No! No! Its not that." Allen said still smiling. "Its just this reminds me of something."

"Of what?" Rin asked turning a little to Allen.

Allen blinks and hums to himself. Here appeared to be thinking about something.

"A story." He said with a knowledgeable glint in his eyes.

"A story about what?" Rin asked. Allen looked back at him with that glint.

"The story of the Rewinding Town."


Aka continues his lectures about the Black Division. The group had explored old rooms used to hold equipment and machines that Allen recalled during his time and then made it to the old training grounds. He and Road lead the way. Behind the Cram students Tyki walks behind them. Making sure no one is too far behind.

"Um, I have a question." Konekomaru said a little shyly.

"Yes?" Aka said looking back at Konekomaru.

"Other then employing other exorcists and destroying demons what else does the Black Division do that's special from True Cross?" Konekomaru asked. "I mean it just seems easier if it was all one entity."

Aka stares at him a smiles. "Good question, but the answer isn't so simple. For one the Black Division is a continuation of the Black Order but until fifty years ago it was completely separate from The True Cross Order, The Vatican and Church. The founders even went out of their way to challenge and rebel against the Vatican."

"But why?" Bon asked.

"A topic for another time." Aka said completely side stepping Bon's question. Bon seemed to get annoyed because of that. Allen looked down. He knows exactly why.

"Moving back the Black Division's purpose is very much like Black Order. We collect Innocence and defeat demons using it. But we also find Noah and protect them from demons." Aka explained.

"Protect Noah?" Allen questioned aloud.

Tyki suddenly cleared his voice. Gaining everyone's attention. The group stops moving to listen to him.

"Since the fall of the Millennium Earl more then a hundred years ago the Noah Family has been relentlessly been targeted by demons. In particular new generation Noah have been the target of demons." Tyki explained. "Every time we find out about a new one a dozen demons have they're sights on them already."

"Why the Noah?" Allen asked with concern.

"Its because to demons Innocence is as toxic as cyanide to them, but Dark matter is like alcohol." Tyki explained. "Akuma and Noah create suffering to humans and themselves when they're Noah powers awakens. Hatred, fear and suffering. A perfect concoction of negative emotions, a perfect meal for demons to feed off. Because of that, Noah are even easier to possesses then normal humans. Because while our bodies are indestructible our hearts..." He cuts himself off. "Well... we are still human."

"Without the Millennium Earl we have had some losing battles..." Tyki admitted.

Allen felt guilt flush through him. Was this his actions that caused others to suffer here? Did he really damage the Earl enough that he hasn't returned? Was the Fourteenth's existence some how hurting his return? It was the Fourteenth's goal to devour the Earl so that he would become the Next Millennium Earl. To become one being again. Allen bit his lip. 'But... that didn't happen.'

"So the other purpose of the Black Division is to save you're family?" Shiemi asked with an innocent smile.

Tyki stared at her and smiled. "Yes."

That was something that would be completely and utterly unheard of during Allen's time as an exorcist. Allen has no clue how to feel about this. A mixture a sympathy for Tyki and everyone and maybe even from Nea being tied to the Noah family; but also fear and dread of the possibility of history repeating again. Of even more people suffering because of the Millennium Earl and his Akuma.

"So even though you're super human you're helpless against demons?" Rin asked bluntly.

"Not helpless. Just an easy target if you're a new Noah." Road remarked. "No demon would even think to lay a hand on me of all people. Not without losing it. Since I am the oldest Noah after all."

"Really?" Shima blinked. "So you really don't age at all?"

"Maybe!" She chirped.

"What do you mean maybe?" Bon questioned.

"She means that maybe noah age extremely slowly and maybe not all. Like demons and other supernatural creatures." Yukio's voice suddenly spoke up.

The young exorcist walked up and joined the group. He had returned from his phone call. "Perhaps in another hundred years or so she could pass as a High school senior. Or maybe not. She would just have to live long enough to find out." He mused.

The class seemed to accept that. Finding Yukio explanation interesting. Allen zones out of Aka's lecturers. Instead he catches on to Rin saying something to Yukio.

"Hey, who are these guys? And why do they know Allen?" Rin asked pointing to Road and Tyki.

Yukio pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Road Camelot and Tyki Mikk are the only surviving members of the previous generation of the Noah family. They are first Class exorcists and one of the strongest Exorcists in True Cross." He explained. "That said they are not well trusted or popular, like Mephisto."

