One-shot book

By yeet_me_on_overpass

4.2K 162 78

Yo. Whaddup this story has a bunch of ships like Phan, frerard, cranksepticeye, a lot of peterick, bike, and... More

Cranksepticeye- Valentine's day
Brallon-Love you always.
Cranksepticeye-Gamer war!
Brallon- I hate your tallness
Kickthestickz-Movie Night
Phan-A sleepless night with Phan!
Larry- I hate management
Cranksepticeye- Team Markiplier beach day
New Story!!! (Not a chapter...Sorry)
Update!(New ships, next chapter coming tonight)
Natepat- Nate's not feeling great
MessIDK - SpongeBob and chill
Brallon- Truth or Dare
Phan-Motion Sickness
Crankiplier -Vidcon
NEW SHIP! (Not chapter soz)
Brallon- Late nights, stress, and love
Frerard- Broken and Defeated.
Cranksepticeye- Snow Day!
New ship and important information (PLEASE READ)
Peterick- These kids are alright
Natepat- Just fluff
MessIDK -Hold on...Don't leave me
Frerard-The boy who sings but never speaks part 1
Cranksepticeye- Hiding
Peterick-I like you
Peterick again- Short
Frerard-The boy who sings but never speaks part 2
Cranksepticeye-IM NOT CUTE
Peterick-Young Volcanoes
Frerard-Avenger's IW AU
Frerard-Avenger's IW AU (Alternative ending. One that's not sad)
Thank you!
Phan- Worst sleepover, best boyfriend ship
Millie- Jealous
Phan- Pianists
Frerard-Hate to Love
Peterick- High School p.1 (Read A/N)
Millie- It's called thinking...
Peterick- Pete's fault p.1
Peterick- pete's fault p.2
Peterick again- High School Play
Millie-You're my safe place
MessIDK- I'm scared of ghosts
Cranksepticeye- Wedding.
Lol sorry will post a chapter tonight
Frerard- Sick as Shit p.1
Frerard- Sick as Shit p.2
Joshler- road trip p.1
Weird update
Frerard-Guitar lessons
Joshler- off the stage
Bike- bIllIE Is thIs whY YOU wErE On thE flOOr?!?
Wait wait sorry...2K reads?
Frerard- yes you are
Cranksepticeye- The Village AU
Natepat-kindergarten teacher
Natepat- kindergarten teacher p.2
Cranksepticeye- Anxiety

Cranksepticeye- Mark kicked me in the face

155 7 4
By yeet_me_on_overpass

Disclaimer- This contains overdramaticness of what actually happened. The video is up there of the actual video. Again, I'm an overdramatic, theatre kid and this is just a dramatic representation. Love you guys. 


Ethan's POV

"Hey, Love" I hear Jack's voice ring over the phone. " Are you excited for the show tonight?" 

"Yeah I guess." I lied. To be honest, my head's been hurting all day and I was not really up for a show, but he's stressed and I don't need him worrying about me.

"What's wrong you seem off, baby." He states as though it was a definitive fact. 

"Nothing, just a bit tired." 

"Hmmm....Alright. I miss you and I wish I could be there." He whines in his cutely childish voice he uses to get what he wants. 

"I wish you could be here too. " I smirk. 

"Oh shoot, boss is coming, Love you babe, bye." He says quickly before I could manage out my love yous. I sit backstage on the floor with my eyes close waiting for curtain call. 

"ETHAN!!!!" I hear mark's familiar screech echo through backstage. I jolt up to find him handing me my emerald green 'dance-off' jacket. "We're gonna start with this today so let's go." And with that the show started. 

--------------------------------------------------Time skip to the second dance-------------------------------------

At this point, I'm already done and it's been ten minutes. My head's pounding but all I really have to do is finish off this dance. We are doing some sort of ballet routine. I just spin jump around until Mark had to make everything worse. He kicked me really hard in the face. Really hard. I hit the ground and Mark came running over to me just before I blacked out. 

Jack's POV

Haha. Ethan doesn't know it yet but I'm out in the audience watching tonight. The show is actually pretty funny so far and the dance battle is really good until... Wait did Mark just...Crap! I came running out of my row, knocking into people and muttering out quick apologies until I began running towards the doors and backstage (I had a pass). I notice immediately Mark carrying Ethan's limp body to their dressing room in the back and I follow. 

"MARK WHAT HAPPPENED?!" I scream loud enough for the audience to hear. They didn't.  He turned around shocked that I was here. 

"Oh Jack! Umm, it was an a-accident I swear. There's a paramedic on its way!" He stutters. 

"MARK!" I shout again as he lays Ethan down on the couch. I crouch down next to him and run my fingers through his hair as Mark pulls up a stool to sit down. 

"I'm sorry, Jack!" He apologizes, sincerely. I don't care anymore. All I'm worried about is that Ethan is ok.  Suddenly the door opens to a man with a bag and a white uniform. 

"Sir, we have to ask you to move." the man instructs me with a gentle nudge as he takes my place. He did his work and come to us with a conclusion. "He has a major concussion. Here's a number of a concussion specialist. He'll need it. Make sure he doesn't look at any screen for the next couple of months and maybe lay off performances for a few days." He smiles warmly at us before handing me a prescription for pain killers. The exact second the door closes, Ethan slowly starts to stir.

"J-jack?" He stumbles over his words. I instantly kneel next to him and kiss his lips gently. Mark rushes over and sits on the arm of the couch. "What happened?"

"Well, love. Mark here kicked you hard in the face giving you a concussion." 

"If I'm being honest it was a good kick if it knocked you out." Mark whispered, chuckling slightly. "Not the time? Ok." He says obviously reading my face that said 'back off mate'. 

"oh..." Ethan gently whispers. 

"But I'm gonna take you to the hotel now ok?" I take his hand a pull him up gently. I wrap my arm protectively around his shoulder as Mark goes on stage to inform everyone of the situation and by the time I have Ethan going out into the lobby it's packed with people behind the metal gate screaming 'get wells' and 'feel betters' at Ethan.  Ethan closed his eyes, probably noise isn't helping his headache at all. I rushed him to my car and drove us to our hotel room. I carried him upstairs because he fell asleep on the way. I laid him down on our bed before I got snuggled up with him. He placed his head on my chest, probably subconsciously since he's still out cold, and I smiled down at the sleeping beauty. I kiss his forehead before drifting off myself. 

"I love you" I whisper, not expecting a response. I look at him only to see a small smile on his face. 

Mark's POV

After the show we all piled in our car to go see the couple.  I still feel really bad about kicking Ethan and everyone else is super worried about him. We get to their door and open it with the spare key we all got to each other's rooms. We opened the door to see Ethan sleeping soundly on top of Jack and Jack watching tv on silent. He turned his head toward us before mouthing. 

'What are you guys doing here?' 

'How is he?' I mouth back. He looks down at Ethan and smiles before kissing his lips softly. 

'better' He mouths I smile and we all leave. That was adorable.


Have a great night angels!


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