Work Experience Gave Me A LOT...

By ljhughes

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Ava Wilson just began her first day of work experience at a children's home, which turns out not to be a chil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Extra Chapter
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 9

202 4 2
By ljhughes

Check out the video on the side, it's a trailer for the spoof movie Vampire suck. I actually like twilight and everything but I found this trailer hilarious and can't wait to watch it myself.



I sighed and walked over to Marina's cupboard. It was my 18th birthday, my first away from my family; I had just woken up minutes ago and was almost suffocated to death by Gabriel. I just hoped the rest of my day was better, like that saying, 'When you hit rock bottom things can only get better', but as I said before, I had always been an optimist.


Chapter 9

I picked out a set of clothes that covered the most skin, which still showed more skin than I had ever before. Marina didn't have any jeans, so I had to settle for a black skirt that would barely reach the middle of my thigh, it was the longest she had, and a white short sleeved top that was tight and hid nothing, it was also open around my shoulders, so that if I wasn't careful it might slip down and show more than I intended, but it was better than wearing a top that went REALLY low.

After I grabbed them I went to the girl's bathroom, which was thankfully not in use. Once in the shower I let my tears come. My mum had planned a party for my 18th and she seemed more excited about it than me. Now she didn't even remember that and I was left to spend my birthday with, well, strangers. I had only met them yesterday and knew some things about them, I counted them as friends but I still hadn't known them long. It wasn't the same as having my family. I forced myself to stop crying, I hated self-pity, but everyone needed a good cry every once in a while, and something told me this probably wouldn't be the last time in the near future.

I got out and put on the outfit I’d picked out. I stuck all my wet hair up in a bun at the back of my head, using a spare bobble I found in the bathroom. Then I made my way to the kitchen, which I remembered from yesterday being in the right hallway, on the left opposite Gabriel’s room. I was glad that I made it to the kitchen without Gabriel coming out; I was kind of scared of him now. He wasn't someone I wanted to be around alone, not after what he did to me.

I opened the kitchen door to a chorus of "Happy Birthday!" Everyone was there, except for Marina and Gabriel, thankfully. I smiled at the sight of Rob and May, they had flour all over them and on the table in front of them was a plate of pancakes with a bottle of syrup next to it. I guess they had gotten into a flour fight while making them. Rob stared at me as I walked in, and I went slightly red knowing I wasn't hiding anything in these clothes, he stopped after a moment and I was grateful. Pancakes covered in syrup were my favourite breakfast food.

"Thank you." I told them all, really smiling for the first time that day.

The kitchen had light blue cabinets, and white counters along right side of the door and right wall, and then there were four small square tables, each capable of seating four people, in the left over space. The pancakes and syrup were on the one closet to the door.

I walked over and sat down and everyone went back to their own breakfasts. The twins sat together at one table and Larry, Paul and Max at another, from what I could make out I think the boys were discussing which comic book character was better and the girls were discussing shops, I think. Rob and May sat down next to me, May on the right, Rob on the left, they both had pancakes also. They were both still covered in flour.

After pouring the syrup over my pancakes I took a bite and found that these pancakes were even better than I remembered. "May, these are the best pancakes and syrup I’ve ever had." I told her proudly, and I wasn't lying, they truly were that good. Her whole face lit up light a Christmas tree, when I told her.

We all ate breakfast in silence but it was a nice one, nothing awkward about it. I finished and I was getting up to wash my plate when Rob took it off me and, because I was about to protest that I was quite capable of washing my own dishes, Rob interrupted by simply saying. "It's your birthday, it gives you the right to not do anything today."

"At least let me dry the plates." I insisted. I felt bad not doing anything, they had taken me in and everything and even though it's my birthday, it wasn't right that I should get out of doing anything.

"Nuh-uh." Rob told me shaking his head, just as May came running over.

"That's my job." She told me with a smile. I just stood watching them, not sure what else to do, as they washed and dried the dishes.

They were finished in no time, Rob turned to look at me and smirked before asking the twins "Mia, Sara, can you look after Ava while Me, May and Max sort out the surprise?" I was going to object that I didn't need babysitters, but then I thought of running into Gabriel alone and decided I liked Rob's idea better.

"Yep! We know exactly what to do in the meantime." Mia replied with a huge smile on her face. Today she was in jeans and a green tank top, maybe green was her favourite colour or something. I was kind of worried about what she had planned, she seemed overly excited. It must have shown on my face because Rob chuckled before leaving with Max and May. I turned to Mia and waited for her to tell me what she had planned. "Come on." She simply told me, hooking her right arm through my left and leading me out of the kitchen.

We ended up in her and Sara's room. It was a deep sunset orange and was set out like May and Marina's room except for one thing which I thought was odd. There was only one bed, it was a double but wouldn't they want to sleep in separate beds? I decided not to ask, I didn't want to be rude. The floor was wooden and they had a desk with a mirror instead of a study desk.

Mia sat me down at the desk with a mirror and, because the chair was a spinney chair, she turned me to face her, turning me away from the mirror. "Okay so you're probably wondering what I have planned and if you’re not then you're not normal." She told me with a smile. I relaxed a little when she smiled, it's not like she was going to do anything to me like Gabriel. I shuddered at that thought and went back to focusing on Mia. "Well, because today is you birthday, I decided I’m going to give you a makeover for your surprise tonight."

"Do you know what the surprise is?" I asked hopefully. I thought, that maybe she would slip up and tell me seeing as I asked. It had worked a couple of times before on my friends when I was little. They would tell me they had a secret and I would ask straight after what it was and they would let it slip, not thinking. I wasn't the type to tell, even back then, so they never got mad at me. Well, they were never made at me for long.