"I can understand that." Rin admitted. "But that doesn't answer my other question."

"Because I don't know why." Yukio seemed a bit irritated that he didn't know either. "Maybe since he's listening to us he could tell us."

The brothers then look at Allen at the same time. Allen made a little surprised noise, he has been sprung. They seem to expect Allen to give them an answer.

"They... they know my Master." That strictly wasn't a lie. Allen continues coming up with his story. "I met them while I was still being trained by him." That was one.

"They seem really attached to you though." Rin remarked.

"Well... with Tyki I'm the only one that's beaten him at cards... so I guess we are kinda like rivals in retrospect... and Road... I don't why exactly she likes me... but she was the one that stole my first kiss." Allen explained.

Emphasis on stole. He wasn't telling lies but he wasn't telling them the full truth either. Rin seemed to accept Allen's answers. Yukio didn't. He stared sternly at Allen.

"Heh, so you got kissed by a old lady stuck in a loli body." Rin snickered.

Allen goes bright red. "Shut up!" He huffed.

Rin ruffles Allen's hair and tugs the young man along. "So she's a cougar and looks under-age, either way you're so screwed." He snickered.

"At least someone is interested in me, unlike someone I know." Allen said with snark.

"Low blow man." Rin hissed feeling the burn from that remark. He drags Allen along and catches up with the group. They continue to banter and bicker.

Yukio just silently walks behind everyone. Tyki stood beside him. He smirks looking at Yukio.

"What's with the long look, little knight." Tyki chuckled.

Yukio looks at Tyki with a stern look. "Is what Allen said true?" He asked.

"Its not any of you're business but yes. I met him on train ride and we played Poker together. He won everything including my clothes." Tyki said blowing a puff of smoke. He looks at Yukio smirking. "Why would we lie about that?"

Yukio didn't respond. He just stared at him with that stern look.

"Don't you trust you're own friend?" Tyki asked a little darkly.

Yukio turned away. "No, not with himself. I just don't want him getting into trouble that will wind up with him getting hurt, again. He's a glutton for punishment." He remarked coolly.

He recalled what he promised himself when he met Allen. Yukio always wanted to be stronger so he could protect Rin and stand by his father. He had complicated feelings for his father and brother. However, one day he wanted to be stronger to also protect someone else. A frail looking boy covered in scars, with a disfigured arm with that bright smile and sad eyes.

"You are right about that." Tyki mused. "In more ways then you can possibly know."

Yukio wasn't sure what Tyki meant by that but it unsettled him none of the less. He of course didn't let the noah see that though. Keeping up an aloof facade.

"I want to ask you about something." Yukio spoke up.

"Hmm?" Tyki dropped his cigarette and stood on it putting it out. He gets out another one and puts it in his mouth. He offers one to Yukio.

"I'm under-age." Yukio said frowning.

"That never stopped me." Tyki remarked lighting his own cigarette. He breathes in. "Any way what do you want to know?"

"Does Noah's Ark mean anything to you?" Yukio asked. Tyki laughed, that was a yes. "... what is it? I assume its not just a big boat."

"No its not. Its something much more then that." Tyki closed his eyes and hummed. "How do I explain it? Noah's Ark is a place that doesn't exist in Assiah or Gehenna. It exists between them."

Yukio's eyes widen. "How is that even possible?"

"Who knows. Its made of a technology that pre-dates everything but is still a thousand years more advance then now." Tyki chuckled. "If you want, I could show you one of them."

Yukio turned his head to him. "... there is more then one Ark?" He questioned. Two keys and two arks. That couldn't be a coincidence.

Tyki smirks. This kid doesn't miss a thing. "Yes, Road and I control the New Ark or the Black Ark. The second one is the Old Ark but only one person can control that."

"And who is that?" He asked.

Tyki's smirk became more mysterious and menacing. "...the Fourteenth Noah, The Musician."

Yukio opened his mouth to ask who this Musician was, however he was interrupted. His brother shouted and waved at them from the end of the hall.

"Oi! Yukio! Hurry up!" Rin called out. "We are going to the kitchen for dinner! If you don't hurry up Allen's going to eat everything!"

"No I won't!" Allen's voice huffed in the distance.

"Liar!" Rin shouted back walking away.

Tyki chuckled and walked ahead. His shoes clicked on the ground, the sound echoes around Yukio eerily.

"Its a cute thing you three have going on." He laughed darkly.

Rin and Allen are talking in the next room. All while eating at a long table with the other classmates. Mostly in shock and disgust with how much Allen is eating. Shiemi on the other hand seemed extremely impressed. But in any case they all seemed happy.

Like nothing bad could happen.

"You shouldn't have let Allen come here if you wanted to keep it that way, little knight." Tyki laughed darkly.

"Is that a threat Tyki Mikk?" Yukio said coldly, glaring at Tyki.

A plume of smoke grew around Tyki as he blew another cloud of it. The burnt grey part of the cigarette fell to the ground. Tyki stood on it and grind his foot into it, putting it out.

"Maybe or maybe its just inevitable." Tyki said smirking. He walks away, leaving Yukio alone to contemplate on what he just learned.

At the same time the cram students were eating and talking. The seven of them plus Road sat together at the large table. Road clings to Allen's side and ate more cake.

"Seriously how do you eat so much?" Bon questioned. Timcampy who is on top of Allen's head was eating an apple.

"He doesn't even gain any weight at all." Shima mused. "What's you're secret?"

"Allen has a super high meh... metab... o..." Rin said struggling to say the word he wanted to say. He just couldn't quite pronounce that word properly.

"Metabolism." Kamiki said for him.

"Yeah! If he doesn't eat he gets really weak and tired." Rin explained looking at Allen. "He wilts like a dried up plant."

"Allen would wilt?!" Shiemi exclaimed concerned. In her mind she couldn't help but imagine Allen as a cute wilting flower when hungry. "You poor thing! Here have my serving!"

Shiemi said offering her food. Allen looked at her and smiled.

"While I'll appreciate you're concern its okay Moriyama-chan." Allen said smiling.

"Besides there is plenty more where that came from!" A voice called out to the students.

It was Noah. He was in the kitchen. There is a window that connected the kitchen to the Dinning hall making Noah completely visible when he stood in front of it.

"About that how can you make enough food for everyone if you're the only chef here?" Konekomaru asked.

Noah just smiled and lifted his summoning circle papers. Then something bright and shinning flew out of the kitchen and on to the table. It was a small humanoid creature with pink soft skin akin to flower and dragonfly like wings with a swirl pattern on it. It is a fairy.

"A fairy!" Sheimi beamed. "Hello miss fairy!"

The little pink fairy smiled and waved at Shiemi. It giggled at her while waving.

"They prefer Fae, but yes. I can summon them." Noah said smiling.

More fae fly out of the kitchen and float around the crams students. All of them were different sizes, colours and gender. Some wore leaf dresses while the others wore little chef and waiter outfits.

"Everyone, meet my kitchen staff." Noah beamed.

The fae made little noises that appeared to be there way of saying hello. To others it just sounded like giggles and silver bells.

"They are pretty cute, but not as cute as me~" Road chirped nuzzling Allen's arm.

"Nice to meet you all." Rin said grinning.

'Good evening Prince of Hell.'

"Eh?" Rin blinked. He heard a bunch of voices. It seem to come from the fairies, he could understand them perfectly. "Did you just talk?"

"What are you talking about?" Bon asked.

'Yes you're Highness!'

The pink one they first met beamed. She flies up to his shoulder and sits on it.

'You're demon blood allows you to understand us. Even only seasoned Exorcists like Noah can speak to Fae like us. All though other kinds of Fae can speak to humans easily.'

"Really?" Rin said a interested.

"What are you doing? Can you understand what she's saying?" Kamiki asked. Rin nods.

"So just like Kuro." Allen remarked.

"You can't hear them Allen? I thought you're eye would of activated." Rin remarked.

Allen blinked. Rin is right. His curse eye should of activated at the sight of the Faeries, not even that he should of seen them the moment he entered the building. He touched his eye. 'What's going on here?' Road seemed to notice his distress. She frowns. This was strange.

"Maybe its like the Coal Tar. They are so small they don't even have souls." Konekomaru suggested.

'Excuse me! We are nothing like coal tar!'

The pink fairy huffed angrily. She crossed her arms and she slowly turned a darker shade of pink.

"Eh? What's wrong?" Konekomaru said noticing how angry the pink faerie seemed.

"You offended her." Rin supplied.

"What! I'm so sorry! Miss Faerie!" Konekomaru apologised profusely. The little pink fae huffs and whispers into Rin's ear.