"Nice try but I don't so I can't tell you anything, but even if I did know anything I wouldn't tell you anything because that would be telling, and the whole thing wouldn't be a surprise anymore would it?" Mia told me. I nodded because I was kind of lost trying to make sense of that sentence. I think she said it like that on purpose, I smiled. I think I’m going to like Mia. "You're not allergic to anything are you?" She asked.

"Nope, not that I know of anyway. Why?" I replied.

"That's good, because that means I won't be limited with makeup and when I make meals." Mia started rooting through one of the desk draws on my right, looking up at me every once in a while. When she had gotten all the pots of makeup out she wanted she started on her cupboard.

"Do you make all the meals then?" I asked.

"No, we kind of take it in turns. I make meals every Thursday and Friday's depending on if we eat out or not. Yesterday was a Monday and normally Sara cooks but after what happened, we decided to go with take out." She explained. I guess that made sense. Share the cooking duties and I guess they also shared out the other jobs. "Hmm, go dressy or casual?" I think Mia was asking herself but I couldn't be too sure, before I could say anything she said "Half and half." To herself and went back to rummaging through her cupboard. "Ah ha!" triumphantly she held out a lime green strapless dress, that looked to be tight on the top half then loose until it ended.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"For you silly." Now I don't know if I you remember me saying I don't were dresses or skirts unless forced or bribed, and I know I’m wearing a skirt right now but it was this or nothing, so I choose the skirt, but if she thought I was going to wear that she had another think coming.

"Umm, I don't wear dresses or skirts sorry. I'm only wearing this skirt because Marina doesn't own any trousers and I wore her only pair of shorts last night." I explained, trying not to be rude.

Mia looked upset and then, I think she had an idea because she was suddenly smiling while looking at me "You're the same size as Marina and I’m slightly smaller than her, this is one of the few things I have in here that will fit you, unless you want to stay in that." She told me in a sweet voice.

"You don't happen to have any trousers or shorts that would fit me by any chance?" I asked as a last hope. She shook her head and I sighed in defeat. "I'll go change." I told her, holding my hand out for the dress.

She smiled and told me "I'll step out so you can change in here. I don't want anyone to see you before your surprise, not even May or Sara." She put the dress on the bed but before she left ran over to the bedside table saying “Oh, and here. Never been worn before. You can put your stuff in the basket by the cupboard." She closed the door and I looked down to see what she had thrown me. It was underwear in my size. I guess she was one of those people who could judge people's sizes on sight. That must be handy sometimes, I guess.

I changed and did what she said before knocking on the door to let her know I was done. The dress ended up falling to about an inch before my knee, but at least it was longer than the skirt I had been wearing. She came back in and sorted everything else out. I wasn't allowed to look in the mirror or anything until she had finished my hair and makeup, which kind of annoyed me, because I wanted to see what she had done to me, but I let it go.

We talked while she was messing with my face and hair. "So I heard about what happened with Gabriel this morning, you okay? Rob wouldn't say much except that Gabriel almost killed you." I could tell she was genuinely worried about me.

"Yeah, I guess." I told her, and then decided to tell her what happened. "I woke up knowing Gabriel's powers, I didn't try to find out or anything but my dream told me just before I woke up. I was asking Rob what was the best thing to do when Gabriel came in. He wouldn't let me explain and called me a liar, then did his thing." I took a deep breath, reminding myself I was fine before going on "Rob had to use his other ability to stop Gabriel. It worked and Gabriel stormed out."

"Oh my gosh! I honestly don't know what's up with Gabriel at the moment. He's never done that to anyone except the Scratchers." Mia revealed, while messing around with my hair. She was drying it with a hairdryer because if I left it to dry naturally it would take 3 hours, no joke. "I wonder..." She trailed off.

"You wonder what?" I asked curiously. I hated it when people did stuff like that. You know like 'Did you know... Oh wait I can't tell you' it just makes you want to know what they were going to say, it's frustrating.

"You must be wondering why this room only has one bed in it if I’m sharing with my sister, right?" She asked her own question, instead of answering mine but I decided to let it go. I'd work my way back around to it later somehow.

"I was, but I didn't want to be rude by asking." I admitted.

Mia laughed before going on to explain "That's alright, I wouldn't have minded. The truth is I don't share this room with Sara, we just say we do for May's sake." I was shocked and confused but waited for her to explain. "I share it with Larry, and Sara shares with Paul. We actually go out and would be married if it weren't for Scratchers. Same with Paul and Sara. Paul and Larry are our soul mates." Wow, I did not expect that.

I wasn't one to believe in soul mates, true love and everything because, from what I’ve seen of guys anyway, they use girls and tell them they love them only to cheat on them and break their hearts. I didn't say this aloud though, what I did say was "You believe in soul mates?"

"I guess Rob didn't tell you everything like he said he did." Mia replied. Huh? What did she mean? "People with abilities like us have pre-destined partners, soul mates, other half’s, whatever you want to call it. We tend to find them when we're young, but people have been known to find them later on in life as well. We don't know for sure why but I like to think that it's because our abilities bring us closer together. You know when you find you're other half, I knew straight away but Sara didn't. It started off as hate, but everyone knows there's a fine line between love and hate, and it's easy to be mistaken." Okay, I can honestly say I did not see that one coming. Really, after everything you'd think I would expect something like this but nope, I didn't. I'm so naive "Before when I said I wonder, I was thinking that even though Gabriel and Marina think they’re soul mates, what if the reason Gabriel hates you so much is because you're his true soul mate?"

WHAT!? Gabriel, the guy that just tried to kill me and had to be stopped, was my SOUL MATE? What is my life coming to? I really hope Mia is joking because Gabriel could NOT be my soul mate! I don't even believe in soul mates!

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