"She said she will forgive you this time." Rin translated. Konekomaru sighed in relief. The little faerie whispers more things in his ear. "... and she wants you to refer her as, The great magnificent and beautiful Aileen."

"Ah... yes..." Konekomaru stuttered. "Great magnificent and beautiful Aileen.

Aileen folded her arms and her light dimmed to a warm glow. The Faerie seemed satisfied. Meanwhile the other faeries danced and played in front of the other students. One blue curvy female Fae admired herself in the reflection of a glass of water.

"Heh, some these little guys are practically naked." Shima snickered and nudged Bon. Bon sighs.

"This is not the time Shima, and those are faeries. They are dangerous if you mess with them." Bon warned.

"They don't seem dangerous at all." Shima remarked lifting his finger for one faerie to sit on. The blue curvy figured did. She sat on the finger and winked at him.

"Actually Shima is Suguro is right. The Fae are dangerous if you're not careful. They are famous in my country for kidnapping people, pulling pranks, leading people to they're doom and other terrible mischief." Allen explained finishing his meal. "People these days still would never pave over a Fairy circle if meant angering them."

"Seriously?" Shima said surprised. He looks down at the little blue faerie.

She giggles flirtatiously and plays with the top of her short dress. Shima watches completely entranced. Bon and Konekomaru looked almost horrified. Rin's ears and tail perk up with interest.

"Wait... she's not going to-" Before Bon could finish what he said the dress came flying off. However the moment it did, the Faerie body morphed into fat, wrinkly body of an old man. She or now he winked at Shima seductively.

"Gah!" Shima flinched. The fae flew up in the air and laughed and so did all the other faeries and Rin.

"You should of seen you're face!" Rin exclaimed, snickering.

"I warned you Shima." Allen sighed. A tiny little yellow faerie had nestled herself on top of Allen's head. She looked completely content sleeping there. The golem sniffs her and watches the little faerie, she suddenly yawns and pulled the large circular part of her his tail on top of her, like a blanket.

"That's so cute!" Shiemi beamed watching Timcampy and the Faerie.

Aka who had been sitting on another table finally spoke up. "Well, once you're all done here I'll take you to where you are all sleeping." Aka said grinning. "Except you two, you got to talk to Boss."

He said pointing at Allen and Rin. That was right, Juan said she wanted to speak to him, Rin and Yukio. Allen tenses up a little. At that moment Yukio walked into the room. Road squeezes his arm.

"Its okay." She whispered reassuringly. Allen looks at her and relaxes.

"Then we will go to her now then." Yukio said in his usual cool tone.

"You finally made it, Yukio." Allen remarked smiling.

"You sure you don't want to eat something?" Rin questioned. Yukio shook his head no.

"We shouldn't keep her waiting." He remarked.

It was then the Okumura brothers, Allen and Road split off from the group in the opposite direction. Going back in the direction they came. A noah watched them from the shadows. The same one that spied on Yukio during his conversation with Shura. The noah with the bandana around his fore head appeared to try and follow them. A hand suddenly grabbed him and rooted him to the spot.

"What are you doing?" Tyki said in a commanding voice.

The young noah glared at him and shrugged him off. "None of you're business!" He snapped and ran off in a different direction from the Okumura brothers and Allen. Tyki watched him run sighing.

"Kids." He groaned.

The four make it back to traditional room where they first met Juan. She kneeled in the same spot as before. Her appearance seem calm and collected, unlike before with the robot. Road waited at the back of the room while Rin, Yukio and Allen kneeled in front of Juan.

"Good to see you again, Okumura brothers and Walker." She said smiling.

"We just saw you an hour ago." Rin remarked. "How did you even get back here like it was nothing?"

"Hm... skill." Juan beamed showing her true colours. She then coughed trying to settle herself down. "Anyway I do have important matters to discuss with you three."

Juan looks directly at Allen. Allen tenses up. Is she going to make him tell them the truth? Is she going to do it?

"Walker, can you assemble Mikiyuki for me?" Juan asked sweetly.

Allen blinks, surprised and then nods. He takes out the pieces of the weapon and puts them together. Creating the metal Shepard staff with stars and crosses upon it. The bell jingled softly.

"Good and now give it to me." She said holding her arm out.

Allen didn't. He stared at her remembering what Bon's childhood friend said. Mikiyuki, the bloody pipe. He didn't want Juan to get hurt.

"It will be okay." She seemed to assure and held her hand out. Juan's hands had been hidden the entire time he'd seen her, only now he could see her hand is a dark bloody red. Like his left arm. She is a parasite type too.

His eyes widen and then he placed the staff in her hand. She held it close and brushed her fingers across the symbols. Allen stared at her hands. Both hands are dark red and scaly, like his hands during his early days as an exorcist.

"This is a very special weapon, you know." Juan said softly with a far away look. "They say the holy item within Mikiyuki is piece of the Heart of all Innocence. Never its own Innocence weapon but powerful enough to be one. When it was first created it drove the smith who forged it mad. Forcing him to shatter the staff in several pieces to stop himself from losing his mind. Every time someone assembles it and wielded they suffered the same fate or worse died."

She stops and looks at the Okumura brothers. "However one day I get a call from you're father. Telling me that he found the exorcist who would wield it." She said cooly.

Yukio's and Rin's eyes widen. That's how Allen got Mikiyuki.

"Why didn't he tell me?" Yukio questioned.

"I don't know. I at first told him no. Mikiyuki was created by the Vatican and it took decades for us to get our hands on it." She admitted. "And that anyone willing to try this was insane. Which makes Walker-kun's case all the more special."

Juan smiled at them.

"Which is why I decided it would be better for him to join the Division now." She said beaming.

The three of them flinch.

"But I thought-" Rin is interrupted.

"Allen is a Exwire. He isn't ready." Yukio said coldly.

"Normally yes however we believe it would be better to speed things up. We can move Walker's education here and provide accommodation for him." Juan proposed. "We have the resources and means to do it."

There was more to this though that was unsaid. If Allen said yes he could hide here, with Road, Tyki and Exorcists like from the Black Order. These people are willing to keep him a secret from the Vatican and the more time he stayed at True Cross Academy the more likely he would be found by someone. Rin's secret was found out who's to say Allen won't be next. He would also be with Road and Tyki again, but this time not as enemies. He would be with the descendants of his friends and meet new people. It would be like having a new beginning. But... 'that would mean I would have to separate with Rin and Yukio.'

"I have decided to stay by your side till the end Rin and we both know backing out now isn't an option. We have to keep walking forward till the end." Allen explained with a determined smile. "So let's go.

"Right!" Rin said with determination.

'That's what I said. I promised to stay by his side.' Allen thought. Allen kept his head down. His mind deep in thought.

"But that would mean-" Rin looks like he's about to yell at Juan. Yukio interrupts.

"I don't think that is necessary." Yukio said coldly.

Juan looks at Yukio with a calm smile. Her expression did not change. "I think you find it is. Mikiyuki is a very dangerous weapon. You can't guarantee it won't hurt the other students. Including you're brother." She said coolly. "It is after all a demon-killing weapon."

Allen's hands scrunch up into a ball. He had no clue how dangerous Mikiyuki was.

"How could you ever protect him? When the thing he should be protected from is you."

No. It wasn't Mikiyuki that's dangerous. He is.

"Hey! As if some stick could hurt me! See!" Rin exclaimed angrily. He reached out to the touch it. Allen's eyes widen and grabs Rin's hand stopping him. "Allen?! What are you doing?!"

Rin started to struggle. Allen didn't budge. He tightened his grip and clenched his teeth.

"Don't be an idiot Rin." Allen hissed. "It could kill you."

"You're not really buying into this crap?!" Rin barked. Allen tenses up.

"Rin that's enough!" Yukio snapped.

"Ahem." Juan coughed.

The boys stop and look at her. Yukio gives Rin a warning look. Allen lets go of Rin and Rin pulls his hand away from the holy staff. He begrudgingly sits down.

"You don't have decide right away. We will give you as much time as you need." Juan said softly.

Allen sighed in relief. They at least gave him that. Time.

"... is that what Dad meant by Allen be 'God's most beloved child'? That he could wield that?" Rin asked. "Is there any more too this?"

Yukio stiffened. "You didn't tell me this." He said lowly.

"... I... I thought you knew." Rin admitted turning to Yukio surprised.

Juan is silent for a moment. Her eyes flick to Allen for a moment. Allen shakes his head no.

"No. Just that Walker-kun here has the devil's luck." She mused. "Ah, no offence, Okumura-kun." She said looking at Rin.

Rin just shrugged, he didn't seem to mind. He had something else on his mind.

"Road will take you to the New Finder's quarters, its where you and the rest of the students will be sleeping." Juan explained. She looked to Road who got up and hugged Allen from behind. Allen didn't even react to Road.

Allen nods. "Thank you, Lady Lee." He said politely.


Rin, Allen and Yukio were silent the whole way to the sleeping quarters. Allen felt conflicted and on edge after everything. His thought going back and forth, debating what he should do. He was still lying to both brothers. Heck Yukio is finding about more and more things that only Rin knew, no doubt he knew he was catching on how much Allen is lying.

"This is where we part my dear Allen." Road suddenly said. She draped herself against Allen and held his face lovingly.

Allen blinked and had a stunned look on his face. Road's actions bring him out of his thoughts suddenly. He stared at her wide eyed like an owl.

"Huh? Road?" He blinked.

"I will busy tomorrow so I won't be able to come with you." She moaned sadly.

"That's a shame." He said more sincerely.

"Allen, even if you say no. Promise you will still come visit me." Road said more seriously. Her eyes seemed almost pleading.

Allen smiles at her. "Of course." He places his hands on her. "Its a promise."

Road smiles brightly. "Good! I'll hold you to that." She then lets go of him and snaps her fingers.

A set of heart shaped doors appeared. Rin exclaimed in shock behind Allen. Allen and Yukio had no reaction.

"Good night, Yuki-Yuki, Fluffy and Allen-kun~" Road chirped stepping into the doors and disappearing from sight.

"How did she do that?!" RIn exclaimed.

"Road is the Noah of Dreams. She can create doors that can take her any where. Like Mephisto's keys. How she does it is a little bit more complicated." Allen explained.

"Ah I get it." Rin huffed proudly.

"...Are you going to do it?" Rin suddenly asked. "Are you going to accept crazy lady's offer?"

"I... I don't know." Allen admitted. "Its stressing me out."

"This is a once in a life time opportunity." Yukio remarked. "Not even that, only a handful people could ever come close to this."

"Its too convenient if you ask me." Rin huffed in a moody tone. "How do we know if that thing really is an Innocence weapon? She kept saying it wasn't a proper one. Its only part of the heat-"

"Heart." Yukio corrected.

"Whatever!" Rin snapped.

Rin reached out and touched Mikiyuki. The stars and crosses all light up in a light green coloured light and zapped Rin. The teenager yelped in pain, like he'd been electrocuted.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Rin exclaimed in pain.

"That's why didn't want you touching it!" Allen exclaimed angrily. "They are anti-akuma weapons, Rin! These things could kill you!"

"You don't have to get mad..." Rin mumbled rubbing his injured hand. Allen flinched and gave him a more apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, just please don't do that again." He sighed softly. Allen couldn't stay mad at Rin. It was one of his many weakness around the Okumura brothers.

Yukio on the other hand felt different. He sighs. "Don't apologise Allen. You should be taking this more seriously, Nii-san. The God Crystal has eliminate and terrified demons for Thousands of years. Including the demon kings and Satan himself."

"Really?" Rin questioned. It seemed hard to believe.

"Its true. That's why you need to be more careful Rin." Allen said softly. "I don't want you getting hurt."

Rin looked at Allen. He couldn't resist a sad and concerned Allen.

"Fine, okay." He sighed. "Its too late to talk about this."

Rin said going into the double doors that go into the Finder's sleeping quarters.


It was late into the night. Everyone appeared to be asleep. In the finder's sleeping quarters seemed to be made up of numerous bunk beds that filled up the room entirely. The cram students barely filled up a quarter of the beds in this room. Allen said something about the room being for finders'. Normal people who helped exorcists even though they couldn't control Innocence or do much.

Rin had taken up the top bunk meanwhile and Allen took the bottom. Rin hung down from his top bunk and stared at Allen. The white haired boy had fallen asleep a while ago. The cover was half on and half off him and Timcanpy the golden golem sat on his chest curled up in his smaller form. The golem moved and stared back at Rin.

"... don't give me that look." Rin huffed. He stared back at the golem. "... you've been with Allen all of this time haven't you?"

The golem slowly nods. It lifts his wings and flaps up to Rin, joining him at the top.

"You're not dumb, You have a mind of you're own but can you secretly talk or something?" Rin asked.

Timcanpy stares by quietly. That's a no.

"Damn. Can't believe I'm going to do this anyway..." Rin groaned. "... do you know all of Allen's secrets?"

The golem stares and nods yes.

"So you know Everything about him? His past and what being 'God's most beloved child' is?" Rin asked.

Timcanpy nods again. Yes.

"Can you tell me?" Rin asked a little bit more desperately.

The golem stared and shook his body. No.

"Well what can you do?" He snapped a little at the golem. "I don't get all of this magic god rock crap! What can I even do if most of the stuff and people here can kill me like its nothing! What is Dad even asking me to protect when Allen won't tell me?!"

Rin seemed to break down in frustration. Timcanpy stared up at Rin. The little golem suddenly jumped into Rin's hands. A mouth started to form and open on the Golem's face. Timcanpy's mouth became wide and open. Rin was about to question the golem until a small beam of light came from the golem. A hologram almost.

"A story." Allen's voice came from the image.

"A story about what?" That was his own. Rin remembered this. This was before he found out he was Satan's son. When Allen had only just recently arrived to the Abby. He hadn't even seen his left eye yet then. Rin silently watched.

"The story of the Rewinding Town."

He said with the glint in his eyes becoming more intense. It was one of those mysterious looks Allen would sometimes give about certain things. Making him seem almost, older, wiser, mysterious.

"I don't see how that relates to me getting fired." Rin remarked.

"Listen and you will find out how it relates to you and you're situation." Allen assured. He seemed to really want to tell this story.

"Okay, fine. How does the story go?" Rin asked. One part of him is a little bit curious the other part felt a lecture was coming up. Better to just get it over with.

Allen smiles and then clears his throat. Preparing to tell the story.

"Long ago in a little town there was a woman. Her name was Miranda and she had the worst luck in the world." Allen said starting the story.

"She would trip and fall, constantly break things and got fired from every job she ever had. The towns' people would ridicule her, children would bully and tease her even after she became an adult. They sang a horrible song to tease her further. Because no matter how hard she tried everything ended in failure."

"That's a bit on the nose Allen." Rin deadpanned. Even Rin could tell this was way too obvious. "If you're going to lecture me-"

"Ah, I promise it gets better." Allen assured.

Rin sighs and listens as Allen continues the story.

"One day she happened to be walking past a shop where a man was selling an old broken grandfather clock. The man told her the clock would just not wind no matter what he did.

The man gave her the key and asked her to try. However when Miranda wound the clock it chimed. To her that chime was the most beautiful thing in the world. It was if the clock had acknowledged her, appreciated her.

So she took it home and it became her most prized possession.

Miranda cleaned, polished and took care of the clock.

In a way the clock was her only friend."

"So I'm a sad lonely girl with a clock." Rin deadpanned. "What does this got to do with a rewinding town?"

"I'm getting to that." He waved off.

"Despite that however her bad luck didn't change at all and her life still remind nightmarish. After she was fired for the hundredth time she came home and drank.

Humiliated and depressed she made a wish.

'I wish tomorrow would never come.'

And so her wish came true. Tomorrow didn't come. Instead today repeated over and over and over again. Miranda was the only one who could tell that time was repeating in her town. None of the other townsfolk knew.

They just went about they're day. Doing the same thing, again and again.

And now she was more alone then ever before."

Allen said in a mysterious tone of voice. Rin stared at him.

"That's dark." Rin deadpanned.

"Ah well sometimes the darker the story the brighter the ending could be." Allen reasoned.

"Does this have a good ending? Or a point?" Rin asked.

"It does." He promised. "She was alone until today changed. Something happened that changed everything."

"What happened?" Rin asked.

Allen grins.

"While the town was stuck in a time loop the rest of world wasn't. Which gained the attention of others on the outside. One today changed with Miranda being attacked by demons. Servants of The Family.

Miranda was saved however by two strangers. A white clown and a Black Butterfly.

Children of The Circus.

They came to her and explained why the clock granted her wish. That she is connected to the clock and the clock wanted to help her. By stopping tomorrow it thought it was granting Miranda's wish.

So the Butterfly and the Clown helped Miranda. Hoping that if they turned her life around the clock would stop rewinding time. Things seemed to be going well until..."

"Until what?" Rin asked. Seemingly invested.

"A member of The Family came.

The child of dreams.

Came and trapped everyone in a nightmare. She made the Black Butterfly go into an eternal sleep, making her the child's Doll. She tortured White Clown turning him into her plaything.

Miranda sat there. Horrified. Terrified.

With no clue what to do. What could a weak, sad, lonely girl do against the Child of Dreams, against the nightmare unfolding in front of her. All she wanted was to go back to before. When she was happy with the Clown and Butterfly. The only people to have ever thanked her.

The clock chimed.

And time turned back.

The wounds the Clown and the Butterfly had disappeared. Because of that they were able to fight back.

The Clown and Butterfly defeat the child of Dreams forcing her to retreat. Thanks to Miranda's kindness and bravery the Clown and the Butterfly took Miranda to a place where she belonged.

The Circus.


"So... moral of the story is I should run away to the Circus?" Rin questioned.

"Ah ha, no. The moral is that things may seem hopeless now and you my not see yourself as ideal next everyone else. But if you don't give up one day you will get you're chance to shine in a way only you can." Allen said with a smile.

"And I guess what I'm also trying to say is..." Allen said a little shyly. "...Is that Father Fujimoto, Yukio and everyone at the Abbey are you're magic clock. They all love you and want what's best for you. Even though sometimes what they do may seem confusing or harsh but they do it out of love."

Rin looked over at Allen. He felt a little better after listening to Allen. Who knew this soft spoken kid from the street was this wise and cheesy. Rin smirks and places a hand on Allen's head and ruffles his white locks.

"That was pretty cheesy shrimp." He said smirking.

Allen then did something he didn't expect. He frowns at Rin and snaps at him.

"I'm not a shrimp! In fact you're not that much taller then me you know. In fact one day I'll tower over you and call you a shrimp!" Allen snapped.

Allen then blinked and covered his mouth. As if he was surprised that he did that as well. Rin blinks then smirks again. Ruffling Allen's hair a little more roughly.

"This is the first time I've seen you mad. It cute, like little dog." He snickered. Allen glared at Rin again. "Its good to know you're not just a quiet little goody two shoes."

Allen pulls away from Rin with a sour look on his face. "We should go back to the Abbey, Father Fujimoto must be worried." Allen sighed.

Allen gets off the swing set and starts to walk away.

"Oh Allen!" Rin called out. Allen stopped he turns his head to look at Rin. "You know, you're my magic clock too right?"

Allen blinked and stared at him in shock. He then became extremely flustered. "What but I just-"

Rin get ups and gives him a big pat on his back that almost knocks Allen over. "I know what I said. Come on." He walks ahead. Allen stares at him and smiles.

They return to the Abbey together.

The memory ended. Timcanpy closed his mouth and stared back at Rin. It was as if that memory was his answer to Rin's questions.

"... he's always unconditionally supported me. From day one. He never rejected me once since I found out about who I really am. And here I am touching god rock weapons and getting jealous of grandma Loli." Rin sighed lowly looking down at his own tail. His gaze hardens "And now its my turn. That's what you're saying. I need to be his magic clock."

Timcanpy nods. Yes.

"Good. I understand." Rin said determined.

The door suddenly creaked opened. Rin and Timcanpy flinched and hid under his cover. The pair then peaked out from under the blanket to see who is breaking in. He could see the silhouette of a short weirdly shaped woman. It is Fou. the Guardian of this place.

'What is she doing here?' He thought to himself.

Rin heard Allen suddenly gasp and move around. He tenses up. Is Allen in trouble?

"Fou?" He heard Allen groan.

"Come on, idiot. Don't wake the brats up." She whispered back.

Rin then watched Allen and Fou leave the room together. Fou leaves first and Allen goes last. Allen pauses and looks around the room, checking if anyone has woken up. RIn holds his breathe and hopes Timcanpy doesn't give him away. Allen then turns away and shuts the door quietly behind him. Rin sighs and pushes the blanket off.

"What the hell is going on?" Rin said lowly.

A/N: Phew! Finally finished it. This was a long one. That said I didn't think it would get this long. I hoped you liked it. No action yet but I wanted some more character moments, particularly for Rin and I had been dying to write the scene where Allen talks about Miranda to Rin. Just want to let you guys know that I am back at Uni with a New degree in teaching so updating may take a long time again. Then again I have a habit of writing this story when I should be doing things like homework and sleeping. (like right now).

Also I keep trying to get some text to be in the centre but it hasn't been working in my recent chapters. Can Someone tell me what's going on and if they are having this problem too? I save it to be centre but it just goes to left hand side every time.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and tell me what you think comments.

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